I can answer your question, John: No, of course they didn’t. My God, anyone who can write with a straight face that the Democrat Party is the party of individual freedom is clearly deranged. They are clearly not in touch with reality. It is ABSOLUTELY shocking to me how many Americans are so thoroughly and completely indoctrinated into the “party” ideology.

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His siblings are exactly like Alissa Heinerschied of Bud Light fame. They’ve lived privileged Ivy League lives and have no idea how most Americans live. Inflation and job security are not worries for them as they’ve always had money and haven’t had to work to make ends meet.

While Bobby was a part of the same family, at least he understands the plight of those of modest or less means; their issues and struggles because he awakened from his privileged status a long time ago.

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Which makes Bobby much more in tune with RFK and JFK. His woke siblings are pretty stupid.

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From what I've read they're all also jabbed. We'll see how that plays out in the next few years.

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None of it is real they are playing a role to make RFK and Trump look like they are not part of "the system" when in fact they are. It doesn't matter who you vote for the result of a one world order with our freedoms taken away, will be the same

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So, your answer is to crawl into a hole and wait for the one world order to take over? Sorry, I will fight that as best as I can. It gives me hope that people with different political backgrounds like Tulsi Gabbard, RFKJ, Trump and JD Vance are coming together to defeat globalism. If you want to remain so pessimistic, your choice but I feel sorry for you.

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When did I say that?? Just because I know that they are all in it together doesn't mean that I think that everyone should just roll over on the contrary I think everyone should fight back hard which doesn't include just voting for who you think is going to solve everything for us cos that's not going to happen. WE need to fix this by not giving them power over us - no matter who wins the election by not handing them our freedom. No government/president has the right to force us to have a foreign body injected into our bodies (especially when we know it kills) and they also don't have the right to punish us for not doing it we have basic human rights that we get to say what happens to our own body, we have a right to earn a living and a right to keep our own property. We all need to reject all va€€ines, lockdowns, CBDC and digital id and start cash all the time., they have no right to force these things on us.

And how exactly are you going to fight that as best you can?

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By voting and getting as many others to register and vote for the candidate who is not perfect, far from it, but way better than the communist/socialist team. I don’t even understand what your solution is? Who will you be voting for? RFKJr because of his anti-Covid jab stance (one I agree with BTW)? He’s already joined up with Trump. The reality is there are two choices, and I’m going with the one that will do less harm, and may even do a lot of good.

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But surely they can see that democrats support censorship and who in their right mind can equate freedom with censorship

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RFK's siblings need to read, "Mao's America" - A Survivor's Warning by Xi Van Fleet.

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I think they are on the Dem payroll.

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I think we all see what a suck up this was. weren't they calling Joe Biden their hero when RFK, Jr. first announced his candidacy?

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They don’t want to lose their ‘A’ list invitations.

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Yes, this is no surprise because his family has been trashing him for years as an "anti-vaxxer"

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Perhaps one day these doubting family members will realize that the DNC is the betrayer, not him.

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I've been waiting years now for my siblings to wake the f up. Instead I witness them cheering for Kamala. Classic Ivy League herd think. Incredibly depressing and distressing.

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And there is not a damn thing you can do about it. Ditto here.

We are dealing with propaganda and brainwashing that goes deep.

Hooray for MSM. Mission accomplished!

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They won't.

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I second that. This has nothing to do with Trump. He has his own issues but the administration that coerced mRNA upon citizens, colluded with media to censor others etc. wants to claim they will protect democracy? I'm sorry but if that's democracy I say eff it. These are delusional tyrants.

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Virtue signaling POS. That's what they are.

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Because they’re nobody special, even with the famous last name, but RFK, Jr. is RFK, JR.! (And we like HIM!)

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It is not just Americans, this indoctrination, if that is what it is, is global and inexplicable. It does provide some level of explanation of past atrocities but it didn't make sense in the past and it doesn't make sense today.

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The WEF/globalists are behind it all.

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blindly Trusting the ‘experts’ and the ‘authority figures’ and having those “looked up to” ones VIOLATE/BETRAY that trust is a beginning solution to the question of “WTH” and the alleged “inexplicability”?

Whenever there is a true Betrayal, the human who is thrust into that atmosphere is first confused-hurt/bewildered as to “how could this have been done?”

Soon after should come RAGE after the initial shock begins to subside. If this rage Does Not come next, the normal process has somehow been disrupted, possibly leading to too-fast a “forgiving” mentality without complete processing of “Exactly What Just Happened” and subsequently repeating the same (BLINDLY trusting) behaviors towards the Untrustworthy Liar(s)…?!

