Semmelweis....Wakefield...McCullough....Cole....Kory......Marik..... history's "Davids"- all maligned as

fools for daring to contend with the deadly "Goliath"

of lies set to destroy the people. For their courageous willingness to jump into the fray, to contend for truth, and to defend life itself both History and God Himself will reward their self-sacrificing and courageous stand......and I, with many others, remain humbly and eternally grateful.

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I remember a TV documentary in the UK about Dr Andrew Wakefield, it may have been the one on Chanel 4 in 2021. It was ridiculous. Apart from not getting the facts right by insisting he was against vaccines and that he said the triple MMR vax 'caused Autism', when he was neither anti vaccines and had said the MMR needed research, the Presenter, sent to stalk him in the USA, ended by making aggrieved and snide comments about Dr Wakefield having a very good-looking wife! It simply revealed to me the kind of people they are! They have no morals, are not prepared to tell the truth, simply want to lie about and slander a decent person. They are the lowest gutter-level Reporters aiming to raise hatred and throw abuse at someone who genuinely cares about what is best for us.

At the time they were pushing the covid 'vaccine' and trying to say that anyone not having it was selfish. This too was ridiculous since the dangerous, untested injection containing ingredients the Makers refused to reveal,* was neither protective nor prevented transmission. In fact, Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, said it was not tested for prevention if transmission.

*The Head of the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), Dr June Raine, supported the commercial interests of the pharmaceutical companies saying they could keep the 'vaccine' ingredients secret, which was against the interests of the people for whom she was appointed to protect. Even a tin of baked beans has to list all the contents! The MHRA's job is solely in protecting public health by providing quality standards for UK pharmaceutical substances and other healthcare items. Thus a top Government appointed person, now made a 'Dame' which is a huge honour, is not at all concerned about the welfare of the population she is appointed to protect, indeed she lied frequently throughout her appointment, whereas a Doctor had to lose his status, salary and reputation just because he cared about people and told the truth.

Fortunately I know God is real and although the devil may appear to be winning, God will take care of Dr Wakefield and I believe and pray he shall have a place in Heaven for eternity. God blesses all those who fight for the truth about bad injections. This life is but temporary.

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THANK YOU, Dr. McCullough, for continuing your COURAGEOUS, SACRIFICIAL quest to speak and share TRUTH AND provide platforms for other WARRIORS/HEROES like Dr. Andrew Wakefield!

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Epic tale of the most humble hero.. Andy should give battle weary, pandemic awakened resistance a better sense of decades long slog for vaccine risk awareness... Embrace the revolutionary spirit of legions added to Pharma opposition including Dr. McCullough love you both to the moon and back.. marvel at how empowering truth is and take enormous joy in this glorious chapter in Dr. Wakefield's journey and lucky us to have the best hearts and minds on team humanity! <3

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Much gratitude to these super heros....Some day people will look back on them and see them as the guardians and the lights of conscience for humanity the world over.

God bless you Dr. Wakefield and Dr. McCullough and also everyone of those brave physicians at Doctors4covidethics. Together we will win this fight for our children and grandchildren.

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and also love and thanks to Sara Gonzalos who was featured above. Wonderful to see the women standing up for our children as well!

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I noticed that YouTube edited this interview with Sara. If you subscribe to BlazeTV you can see the whole thing. Thanks for highlighting this Dr. McCullough!

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And YouTube is continuing to censor parts of this piece over so-called “community standards.” Does YouTube not consider viewers ability to decide for themselves what is accurate? Is YouTube not interested in truth?

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Im looking forward to seeing the movie Protocol 7; praying protection over the project as it is released. Merck has a lot to answer for…

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It is so disturbing to see YouTube censored parts of this interview. How is this allowed?!

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Inciteful, in presentation

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Keep'm coming Courageous Discourse. We will take this evil medical cabal and government censorship/collusion down one truth at a time.

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If any of you have NOT read Brian Deer's book on Wakefield, I suggest you do before welcoming this man into your hearts.

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