My take is Trump is scared of Big Pharma and the Deep State so is lightly pandering to them. It will be worse if it turns out he is bought by the Deep State. I agree Trump would get a big boost by admitting the truth that the jabs were not a vaccine and caused serious harm to Americans. I wish he had more balls in this respect.
Trump is a part of the FUBAR. I will never vote again.
Americans are stupid people (not all). How can any American celebrate freedom when thousands lost their jobs, got sick, died, lost their fertility, were denied religious freedom…need I go on?!
I am a different person than I was on March 1, 2021. I will never be the same. I question ALL!
100%! This is a spiritual awakening for humanity! I lost my job of 23 years, I was berated in stores, etc. What I’ve seen of human beings the last few years is absolutely insane! I feel like I’m living in a matrix. Nothing makes sense anymore!
Renee, you were living under the illusion that humanity is "basically good." This is contrary to what the Bible clearly states. When God sent His Son into the world, how was He accepted? That is humanity showing its true colors. And, by the way, we all have that humanity in us. As Luther once said (I'm paraphrasing): "I fear Pope Self, more than I fear the Pope of Rome."
I believe in Natural Law, but in order for this to work, it must be held to account! In other words, if a crime is committed, those that committed it must be punished, etc. I believe in God/Creator…this has kept me going for 60+ years!
There are more books besides the Bible that speak of the same Love that Jesus spoke of.
Let's all jump in the Wayback Machine, and recall how quickly Trump flipped from advocating alternative care to being 100% committed to shots being our only salvation. He was paid off by Pharma then, and his campaign manager today is a longtime Pharma insider. It seems that when he was paid off he must have signed an NDA, so if he recants about the vaccine, he'll need to pay all that money back.
But you agree that he did flip in a heartbeat? In the debate, both he and Joe the Corpse fought over who gets credit for all the lives saved by the shots. Neither man deserves a second chance to ruin our lives and health, but they are the only choices endorsed by the uniparty. Medicine is the new religion, and Trump was converted at warp speed...
Maybe I missed it, but I did not hear them arguing about credit. What I did hear Trump say was “More people died of Covid in 2021 than in 2020”- (when Trump was in office). We all know what rolled out in 2021. I thought that may have been Trump’s way of acknowledging the “vaccines” were not what they claimed. ???
That debate discussion was disappointing. I think Trump has been advised not to reveal the entire screw up at this time. He definitely was lied to. The uniparty can't stand Trump. I don't know where you are coming up with your info.
He trusts liars and listens to bad advice. Great leadership qualities. I'd agree that some good things happened on his watch (definitely not the massive debt build-up), but there are better leaders than the two dolts in that debate. We need someone better, not more of the same.
I disagree with you that he's a dolt. He's a very successful businessman not a politician. I never understand why people insist he speak like a politician. Perhaps his instincts regarding personalities is not as good as his instincts with what needs to happen. Everyone has their blind spots. If he has advisers around him that can assist with personalities, he could sidestep his weakness.
First, he'd have to set his ego aside and learn to listen. Pharma captured him with images of glory for using new technology to save us from what turned out to be a technological bioweapon. The choices this election shouldn't be binary. We've had too long of a streak of two bad choices.
Thanks, a quick search doesn't reveal her relationship to 'harma, but I'd not be surprised. I suppose Trump's response to questions about this would be to change the subject.
You are a total idiot that can't think straight. Trump has lost far more than he will ever gain by becoming President. He is risking everything including his freedom, and his families freedom, in his bid to right the USA. He was wrong about these 'clot shots', but he was given horrible advice by people that were supposedly 'experts'.
Not to be disrespectful because in my youth I voted for a 3rd party candidate or two, but they historically don’t do well in America and the media historically focuses on the two one of whom will win. RFK Jr is a liberal Democrat and the media is focused on propping up Buyden.
I've never seen a 3rd candidate ignored and blocked anywhere near the extent to which RFK Jr has been. They have even denied him secret service protection.
That indicates to me that the reality is, “they” think he’ll pull more votes from Buyden than from Trump. Among my buddies, that’s true. Really curious as to who the replacement candidate will be. 🤔
I've been circulating for Kennedy for ballot access and what I've seen is that he is drawing the younger crowd, the disenchanted, thr libertarians, the independents, and others who would not normally vote, as well as some Biden-ites and some Trumpers. Because he's pulling out of the walls people who wouldn't necessarily go vote, plus some from the Dems and Repubs, he gets a plurality so he can win. The media landscape has changed since Ross Pero and other independents. We just need more people to prefer a good choice rather than voting for the lesser of two evils, so to speak.
Big subject that cannot be done justice here but if you read RFK Jr's book, The Real Anthony Fauci, and you realize that Trump didn't fire Fauci when he had the chance, you'll realize that Kennedy stands up for truth over money & profits. If he were more interested in profit, he'd be on the pro-pharma band wagon.
