You know,everyone highlights his sole,yet critical error,regarding the “vaccines”,but fail to acknowledge the unprecedented and relentless harassment and slander he was subjected to by a clearly corrupted msm(and many others)from the time he took office,to the time he had an election rigged against him.It was the most disgusting display of endorsed and coordinated facism and bullying I’ve witnessed in my lifetime.I think given his outstanding performance(despite the insistent,baying mob)in all other areas,he certainly deserves another term.He clearly delegated to subordinates(Fauci et al)and probably realises who’s culpable,yet strategically needs to stay mute on the matter till reelection.If he remains silent after reelection, that will be telling.Imo he’s simply not in a position to act or even comment on the issue atm.Give him a break for Pete’s sake!He’s certainly earned one.What or who’s the alternative??He’s the only hope the western world has now.Wake up and fall in why you still can!

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Agreed. I am very tired of people who continue ad nauseum to criticize Trump for getting the vaccine quickly, and not stopping the whole lockdown. He was against insurmountable odds. And he has no medical background. How quickly these people have forgotten that he sent hospital ships to Los Angeles and New York City, PPE, medical personnel, and ventilators. when we no longer needed the ventilators, he sent them to foreign countries who were in need. And you are correct, who is the alternative? I really like RFK, but he is simply not gonna make it with the polling. Maybe, in a few years he will.

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So clearly you have NO problem at all with the hundreds of thousand of dead and millions of maimed by that jab which "saved " exactly NO ONE from ANYTHING? It was a KILL SHOT nothing more or less. And by rushing it, none of the checks and balances were there to stop it doing so. Sending hospital ships was admirable, but useless, in fact, since none were used for patient care. The ventilators were part of a lethal hospital protocol to milk money from the sic in while MURDERING them in cold blood... Very "admirable"...

By all means vote for RFK and more leftist globalist policies... It really matters not. Trump will not be allowed back in office by the PTB, and Yhwh God will not have his back this time. If all else fails, assassination plans are already being formulated by the PTB. Whatever happens you will get the gov't America deserves, not the one you want...

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Yep,RFK is great too but not in DJTs league imo

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The above comment left me confused as to which candidate we are supposed to "give a break" to. Personally I would not hire either one to take out my garbage. Both leave records marred by corruption and fraud. I am more afraid of "empty suit" Biden. No one is there. Who are the powers behind the throne? Trump is no angel. His first wife died after "falling down the stairs". How does that kill anyone? Was this accomplished so he would be free to marry the beautiful Malania? To be sure, I have no answers. There are horror stories in the records of them both. The powers of darkness are in control now.

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Trump’s error was listening to the “experts” that were foisted upon him. I don’t believe he would have forced people to take an experimental shot they did not want to take. He would not have banned the prophylactic use of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin nor the physicians that were successfully using them, ergo ending the fake pandemic much, much sooner and saving countless lives lost through Biden’s actions. And with Trump as President, we wouldn’t now be hurtling head first into a surrender of our sovereignty to the World Hoax Organization. Are you still confused???

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Donald Trump's mistake was listening to Ivanka and Jared who advised him to select Pence as his running mate (the less I say about him the better). Pence torpedoed Mike Flynn and worked hand and glove with the ethically challenged Fauci and Birx -- and let me tell you I missed only a few WH briefings in which they presented commentary on COVID news of the day.

Mid-March 2020 I went looking for answers. What I found was shocking but not surprising -- given the egregious moral decline we've suffered at the hands of the Left and its mouthpiece the MSM, polluting and corrupting the American mind.

To Kathleen Nathan's last point: The Prince of the Power of the Air is on a short leash. He lost the battle on Easter Morn at the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and is even now in the throes of his demonic implosion.

We are Triumphant; and we will be rejoicing when the Lake of Fire welcomes its universally recognized master.

Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. Be of good cheer.

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While Trump certainly made some colossal mistakes during covid (the Warp Speed "vaccines" in particular), he & Melania were married in 2005. They had already been married for 13-years when his first wife, Ivana, died in 2022. In between, he was married to Marla Maples from 1993-1999 (Tiffany's mother). It is certainly possible to die as a result of falling down the stairs. A broken neck would be one, or from a subdural hematoma. My own feeling is that she may have suffered a vaccine injury, which caused a sudden heart attack while descending the stairs. That is only speculation. We will most likely never know the reason.

