Only if he also reads the complete Catechism definition of Social Justice out loud to all the flock. Emphasis on AND. “Provide for the Common Good AND Preserve the Integrity of the Individual.” One extreme is Atheist Communism. The other is Libertarian Anarchy. The Common Sense harmonic in the middle is America.
In the case or the great wall of China. It may have kept the invading armies at a proper disadvantage. But the absolute reality it kept the peoples of the large nation inside hostages, to any free will or new ideas exchanged.
Haha! Glad to see people calling out the Pope. The Pope is nothing but a figure head and so has the papacy since the fall of Rome. Unfortunately, they still impact many of what modern Christianity believes, like the end times and rapture:
Okay, le mee trye to splain. In the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 21, bear in mind that Jesus was likely speaking in His native tongue of Aramaic, Matthew likely wrote the first text in Aramaic, but there is a possibility he translated what Jesus said into Koine Greek, as that was the business language of the day. I will not get into the further issues of translating from Aramaic to Koine Greek to end up with the recorded Greek words “Petros” Peter’s new life name, and “Petra”, a very large rock or foundation rock, look up the ancient archaeological site “Petra” in Jordon to see what the word implies. The further Aramaic translation of the two words does no favour for the Peter as pope assumption.
Let us just look in the Matt Gospel Chptr 21 at the relationship of the words and names used in conversation between Jesus and Peter.
16) And Simon Peter answering said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (Peter’s statement of the truth of who Jesus is)
17) "And Jesus answering, said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Barjona! For flesh and blood did not reveal it to you, but My Father in the heavens." NOTE: the “it” is the statement that Peter made concerning the truth of who Jesus is.
Jesus continues on:
18) "And I also say to you that you are Peter (Petro = Rock), and on this rock (Petra = large rock, like foundation rock) I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it." NOTE: We again see “it”, the it, the Large Rock Petra is the “it” which is the statement of truth as to who Jesus is. This is what Christ will build His church on, it is Peter’s statement, not Peter.
Let us look at the whole context in relation to the names of Peter, it goes something like this. “Blessed are you, Simon Barjona”. Jesus first calls Peter by his family name, the name given to him by his parents at birth. Jesus goes on to say, “And I also say to you that you are Peter.”. Putting this together, we see that Jesus calls Peter by the name given to him at his human birth “Simon”, Jesus then says to him, that as an apostle He, Jesus, gives him Simon as a new name, reflecting his new life in Christ. Looking at it in more detail, Jesus says, 'Simon (his name actually means wavering reed), I will now call you Petros'. It is not hard to see that the apostle was a wavering reed in his life before Christ, and that in his new life Jesus has given him a name that tells of his new life as a rock in his new Christian faith.
Jesus goes on to say that on Peter’s statement He will build His Church. This is not built on Peter, it is built on the true belief that “Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. Or Jesus is the true Messiah, the Son of the Living God.
Christ = anointed-one in the Greek, that term translated from the original Hebrew word, the Messiah.
The church is not a building, Christian people are the Church. No Bible believing follower of Christ as part of HIS church (those in the body of believers) would tell you that his or her foundation or faith is Peter the apostle (or even Popa Peter) . Those in the true Christian Church understand that their faith is built on the truth that Jesus is the Son of the Living God which is what Peter stated in answering Jesus’ question to him, “Who do you say I am?”.
Depending on the circumstances a follower of Christ would probably expand on that basic statement (like Peter made) with further explanation covering off the items found in the Apostle’s Creed. This is the Gospel message that the Church is built on. As that foundational Gospel was and continues to be witnessed, professed, and explained to those who are still in their sin with no hope of redemption, there will be some will except the great gift of Christ’s shed blood and the Christ’s Church is built further. If the current pope or any other human being is the foundation of your church, or what your church is built on... I would suggest you run fast and far towards the Truth and a church (group of believers) built on the foundation of the Gospel, that Jesus is Lord and Saviour, and the Son of the living God, the One who died, shed His blood, to pay for all we have done wrong... our sins that have separated us from our Creator.
The name Simon has the meaning "reed-like" and/or "wavering", and Bar-Jonah means “son of Jonas”, Jonas being his father’s name. Slightly interesting is that the name Jona means wine-bibber.