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Agree, Kerry and her comrades definitely Delusional.

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My heart breaks for RFKJr because his family has been brain-washed by the Biden/Harris regime. Sadly this neurosis goes back to the time when Bobby knew what was in the vaccines and warned people against them. He was ahead of the research and unfortunately, the family has turned their backs on him when He is a true pioneer.

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I guess if we look into his family, we might find that they’re still all trying to make money off of royalties or speaking engagements or something other than hard earned work Bobby Kennedy is going to be a great asset to the Republican party. The people of common sense sense.

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I agree. It wouldn’t surprise me and actually, I’ll bet someone paid them to do this and smear him.

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I’m not so sure. I have former colleagues who are Democrat devotees. It’s a cult. One went to far as to declare to me that ANYONE refusing the vax should be denied hospital help. Nobody had to pay her for that level of meanness. She adopted it all on her own.

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It was a huge 24/7 brainwashing scam.

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It’s definitely a cult- publicity bowing down, virtue signaling your loyalty to the party & disavowing your brother is expected behavior. Very Maoist of his siblings.

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It was a huge 24/7 brainwashing scam.

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I notice how no one seems to notice the massive censorship that took place during the Biden administration which I have not heard Kamala repudiate. Biden and company appealed all the way up to the Supreme Court after losing in two lower courts for the right to pressure tech companies into censoring private citizens. This is frankly appalling and certainly undemocratic.

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And Bobby has sued Biden over this very censorship. He just got the go-ahead this past week, I believe.

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And you will never hear Kamala repudiate. Never.

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RFK Jr. has truth on his side. Notice no one has sued him over his book, The Real Anthony Fauci? I wonder why. hmmm.

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Yep. That is a good point.

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I'm not certain they weren't brainwashed long before the imposition of this current horrid regime . His disgraceful siblings and their spawn have been vain , egomaniacs, narcissists , hypocrites who have spent their lives cashing in on the family name w/o ever doing anything for the people . Kathleen ran a pathetic campaign for governor here in Maryland. before she went on to Hollywood "success" .

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Pretty sure you’re confusing RFK Jr’s sister Kathleen with the Hollywood Producer, Kathleen Kennedy, who is not related.

Bobby’s sister Kathleen has no professional ties to Hollywood.

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My mistake . Thx for letting me know.

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He has Fauci's number.

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26

Bobby, Jr knew what was in vaccines? And tried to warn whom? I have heard him say, on several occasions, all of his six children were vaccinated...it's been recently he figured this all out. I agree with him, just saying.

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And now he wants to prosecute those responsible for spewing toxic chemicals in the atmosphere- about time someone with that exposure takes up the issue - hope to see Miley in a perp walk

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They are entitled to their opinion, but trashing their sibling in such a public manner is disgraceful. Families show more support for siblings convicted of murder than this. I am pretty sure their careers are on the line and they are lashing out.

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Not ALL of his siblings Joseph didn’t sign and neither did the other 2 still living brothers other than Chris. RFK helped Kerry Kennedy CUOMO, who cheated on Andrew with some playboy who married someone ELSE after Andrew divorced her, with her DUI which she got away with claiming was sleeping pills. Also Courtney whose ONLY CHILD Saoirse tragically overdosed at the Kennedy Compound in 2019 was at his announcement in April 2023 that he was running for President. NOW she signed that letter. Really. Most of that generation of Kennedys are losers especially Kerry. RFK Jr is the ONLY ONE who has distinguished himself.

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By his own admission, he has struggled with drug and sexual addictions. In order to be successful in his life, as he certainly is a successful lawyer, he had to overcome those things. He has grown past his previous mistakes and made great changes to his personal character, it seems. I think many people do foolish things and make poor choices early in life, then grow, mature and change in time. I know I did/have!

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Also, he experienced his father assassinated when he was an adolescent. Ouch! That type of trauma would take a lot to overcome.

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My wife and I do Bible study w the distinguished psychiatrist Timothy R Jennings, who demonstrates from Scripture that perfection is not the absolute absence of ‘sin’ or some unblemished record of behavior, but the will to morally develop, by faith seeking deeper gratitude for and alignment with God’s character of love. Dr Jennings uses what he calls the ‘Seven Levels of Moral Development’ to explain the progression of growth that is indicative of actual growth in moral development. The faith and truth factors never change as the foundation for growth, but the lie that God’s will is enforced by the same means as human law is the new ‘law lens’ is thoroughly rejected.

