The FBI narrative makes no sense if one is to believe the USSS is a world class security team. They are, so that only leaves the obvious-a planned assassination attempt. The familiar “ lone gunman” plan, where the shooter is killed before any questions can be asked is the narrative of the moment. Not the Biden admin nor the media is pushing for answers. Curious under normal circumstances, but not curious at all when those in the planners. New evidence is being discovered by citizen journalists utilizing first hand witnesses and retired military and secret service, along with cell phone geolocation data. I don’t think they are going to get away with their sick comedy of errors approach this time.

and the strange coincidences

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Quite right, 'comedy of errors' won't cut it anymore. The numerous security 'lapses' equal an open invitation to commit murder -- the unguarded rooftop, the failure to get Trump off the stage, the sighting of the rooftop shooter by many in the crowd, and by SS snipers, and by police on the ground. It's time to adopt as a plausible working theory that the Biden/spook Admin set out to murder their opponent Donald Trump. No proof-positive -- https://peterdanielmiller.substack.com/p/proof-positive -- yet, but clearly worth investigating. Now the main question is 'Who was Cheatle taking her instructions from?' Cite her and her Deputy (now Acting Director), and Wray, for Contempt of Congress if needed, and get them to specify exactly who ordered this hit. Stop effing around.

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There are MANY questions that need to be answered, before we can assume that there was one shooter. For example, why were body cams turned off when authorities first went on to the roof after Crooks was shot? Surely there is plenty of time to drop 8 shells on to the roof, to indicate that he was a ‘lone shooter’. Past history does not discount this, as, in the case of Lee Harvey Oswald, that was EXACTLY what was done at the 6th floor window of the school book depository. Additionally, and as importantly, WHY did the Secret Service sniper, on the roof near Trump, FLINCH and reposition his gun? Was he shot at with the first bullet? And if so, from WHERE? Spectators talk about shots coming from the trees and from the water tower. Why are these opinions discounted (just like the grassy knoll in Dallas). Then, of course, there is the entire issue of allowing Crooks to exercise behavior that, in any other circumstance, would have arrested him. The fact that the Secret Service was so remiss, denying Trump additional security, etc., etc., would lead one to believe that this situation was intentional and that Crooks is just a patsy.

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I would like to see RFK be interviewed on Hot Zone. He is a wealth of information on the shooting of government people and especially on vaccine and Fauci corruption. Can he be interviewed here because mainstream media shuts him up. Hot Zone should not shut RFK up.

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Unfortunately, Dr McCullough you are incorrect. There was more than just one shooter.

Likely, at least three. Putting out false information like above only clouds the issue.

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I totally agree. It is way too early to buy into the ‘official’ narrative.

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I don't think any reasonably intelligent reader is buying into the 'official' narrative yet since it is still being made up as they go along. An unfortunate reality in this issue is that there should certainly be a few individuals with intimate knowledge of the true story here who are deathly afraid to speak up.

Who can trust the police today or any federal authority for protection from these criminals and subversives? The federal government is increasingly infested with corruption and informants who would not blink twice to betray a morally solid witness. Who is watching their backs to protect them for what they might know? They are scared senseless.

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The Federal gov't isn't just "infested with", IT IS the evil entity, into which the few who are not evil have occasionally penetrated.

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The unfortunate helicopter crash of the entire 'dumped Osama's body over the ocean' SEAL team crew certainly stopped any eyewitness testimony now or in the future concerning that event whatever it was.

So yes we have line folk, who know things, and are concerned they will suicide themselves with two shots in the brain and hang themselves.

If we actually got white hats with money and resources they should offer full protection and new identities for families for anyone who would step forward. They can't right now, they will die.

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Eternity will never be "long enough" for buying into a lie. The official lie" is just that, so scrap it and seek truth, for however long that takes to find!

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I give him slack because he has his hands full with other government corruption. Yes, three shooters maybe, definitely not one.

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No argument there. Dr. M. is a national hero! We need more like him.

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The world lost its mind back in 2020 and 2021. July was just the latest chapter.

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Not hardly! It lost its mind way before Noah and that global flood; indeed, that was why there was such a flood! And the world (system) has never repented, or changed its trajectory, in all the millennia since that flood either! If you don't understand history, you will never comprehend the present; such is not possible!

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Illegitimate governance in a death spasm.

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I would not trust that crooked Merrick Garland to appoint an independent special counsel that would not also like to see Trump dead.

