Dr. McCullough, when you say “never challenged” you must mean within the HHS agencies. Here is my understanding: Trump had two camps advising him one of which ... Atlas, Bhattacharya, Alexander ... opposed the lockdowns vigorously. Post election, of course all discussion was over. Why Trump caved in to Fauci and Birx ... I have not bothered to understand. Why Trump will not repudiate the shots is another mystery.

It is almost sitcom material that lockdowns continued after the shots were deployed. First by Hazan and, subsequently, by workers in Israel, it was discovered that the virus took up residency in the gut of folks immune suppressed by the shots, which cannot clear the infection. So the pathogen became your roommate in lockdown and your gut became a reservoir of viruses like the cave bats in China (the early supposition!). Exhaling the bats as they flew out of one’s microbiome and inhaling them as they are captured in your mask seems like a good model of re-infection ... common among the vaccinated but NOT among the one-and-done NI citizens.

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The 8% know Trump can not repudiate the jabs because he would then be accusing every doctor that recommended them of fraud pitting him against nearly the entire medical community like they did with controlled media painting him the Ogre. Hospitals strapped for cash because of the influx of immigrants, illegal and otherwise whom they had to treat were going bankrupt by rising medical cost that naturally happen when Socialized by government bureaucrats once the cash dries up. That’s why America is financially broke with a declining credit score as the 8% chases its tails to implement global control before it all goes Boom-er. Our global lenders are getting edgy. Hospitals were offered bribes of 38K for exclusive Covid treatment by Medicaid, the 2008 Trojan horse of Socialized medicine FOR ALL, and $137 K for delayed treatment leading to ventilation. No longer doctors, but corporate “practitioners” doing all sorts of experimental diagnosis “in the name of medical science for the patient were receiving $30 dollars for 20% of patients jabbed up to $130 if they could get it to 70% jabbed per practice, most going to corporate medical overlords. Without taking his name in vain, for God and your own sake, let go of the moral outrage they use to twist your thinking by offering you a villain to focus on, please. Either way, if the ruling global class running American interest had some plan to make the world a better place, take it to utopia, why the deceit, why imprison dissenters, promulgate corruption like Communism, mafia, and cartels. Why at the very least, if we live in a “democracy”, do they not allow questions signaling contempt for democracy?

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Per Dr. McCullough 25% of voters refused the shots. Most doctors recommended them without questioning anything ... as usual. Yes they are all frauds as is the captured AMA. The mandates occurred during Biden, commencing long after the VAERS death reports way exceeded what should have been threshold to can the program. Metal particulate contamination was reported by Japanese inspectors in August ‘21. A result of low quality standards of DOD contractors whereas it was almost universally thought these shots were a Pharma product. Nope. So it’s one thing under Trump to proceed with the readiness program ... a parallel path just in case and expected by many ... another to mandate them against all indications with no informed consent in violation of Federal Law and consumer protection laws in 50 states: affirmative misrepresentation. No judges or even lawyers caught it as exemptions were refused in court. That’s what Biden did on the basis of catch me if you can. A DOJ that sat back and did nothing. Same with hospital deaths where the sacrifice of dead Americans by unethical and idiotic protocols sold the shots to the public. DOJ sat back and watched.

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I was out and about throughout the pandemic as most of the time I was an exempt occupation.

No covid here. I think the many vitamines and suppliments helped. My wife was in and out of hospitals for the 2 years of on/off lockdowns and she did not contract covid either. I pass this along in case it helps the thinking of others.

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In the UK Challenge trial nearly half the volunteers directed exposed to the virus never became ill as determined by blood tests (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-022-01780-9). They never developed antibodies because their mucosal system stopped replication. We can do the same by routine mouth/nose cleaning - Xlear works.

Your immune system likely was a benefit.

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We keep Xlear in the house. Have not used it myself but I am a fan. I have heard good things about it.

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When allergies pickup, quite useful.

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I don't think we fully understand how so many nations agreed to lockdown - group think at scale. Containment is obviously possible and works but not at the scale of a nation. Ian Miller has well document via population level data that masking and lockdowns were futile; they simply allowed the politicians to proclaim they "did something".

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Dan Fournier posted his lengthy research this morning on the lockdowns and what he thinks is next. It is long but worth looking at.


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CCP-style, top down mandates are so 2020.

I will NOT comply.

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Trump was given great advise by Scott Atlas to avoid the lockdown as well as the other measures implemented by Fauci but he capitulated to the Fauci to avoid harming his chances for re election

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Yes, that may be true but since you were not in the war room you still don’t know the truth except what our propaganda mills of legacy media tell my dopey Boomers who were raised on TV being the know all. That is changing with alternate media. Trump was a good President compared to the other 13 I have seen and could have been a great one but he got in the way of global manipulation and wanted American sovereignty to survive. On the other hand the uniparty of weak Reps under the Democrat banner ran with overlord power to lock down the people and keep visual masks on them to constantly remind everyone death is in the air as money grabbing Socialist/Communists. TDS is not a good thing.

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Read Scott Atlas book....

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My comment came directly from Scott Atlas book. He stated his advice was accepted by Trump but Trump was fearful if he changed gears at that point he would be in jeopardy of loosing the upcoming election.