Thank you for the Clarity! So, Jesus is the Cornerstone of the [Catholic] Church, with Peter as the Next Stone in the Foundation, One above Equals and duty to Conserve and Teach, and be sure the Bishops do not stray from His Church.
The Modernist take-over from 1958, With Heresies filled Vatican II and the Modernists takeover of Vatican has - as they intended for centuries - sickened the One Holy Appostolic Roman Catholic Church and The Body of Christ.
The embracement of the Traditional Church (pre-1958) and the examination of everything post 1958 to the Traditional Doctrines and Magisterium rebukes much or the false 'New' Church, and Questions all Popes, and other Church Leaders that accepted those Offices always intend to Betray all the duties, Oaths, and Jesus Directed intentions.
as such - suggest and argue that Pope John XXIII was an Infiltrated Modernist, and in betraying his office he allowed Vatican II, to be accepted although it has Heretical positions, and many other aspects that - like Pope Francis it seems very likely that they - and many others in Vatican and higher Offices always Intended to Betray their Duties and Oaths, and so legally they are Pope, and Cardinals, and such, but are in grave sin and will never receive those Charismas, Graces, and priority with Holy Ghost that comes with non-modernists or other Heretics seeking to use office to harm the Body of Christ, drive away possible Converts and Laity, and continue as today we see them making a False Church - an 'Ape' of the Church with disconnection of the Apostolic Traditional Catholic Church. Where every other Religion and Demons is welcomed, all except those Catholic Traditionalists.
Hope this helps bring a better perspective, that the behavior of this new Ape church is intentionally false, unjust, disordering, .., Satanic directed, and so not the One Holy Apostatic Roman Catholic Church. The Modernist goal is the disintegration of the Church as history shows us of all the Protestant false faiths. Those that Pridefully pick-chose judging to discard Holy Teachings and adding what false sugar-sins they like. Disintegrating till each's religion is not of God but of them, facing away from God.
Peter was Never the Pope and ministered only to the Jews In Israel with the 12. A brief visit to Rome and an incident with Cornelius the Gentile, and that was it. Only Paul went to the gentiles including the Italians.
Been there twice and walked the entire perimeter looking up at those 30 foot walls. As Tom Homan said, "He needs to take care of his church, it's a mess."
It was so much more beautiful. I sang in the choir at High Mass...Latin, gregorian chants. They still do it in Eastern Orthodox churches if you can find one.
Wasn’t Brandon’s FBI trying to infiltrate Catholic Churches that shared the Mass in Latin? Brandon and his demonic minions were also busy arresting elderly saints for praying for the innocent at abortion mills. Has not the Lord preserved and allowed President Trump and his team to regain authority at this time? Don’t worry about waking up the sheep … wake up the lions … where are the mighty men and how did we get here???
All of Europe is filled with walls surrounding their territory or at least around the castle of a nobleman. That is not Christian? I thought that would be called protecting yourself from invaders wanting to take over.
Well, as far as I'm concerned, the Pope is welcome to open the doors of the Vatican to all the migrants he wants, including the criminals, gang members, drug dealers, and terrorists.
Biden and Harris let in a flood of unscreened people for four years and the citizens and legal residents of the U.S. are paying a steep price for that stupid "compassion." We'll pay an even steeper price when the terrorist cells now inside the U.S. get themselves organized and equipped and start blowing up cities.
Of course, the globalists will cheer the terrorists on, since they've been attacking the U.S. themselves for years with weather control (droughts, floods, hurricanes that turn around and go back over water so they can "recharge" and do more damage, etc.) and super-hot, uncontrollable wildfires fueled by powdered aluminum dropped via chemtrails. They're working on destroying food systems so they can set off famines, too. And oh yeah, the massive disability and die-off happening from their wonderful mRNA injectible assaults.
Exactly, Kayla. DEW is a horrific deadly weapon of mass destruction...recently used in L.A. and Hawaii and Paradise Valley. Biden/Harris should prosecuted for criminal negligence resulting in death and also for flat out murder.
As for the Pope...he is just a mafiosa criminal wearing a skirt and lugging around a "magic" wand.
Shame on him. I am surprised that the working class catholics put up with this foppery.