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Wow, Kate, take a bromide, please, you are all gassed up. Take your TDS meds regularly. They work better, didn’t your doctor tell you that? You have been propagandized for nine years 24/7 that Trump is the Ogre. Think Kate, who would do that? Last week Very popular podcaster and political pro American Dan Bongino’s mother died suddenly at 70 from a fall down the steps. You have become trapped in your own suspicions, my dear.

How many lies about Trump have you fallen for while they installed a lifetime plagiarizer and sociopathic liar as your figurehead to demoralize your faith in actual good people like Trump, who you apparently know nothing about.

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I don't know to whom you are referring to, Elwood. Your insulting reference to my "meds" is misplaced. Perhaps you are the one who needs to stop "day drinking" as I never used drugs at all.

Trump has numerous scandals in his closet....both real estate and personal--Neither "candidate" has my confidence. I don't need to waste my time documenting these facts. I believe this opinion is justified. Have a nice day and hope your own hot air doesn't stink up your home.

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Oh my. Trump has scandals. Whoopie. 🙄 You are very willing to drink the lemonade. But the wonderful thing about this country is you still can say these things and he defended your right to do so.

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No lemonade or Kool-aid there.

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You are correct about that. I have known of the Trump family for decades; we grew up on the same island at the same time, and his Daddy got them in the news with a degree of regularity. The apple didn't fall far from that tree.

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Are you aware of a man named Yuri Bezmenov? He was the Russian KGB defector that gave an interview in 1987 about propaganda. Mr Bezmenov said: “the demoralization process of Communist propagandizing of America is already complete beyond all expectations. There is no use trying to talk to the propagandized, no mater how much proof to the contrary, they will not change their mind until the boot hits their next”.

That’s you Kate. Nine years 24/7 the Leftist Marxist/Communist/Fascist that have infiltrated America from global regimes over six decades has “painted” for you a picture of the villain you need to put things in order so you can carry on. That’s how it works. The current Executive Branch has propagandized its own people, weaponized government, stole an election outright, and caused great harm to the American people. They have long captured 92% of MSM mocking birds and parrots.

At this point I am the fool for talking to a fool.

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I know of him, and I remember Kruschev in the UN in '59! I was also aware of the Chinese telling their home trained university students they would conquer the US without firing a shot, back in the'90s.. Coomunism infiltrated the US a century ago, and has steadily worked its evil since ! "Tail gunner" Joe McCarthy tried to stop it, and was branded an hysteric chasing bogey men! Kathleen is not yet ready to hear!

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Yes you are correct. McCarthy was right, but we had just returned “triumphant” from WWII, people were weary of conflict and would not listen. The commies and Fascist followed the soldiers home, and the university Boomers made Marxism popular on campus. Those Boomers are running the WH today and the institutions they vowed to march through (Gramsci) and they have ideologically torn them down along with the Founders on inversion of history so they can “build back better” in their image. Sadely it seems these bipolar, dystopian Boomers are still hell bent on taking out their childhood nightmare, Russia, but love Communist China thinking they can split evil, but all they did was quadruple it as the four friendamy’s now work together as the new axis of evil China, Russia, Iran, N.Korea, and some day Americans may have N. Vietnamese (my old nemesis) soldiers trotting them out of their houses with their hands zip tied behind their backs. I know, say that to 92% of people and they will laugh, ridiculous, can’t happen, unimaginable because “we” were told we are the best by media bought by China’s money America gave them.

Russia is the Bear, and China the Tiger. Bears are not our friend. Yes, they turn over trash cans, climb on porches, scare joggers, and sometime attack people that get to close to their den. This administration kept poking that ole bear thinking it was weak after Reagan, but not so much. If one knows anything about bears, it is that you leave them alone and keep a close eye on them, otherwise one finds out even old wounded bears are very dangerous when provoked. Meanwhile the Tiger gets fat from our food, big and strong pacing back and forth waiting for it’s opportunity.