I have read the book. I have a different take on RFK Jr. There’s more than one way to make a profit as a lawyer, and there’s more than one thing that motivates people.
TRUMP KNEW EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS DOING WITH ROLLING OUT THE VACCINES AND PUSHING FOR EVERYONE TO GET INJECTED! he continued to push the injections in the beginning of his campaiguntil people booed him! OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE!!
YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT!!!! Trump owes “people” for getting him saved from bankruptcy! This is deeper than people realize, and it has nothing to do with party, red, blue, and all the other bs we’ve been fed for decades! ALL BS!
Once you wake up, it’s impossible to go back to sleep.
Trump was dealing with an entirely new form of modern warfare: bioweapons released by an enemy working with treasonous powers within our own govt. Our own White Coat Rebels such as brilliantly scientific Dr. McCullough took a vaccine or two before we all realized the width and depth of the corruption in DC. I’m waiting to see facts tying Trump to collusion with Big Pharma, not suspicions, guesses, or speculation from an opposition candidate.
Trump did not mention vaccines. He mentioned therapeutics. That in itself is a big step for him, and a realization that he was lied to. It's got to be hard on him. He never forgets, and the punishment will be hard, long, and silent.
Dr. McCullough laid out exactly how Trump could/should handle this. Trump states that Fauci lied to him, uses Scott Atlas' revealing book to expose how incompetent and crooked Birx and Redfield were etc, and then calls for a real investigation. The corruption of the pandemic and 'vaccines' is global. Other countries are holding investigations and hearings as their populations succumb to huge increases in deaths and disabilities. Trump can come out as a leader in exposing this massive crime perpetrated on humanity and the impact of that would far exceed anything Pharma could give or do for him. Biden instituted mandates, most criminally mandates for our service members. The deaths and harms have occurred during Biden's administration. Biden had the same opportunity I outlined above. He is 100% captured by Pharma.
Trump would need some major support from some medical institutions, as he's not particularly qualified to speak on medical topics. I don't think the vaccines have fully been proved harmful yet, in the scientific community, or to the majority of Americans. Or at least, the majority are not admitting it. It may take many years yet. If it were so, that they have been proven harmful, then Dr. McCullough's credentials would be fully reinstated, and there would be an apology.
Frank Zimmerman-- I recommend you get a copy of CAUSE UNKNOWN by Ed Dowd. Also read up on the Reiner Fuellmich case.
Furthermore, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi--recipient of the highest European medical honors has stated that "these vaccines are the worst disaster in human history"....More people have died from these vaccines than from two world wars. We are witnessing a holocaust of unprecedented dimensions. As Vera Sharav-- author and holocaust survivor has observed..."Never again is now".
Dr. McCullough has published over 900 articles in top journals. No one can or should deny his credentials. When the "global predators" are vanquished and exposed then Dr. McCullough will be recognized as the hero and stand alone giant that he truly is.
ok. I will tell you about my own experience with this. I live in a "retirement community" with my blind husband who has suffered horribly form Guillaine Barre syndrome since his two "covid injections"....The medical clinic here (Givens in Asheville NC) attempted to inject him again with a covid "booster". I intervened and gave the book CAUSE UNKNOWN E Dowd) to the administrator in charge of the whole place. These "vaccines" have subsequently been banned. You can make a difference. here"s one human being "making a difference" on a global scale. Stop being complicit in criminal activity.
I’m not being complicit, but I have to choose my battles carefully. I devote most of my time working on PDF books for a website I run. But it deals with the roots of sin and not with the fruits. I want to see sin and suffering end but the enemy is not primarily outside us, it is in each heart. Harmony with God, as Jesus had it, is the solution, but that cannot be legislated. I don’t think it is feasible to expect a perfect kingdom on this Earth, as long as sin reigns in human hearts. All we can do is invite those who wish to be free from sin’s power, to prepare for a better kingdom in which righteousness reigns. I resisted the Covid shots because I saw they were being driven by greed and selfishness. That’s not part of the kingdom I want to join so I refused them. I knew a woman who died from her first Pfizer shot. She lived near by. I had relatives who bought into the shots, hook, line, and sinker. They wouldn’t meet with me. I guess they thought their “kingdom” was in danger and they were trying to protect it. If your kingdom is built on man, you must fight for it with the power of man. need to take CAUSE UNKNOWN off the shelf and put it into the hands of people who are equipped to do something about what we now know are the facts.
These 'vaccines' will kill you and your children. People who are "too busy to read"
need to see these charts and graphs in Ed Dowd's book. They don't require any time to understand. This "covid agenda" is the GREAT RESET in action...and as Dr. Mike Yeadon and others have told us..."your government wants you dead"...