For God’s will to be universally effective, and fair, it must be the very basis for life, which anyone, including those who have never heard the sacred Word of God’s 10 Commandment law as given to Hebrews, or the Gospel of Jesus Christ as given to the Apostles, for the chosen Jewish people first, then the Gentiles beyond. He (TRJ) refers to this as the ‘design law’ paradigm of salvation, making each human being responsible for consistently honoring the principles of life, and by extension, the measure by which moral development progresses in reality, not some declared status of favor with God because He is arbitrarily overlooking preferred or besetting ‘sins.’

We find this concept liberating and inspiring to gratitude for God’s gifts of grace, and honorable to His character of Love. As the Word says, God is love.

This concept reveals the Lie that God governs like humans govern — with coercion, punishments and arbitrary favoritism. I find it universally liberating that sectarian ideas of testing faith and adherence to group-think are reduced to their core values of personal growth, overcoming the filters of community acceptance, since only the Spirit of God can truly judge the heart.

In the spirit of God’s love and acceptance of David, RFK Jr certainly has my respect and approval as a man who can accomplish great things on his path of moral development.

Tim publicly thanked me for the gift of RFK’s book on Fauci.

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Some sibling jealousy is involved.

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They are corrupted to the core and probably very afraid…It’s good, though, because it shows that Bobby weighed this out (he knew it was coming) and he is, seemingly, an actual and committed warrior in this war which will either, free us all, or be our “final battle”…

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We can all agree with the first statement: e.g. individual freedom. Contradicts with the second sentence, noting that Kamala has mandated covid vaccines for her campaign workers, the Biden regime tried to mandate vaccine mandates across the board, this disrespecting American individual freedoms.

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And while Kamala requires covid vaccines for her staff she's all about "my body my choice" when it comes to abortion at any stage of a pregnancy.

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Key point there! Rules for thee, not for me!

The disgusting apocryphal abortion van for trailer trash demwits at their ghoulish death party celebration states it all!

Weird, how they insist on murdering their own before voting age. ???

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Kamala/Biden=medical murderers. What drives them to kill their own?

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Kerry Kennedy and the other signatories have shown they are very shallow people with very little substance or character. There are a lot of Kennedys. Thankfully only 5 have chosen to discredit themselves with this embarrassing personal attack on Bobby.

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How very shallow.

Illustrative of the times we live in - and very sad.

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My heart breaks for RFK although this family has been very negative toward him for many years. It really hurts. I think the majority of us who read your column have experienced similar from our families and loved ones although not in such a public way. How many of us have lost friends and family because we tried to at least warn them out of love that the covid injections were dangerous and worthless? And that ending all social contact, gatherings, church, clubs, partiesbecause of fear is never a good thing. We have all lost loved ones, but it must particularly hurt RFK since this very public family has made a point of trying to destroy their brother RFK in front of everyone. It says a whole lot about each of them on how they have handled this. But I'm aware it is an enormous family actually of cousins and aunts and uncles and grand nieces and nephews etc. The letter is only signed by a handful. It would be interesting to know if any of the family supports him. I pray that 1 or 2 of them have a few brain cells left.

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My three adult daughters basically ceased communications when I started sharing that Ivermectin was effective and the vaccines were ineffective and dangerous. No contact with my grandchildren as a result. When I more recently remarked, casually, at a community activity I regularly attend, that vaxxed people are getting repeat bouts of 'Covid' , I was told not to speak about it. When a teenage girl in a family at our church got the vaxx, and started having untreatable seizures, the family told the congregation that the reason for the seizures is unknown and the subject must never be raised with them. Is this a cult - or what?

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How horrible for you! You need to find new friends. I was kicked out of my church, too. Now some of these people are "mysteriously" ill even though they are "vaccinated". I feel bad for them. I wish they had listened to me....Of course they still think it is a "coincidence" that they have heart attacks and cancer. You can't argue with them. Let it go. My husband got two injections against my advice. Now he is afflicted with Guillaine Barre syndrome and narcolepsy. Sleeps around 2O hours a day....Coincidence? Maybe....who can say? I am fine. Same age and never sick....never took a "covid" injection. Last "vaccine" i got was for a dog bite....a bunch of years ago.

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Keep a diary record of your thoughts & actions & your daughter's actions as a true historical perspective for your grandchildren. This is important. All the best 👍🇦🇺

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I am so sorry Stephen. I have been told more than once to not talk about it, but I haven’t lost my family. I thought I was going to be disinvited to a wedding in 2021 but they backed down. We need to all speak up .