The saddest part of this scenario is it’s happened many times throughout history to the victor country that became arrogant. The people of one generation of a world war victory became so free and secure the idea of being insidiously attacked by multi facets is just unbelievable.

I hope I am dead wrong, that those who opened the gates to the Trojan horses somehow know what they are doing but everything leads in my investigation of a time toward globalization with a Constitution that means nothing to the overlords of an unelected European body with Communist China’s backing of stake holder countries as America’s freedom and independence is divvied up to all takers. A few will push back, and work to reverse the insanity, but if the people have lost the will to be vigilant and fight for their freedom by an elderly cabal of Boomers who as youth chanted “hell no we won’t go”, and slandered America, the military, and all defenders of America’s ideals, and rather imagine utopia, then a person can imagine they can be anything they choose. Is that not where we are?

Thank you for your reply.

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Who is "Kate"?....

yes you are a fool. And I am done with you, too, "Elwood"

I do not know what circles you move in. I know plenty of intelligent and

highly educated people who find the whole "communist" leftist, godless b.s.

thoroughly unpalatable--as I do. Things will change. They always do.

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Yes, in about 7 yrs, if the Hebrew scholars are correct and got their math right...but in the meanwhile bets batten down your hatches and hunker down; it's going to be a very rough ride!

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There’s only ever been one candidate and elected president treated like that.Not sure where your confusion lies Kathleen.Chalk and cheese as far as their results are concerned.

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The PTB are comprised of high level Freemasons, European Banking families, and Jesuits. Those are Satan's inner circle 'til his chosen anti-Christ is revealed, which may be nearer than most imagine.

Falls down stairs have resulted in cervical and skull fractures and internal bleeds that kill far more often than you apparently think, particularly in seniors, but he had been divorced from her for decades, so what was your point there? He had already married and divorced Marla Maples in between Ivana and Melania, and she and Trump had been married 13 yrs or so before Ivana's fall fairly recently? Any other untruths you'd like refuted now?

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Oh, puhleeeze.

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So does that excuse poor character assessment, routinely, or signing bad bills, to get 1 sliver of a very large, unhealthy "pie", or claiming successes that are at best only partial, or not "successes" at all? Granted he did better than I expected,but that hurdle wasn't set too high, because I expected his usual "cut and run" performance when things got tough or weren't going his way. His father did that too. I'm sorry, but that doesn't warrant "a break". Too many lives were harmed to excuse it.

Yhwh God removed him from office in '20, not the Dems' cheating, which goes back to 1802, in fact. He failed to do the 1 thing he was put in office to do. If you don't learn to see unvarnished truth, and critique what should be critiqued, you will keep right on losing.

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“Not the dems cheating “??😆🙄Thats all they do.

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I never said they didn't cheat, I said that was not what put him out of office. Try reading g what is said, not your predetermined script, for a change!

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Trump never mandated the shots, they were developed years before Trump even decided to run for office, Birx kept people like Dr. Atlas and other experts away from Trump, Judas Pence put Birx in charge of the COVID response, Trump wanted states to end the lockdowns but Demonrat governors kept their states locked down favoring keeping big box stores, liquor stores and marijuana shops open, Trump was mocked and ridiculed for endorsing HCQ and early treatment protocols while state legislators put limits on their prescribing or outright banned them, pharmacists refused to fill legitimate prescriptions and the list goes on. You can fairly criticize Trump all you want for taking credit for the roll out of the COVID shots and believing that they saved many lives but, like I said, he never mandated them. He does deserve credit for mobilizing resources to replenish our stockpile of PPE and getting needed medical equipment and personnel where needed, including sending hospital ships to NY and CA and setting up makeshift hospitals. He is credited with getting passed Right to Try that included allowing patients the right to try as yet unapproved life saving treatments. I wish there were a perfect candidate but there never was one and there never will be one. But Trump is the perfect choice for the job. You know that because the Marxist Demonrats hate him so much and will do anything, and I do mean anything, to keep him out of office. Remember this on this Easter Sunday when Biden proclaimed this holy day as “Transgender Visibility Day.”