Acknowledging this proven by numerous actions and inactions by powerful public figures and by actual recorded death data must inspire our response to all their "edicts". My own theory is that the insurance companies....i.e. life insurance....realize that there is a huge shadow of debt looming over all of us....
The New York Times has even tackled the subject of COVID vax injuries. The harms that many have experienced can’t be suppressed. People’s lived experience can be more powerful than the verbiage coming from medical institutions.
Sadly the New York Times has been exposed as the putrid dinosaur who let the crimes of 911 go unsaid and supported a criminal cabal that has us by the proverbial balls. The Grey Lady is nothing but a rotting corpse of lies. To say the New York Times has "tackled" anything is like Jill Biden saying "You answered every question". Years ago I used to buy the Sunday Times every week. Nothing remains of it but a shell.
I agree, believe me I am no fan of the NYT. But it still has a huge readership and there are still many who consider it the pinnacle of journalism. My point is that it appears to me that the ‘putrid dinosaur’ addressing injuries from the COVID shots (a sacred cow) indicates their existence is an unavoidable reality.
I think RFK Jr said it best when he listed all the amendments to the US Constitution Trump ignored during the pandemic hoax. Trump dropped the ball when he was required to honor his oath to defend the Constitution, and I'm sure he'd like everyone to forget that. He's certainly not going to remind us. The slow creep of excess deaths will probably not be enough to force his hand, and he'll go on touting Warp Speed.
I think Dr. McCullough deserves a lot of credit for coming out with the spike protein detox formula and putting together other high quality products that address the needs of the "vaxxed" and others. I could buy most of these ingredients separately but his products save me the work of finding and concocting the right proportions
Absolutely Dr. McCullough is one of the incredible physicians never forgetting his oath to his patients. He is a hero in this evil battle. Trump was talking about hydroxychoroquine as early as March 2020. I believe he also met with Dr Zev Zelenko(rest his wonderful soul) who also was a warrior at the beginning prescribing medications to his patients and saving lives. And Trump brought Dr Scott Atlas on board 4/2020 to bring some other voices into the discussions. Dr Atlas reported that he tried to discuss data and articles from Pub Med, and Drs. Fauci/Birx wanted to hear none of it. He even wrote a book about the experience. The"experts" in charge wanted nothing to get in the way of the covid gene product.
Matthew Pottinger, NSA members, Redfield, and a whole slew of bureaucrats lied to Trump, not just Fauci. I'm not sure Trump fully understands the scope of this perfidy . Yes, his ego is probably tied up in the Warpspeed narrative; but he's a builder and real estate guy, not a trained medical scientist. And for that matter, look at all the trained scientists and doctors still going to congressional hearings and spouting total bullshit about the mRNA inocula. A good example is that pompous pediatrician from University Utah brought to testify to the subcommittee last week.
Apologies are worthless and self destructive for politicians. Trump has stopped or at least minimized his talk about promoting warpspeed, and he has succinctly stated that he will not support mandates from the public health apparatus of any sort. I think he never wanted to do lockdowns or supported any of the unconstitutional abrogation of our rights , that was promulgated. That's about the best we're going to get. RFK understands the agency capture, but he's wedded to far too much regulatory state misadventures and rule , and his fiscal policy will be disastrous. Witness his response to the none-too- soon removal of the unconstitutional Chevron discretion crap.
Kennedy was left out of the debate although apparently he had been "qualified" to show up +MSM is ignoring his campaign. This is the man who could do something about all this collusion and propagated lies about the benefits of Vaxx. But since MRNA labs are growing like mushrooms all over, they don't want him in the race. Maybe if Trump apologises now about the mismanagement of the plandemic he could lose voters? hopefully he's waiting to be the POTUS to finally open his mouth about it? Or does he still think the vaxx and implemented measures have been the best way to manage a "health crisis"? this would be bad news because in October the elites will be gathering for "Event 202", a fake scenario about an outburst of Birdflu worldwide this time. They are preparing to release Kraken X.
I have heard Sucharit Bhakdi say these injections will destroy the immune system and make you vulnerable to every random "virus" or infection or "flu"....Yes the elites fully expect a lot of illness....they paved the way by blowing up the immune systems of those who got "jabbed".
This means "they" --the monster class--can sell you a new injectable for every single cold, flu or fever. It will be a rare day when the "jabbed" do not have some illness or other. But scientists are coming up with ideas to help us get rid of this "gene therapy". This reminds me of the Frankenstein monster....roaming through the streets killing people. Hope we can get rid of the effects of this horrible product peddled by Gates and sold to us by doctors everywhere
Remember that Ted Talk in 2010 when Gates started talking about his new "vaccine" that changes us "from the inside"....They knew all the way back then. Now the mRNA platform will be used in the childhood vaccine schedule...