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I get it, you are correct, but Trump was under attack by the uniparty under the Democrat banner even as he was a candidate and a joke portrayed by the legacy media. If he had taken Dr. Atlas’s advice and not trust the so called esteemed medical complex we now understand was at least passively complicate he would have been excoriated by media for killing millions like they did to all the Great Barrington Report signers and Dr. Atlas. and so many more. Ask yourself why the uniparty did not run with the fact that the jab was all Trumps fault. Because they wanted to run with Covid as a test of power, visual masks 24/7, death in the air, lock down, give yourself a break. As President he had to make a decision to push for the jabs. Because the Democrat media (92%) against Trump as an Ogre, they pre established TDS by propaganda. In military terms it’s called “painting the face of the enemy” going to war against an opponent. Sorry you can’t accept that you were played like most because propaganda appeals to our higher moral sensesibilities to flip our better judgement. Trump is still the answer to American sovereignty, body and financially but it sounds like you are prepared to cut off your nose to spite your face because the media said your nose is ugly, or you delude yourself afraid, which was all the intent to have you walk yourself into prison, completely ignoring the deluge of disasters brought on America by the ruling class of 8%. Have a great day.

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You are way off with your comments. You have no idea what I think and believe so leave it alone.

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A. I think we were willing to do it for “2 weeks” which is why no one fought back. I work in a hospital so I had to go out daily. I did get it but it was not even as bad as the flu and I then had that natural immunity gold. But so many suffered because of the lockdowns. It should never be repeated.

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I forgot to make one of my points “B”. Lol.

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The most important thing the Plandemic and Bioweapon Jab demonstrated is who is who and what they stand for!

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I’ve always been someone who avoided doctors as much as possible, but I say that with tongue in cheek because I’m a Nam combat veteran and I tended to be a slow ducker as a designated point man in a rifle platoon. Anyway, once I figured out which way was up about eight years after my weary return from Nam and the exacerbation caused by the media slander imposed on every Veteran by their own Boomer generation, after all I was in pretty good shape except for the wounds. I maybe have had the flu and a cold once, but nothing else. I considered myself pretty lucky and healthy even with occasional life choice missteps staying active, having the thought of climbing convoluted ridges and taking deep dives in the prehistoric ravines in between with 90 + lbs of gear on my back, ammo, grenades, claymore mines, minimum six canteens of water canned C-rats, through unrelenting jungle column form 24/7 for as many as six weeks without stand down. At 65 I was a care giver, running up and down stairs to get it all done and still capable of out working most twenty five year olds. At seventy, still good, and still only going to a doctor for the annual socialist style medicine of “check up”, now with a “practitioner” in a white coat, documentation on the hallway walls, but more like a processing facility of forced diagnostics to see what they might find in me that is making me feel so healthy. In late October 2019 I became I’ll. Did not go to my VA doctor, hospital or private doctor which was my prerogative, but I figured it would pass in five or six lousy days. First time in my life I spent all day in bed for four days, zero strength, all the Covid symptoms, but no one except Wuhan knew about Covid 19 so I’ll never know, but I know, I excoriated myself after two weeks that I could have died, I probably should have seen a doctor, or, maybe not, I’ll never know, was it the Wuhan virus? One thing I do know, all the domino’s have now fallen, and the real war elephants in Nam were the CCP (PLA) and Russian (USSR) logistics and armament way up in Nam’s central highlands, and their New Silk Road is headed right for your front door. If that 8% of petulant Boomer youth who followed their Marxists in elite academia that came out of the woodwork to hijack the original legitimate anti war movement wanted to know what was coming 55 years later, instead of slandering their weary generational veterans into oblivion to cover their track's, all they need do was ask. Those same 8% are seniors now with their offspring in all things American institutions and governance, and they still hate America and love Communist China, but their bipolar childhood nuclear nightmare Russia must be expunged along with the Constitutional Republic to remake in their image what they have tried to destroy. People, you have much bigger problems than just loosing body sovereignty and being indignant about being experimented on by the people you thought were doctors. Sorry about any unprofessionalism on my part, I have long counted on my learned acumen’s to get by after lost ambition. I was just thinking, did we Boomers really have to focus so much on elite academia leaving the middle class to fend for themselves when we gutted their jobs and made the CCP’s China a favored nation in ‘93, or was it a facet of planned global realignment the 8% thought to complicated for the big footed Boomers to understand?

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Wait, what? “Regarding a future pandemic there must be a higher bar to lock down the people”? Torture our toddlers and depress their being with useless masks to keep the fools visually imprisoned with their own fear, dumb down the children’s social and academic awareness with intentional corrosive censorship? So grandma that we were told we would kill if we did not get jabbed, the one who told us to go outside and get some sun, was the fraud? She and grand pop knew nothing about science? We get it, but before we throw their dead bodies under the bus again, let’s make some more passive appeasement language not to be to harsh, as if all is forgiven if we just tweak it a little more next time, no harm no foul? It was a big misunderstanding. Your corporate practitioner pretending to be your doctor learning in medical school to be racially “equitable” when treating a patient assures you they will get it right next time? Just asking, or am I being obtuse, perhaps emotionally unstable not ready to go along to get along?