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He's just a "symptom of the disease"!

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Did Biden catch Covid? (multi times boosted would actually have made it more likely). Has he recovered? Is he even alive? Would they say if he wasn't? Him still being President.

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Doubtful, all of the above!

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Re the olympics and the 2 people at the centre of the gender row, an explanation has been offered that one (not sure about both), suffer from a rare genetic condition called DSD, where the sex hormones haven’t developed in the tradition way. Either way, and I’m liberal, consideration should have been made against opponents especially when they were banned the previous year from competing

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You're very polite about an outrage that could have ended in severe bodily harm. Like my brother used to say whilst weeding: if in doubt, throw it out.

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Horse puckeys! Stop offering them excuses for their choices. Ask yourself why the push to map the genome abruptly fell silent in this century, after decades of loud demands for it... After all, it was the homosexual lobby yelling for it loudest! Then look up the report published in '02, the mapping which proved the lie that "they were born that way"!

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I don’t think it’s an accident that President Trump remains silent. He suspects the truth but is probably working behind closed doors to protect himself and his family. He’s just smart.

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That, and there's no point in speaking out now; Satan has control of the world (system), and that will not change, ' til Yeshua returns, and resumes His rightful reign over the Earth.

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More than 4 people were shot at the rally. Congressman Dr. Ronnie Jackson’s nephew was at that rally not far from Trump when a bullet grazed his neck requiring medical treatment.

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In all the discussion about the "assassination attempt" being a put up job, the inuendos are about it coming from the democrats. I'm no democrat (any more), but to me it seems just as likely, perhaps more likely, that this was a Trump faction charade aimed at getting votes and support, and the poor kid was a patsy.

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You are either being sarcastic or you are a troll. What sci-fi movie are you referring to?

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Your supposition means there was no bullet nicking an ear. Full stop. It is not possible to just 'nick an ear' from whatever 100m or 150m, it is not a shot that can be reliably made, not with a moving target at that range.

If a bullet actually nicked Trump's ear that is proof he was not 'in on it'.

Not saying you are wrong. Pointing out the logical underpinning for your assertion/guess.

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The way I see it, the bullet just nicking his ear is evidence a hired sharpshooter purposely nicked his ear while the patsy fired into the crowd, and Trump's security was told not to stop him. Why?

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I wasn't clear enough. With the finest rifle on the planet and the best shooter ever, you could not reliably nick someones ear at 100 plus yards. Fini, that's it. Cannot be done, period. Trump was not fixed in place, its like a tenth of a second for the bullet to get there. Such margins on a moving target are simply not possible, the shooter tasked with nicking his ear could as easily blow his head off or miss completely. That's physics, thats shooting.

If a bullet nicked his ear that was not possible to be planned that way. So Trump was NOT in on it, IF a bullet actually grazed his ear.

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I don’t think a bullet grazed his ear. It would have done more damage. Also, jumping up and yelling “Fight, Fight, Fight” was not an natural reaction, under the circumstances. If he thought it was an assassination attempt - why would he create a bigger target ? He didn’t know if it was over. It appeared to me to be more of a theatrical response than you would expect under the circumstances, and the shoes were a very symbolic addition. Just musing.

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OR, more likely than both, it was globalist in origin, since it's they, even more than US democrats, who do not want him in the WH again, and the kid was still the patsy.

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Dr McCullough and John Leake, you might consider the possibility that the IOC/globalist Paris ceremony was an intentional attack on Christianity. Why does this matter? Because Christianity is practically the only restraint on sexual perversions and mutilations of children -- including genital mutilations such as you have condemned in your posts here. Satanic worship ceremonies such as those at the Paris Olympics are not harmless rituals -- incredible as it may seem to sane people, such rituals serve as justification for the most execrable crimes against children imaginable. Among the tech, celebrity, and globalist oligarchs, for example, there are those who believe that imbibing the blood of children will lengthen their own dissolute lives. In the U.S. alone, 600,000 children have gone missing. Much of the 'open-borders' traffic is simply to provide a continuous supply of children for such exploitation. Clearly this cries out for further investigation. While that is pending, it would be unwise to ignore the symbolic messaging inherent in officially sponsored Satanic rituals such as those at the Paris Olympics.

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Adrenochrome is the particular ingredient in children's blood, of which the natural production reduces after puberty; so a continuous supply of adrenochrome "factories" is required to supply the demands...