Dr. McCullough do you have a statement on this, Is it true that the monsters will use the childhood vaccine schedule to kill our children?
Yep.. + The Canadian Gov. just published this paper last month :
The North American Preparedness for Animal and Human Pandemics Initiative (NAPAHPI). -A joint collaboration with the US and Mexico-. They're planning bigger I think. Kraken X. I hope less people will buy into the propaganda this time...the success the elites expect as the last phase to suspend our rights and control us depends on the response/fear by the people.
Yes....we are hanging in a balance right now. This is the fight of our lives. If we lose this....then I fully expect the Dark Ages will be enclosing humanity for a very long time. Babies will routinely be chipped, everyone of us will be "tracked" and receive endless injections. Our life expectancy will be short and our lives brutally devoid of redemption.
I agree,Kathleen. But also, they have put major immunedestroyers in the Cov itself. Vejon (Dr Phillip McMillen) can prove there is serious effects in having had cov once, twice, etc... in jabbed and unjabbed, as can be proven (through blood samples) now. They have already put nanoparticles through chemtrails and food. It's everywhere now, and assembling in all living beings. This very hour we are being poisoned and mutated. Yes, we cannot last much longer like this. We are becoming a transhuman and God knows what animals are becoming too. . Almost no scientist will go further investigating the nano technology content of.tese injections... or chemtrails for that matter. At this point I'm glad I believe in God, as I know he will intervene, probably very soon...
Agree, he will not apologize. My understanding of the EUA & PREP Act combined is that they give plausible deniability & full immunity to the poison creators, distributors, marketers, and injectors if “they believe the countermeasures are safe & effective” and they - the perpetrators et al - make statements as such. If Trump states otherwise, that protective shield is gone for him. He becomes liable. Thus why he was still defending the ‘beautiful’ injections & lauding OWS even as recent as a few months ago on Truth Social in response to Biden’s SOTU speech.
As more children die and are injured from these injections the "protective shield" around Pharma will disappear. I think the Mady Degary case may open a flood gate. When people realize the full extent of the deception and the fact that their lives are palpably shortened and their children damaged perhaps then we will see a resistance. As it is now, people think their "vaccine injuries" etc are merely exceptions. When they perceive everyone who got these injections has damaged their bodies and shortened their lives perhaps a sea change will occur. It is hopeful sign that not many folks are lining up for their "boosters" any more.
Trump has dropped video parroting RFK Jr on vaccines & chronic disease/autism explosion talking points. Bobby’s supporters are “flattered” and completely skeptical in the comment thread.
Doesn’t seem to square with having a pharma lobbyist, Wiles, as a senior adviser.
Eric Metaxas in a July interview asked RFK Jr. if he would serve his country in a 2nd Trump Admin. Bobby’s response was cool, citing that DJT took a million from pharma and withdrew an offer he made to Bobby when in office the last time. Bobby said the episode had been costly to him personally.
FYI: **Warning, The FDA is Now Claiming That ALL Homeopathic Products Are Illegal. Time To PREPARE Before The Next Plandemic. Writing Is On The Wall, On What To Expect by This Dictator Biden Regime. The CDC Will Follow Suit.
Links? I could only find older info that talked about the FDA regulating homeopathic remedies so that the people aren't sold harmful substances, and so that non-homeopathic remedies cannot put on the label that they are "homeopathic." Those sound pretty reasonable. There are sharks in the natural treatment world also.
I’d love to know how influenced Mr Trump is by big Pharma….and whether he’s truly independent of the WEF !
If Trump were so money hungry, why then did he not take a salary while President?
the deceit is deep.. the indoctrination is coming from a hundred years of fiat commodity destroying truth and science.
My take is Trump is scared of Big Pharma and the Deep State so is lightly pandering to them. It will be worse if it turns out he is bought by the Deep State. I agree Trump would get a big boost by admitting the truth that the jabs were not a vaccine and caused serious harm to Americans. I wish he had more balls in this respect.
Perhaps after his very first day in office again....He will spill some C19 beans. (Lots of em)
Cutting the free money cord to Fed-Med pHARMA and accomplices.
I recall he stopped sending a two hundred million check to the WHO prior scamdemic
If Trump were so bought by the Deep State, then why are they trying to destroy him?
My thinking is the Deep State has Big Pharma and the Demorats in their pocket and want to keep both.
Trump is a part of the FUBAR. I will never vote again.
Americans are stupid people (not all). How can any American celebrate freedom when thousands lost their jobs, got sick, died, lost their fertility, were denied religious freedom…need I go on?!
I am a different person than I was on March 1, 2021. I will never be the same. I question ALL!
May God/Creator help us all!