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The 8% uniparty of “democracy” under the Democrat banner have their base scared to death. They have seen what happens to dissenters of any kind. They locked you down against every conceivable astute acumen of science since your grandma told you to go outside and get some sun. They knew humans are primarily visual creatures so they tortured your toddlers to be in masks they knew did not work but kept the fear of death in your mind, in the air we breathe 24/7. They fined and jailed lone and groups of dissenters for simply questioning, and suggested psychological re training detention centers for dissenters, destroyed long careers of esteemed doctors that watch over us and front line workers when they were done using them, and still, people delude themselves because the chaos has scared and humiliated them. They have installed a lifetime plagiarizer and proven sociopathic liar, in your face as your figurehead. They will destroy whomever you vote for that does not toe the line, happening in your face and telling you your “democracy” means nothing. Propaganda is pervasive and deadly explicitly because it targets humanity’s moral sensitivities to desire the belief in others we chose to lead us without any real knowledge of who they are but what legacy media told us over and over, and over again. But let’s focus on the Ogre the media painted for us as they were preparing to continue the plan to expunge body sovereignty and double down with digital financial sovereignty expunged as we walk ourselves into prison with the criminals guarding the gates. It’s long past time that my Boomers, those that Wuhan did not already take, to talk to their grown offspring and admit that we were played, we were wrong to take the hubris gifted to us by previous generational sacrifices and vacate civic responsibility beginning with that 12” black and white TV that we thought would be our Paul Revere’s with an innocent twist. Am I a conspiracy theorist, or just going to fast for the less critical thinkers? It’s true, ask anyone in the higher echelon of disciplined sciences, that forcing oneself to think clearly hurts when all we want to do is go along to get along. Look at our most aged Boomer representatives who have become wealthy going along to get along, either from the start or just worn down by the ruling 8% of unelected global WEF/WHO future “stake holders” taking the world back 500 years to regional Kings, Queens, Dukes and Duchesses, Counts, Nobles, and the serfs that sort themselves out from the most egregiously impoverished. This is not about Boomer youth “fightin da man” and their unending protestations that America sucks from the bosom of freedom. America the beautiful is dirt, rocks and trees sovereign between two oceans and civic responsibility of ideals inherent in the Constitutional Republic meant to tether democracy from cannibalizing itself, if you can keep it, to quote Franklin.

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We can to some degree excuse our youthful of their transgressions for what they are, as we look to them to take the world into the future, knowing success in science follows failure be it a digital misstep or drop of blood, but wisdom requires the astute to be vigilant, unassuming, and morally determinant, regardless of intellectual prowess.

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Hey Doc McCullough, I like your academic medical prowess and ethics, but this quote by Miller and Moss “next time a higher bar before lockdowns, and better evidence”. That language is like a sieve waiting to be used nefariously by crooks. Talk about enabling deniability? This is just naively dopey trying to walk the nice guy professional line where on one side you have humanity suffering and on the other scumbags with money in bulging pockets and useful idiot liberals doing what they always do, push the narrative to show everyone they are morally superior, “reeducation camps for non compliance”, many on the take as they empower their loathsome selves forcing others to go along to get along because government owned media scared them to death. Let’s call it what it is, with the borders wide open, corporate hospitals and “practitioner” workers overworked and underpaid by government stipends, the rush of Covid government cash helped implement Socialized medicine brought to you by the 2008 Trojan horse and the Big Guy. Many good doctors have left practice except for family and friends, doctors are actually human so the masses are left with the Socialist medicine that will mandate, mandate, mandate, till the downward spiral of government run healthcare rations, then collapses on itself. Here’s the future of AI Medical research: Get six, text Global health alliance, Amazon delivers, you die, population control solved, kill two birds with one stone. You heard it here first folks. No more pesky doctors, independent pharmacies, insurance, lawyers, etc. Come on Doc’s, we know most of you have “good hearts”, and you were courageous doing what you do taking the slings and arrows but you know you have to use your discipline to discourse passive enablers by throwing down the gauntlet on the passive, that’s what it takes to shake them awake again. Propaganda is pervasive because it attacks peoples’ better nature and graces like a boomerang, and no other generation was more propagandized than my Boomer ranged generation starting with that 12” black and white TV, unless we’re talking their offspring.

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I watched the daily Whitehouse briefings from about mid-March to mid-April of 2020. One day Anthony Fauci looked straight into the camera and said something like "we cannot return to normal until a vaccine is available which will take about 18 months." The Holy Spirit told me CLEARLY at that moment that this person was LYING and DANGEROUS. We have a child and my God-given maternal instincts SCREAMED internally to me that our child would be damaged for life IF we followed this person's advice. So from that point on, God guided me to listen to my first epidemiologist then to Dr. Simone Gold/Americas Frontline Doctors then to Dr. McCullough then to Dr. Robert Malone then to Drs. Pierre Kory and Paul Marik/FLCCC, etc.

Instead of living in fear and receiving the experimental biological shots, my husband and I ensured that our child and four of his friends CONTINUED to live and ENJOY being children!

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