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, "Trump was mocked and ridiculed for endorsing HCQ and early treatment protocols while state legislators put limits on their prescribing or outright banned them" That is a very key sentence. HCQ would have ended the so-called "pandemic"...there never was a pandemic--See Denis Rancourt substack for full details. Unfortunately Trump also recommended remdesivir---a known poison--credited with killing millions of elderly people in care homes. As for politics, I personally do believe that the globalists wanted Biden in power. They needed him to maintain "open borders" for their child sex slave trafficking and also to keep production going in adrenochrome. Some people think adrenochrome is a myth. Unfortunately they are wrong. It has been around a very long time and the extraction method is well documented in other civilizations. Perhaps when it goes into production by pharmacy companies in a process that does not involve extraction from children there will be less "missing and lost" children around the world. We can always hope.

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Yes, Trump trusted his doctors like so many have. You would think that POTUS doctors would be the best, but not so. Trump, trusting POTUS doctors, took remdesivir when he had COVID and survived. Perhaps this is why he had recommended it for others. If it was good enough for POTUS…

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Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

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Thank you for being the voice of reason.

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Very damning information. Thank you so very much Dr. McCullough for standing on the bulwark and sounding the alarm.....Individually people must take responsibility for their own health . As Dr. Mike Yeadon as said "No one will be riding to our rescue"...How to wake up the sleeping masses?

Those who produce these "vaccines" MUST be held accountable....they are criminally liable for millions of deaths and even more illness and injury. If I had read this in a science fiction story....I would sigh and say "Thank goodness this cannot happen in real life"...MANY ON THEIR NINTH SHOTS??????? unbelievable.

Yet here we are living a science fiction horror movie. What's next? THE NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD?

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RFK has NO CHANCE of winning and I say that as a monthly donor to his campaign because I believe his message on many points need to be addressed - But in my opinion, don't waste your vote because he will NEVER win - I'm hoping he will be enough of a presence that Trump will bring him in to his administration (that's if the cheat doesn't happen again) to clear out the rot in ALL of our captured government agencies responsible for this. I'm a New Yorker - and I had to withstand Cuomo's bullshit every day and his nonsense Emmy - while he killed thousands - NYS health is STILL advertising the booster - Trump tried his best - I don't know any human being could withstand the onslaught he's experienced - he and his entire family - My friend, who is a physician director of a nursing home contacted Cuomo's office IMMEDIATELY when they got the letter notifying them of being mandated to accept covid patients - her calls when unanswered so she went to the press. Not that it did anything. Never forget he touted HCQ and was mocked on talk shows and the news media. Cuomo made it ILLEGAL to obtain HCQ for anything other than its approved usage - I know because I lived it - My daughter was prescribed it and we had to fill the persciption in Pa. We had all better hope Trump gets in - he is the world's only hope.

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Agree, RFK Jr would definitely be an asset in DJT cabinet & provide the wisdom against the deep state. DJT needs that strong support and knowledge RFK Jr has.

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Ok, so you want an apology from Trump because you’re angry and frustrated because the Left got away with murder. That’s understandable but you can not Monday morning quarterback about whether or not the football was a fruit and compare apples to oranges to make points.

With all do respect to Dr. McCullough and RFK Jr. I have one question: where were they when Trump had a gun to both sides of his head pointed at him by the symbiosis that pre manufactured the entire scam, the global Pharma consortium and media. Did either man rush in to tell Trump why the Jab was a bad idea while he already had brought in differing opinions, or were they like the rest who had an inside track in medicine, politics and vaccine damage AT THAT TIME, but put there head down doing their own work afraid like most that they might be dragged out by their heels. The problem is do gooders tend to be tepid with push back leaving actual leaders with no choice but to go with credentialed people like Fauci, Redfield and media inversion.

Nope, not doing this. Trump called it as best he could with propagandists destroying his credibility by convincing idiots to listen to MSNBC’s man hater Russia Rachel Maddow who said Trump said to “drink bleach”. Maddow does not care that you know all her claims are lies, that is her job. They have installed a miserable, wicked lifetime plagiarizer and sociopathic liar as Americas figurehead in your face to demoralize America’s middle class, and now people argue who’s fault or blame, because the scum that caused it got away and people what a hanging. Just what the Democrat Left wants, pin the blame on someone behind them or the Ogre they provide for you fools to focus on.

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Another voice of reason on this page. Thank you.