Totally agree if one has NOT changed something’s wrong with them🤪
100%! This is a spiritual awakening for humanity! I lost my job of 23 years, I was berated in stores, etc. What I’ve seen of human beings the last few years is absolutely insane! I feel like I’m living in a matrix. Nothing makes sense anymore!
Renee, you were living under the illusion that humanity is "basically good." This is contrary to what the Bible clearly states. When God sent His Son into the world, how was He accepted? That is humanity showing its true colors. And, by the way, we all have that humanity in us. As Luther once said (I'm paraphrasing): "I fear Pope Self, more than I fear the Pope of Rome."
I believe in Natural Law, but in order for this to work, it must be held to account! In other words, if a crime is committed, those that committed it must be punished, etc. I believe in God/Creator…this has kept me going for 60+ years!
There are more books besides the Bible that speak of the same Love that Jesus spoke of.
Let's all jump in the Wayback Machine, and recall how quickly Trump flipped from advocating alternative care to being 100% committed to shots being our only salvation. He was paid off by Pharma then, and his campaign manager today is a longtime Pharma insider. It seems that when he was paid off he must have signed an NDA, so if he recants about the vaccine, he'll need to pay all that money back.
Oh gee, if Trump was in it for money, he would have also taken his $400k paycheck as president of the US.
But you agree that he did flip in a heartbeat? In the debate, both he and Joe the Corpse fought over who gets credit for all the lives saved by the shots. Neither man deserves a second chance to ruin our lives and health, but they are the only choices endorsed by the uniparty. Medicine is the new religion, and Trump was converted at warp speed...
Maybe I missed it, but I did not hear them arguing about credit. What I did hear Trump say was “More people died of Covid in 2021 than in 2020”- (when Trump was in office). We all know what rolled out in 2021. I thought that may have been Trump’s way of acknowledging the “vaccines” were not what they claimed. ???
That debate discussion was disappointing. I think Trump has been advised not to reveal the entire screw up at this time. He definitely was lied to. The uniparty can't stand Trump. I don't know where you are coming up with your info.
He trusts liars and listens to bad advice. Great leadership qualities. I'd agree that some good things happened on his watch (definitely not the massive debt build-up), but there are better leaders than the two dolts in that debate. We need someone better, not more of the same.
I disagree with you that he's a dolt. He's a very successful businessman not a politician. I never understand why people insist he speak like a politician. Perhaps his instincts regarding personalities is not as good as his instincts with what needs to happen. Everyone has their blind spots. If he has advisers around him that can assist with personalities, he could sidestep his weakness.
First, he'd have to set his ego aside and learn to listen. Pharma captured him with images of glory for using new technology to save us from what turned out to be a technological bioweapon. The choices this election shouldn't be binary. We've had too long of a streak of two bad choices.
To which "campaign manager" are you referring, and what is the nature of her/his pharma insiderness?
Sorry, advisor, not manager. Susie Wiles, consultant to Pfizer, Gilead, GAVI and others.
And don’t forget about Scott Gottlieb!
Thanks, a quick search doesn't reveal her relationship to 'harma, but I'd not be surprised. I suppose Trump's response to questions about this would be to change the subject.
Check her connection to Mercury LLC, a big time lobbying firm.
You are a total idiot that can't think straight. Trump has lost far more than he will ever gain by becoming President. He is risking everything including his freedom, and his families freedom, in his bid to right the USA. He was wrong about these 'clot shots', but he was given horrible advice by people that were supposedly 'experts'.
People only resort to ad hominem attacks for lack of facts.
Trump and Biden are both men who don't admit error. Neither man will ever investigate the covid episode because that would expose his culpability.
Trump is purchasable, Kennedy is not.
Ha! Based on what?
Kennedy mystique and nostalgia?
Well, that all legacy media is pretending that he doesn't exist is pretty solid proof that he's not secretly pandering to the machine
Not to be disrespectful because in my youth I voted for a 3rd party candidate or two, but they historically don’t do well in America and the media historically focuses on the two one of whom will win. RFK Jr is a liberal Democrat and the media is focused on propping up Buyden.
I've never seen a 3rd candidate ignored and blocked anywhere near the extent to which RFK Jr has been. They have even denied him secret service protection.
That indicates to me that the reality is, “they” think he’ll pull more votes from Buyden than from Trump. Among my buddies, that’s true. Really curious as to who the replacement candidate will be. 🤔
I've been circulating for Kennedy for ballot access and what I've seen is that he is drawing the younger crowd, the disenchanted, thr libertarians, the independents, and others who would not normally vote, as well as some Biden-ites and some Trumpers. Because he's pulling out of the walls people who wouldn't necessarily go vote, plus some from the Dems and Repubs, he gets a plurality so he can win. The media landscape has changed since Ross Pero and other independents. We just need more people to prefer a good choice rather than voting for the lesser of two evils, so to speak.
Yes.. we can be sure that the replacement will be a WEF apparatchik.