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Thank you for clarifying this... I had no idea such a thing existed. Interesting discussion of eschatology in the Comments below, but I wonder whether there is any medical basis for the belief in the restorative powers of adrenochrome. Or is it simply blood-lust?

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It's similar in function to HGH, so yes, although it's likely not as effective as its users believe it is.

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So do we have proof adrenchrome blood is real? I read many fairy tales in my day as a kindergarten teacher and in those stories there is often an "old woman" or witch who fattens children up and then eats them! Also, the slaughter of children and the drinking of their blood is part of the rituals of older religions all over the world. There are even stone etchings depicting this practice. Child sacrifice, blood rites are something that happened in the ancient world. From the KJ bible Abraham was going to sacrifice his son Isaac but God intervened and told him to sacrifice a lamb with no blemish instead. Satan is said to be a fallen angel. This is not verifiable. Christians, however, do believe in angelic beings. I have not met any yet. However, hope springs eternal....

If we are indeed "religious" in the Christian sense then we know that God has everything in hand--including satan. The monsters have been allowed to reveal themselves clearly so we can know where we stand. I have nothing against those tiny % of people who are inclined from birth to homosexuality. I have a lot against the satanists.

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Whether or not it is real,those believe it is. Elisabeth Bathory believed bathing in the blood of virginal maidens would retain her youthful appearance, back in about the 17th century. She murdered lot of young women and became a part of the "Dracula vampire" legends, as a result. It's not what is fact, but what is believed, that matters.

It's likely part, at least, of the lie that Jews kill Christian children, and bake their blood into matzoh.

The story of Abraham and Isaac doesn't tie to this at all. 1st, Isaac was a grown man of about 30 yrs' age at the time of the incident, not a child. 2nd, it was Yhwh who commander him to take Isaac to Mt Moriah, and offer him up, as a TEST of Abraham's faith in the covenant with Yhwh. Yhwh never intended Isaac, the covenant son, to die. He was looking to determine just how strong Abraham's trust in Him was, and Abraham passed the test. Is your faith, or mine, or Joe Blow's, down the block, strong enough in faith to pass the test? We know Yhwh created angels; too many eyewitnesses in diverse places and times have recorded encounters with them. We know, because Yeshua Himself, recounted the story of the fall of Lucifer, and about 1/3 of the created angelic beings, that did happen, as well as His other encounters with the being renamed Satan after his rebellion against Yhwh. Here's where faith comes in: do you believe Yhwh and Yeshua, or do you demand some "proof" he exists, fell from grace, and is the root of the evil pervading our world today?

BTW, there are no people "inclined toward" homosexuality from birth; it's a learned belief and behavior pattern, almost always in the 1st 5 yrs of life, and a choice, consciously or not, thereafter to pursue it.

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Dear Sandra

Thank you for the bible lesson. I wish I myself knew God's thoughts as well as you do.

There are a few things I know and many many more that I don't know....Here are some thoughts for you to "chew" on....

The reason God was testing Abraham is because "child sacrifice" was very common among all people the world over. One of the unique aspects about the Judaic/Christian tradition is that "child/human sacrifice" is explicitly forbidden...unlike those of other religions of their day. Abraham did not know God's intentions for the "chosen"...

It is said that adrenochrome is produced more abundantly in the blood when the victim experiences terror and horror and that is one of the reasons for the terrifying satanic rituals that are said to occur at these ritualistic sacrifice "events". I first heard about adrenochrome from a book by Hunter S. Thomas..."Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"...no doubt he experienced this drug personally. So adrenochrome is a form of cannibalism...although I have heard they now manufacture this substance in a lab.

There is a book called EATERS OF CHILDREN by Giovanni Ciruci who makes the claim that the "missing children" end up in the hands of horrible people who torture and kill them to obtain a hit of this drug and also to gain access to the levers of power. To be a powerful person in this "veil of tears" known as the planet earth, Giovanni Ciruci claims you have to be willing to do anything....including torturing and taking the lives of the innocent. Every powerful person in every country in the world must be willing to do these things.

This is a very great darkness and a horror to think about. I do not know if it is true or not....being just a little old granny who was a kindergarten teacher in the past.