I know the pope and he is a Jesuit and a Masonic los a follower of Theology of Liberation. I don’t have to explain more. I also walked Vatican City and I think he is just responding to his masters about a global central control power of the world. One World is the mantra of the Masons. Nothing new. But I don’t want people to think that what the pope does is reflection of what we think as Catholics or its doctrine that is the doctrine of Jesus Christ. Bergoglio is a political figure borderline heretic and an admirer of Luther, another derange Catholic , probably in Hell if he didn’t repent to divide our beautiful universal church that was installed by God Himself.
Changing the subject. I read your book “ Malice..” and I loved it. I was nervous at times of how nobody said anything. If you know someone who has three husbands dead you need to give it a thought that maybe it’s not coincidence and how people acted so selfishness and care more about their reputation that about the truth, and the truth is what will set us free.
Another thing you don’t mention in your book is about of dead people being left or right hand, because that is something that the police should looked first when a a gun is found in a hand. Many “ suicides” had been labeled suspicious because of this small detail. Of course a wife would know this but u didn’t mention it. The pictures are very clear, thanks for including them, and looking at a picture make the story more real, because sometimes it looks like it can’t be true that a woman can do that without any punishment for years and everybody around her suspected. I like the end of Malice because give me hope that she will not scape of herself it doesn’t matter that she is not accused of anything as Dotoiesky well wrote it. Being a true crime writer is not easy, it’s painstaking and still not always has an end, or a satisfying end. It’s like life, there’s not much justice in this world maybe in the next one!
I am not a Catholic or for that matter a practicing Christian. However, if there is such a thing as a holy man my vote would go for Archbishop Vigano. If there are indeed saints in our midst I believe he could be one of them.
ha ha ha...yes Francis is not consistent. I always feel compelled whenever LGBTQ is mentioned to immediately start swearing that I have nothing against these once-thought to-be-deviant practices....fact is whereas I know and like many gay individuals I DO not like the LGBTQ agenda being taught to children as is being done--most notably in California. .
This destroys their chances of engaging with someone to build a happy family with examples of both biological sexes participating in their nurturing and education.
I remember Robin Williams starred in THE BIRD CAGE.... film about a gay couple who were terrified their homosexual relationship would be discovered. I forget the whole plot.
I personally feel growing up in a family without real examples of both biological sexes would add difficulty to this already stressful process. p.s. I love Robin sad he is gone now. Was he "gay"?...who cares? He was a great actor and screen writer.
Perfect. Who cares? We don't have any business poking our noses into consenting adult's sex lives. Why should we care who sleeps with who as long as they are consenting adults and not predators looking to abuse children?
Did I miss when this Pope had the walls around the Vatican removed?
People in glass houses shouldn’t how stones, to out it another way. Pope can take down his walls, then maybe he can regain credibility.
Only if he also reads the complete Catechism definition of Social Justice out loud to all the flock. Emphasis on AND. “Provide for the Common Good AND Preserve the Integrity of the Individual.” One extreme is Atheist Communism. The other is Libertarian Anarchy. The Common Sense harmonic in the middle is America.
God Bless America, Pray it Forward, 🙏🙏🙏
I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything....
Walls protect the historic art of Italy rom theth
👍 That’s why walls are good. They protect from those who would harm and destroy.
In the case or the great wall of China. It may have kept the invading armies at a proper disadvantage. But the absolute reality it kept the peoples of the large nation inside hostages, to any free will or new ideas exchanged.
For a hundreds of years.
Um, yeah, and from those who would harvest crops and construct buildings.
Delete? How?
Ellen, you click on the three dots on the right to edit your comment
This Pope is nothing but a minion of Satan.
That’s true it seems. I learned it when he was pushing bioweapons a few years back.
Haha! Glad to see people calling out the Pope. The Pope is nothing but a figure head and so has the papacy since the fall of Rome. Unfortunately, they still impact many of what modern Christianity believes, like the end times and rapture:
Catholicism is not all of Christianity. Protestant faiths do not look to the pope. Scripture never mentions a pope.