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I have pondered this. But the most I can figure is cognitive dissonance. It is just too painful to face that one has actually delivered your own flesh and blood over to the fate of severe chronic illness.

How else does someone cope?

Especially since there was close to zero risk of anything more than a cold/flu for young persons? Now this innocent child has become an “income stream” for the medical industrial complex, delivered up by the parents.

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And I should have added that the parents were deceived by the experts.

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Wow...those two experiences say a lot! That is odd. Just because you don't speak about something doesn't change the facts. The truth seems much less important these days than people's feelings!

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damn all the players in this operation

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Yes....I have experienced both sides. I have three daughters....one is an MD, one is a Nurse Practitioner and another works for the county gov.

The MD was the first to come to me and say "Mom--you were right about those shots".

Shortly followed by the Nurse...

The one with the least education still will not see me. I think she is still hypnotized by the "covid" story....Oh well.

I put energy into warning people and sending books to friends etc.

I tried to wake 'em up and tried to alert them to the poison needles.

Can't win them all....but family is family. I am sure RFK experiences the pain of rejection.

In this world anybody who hasn't experienced that is either a demonic or sound asleep.

Family is family. I wouldn't worry too much. RFK is a tough old bird.

Like most of us on this writing on this substack....

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At least you had two daughters that saw the light. I warned my stepdaughter about it and she and her daughter wrote an email to me and framed it as political differences. I wrote back and told them "life or death is not a political matter". They took the shots and thanks be to God they seem OK but they only had 3 of them that I know of. No one has said a word to me that I was correct. I guess it hurts to admit a wrong.

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That's a great answer....at the very least we were all scammed and had to be locked in our homes for months....an unprecedented move by the "global elite"....Glad everyone in your family is ok. Yes...I am lucky but do sorely miss my third daughter who just had a baby and we aren't invited to see him. This is weird because she named her first after our family!

Anyway, best to stay positive and look to the future. God is great and life is good. So much to be thankful for--not the least of which are those who were unafraid to speak life saving truth. Thank you John Leake and Dr. McCullough. You truly are a god-send. as are all the members of doctors4covidethics.org Blog - Doctors for COVID Ethics

Jul 7, 2024A Critical Look at a COVID-19 Vaccination Study: Clarity is Key. By Sarena L. McLean MSc. (Epidemiology & Biostatistics), Health Sciences Researcher & Member of Doctors for Covid Ethics (2021) The study "A Critical Analysis of All-Cause Deaths during COVID-19 Vaccination in an Italian

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Indeed….we keep meeting these folks, so many miles wide, and an inch deep…..So much heartbreak, tragic stories over so many months, and very sad that they cling to the wrong values, no clue! Educated but no intellectual curiosity. To imagine the privilegement and arrogancy of such family connections, when they could do so much now, for this country, and the world. ~~~Dear Bobby! What you have endured. You have surely broken free of those chains…we welcome you, and need your talents. And we admire your great courage~~~How embarrassing for us to view their brattiness and unkindness, at this crucial hour?~~~Stuck in their own egos, with all the challenges ahead…..Sadly, yes, my own siblings also missed all the early medical tear-downs….they refused to follow the real news, the doubting….and then the shocking loss of trust in one’s neighborhood medical center, the roofs falling in on abusive hospital and government leadership, dogmatic and stubborn family doctors, loss of beloved family and $$ careers! All by persecution, unimaginable a few years ago…. We are discovering that the medical tyranny basements are really scummy rat villages, and nothing like Toad Hall ….lots to do ahead! We will win. Amen and amen

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"We are discovering that the medical tyranny basements are really scummy rat villages, and nothing like Toad Hall ….lots to do ahead! We will win. Amen and amen" Great thoughts Sharon Mahoe....

The truth is like a lion!!!! It is roaring now....sadly over a lot of damage and dead bodies.

But like you, everyone in my family seems ok except for some neurological problems my husband now is afflicted with...But we are still managing alright, and have learned the truth about the two bit liars who were calling the shots...such as Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci.

Fauci has been awarded an enormous pension for all his efforts on the behalf of Pharma....about $5OO,OOO a year as I recall reading, He should be made to donate all of that to people trying to recover from covid vaccine injuries....He and his equally revolting wife Christine Grady who did a lot of damage as well....should be in prison.