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Okay, let's start where you are in understanding. Yes, child sacrifice was a common (Satanic) practice, regardless the names of the deities used. The test was specifically the promised child of the covenant, NOT Abraham's 1st born son, as would have been the norm. The test was whether or not Abraham would trust Yhwh to keep the promise of His covenant, which must go through Isaac's descendents, per the covenant itself, so killing Isaac greatly threatened that, especially to a mind not governed by faith! Also, provision of the ram foreshadowed the sacrifice of Yeshua on that very same hill. How much Abraham did or did not comprehend of the covenants long term, we do not know, but he did know it was through that son all the nations were to be blessed. So the idea of killing that son, as opposed to Ishmael, his 1st born, would require great faith in Yhwh's promise that Isaac was the son of the covenant!

As far as fear enhancing chemicals in the blood, it only raises adrenaline, and cortisol, which Muslims believe eating in their meats enhances their strength and courage, but not adrenochrome; that's an entirely different mechanism, more related to HGH and the pituitary. And it's worse than simple cannibalism. There was no direct prohibition against consuming human flesh in the Bible, that I ever found, in any of the translations I have read, cover to cover. What IS prohibited, strenuously, however, is consumption of the blood! Meat must be completely drained of it before consumption of the meat, and it must never be consumed, period! Satan revels in the fear and pain of others, the only reason for torturing human victims. He hates all humans, because, in his view, Yhwh set the value of humans above the value of His 1st created angels. Your Giovanni is clearly a devout disciple of Satan.

Now, what you need is to read "the end of the Book". Satan lost his war against Yhwh, which predates all human history, in fact, on that hill where Isaac was to have been sacrificed, and Yeshua did sacrifice His life and blood! The sacrifice of His pure blood, covers all humans sins (IF we accept it under the set conditions), according to the laws of sacrifice set forth in Leviticus. His resurrection sealed the " deal" for us, as proof we are redeemed, when we accept the gift according to Yhwh's rules. What that means is that we are no longer subject to the judgment for sin to which the rest remain subject, including all those following Satan's ways...all those "powerful people" who are doing those horrid and grotesque things! But also all who reject Yhwh's gift.

My background is nursing, which gives me a clearer understanding of blood chemistry and of why Yhwh prohibited its consumption in specific, when He declared "the life is in the blood". I'm sure big Pharma has got their mitts on it, but whatever they produce will never work as well as the " real" deal, and the purists will never accept that. Blood and its components are next to impossible to duplicate in a lab, hence the continued need for blood banks.

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Interesting discussion of the religious background of various blood rituals, 'leavened' by your nursing experience. 50 - 80% of 'donated' blood plasma is sold to pharmaceutical companies for profitable drug manufacture. But relatively little of the blood is donated -- blood 'donors' ae paid $20 - $200 per 'donation', and many of the 'donors' use these payments to buy illicit drugs for themselves. Blood collection centers check propsective 'donors' by machine questionnaires, where they self-verify that they have not taken drugs, that their tattoos are more than two years old, etc. CSL, Octapharma are featured. Their blood collection centers are typically located in poor districts of big cities like Cleveland. Collections go on seven days a week, 12 hours per day. The owner of Octapharma, ___ Maguerre, lives in Heidelberg, has net wealth of six billion Euros. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abh-0hxGi94

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I am aware of that. It's also now further complicated by the covid jabs,and many people,myself included,so disinterested in acquiring the spike proteins, that we reject donations except of other non -infected persons.

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Please check out Chris Martenson's citizens investigation at PeakProsperity.com. It looks like there were at least two shooters. A first group of three shots were fired, then a different sounding, faster paced group of 5 shots were fired, likely, indicating at least two different guns/shooters were involved.

Crooks was the patsy.

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Petition: Christianity Desecrated at the Paris Olympics ....................................................................


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Dear Dr McCullough,

You were a late bloomer on recognizing the malice of the CDC. But, boy, did you make up for your lateness of bloom! So I look forward to your coming to see that Crooks was a classic non-killer, just as Oswald was a non-assassin, Tsanaev was a non-bomber, McVeigh was a non-destroyer of the OKC building, Martin Bryant was a non-shooter at Port Arthur, etc. Here are some pdfs of my books on those subjects: https://gumshoenews.com/books/ Still, I don’t think zeroing in on government lies should occupy our time anymore. Our situation is more desperate than that. We need action.

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What actions do you wish to promote?

Or to phrase the question more pointedly how do we fight "the lord of the realm" which happens to be a fallen angel?

Our situation as human beings was always desperate. Imagine having to go out and club animals to death for your dinner.....ugh.

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I don't believe in fallen angels. But legally I can say you have the long-established right of self-defense.

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