Big subject that cannot be done justice here but if you read RFK Jr's book, The Real Anthony Fauci, and you realize that Trump didn't fire Fauci when he had the chance, you'll realize that Kennedy stands up for truth over money & profits. If he were more interested in profit, he'd be on the pro-pharma band wagon.
I have read the book. I have a different take on RFK Jr. There’s more than one way to make a profit as a lawyer, and there’s more than one thing that motivates people.
That’s 100 💯 percent correct 👍🏼
TRUMP KNEW EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS DOING WITH ROLLING OUT THE VACCINES AND PUSHING FOR EVERYONE TO GET INJECTED! he continued to push the injections in the beginning of his campaiguntil people booed him! OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE!!
YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT!!!! Trump owes “people” for getting him saved from bankruptcy! This is deeper than people realize, and it has nothing to do with party, red, blue, and all the other bs we’ve been fed for decades! ALL BS!
Once you wake up, it’s impossible to go back to sleep.
Trump was dealing with an entirely new form of modern warfare: bioweapons released by an enemy working with treasonous powers within our own govt. Our own White Coat Rebels such as brilliantly scientific Dr. McCullough took a vaccine or two before we all realized the width and depth of the corruption in DC. I’m waiting to see facts tying Trump to collusion with Big Pharma, not suspicions, guesses, or speculation from an opposition candidate.
Yes, well said. We need something more than the expected "conservative auto-immune response."
Trump did not mention vaccines. He mentioned therapeutics. That in itself is a big step for him, and a realization that he was lied to. It's got to be hard on him. He never forgets, and the punishment will be hard, long, and silent.
Dr. McCullough laid out exactly how Trump could/should handle this. Trump states that Fauci lied to him, uses Scott Atlas' revealing book to expose how incompetent and crooked Birx and Redfield were etc, and then calls for a real investigation. The corruption of the pandemic and 'vaccines' is global. Other countries are holding investigations and hearings as their populations succumb to huge increases in deaths and disabilities. Trump can come out as a leader in exposing this massive crime perpetrated on humanity and the impact of that would far exceed anything Pharma could give or do for him. Biden instituted mandates, most criminally mandates for our service members. The deaths and harms have occurred during Biden's administration. Biden had the same opportunity I outlined above. He is 100% captured by Pharma.
Trump would need some major support from some medical institutions, as he's not particularly qualified to speak on medical topics. I don't think the vaccines have fully been proved harmful yet, in the scientific community, or to the majority of Americans. Or at least, the majority are not admitting it. It may take many years yet. If it were so, that they have been proven harmful, then Dr. McCullough's credentials would be fully reinstated, and there would be an apology.
Frank Zimmerman-- I recommend you get a copy of CAUSE UNKNOWN by Ed Dowd. Also read up on the Reiner Fuellmich case.
Furthermore, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi--recipient of the highest European medical honors has stated that "these vaccines are the worst disaster in human history"....More people have died from these vaccines than from two world wars. We are witnessing a holocaust of unprecedented dimensions. As Vera Sharav-- author and holocaust survivor has observed..."Never again is now".
Dr. McCullough has published over 900 articles in top journals. No one can or should deny his credentials. When the "global predators" are vanquished and exposed then Dr. McCullough will be recognized as the hero and stand alone giant that he truly is.
I have "Cause Unknown" in my library. But that doesn't change the medical establishment. It's going to take a while yet.
ok. I will tell you about my own experience with this. I live in a "retirement community" with my blind husband who has suffered horribly form Guillaine Barre syndrome since his two "covid injections"....The medical clinic here (Givens in Asheville NC) attempted to inject him again with a covid "booster". I intervened and gave the book CAUSE UNKNOWN E Dowd) to the administrator in charge of the whole place. These "vaccines" have subsequently been banned. You can make a difference. here"s one human being "making a difference" on a global scale. Stop being complicit in criminal activity.
I’m not being complicit, but I have to choose my battles carefully. I devote most of my time working on PDF books for a website I run. But it deals with the roots of sin and not with the fruits. I want to see sin and suffering end but the enemy is not primarily outside us, it is in each heart. Harmony with God, as Jesus had it, is the solution, but that cannot be legislated. I don’t think it is feasible to expect a perfect kingdom on this Earth, as long as sin reigns in human hearts. All we can do is invite those who wish to be free from sin’s power, to prepare for a better kingdom in which righteousness reigns. I resisted the Covid shots because I saw they were being driven by greed and selfishness. That’s not part of the kingdom I want to join so I refused them. I knew a woman who died from her first Pfizer shot. She lived near by. I had relatives who bought into the shots, hook, line, and sinker. They wouldn’t meet with me. I guess they thought their “kingdom” was in danger and they were trying to protect it. If your kingdom is built on man, you must fight for it with the power of man. need to take CAUSE UNKNOWN off the shelf and put it into the hands of people who are equipped to do something about what we now know are the facts.