St. Peter was the first Pope. Scripture does not use the word Pope
Okay, le mee trye to splain. In the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 21, bear in mind that Jesus was likely speaking in His native tongue of Aramaic, Matthew likely wrote the first text in Aramaic, but there is a possibility he translated what Jesus said into Koine Greek, as that was the business language of the day. I will not get into the further issues of translating from Aramaic to Koine Greek to end up with the recorded Greek words “Petros” Peter’s new life name, and “Petra”, a very large rock or foundation rock, look up the ancient archaeological site “Petra” in Jordon to see what the word implies. The further Aramaic translation of the two words does no favour for the Peter as pope assumption.
Let us just look in the Matt Gospel Chptr 21 at the relationship of the words and names used in conversation between Jesus and Peter.
16) And Simon Peter answering said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (Peter’s statement of the truth of who Jesus is)
17) "And Jesus answering, said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Barjona! For flesh and blood did not reveal it to you, but My Father in the heavens." NOTE: the “it” is the statement that Peter made concerning the truth of who Jesus is.
Jesus continues on:
18) "And I also say to you that you are Peter (Petro = Rock), and on this rock (Petra = large rock, like foundation rock) I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it." NOTE: We again see “it”, the it, the Large Rock Petra is the “it” which is the statement of truth as to who Jesus is. This is what Christ will build His church on, it is Peter’s statement, not Peter.
Let us look at the whole context in relation to the names of Peter, it goes something like this. “Blessed are you, Simon Barjona”. Jesus first calls Peter by his family name, the name given to him by his parents at birth. Jesus goes on to say, “And I also say to you that you are Peter.”. Putting this together, we see that Jesus calls Peter by the name given to him at his human birth “Simon”, Jesus then says to him, that as an apostle He, Jesus, gives him Simon as a new name, reflecting his new life in Christ. Looking at it in more detail, Jesus says, 'Simon (his name actually means wavering reed), I will now call you Petros'. It is not hard to see that the apostle was a wavering reed in his life before Christ, and that in his new life Jesus has given him a name that tells of his new life as a rock in his new Christian faith.
Jesus goes on to say that on Peter’s statement He will build His Church. This is not built on Peter, it is built on the true belief that “Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. Or Jesus is the true Messiah, the Son of the Living God.
Christ = anointed-one in the Greek, that term translated from the original Hebrew word, the Messiah.
The church is not a building, Christian people are the Church. No Bible believing follower of Christ as part of HIS church (those in the body of believers) would tell you that his or her foundation or faith is Peter the apostle (or even Popa Peter) . Those in the true Christian Church understand that their faith is built on the truth that Jesus is the Son of the Living God which is what Peter stated in answering Jesus’ question to him, “Who do you say I am?”.
Depending on the circumstances a follower of Christ would probably expand on that basic statement (like Peter made) with further explanation covering off the items found in the Apostle’s Creed. This is the Gospel message that the Church is built on. As that foundational Gospel was and continues to be witnessed, professed, and explained to those who are still in their sin with no hope of redemption, there will be some will except the great gift of Christ’s shed blood and the Christ’s Church is built further. If the current pope or any other human being is the foundation of your church, or what your church is built on... I would suggest you run fast and far towards the Truth and a church (group of believers) built on the foundation of the Gospel, that Jesus is Lord and Saviour, and the Son of the living God, the One who died, shed His blood, to pay for all we have done wrong... our sins that have separated us from our Creator.
The name Simon has the meaning "reed-like" and/or "wavering", and Bar-Jonah means “son of Jonas”, Jonas being his father’s name. Slightly interesting is that the name Jona means wine-bibber.
Thank you for the Clarity! So, Jesus is the Cornerstone of the [Catholic] Church, with Peter as the Next Stone in the Foundation, One above Equals and duty to Conserve and Teach, and be sure the Bishops do not stray from His Church.
The Modernist take-over from 1958, With Heresies filled Vatican II and the Modernists takeover of Vatican has - as they intended for centuries - sickened the One Holy Appostolic Roman Catholic Church and The Body of Christ.
The embracement of the Traditional Church (pre-1958) and the examination of everything post 1958 to the Traditional Doctrines and Magisterium rebukes much or the false 'New' Church, and Questions all Popes, and other Church Leaders that accepted those Offices always intend to Betray all the duties, Oaths, and Jesus Directed intentions.
