Read the account of the 63 year old Netherlands woman who died 5 days after receiving a blood transfusion. She died from blood clots to her lungs and leg. What is going to protect us from that??

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Reports exactly such as this from our trusted Med sci friends in other nations is extremely valuable

We knew from the start that it will take efforts and time to tally up honest data about the fraud.

Why do you think that Moderna and Pfizer insisted on a 75 year non disclosure?

They knew full well that there would be a horrible down side to untested chemical inoculums.

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The first week it was out we had a close friend of the family die. Granted he was elderly but in good health. My husband’s bone marrow transplant doctor argued with me and disparaged Dr. McCullough when I cited his concerns in 2021. I tried. She was too brainwashed to hear. I told her my husband he is fortunate to have gotten his transplant donation (and all the transfusion he has to have prior) just and month before the shot rolled out. I said this is going to be bad and they eventually will have to realize the blood supply is tainted

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It doesn’t appear that any amount of evidence brought forth about bad side effects and death from these shots, move the needle. It’s stuck and just keeps playing the same line over and over again.

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among other things sticking the needle — the cognitive dissonance overload of realizing what has been done to you and particularly your children; that, and the complete ownership of non-alternative media & medical est journals by pharma

but we all know this

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Don’t we keep hearing ad nauseam, “but it saved millions of lives.” Including my family doctor who said that to me whilst in seeing her about my injuries. That narrative is also one of the many pharma’s propaganda statements successfully parroted by many. These people really have their corruption down pat.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

Yup. The first rule of propaganda: repeat it enough and people believe it’s truth even after it’s been discredited

See also: all the hoaxes that Biden repeated in the debate, but you know, “he’s the one who tells the truth, while the other guy’s the liar”

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Italy, Germany, Japan, all reporting increase in mortality over pandemic yrs. yet, nothing in MSM.

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Miriam Webster...

When does an outbreak become a pandemic?

An outbreak is “a sudden rise in the incidence of a disease” and typically is confined to a localized area or a specific group of people. Should an outbreak become more severe, and less localized, it may be characterized as an epidemic. If it broadens still further, and affects a significant portion of the population, the disease may be characterized as a pandemic.

Hard to reconcile the idea of a rapidly spreading disease as pandemic and believe it persists for five years. If it spread globally in a matter of months what we have years later is NOT a pandemic.

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And how many of us were shouting that this was the case and going to happen in 2020 and 2021?!?!?!

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I first read about the Robert Koch Institute or RKI in this related post on June 25th, 2024. https://open.substack.com/pub/stevekirsch/p/german-cdc-documents-show-politics?r=2zzxui&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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