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We need a non-politician, indebted to no one, who is not afraid to tell the truth, unite we the people, and make life giving decisions immediately that will turn this country around. The uniparty is not capable of doing this.

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I am not that interested in the personal lives of these people as you apparently are. I could go into detail about Donald Trump's legal travails and personal misfortunes--but who cares? Our children are at risk from these poisonous injections for the "pandemic" that never was. That is the real issue here. And sadly Donald Trump did not stop those who were determined to murder millions of people and shorten their lives. On the contrary....he seemed to endorse the whole project

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Ironically, Torres’ ultimate “truth”—that WE are all collectively “one”/“god”/“eternal” and that we need to cast aside what “we’ve been told” and uncover the “secret knowledge” of our true nature, etc. is just another rendition of “The Big Lie.”

Eat the apple and know everything.

We certainly are lied to a great deal through history and—agreed—need to question everything, but that is not to say that everything passed to us has been of equally questionable nature.

On Easter, good to remember there is one beacon through history which has taught that every one of us is just what we instinctively know we are—a truly unique individual and not at all “an accident of personality.” We are Loved, able to give and deserve selfless love, and gifted with a “self evident right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” which gave the USA everything which has ever been good about it, and there has been plenty despite some terrible falls.

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Who is the good candidate Trump can appoint to clean up this pandemic mess, and the health industry

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Dr. McCullough,

You just said in this video that not having the moral strength to admit when we are wrong, is a problem. I completely agree with you, and I completely agree with your advice on how President Trump should handle the situation.

It’s a HUGELY dangerous and potentially deadly problem when a president or a doctor is too weak to admit that they were wrong and take responsibility for their mistakes. Their mistakes can result in the loss of innocent lives. The fact that President Trump and Dr. Drew, (who you joined with and defended),continued promoting the vaccine, advocating for the vaccine, and in Dr. Drew’s case, injecting the elderly with the Covid vaccine is inexcusable especially in the case of Dr. Drew who had weekly experts on his show, including you, who continually informed him of the injuries and deaths caused by the Covid vaccines.

So not to beat a dead horse Dr. McCullough, but I will never understand why you would join with Dr. Drew. I listened to him from the beginning of Covid for the information his guests offered; and as of December 2023, when I finally stopped listening to his show, he had never apologized for all of the things he had told us that turned out to be wrong. You joined with him prior to December of last year, so it wasn’t because he had finally had an awakening. He hadn’t. In fact, if you watch his interview with Salty Cracker in December of 23, he not only talks about vaccinating his elderly patients, but he also discredits early treatment with Ivermectin and Hydroxycloroquine. Then after discrediting Ivermectin, he promotes its sale. Clearly, not only is Dr. Drew weak for not apologizing, but he is also immoral and will say whatever he needs to say in order to make money.

Dr. McCullough, you have done so much to protect and save lives. The World owes you a huge debt of gratitude. But, I will never understand why you picked such a weak, immoral man who seems to be intellectually inferior and immune to facts which makes him a danger to patients. What you’ve told the World does not align with you choosing to work side by side with Dr. Drew. It’s really a very disappointing reality and a huge contradiction that will never make sense to me. Thank you 🙏 for all of the good that you’ve done though.

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Dr McCullough, I've heard that Disease X is in process even now by the GlobalistElites. They are working on increasing the Virulence of the H1N1. What Treatments or Remedies would you suggest for the H1N1? Thank you!

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What disease “X”?? Another common virus, with added false testing & extremely inaccurate projections?

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This question is a perfect example of Marxist inversion, currently the go to under the Democrat banner.

The “Left” Marxists/Communists/Fascists spook cabals and other hate America factions that have become a MSM symbiosis to normalize chaos to create the vacuum they work in are very apparent in the construction of the narrative of this piece, seemingly a fair question but the bias is hidden in the details on the basis of unequal equations. It is tailor made for angry and frustrated people looking for an easy villain for their pain and this is the water the nefarious sharks swim in. Be careful and fair with your thoughts people, lest you damage your own credibility in the long run. Seeking momentary hero’s and villains is how we Boomers and our offspring have nearly destroyed America by being played explicitly by our own American faith and generosity stolen. Communist propaganda is not a bear, you won’t see it coming, it targets your better graces and fears, and for liberal virtue signalers who profess to do good, indeed, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

In the 1990’s the Clinton administration initiated the uniparty under the Democrat banner. Immediately they made Communist China and Vietnam “besties”, simultaneously gutting middle American manufacturing, sending it abroad to slave regimes. I’m talking outcome here, vs. intentions. The ruse was that America would be the cashier for 4X the $ than America can make from America. Say what? Now China supplies 90% of generic and OTC drugs and products and has used the money to buy beautiful new nuclear subs, oops!