As such, I am in the Sedeprivationism camp
[ ],
as such - suggest and argue that Pope John XXIII was an Infiltrated Modernist, and in betraying his office he allowed Vatican II, to be accepted although it has Heretical positions, and many other aspects that - like Pope Francis it seems very likely that they - and many others in Vatican and higher Offices always Intended to Betray their Duties and Oaths, and so legally they are Pope, and Cardinals, and such, but are in grave sin and will never receive those Charismas, Graces, and priority with Holy Ghost that comes with non-modernists or other Heretics seeking to use office to harm the Body of Christ, drive away possible Converts and Laity, and continue as today we see them making a False Church - an 'Ape' of the Church with disconnection of the Apostolic Traditional Catholic Church. Where every other Religion and Demons is welcomed, all except those Catholic Traditionalists.
Hope this helps bring a better perspective, that the behavior of this new Ape church is intentionally false, unjust, disordering, .., Satanic directed, and so not the One Holy Apostatic Roman Catholic Church. The Modernist goal is the disintegration of the Church as history shows us of all the Protestant false faiths. Those that Pridefully pick-chose judging to discard Holy Teachings and adding what false sugar-sins they like. Disintegrating till each's religion is not of God but of them, facing away from God.
Peter was Never the Pope and ministered only to the Jews In Israel with the 12. A brief visit to Rome and an incident with Cornelius the Gentile, and that was it. Only Paul went to the gentiles including the Italians.
Why do British Masonic temples have the Bible as a prop Muslim Masonic temples have the Koran and Jewish Masonic temples have the Pentateuch?
It’s simple when you know those books are for the goy and the useful idiots. The Masonic elite know full well what’s really going on.
The Hidden Agendas of The Secret Society and Freemasonry - Walter Veith
Who Runs The World | Jordan Maxwell
Demonology King James
Matters not what fairy story the sheep believe all that matters is the true power remains hidden.
Joseph Stolen is now a Proud Mason on his last stolen day, Jan. 19th.
Way to "Fry em Tuck"! Hahaha
🤣🤣🤣, and Prison and fines for entering illegally.
We all missed it.
There IS a break in the wall for that serpentine Audience Hall. Maybe part of the problem...Evil's foothold?
Been there twice and walked the entire perimeter looking up at those 30 foot walls. As Tom Homan said, "He needs to take care of his church, it's a mess."
I guess they should tear down all of the walls of the Vatican then.
It would make sense in his Socialist mind but better to preserve the Vatican in case an actual church leader shows up in future.
He should get his ass into a nice small domicile in Rome.
I know a nice stable for rent...
Brilliant idea
Columbia just refused deported aliens from the U.S. Maybe the Pope can offer a new home for them.
They'd make a great fit in Vatican city.
They rescinded that. Guess they thought again.
Yes. That would be the Christian thing to do.
So far, I’ve not agreed with anything he’s proclaimed.
He doesn’t look at himself spiritually, does he?
And I’m a person raised in the church for so long that I remember Latin mass.
It was so much more beautiful. I sang in the choir at High Mass...Latin, gregorian chants. They still do it in Eastern Orthodox churches if you can find one.
There are some churches who do still have latin mass you just have to look for them. Our parish has latin mass every Sunday.
Wasn’t Brandon’s FBI trying to infiltrate Catholic Churches that shared the Mass in Latin? Brandon and his demonic minions were also busy arresting elderly saints for praying for the innocent at abortion mills. Has not the Lord preserved and allowed President Trump and his team to regain authority at this time? Don’t worry about waking up the sheep … wake up the lions … where are the mighty men and how did we get here???
Sounds like the Spandex version of Christianity.
Eastern Orthodox churches are in the U.S.
Yes I know, just not easy to find if you're not near a city....that was what I was trying to say...
Mater Dei high Mass in Irving 🩵
Santa Ana, CA
says the guy behind walls
Do as we say, not as we do.
All of Europe is filled with walls surrounding their territory or at least around the castle of a nobleman. That is not Christian? I thought that would be called protecting yourself from invaders wanting to take over.
The Pope is nothing but a politician in fancy clothes
He is a Jesuit. There is a documentary that will blow your mind involving the pope called America Jesuits. It's on YouTube. Truly wicked stuff
The current Pope is not only a hypocrite but an enemy to mankind. No Roman Catholic should listen to or obey anything he says. He is a deceiver.