These 'vaccines' will kill you and your children. People who are "too busy to read"
need to see these charts and graphs in Ed Dowd's book. They don't require any time to understand. This "covid agenda" is the GREAT RESET in action...and as Dr. Mike Yeadon and others have told us..."your government wants you dead"...
Acknowledging this proven by numerous actions and inactions by powerful public figures and by actual recorded death data must inspire our response to all their "edicts". My own theory is that the insurance companies....i.e. life insurance....realize that there is a huge shadow of debt looming over all of us....
here's a little cool music for the knowledgable--people go read COURAGEOUS DISCOURSE.....
The New York Times has even tackled the subject of COVID vax injuries. The harms that many have experienced can’t be suppressed. People’s lived experience can be more powerful than the verbiage coming from medical institutions.
Sadly the New York Times has been exposed as the putrid dinosaur who let the crimes of 911 go unsaid and supported a criminal cabal that has us by the proverbial balls. The Grey Lady is nothing but a rotting corpse of lies. To say the New York Times has "tackled" anything is like Jill Biden saying "You answered every question". Years ago I used to buy the Sunday Times every week. Nothing remains of it but a shell.
I agree, believe me I am no fan of the NYT. But it still has a huge readership and there are still many who consider it the pinnacle of journalism. My point is that it appears to me that the ‘putrid dinosaur’ addressing injuries from the COVID shots (a sacred cow) indicates their existence is an unavoidable reality.
True that! is good news, indeed. I believe we have reached the tipping point.
I think RFK Jr said it best when he listed all the amendments to the US Constitution Trump ignored during the pandemic hoax. Trump dropped the ball when he was required to honor his oath to defend the Constitution, and I'm sure he'd like everyone to forget that. He's certainly not going to remind us. The slow creep of excess deaths will probably not be enough to force his hand, and he'll go on touting Warp Speed.
I think we need apologies first from doctors who sold this product. Much guiltier than Trump. They should have known better.
I think Dr. McCullough deserves a lot of credit for coming out with the spike protein detox formula and putting together other high quality products that address the needs of the "vaxxed" and others. I could buy most of these ingredients separately but his products save me the work of finding and concocting the right proportions
Absolutely Dr. McCullough is one of the incredible physicians never forgetting his oath to his patients. He is a hero in this evil battle. Trump was talking about hydroxychoroquine as early as March 2020. I believe he also met with Dr Zev Zelenko(rest his wonderful soul) who also was a warrior at the beginning prescribing medications to his patients and saving lives. And Trump brought Dr Scott Atlas on board 4/2020 to bring some other voices into the discussions. Dr Atlas reported that he tried to discuss data and articles from Pub Med, and Drs. Fauci/Birx wanted to hear none of it. He even wrote a book about the experience. The"experts" in charge wanted nothing to get in the way of the covid gene product.
Matthew Pottinger, NSA members, Redfield, and a whole slew of bureaucrats lied to Trump, not just Fauci. I'm not sure Trump fully understands the scope of this perfidy . Yes, his ego is probably tied up in the Warpspeed narrative; but he's a builder and real estate guy, not a trained medical scientist. And for that matter, look at all the trained scientists and doctors still going to congressional hearings and spouting total bullshit about the mRNA inocula. A good example is that pompous pediatrician from University Utah brought to testify to the subcommittee last week.
Apologies are worthless and self destructive for politicians. Trump has stopped or at least minimized his talk about promoting warpspeed, and he has succinctly stated that he will not support mandates from the public health apparatus of any sort. I think he never wanted to do lockdowns or supported any of the unconstitutional abrogation of our rights , that was promulgated. That's about the best we're going to get. RFK understands the agency capture, but he's wedded to far too much regulatory state misadventures and rule , and his fiscal policy will be disastrous. Witness his response to the none-too- soon removal of the unconstitutional Chevron discretion crap.
M Robert Weiss, MD
Oh if he doesn’t understand then he’s stupid really do we need a guy as our POTUS with a 4th graders VOCABULARY… please I’m sick of this clown 🤡
Then vote for Biden
Kennedy was left out of the debate although apparently he had been "qualified" to show up +MSM is ignoring his campaign. This is the man who could do something about all this collusion and propagated lies about the benefits of Vaxx. But since MRNA labs are growing like mushrooms all over, they don't want him in the race. Maybe if Trump apologises now about the mismanagement of the plandemic he could lose voters? hopefully he's waiting to be the POTUS to finally open his mouth about it? Or does he still think the vaxx and implemented measures have been the best way to manage a "health crisis"? this would be bad news because in October the elites will be gathering for "Event 202", a fake scenario about an outburst of Birdflu worldwide this time. They are preparing to release Kraken X.
