I have not listened to the whole video yet, but just what viable excuse can they give to ALL gain of function viruses? To manipulate viruses that have not crossed species, so that they DO cross species and infect humans has no other definition than ‘biological weapon’. What other purpose would this have?? Their reasoning is that they are creating new viruses so that they will be able to counteract them IF they ever occur is beyond absurd.

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Yes, 100% agree! Creating a monster nuclear bomb, lobbing it at where ever, just to find out what nuclear winter would be like, in order to develop survival strategies for the handful of humans who might survive such a scenario, well, that makes about as much sense!

Sociopaths. Those with impaired cognitive capacities, a total lack of conscious & inability to long term game or plan, are the only fools who would contemplate, much less carry out such idiocy.

We are ruled by demons. It's the cleanest & most simple explanation for what we are witnessing. Jesus was right all along!

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Their excuse is that our enemies are doing the same thing, so they’re preempting a bio weapon attack on the US by “getting there first”.

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If you recall, gain of function was actually made illegal to be done in the US (although there is a question as to whether labs on military bases continue to do this secretly). This is why the US shipped this ‘procedure’ to China, Ukraine and elsewhere. Of course, they do not admit that gain of function is a bioweapon, which, of course, it is.

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I remember all right, but I don’t think I read about this until 2021. I tried for several years to wrap my mind around the fact that my own government did this to us. I remember when the shift finally occurred in my mind, or maybe it was in my heart. Early 2023 I could no longer run from the truth of what happened, and is still happened. We are so not okay.

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You might find this interesting: https://alethonews.com/2022/03/03/military-lab-changed-mission-statement-after-report-questioned-value-of-its-work/ This has been going on in US labs for quite some time.

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Great interview! I understand the politics that lead Dr. McCullough to talk about the issue diplomatically, but also greatly appreciate Jeffrey Prater's head-on approach in calling this "democide" with a "bioweapon" and "Iran contra cocaine on steroids," from DARPA. I discuss these issues in my films, of which I'm very happy to have Dr. McCullough in.

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I had a good laugh when I read the yellow highlighted text. I thought of the child with cookie crumbs around his mouth who before I asked the question, is quick to say, - I haven't been in the cookie jar. Bring in the mean clowns 🤡

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Dr. McCullough needs to be at the very least a top advisor on public health to the WH.

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One of the most impactful and at times stunning conversations I’ve listened to on US bio weapon industry, Covid shots, Trump’s lack of response to the danger of said shots and where we are now. If I could only recommend listening to one conversation on these issues, this would be the one.

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Just finished watching this & feel exactly as you have written. 💯

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That's comforting . . . thank you! I think I sometimes feel things too deeply, but I'll take that over complacency any day. What a time we are in.

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Agree 💯 again.

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Comforting, again . . . good to know I'm not alone :).

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Wow. It's getting harder to keep up so Thanks for these interviews.

Meanwhile, in Canada: https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/h5n1-canada-bird-flu-surveillance-cattle-retail-milk-testing-1.7194147

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Regarding the Spanish flu I read an account (somewhere) that the soldiers actually died from massive aspirin—newly discovered—overdoses that they received as treatment.

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Dr. McCullough talks about the Farkas article in Military Medicine, indicating the potential for covid to be a bioweapon. If you’re interested in that info, the article is here: https://academic.oup.com/milmed/article/188/3-4/531/6586077?login=false

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Despite Trump’s responses about the vax, I think that Jeffrey Prather is wrong about Trump being ‘captured’. If there was any skeletons in his closet, they would certainly have been disclosed by now.

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Incredible. Thank you for sharing. Seems like this is a huge issue that needs to be addressed NOW. In many respects what's come to light in the last 4+ years might change the trajectory of bio-labs. At least that's one silver lining. I'm praying this happens. As always, power and greed run amok. And maybe in this case, a good dose of negligence leading to safety breaches.

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There is nothing wrong with discussing theories. Everybody is following orders. This is the worst case scenario. There is no way incompetence can explain what is happening.

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Doctor, can you please share the protocol that could, in some way, reverse the side effects, so that I can recommend it to my loved ones and other people? I am very concerned about all the events we are seeing, ahem: turbo cancer and Myocarditis. Thank you!

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