Well, as far as I'm concerned, the Pope is welcome to open the doors of the Vatican to all the migrants he wants, including the criminals, gang members, drug dealers, and terrorists.
Biden and Harris let in a flood of unscreened people for four years and the citizens and legal residents of the U.S. are paying a steep price for that stupid "compassion." We'll pay an even steeper price when the terrorist cells now inside the U.S. get themselves organized and equipped and start blowing up cities.
Of course, the globalists will cheer the terrorists on, since they've been attacking the U.S. themselves for years with weather control (droughts, floods, hurricanes that turn around and go back over water so they can "recharge" and do more damage, etc.) and super-hot, uncontrollable wildfires fueled by powdered aluminum dropped via chemtrails. They're working on destroying food systems so they can set off famines, too. And oh yeah, the massive disability and die-off happening from their wonderful mRNA injectible assaults.
Exactly, Kayla. DEW is a horrific deadly weapon of mass destruction...recently used in L.A. and Hawaii and Paradise Valley. Biden/Harris should prosecuted for criminal negligence resulting in death and also for flat out murder.
As for the Pope...he is just a mafiosa criminal wearing a skirt and lugging around a "magic" wand.
Shame on him. I am surprised that the working class catholics put up with this foppery.
Thank you, Kayla.
Willfully ignorant
I know the pope and he is a Jesuit and a Masonic los a follower of Theology of Liberation. I don’t have to explain more. I also walked Vatican City and I think he is just responding to his masters about a global central control power of the world. One World is the mantra of the Masons. Nothing new. But I don’t want people to think that what the pope does is reflection of what we think as Catholics or its doctrine that is the doctrine of Jesus Christ. Bergoglio is a political figure borderline heretic and an admirer of Luther, another derange Catholic , probably in Hell if he didn’t repent to divide our beautiful universal church that was installed by God Himself.
Changing the subject. I read your book “ Malice..” and I loved it. I was nervous at times of how nobody said anything. If you know someone who has three husbands dead you need to give it a thought that maybe it’s not coincidence and how people acted so selfishness and care more about their reputation that about the truth, and the truth is what will set us free.
Another thing you don’t mention in your book is about of dead people being left or right hand, because that is something that the police should looked first when a a gun is found in a hand. Many “ suicides” had been labeled suspicious because of this small detail. Of course a wife would know this but u didn’t mention it. The pictures are very clear, thanks for including them, and looking at a picture make the story more real, because sometimes it looks like it can’t be true that a woman can do that without any punishment for years and everybody around her suspected. I like the end of Malice because give me hope that she will not scape of herself it doesn’t matter that she is not accused of anything as Dotoiesky well wrote it. Being a true crime writer is not easy, it’s painstaking and still not always has an end, or a satisfying end. It’s like life, there’s not much justice in this world maybe in the next one!
I am not a Catholic or for that matter a practicing Christian. However, if there is such a thing as a holy man my vote would go for Archbishop Vigano. If there are indeed saints in our midst I believe he could be one of them.
And others that he defrocked or just took their church from them like Cardinal Burke.
Whew 🙈 The pope is unchristian if you ask me🙈
Well, if you get elected Pope, they *will* ask you.
I agree with this Pope on pretty much nothing.
Neither are LGBTQ suggestions, but here he is…
ha ha ha...yes Francis is not consistent. I always feel compelled whenever LGBTQ is mentioned to immediately start swearing that I have nothing against these once-thought to-be-deviant practices....fact is whereas I know and like many gay individuals I DO not like the LGBTQ agenda being taught to children as is being done--most notably in California. .
This destroys their chances of engaging with someone to build a happy family with examples of both biological sexes participating in their nurturing and education.
I remember Robin Williams starred in THE BIRD CAGE.... film about a gay couple who were terrified their homosexual relationship would be discovered. I forget the whole plot.
I personally feel growing up in a family without real examples of both biological sexes would add difficulty to this already stressful process. p.s. I love Robin sad he is gone now. Was he "gay"?...who cares? He was a great actor and screen writer.
Perfect. Who cares? We don't have any business poking our noses into consenting adult's sex lives. Why should we care who sleeps with who as long as they are consenting adults and not predators looking to abuse children?