Here is the scoop on Fauci's wife (notice the HIV connection again}

Grady has worked in nursing, clinical research, and clinical care, with a specialization in HIV.[2] She was a Commissioner on the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues from 2010 and 2017.[2]

Grady is a member of the National Academy of Medicine, a senior fellow at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, and a fellow of The Hastings Center and American Academy of Nursing.[2] She received the National Institutes of Health CEO Award in 2017 and the Director's Award from the same organization in 2015 and 2017.

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I am so sad and disturbing that these children of RFK Senior would act this way. How awful that these siblings didn’t say something more like the following: while we really emphatically disagree with our brother’s political beliefs and think they hurt the country, we believe in free speech, the market place of ideas, and because we love him, we can not understand why the Biden administration would deny him Secret Service protection, especially in light of how our father was murdered.

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wholeheartedly agree with your assessment

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If JFK and RFK were around today they would be shocked at the state of the Democrat Party, full of hate, censorship and radicalism. At least there’s one rational Kennedy left.

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I am not surprised that, “people of their breeding and education,” would make such a demeaning public statement. They are part of a group of people who will use any means necessary to achieve their goals.

I applaud RFK jr for his ability to set aside partisan politics and do what he believes to be the right thing for the country. He is, after all, the person running for office! It’s his moral obligation to follow his heart and mind! I 100% support him. I do hope that President Trump uses Bobby Kennedy to help restore a broken medical and pharmaceutical industry in America. That would be a great legacy for RFK!

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…and restore a broken agricultural and food system, and end the censorship upholding free speech.

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I have respect for the man. Once this covid came and our freedom was out the door, I couldn’t believe the medical narratives. Our loved ones died alone in isolation that suddenly was instituted. As a nurse if we had someone contagious they were in isolation but family visited with gown gloves and sometimes masks. They weren’t kept apart. What they did to people was so wrong! Then vaccines pushed with no clinical. Pharma committed murders. Yet the sheep were taught to embarrass and harass those who had common sense . Then punishment came . Fired from jobs. That’s when I started reading just what’s in all those vaccines forced on our kids. Thank you RFK you woke up many.!!

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As great as RFK Jr is on health, environment & vaccines, very strangely, during the 'pandemic' it was he who woke me up on the impending digital ID, CBDCs and totalitarian control. He knew it all. And here it is, digital ID rolling out in Australia.

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We need to have in each state a State Sovereign Public Bank such as the Bank of North Dakota. This would free us from the grip of Wall Street. Ellen Brown and Catherine Austin Fitts are working on this. Also there is the National Infrastructure Bank Coalition that is working to get a National InfraStructure Bank in place to funnel $$ into needed infrastructure projects.

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Thank you for commenting on this. I am certain, as was your experience with your friend, that they did not attempt to have a private conversation first.

Further. I think the audience was two fold - 1) they’re true blue Democratic friends and Associates, and 2) perhaps more importantly, Their intent was to make this statement not so much on the effect it would have within the party of their colleagues, but within the population as a whole.

They are angling for any way that they can discredit this honorable man because he poses a demonstrable threat to their powerful system and powerful friends.

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Follow the money…. Are they getting kickbacks from Big Pharma..?

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Exactly my initial thought.

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I would be surprised if they don’t own stocks.. also who is blackrock and vanguard owned by if not the bloodlines who push for their evil agenda

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The Kennedy bloodline is just another satanic bloodline that’s made up of bred psychopaths l, if not inbred. RFK jr. said along time ago that he doesn’t care what they all think of him, it’s about him having a consciousness. Obviously, they don’t have a consciousness and that’s why they went public with a personal matter.

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Conscience. But yes.

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Haha yes that one, thanx for the correction, English is my 3rd language.. I meant to say conscience, that’s what Bobby said during an interview (The Event).

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Most of the credible researchers who list the ruling bloodlines do not include the Kennedy family among them. Those that do provide very scant and unconvincing evidence. I would not put much credibility in such claims.

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Satanic bloodline? Not buying that as it implies the same of Bobby. Though true, the lot of them —- the subject of this post —- are abjectly despicable.

Yes, you’re welcome to express your opinion. And no, let’s not discuss it further.

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The Catholic Church has a very, very dark history that is rooted in Satanism, so does every single President’s lineage. It’s a club, either you are born/bread into it, or there is no chance of being selected as “President”… does it mean that all born into it are inherently bad? no, some do go against the Order, but history shows they kill their own when they do.. JFK, RFK, and many others from Royalty to Hollywood.

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Really, some uniformed scmuck atheist has to malign Catholics. YOU are the real enemy, democrat shill!!! Grow another wart, brunhilda. The demons smell you.

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