I have heard Sucharit Bhakdi say these injections will destroy the immune system and make you vulnerable to every random "virus" or infection or "flu"....Yes the elites fully expect a lot of illness....they paved the way by blowing up the immune systems of those who got "jabbed".
This means "they" --the monster class--can sell you a new injectable for every single cold, flu or fever. It will be a rare day when the "jabbed" do not have some illness or other. But scientists are coming up with ideas to help us get rid of this "gene therapy". This reminds me of the Frankenstein monster....roaming through the streets killing people. Hope we can get rid of the effects of this horrible product peddled by Gates and sold to us by doctors everywhere
Remember that Ted Talk in 2010 when Gates started talking about his new "vaccine" that changes us "from the inside"....They knew all the way back then. Now the mRNA platform will be used in the childhood vaccine schedule...
Dr. McCullough do you have a statement on this, Is it true that the monsters will use the childhood vaccine schedule to kill our children?
Oh shit 💩 again 🥵
Yep.. + The Canadian Gov. just published this paper last month :
The North American Preparedness for Animal and Human Pandemics Initiative (NAPAHPI). -A joint collaboration with the US and Mexico-. They're planning bigger I think. Kraken X. I hope less people will buy into the propaganda this time...the success the elites expect as the last phase to suspend our rights and control us depends on the response/fear by the people.
Yes....we are hanging in a balance right now. This is the fight of our lives. If we lose this....then I fully expect the Dark Ages will be enclosing humanity for a very long time. Babies will routinely be chipped, everyone of us will be "tracked" and receive endless injections. Our life expectancy will be short and our lives brutally devoid of redemption.
I agree,Kathleen. But also, they have put major immunedestroyers in the Cov itself. Vejon (Dr Phillip McMillen) can prove there is serious effects in having had cov once, twice, etc... in jabbed and unjabbed, as can be proven (through blood samples) now. They have already put nanoparticles through chemtrails and food. It's everywhere now, and assembling in all living beings. This very hour we are being poisoned and mutated. Yes, we cannot last much longer like this. We are becoming a transhuman and God knows what animals are becoming too. . Almost no scientist will go further investigating the nano technology content of.tese injections... or chemtrails for that matter. At this point I'm glad I believe in God, as I know he will intervene, probably very soon...
Show me where money and power do not go hand in hand? And they do not apologize for any action. The lesser of two evils is Trump.
Agree, he will not apologize. My understanding of the EUA & PREP Act combined is that they give plausible deniability & full immunity to the poison creators, distributors, marketers, and injectors if “they believe the countermeasures are safe & effective” and they - the perpetrators et al - make statements as such. If Trump states otherwise, that protective shield is gone for him. He becomes liable. Thus why he was still defending the ‘beautiful’ injections & lauding OWS even as recent as a few months ago on Truth Social in response to Biden’s SOTU speech.
As more children die and are injured from these injections the "protective shield" around Pharma will disappear. I think the Mady Degary case may open a flood gate. When people realize the full extent of the deception and the fact that their lives are palpably shortened and their children damaged perhaps then we will see a resistance. As it is now, people think their "vaccine injuries" etc are merely exceptions. When they perceive everyone who got these injections has damaged their bodies and shortened their lives perhaps a sea change will occur. It is hopeful sign that not many folks are lining up for their "boosters" any more.
This is funny....enjoy. It takes a while to come up on the screen.
Trump has dropped video parroting RFK Jr on vaccines & chronic disease/autism explosion talking points. Bobby’s supporters are “flattered” and completely skeptical in the comment thread.
Doesn’t seem to square with having a pharma lobbyist, Wiles, as a senior adviser.
Eric Metaxas in a July interview asked RFK Jr. if he would serve his country in a 2nd Trump Admin. Bobby’s response was cool, citing that DJT took a million from pharma and withdrew an offer he made to Bobby when in office the last time. Bobby said the episode had been costly to him personally.
FYI: **Warning, The FDA is Now Claiming That ALL Homeopathic Products Are Illegal. Time To PREPARE Before The Next Plandemic. Writing Is On The Wall, On What To Expect by This Dictator Biden Regime. The CDC Will Follow Suit.
Links? I could only find older info that talked about the FDA regulating homeopathic remedies so that the people aren't sold harmful substances, and so that non-homeopathic remedies cannot put on the label that they are "homeopathic." Those sound pretty reasonable. There are sharks in the natural treatment world also.
1 year ago. w/Maria Zeee: Dr Sina McCollough-Reversing ALL Illnesses in the Face of FDA Banning Natural Medicines.
The link shows "no videos".
Its not a link. Easy to Research info on Rumble.
No, actually it isn't. Searching on Maria Zeee yielded 2 accounts, both with no videos.