How great to see this student stand up for what is right. God bless him.

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Prosecute Fauci. Examples must be set.

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Yes and there needs to be real justice. Justice I his case does not include fines or jail time. There is only one consequence that fits his crime.

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This was a brilliant interview. Kudos to Jared Sanchez for sticking to his guns. He is a shining light. He will doubtless continue on his journey and will achieve something highly significant, even if not as an M.D. Dr. McCullough, thank you for having him on your show.

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Our natural immune system can only work properly we have at least 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L) or more circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D, which many types of immune cell need as a raw material to run their 25-hydroxyvitamin D to calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D) intracrine and paracrine signaling systems. These are unrelated to hormonal signaling. They play a crucial role in enabling each such cell to respond to its changing circumstances.

Intracrine signaling is within the cell and paracrine signaling is to nearby cells, including those of different types.

The demand for vaccines and quasi-vaccines such as the mRNA and adenovirus gene-therapy injections would be greatly reduced if everyone's immune system was working properly. This is only possible (except for those who get so much UV-B skin exposure of ideally white skin that they generate sufficient vitamin D3, but are at high risk for skin cancer if they did this for decades) with proper vitamin D3 supplementation, in quantities, which while small, are 5 or more times what governments and many doctors recommend.

The best research on the vitamin D compounds and the immune system is not well known. Please see such research at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ including recommendations from New Jersey based Professor of Medicine, Sunil Wimalawansa, on how much vitamin D3 to supplement in order to attain at least 50 ng/mL circulating 25(OH)D, after several months, without the need for blood tests or medical monitoring.

The amount depends on body weight and obesity status. 0.125 mg (5000 IU) a day on average is sufficient for 70 kg 154 lb body weight without obesity.

"5000 IUs a day" sounds like a lot, but it is 1/8000th of a gram = 1 gram every 22 years. Pharma grade vitamin D3 costs about USD$2.50 a gram ex-factory. A credit card weighs 5 grams.

Without proper vitamin D3 supplementation such as this, most people - at least in winter - have half or less (down to 1/10th) of the 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D they need to be healthy.

The rational demand for vaccines would be much less if everyone's immune system was working properly. Severe outcomes from infectious diseases would be rarer and transmission would be much reduced, primarily due to infected people shedding fewer bacteria or viruses. But where's the profit in that? Where would be the heroic efforts of thousands of researchers with billions of dollars of public money to devise more and more vaccines and quasi-vaccines?

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mRNA injections are not, by traditional definition, vaccines. If basic metabolic and immunologic functions of the body aren't working properly, how can we expect anything to be in order? There is a limit for the body to handle complex molecules, but Big Pharma needs new drugs/platforms to be highly profitable and has corrupted the medical system, Gov't officials, and lies to the Public with "Safe and Effective".

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Why has everyone forgotten the Nuremberg Code which - back in the late 40’s - every “free” country on the globe was a signatory ?

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His future clients will be so lucky to have found him!

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Thank you for a fascinating discussion about vaccine mandates as they relate to medical schools and, by extension, to other credentialling institutions.

On the issue of career goals, if Jared goes into intellectual property law (or any other kind of law) rather than continuing to pursue a career in medicine, he won't be immune from disbarment over vaccine mandates. For example, Gloriane Blais, a Canadian lawyer, was recently disbarred merely for "speaking critically of COVID shots."


I think the problem is with the credentialling institutions. As long as the credentialling institutions are funded by the same people who issue the mandates, they will, to the full extent of their capacity, punish any student, or for that matter, any salaried professional, who doesn't comply with whatever behaviour happens to be mandated by those who control their funds.

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Wow. What a neat kid. Love to see him in my profession, dentistry.

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Western medicine as a whole is corrupted and turned into a type of religious cult. If one could for a moment try to imagine the billions of simultaneous biochemical processes running in our body for up to 100 years, to think by throwing a chemical bomb at this (pharmaceuticals) would do ANY good is completely insane. Instead support this amazing living miracle by eating real foods, supplementing where natural sources are lacking and take in sunlight and fresh air will do more good than anything that Big Pharma has to offer. Yes, make America healthy again. Becoming a nutritionist would also be a rewarding profession. Plus a good cook that brings natural, organic, unadulterated food onto people’s table.

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Jared, listen to Dr. M ! BE A LAWYER ! Why do you want to be a Dr, they are drug dealers !!

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Jared, you are so intelligent and kind. God bless you !!

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What a thoughtful and intelligent (and Courageous) young man. Even though I’m 72 and finishing my career journey, I find myself highly motivated thanks to young people like Mr. Sanchez. This motivation is to do more in education to strengthen and support our wonderful constitutional freedoms. I sadly admit that I have taken these freedoms for granted for way too long! Never has it been more obvious that my generation needs to “Stay in the Fight” for those Liberties we have enjoyed for the past 50 years. Thank you for this spiritually inspired reminder!

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