The American MSM is not American, it is regulated by global entities that our Representatives try to control. If the executive Branch has mastered capturing the global media they own 80% of people’s thoughts, unless the time and work is expended to question the narrative.

When Trumps administration was pressured to “do something” about Covid, the same people applying the pressure were the symbiosis that pre planned the scam. They put a gun to both sides of Trumps head to “DO SOMETHING” and Trump did, he brought in others than the Fauci cabal or symbiosis. He had Dr. Scot Atlas, and several other doctors and virologist, but Fauci and the gang had the biggest credentials and spoke faster, and since doctors like Atlas from the start was not sure about the bureaucratic aspect of treatment logistics etc. Fauci gangsters won the day. However, Trump has great instincts and I believe he new there were scumbags involved, but since so many lied with impunity from Top universities, like most everyone else at the time, the bought and paid for media propaganda and Fauci symbiosis are the only culprits here, this is a straw man argument. The global Pravda media won the day as they have for Nine years and running, count them, nine years 24/7 “painting” Trump the Ogre for low info people looking for easy villains. Think of the ridiculous lie that Trump said to drink or inject bleach. The “fine people” statement about Charlottesville that the Left inverted, 80% of Democrats with TDS still believe that when he said nothing of the kind, what fools would believe that? What fools believed the “pee-pee” story, Trump is the antithesis to uncleanliness. 80% of Democrats still believe cops kill thousands of people of color for fun every year when at its height of propaganda the number was about ten that year and they were violent offenders with weapons. The Democrats still believe the Russia hoax, Trump was not spied on (that got Nixon expunged). When one owns the media they own thought, except for conservative critical thinkers that are hard to come by under todays Democrat/Communist/Fascist banner.

Dr.McCullough is a good man slandered, but nothing like Trump and his entire family have been un relentlessly. Now the low info people can go to the slanderers that promulgated this query and weigh Trump against RFK Jr.? RFK Jr. was not in Trumps shoes at the time. This is Monday morning Quarter backing and you are falling into the MSM propaganda mill. They know the general public does not have the archives and info or will to back check with consideration of the time.

If you fall for this ruse using your better graces you have learned nothing from this administrations 90% MSM’s use of a paparazzi, bought media NGO’s, muckrakers, slackers and scumbags that would sell their mothers lives for dollar bills and this debate falls right into the trap.

RFK Jr is a good man to an extent. He has found a path back to politics from a dynasty that is Dyed in the wool old school Democrat. That means in todays terms if he were President he would have unrelenting pressure from the same hate America cabals and from insider Tory’s and global Oligarchy, same pressure from the Marxist/Fascist/ globalist and all the other infiltrators over the past six decades. Kennedy’s grass roots org. has made a name for himself pushing back on the jab, but did he scream at Trump when Trump needed him for the people? Kennedy’s CHD minions have done good work pushing back on vaccines for children, conservation issues etc. but in truth, his effect is moderate at best from the outside. Sure both Dr. McCullough and RFK Jr. have been slandered, but Kennedy has turned his work into running as an independent. If elected with his Democrat banner roots he would have 80% of the same deep bureaucracy and NGO’s drooling for more Socialist tax money to waste and divvy up and at least 60% of his policies already agree with Democrat leadership. His integrity, for what it is would be swamped with an AI tsunami that his CHD group could not handle without playing ball their way like DeSantis’s people were shut down by the Left.

Do not fall for this “innocent” implied question comparing apples to oranges as similar because they are colloquially both fruits, and Monday morning quarterbacking combined.

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can you sum this up in one or two sentences?

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Here you go: Trump did the best he can and is our only hope right now.

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