Jul 19·edited Jul 19

Dear Dr. McCullough:

I live in SE Michigan and in spite of the fact that the non-medical mitigation measures (masks, social distance) have been publicized as non effective and in spite of the fact that v@((*ne injection has been found to NOT be a vaccine, the health care giants in this area are continuing to 1) remind patients to get their Covid "vaccine." 2. Continuing to take temperatures upon entry into buildings; 3. Continuing to insist of social distancing and 4. asking a battery of questions before entering. It is as if they are totally unaware of all the revelations that have taken place over the past 3 years. Until health care institutions begin to practice evidence based medicine nothing will change.


Example of the ongoing fear campaign: https://www.spectrumhealth.org/ready-for-you

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In SE Texas, many doctor and dental facilities and pharmacies I do business at still post staying socially distanced and will ask about being exposed to someone who has been ill in the last 2 wks prior to an appt. It’s infuriating!! When possible, I change doctors. How do they continue to ignore the facts of the last 2 years?! It instills no confidence in them as a rational thinker or problem solver.

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Thanks for your comment. It is infuriating that Dr. Redford can come out and admit that he was wrong among many others and in spite of any publicity, at a local level all the health care facilities are going about Covid business as usual and in doing so are misleading the public and creating unnecessary expense and arguments with clerks and others charged with enforcing this bovine manure. The powers that be must MANDATE local facilities to stop doing this.

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Refuse to comply! Start a Just Say NO movement! If they insist on a mask wear it on the top of your head or your chin. See if you can get help from any of the civil liberty groups around (ACLU, Justice Watch, or even RFK’s Childrens Health Defense group-CHD).

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Jul 19·edited Jul 20

I think you are missing the point of my comment. I do refuse to comply. But it has gotten me arguments with idiots. My husband was critically ill in the ER and they refused to allow me to remain with him. They brought in a security guard who weighed about 270 lbs who stood in front of me with his arms crossed and told me to leave. Clearly he was going to pick me up and toss me out if I did not comply. You cannot find anyone more non compliant than I am. But I am writing this to point out that when the hospitals persist in telling everyone to take the shot now that it has been shown to be dangerous they simply reinforce the lack of understanding among those unknowledgeable and compliant individuals. And as long as this continues those people will continue to believe that they are right and that those of us who do not comply are wrong. The real issue is how to get the unknowing to realize that this is nonsense so that those of us who are in the know do not have to tolerate having to not comply all the time.

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This is terrible and illegal. Medical facilities have no right to demand masking, vaccines, or CV19 tests! I do not know why they feel they can ignore your Constitutional and medical rights. It seems that some states are so abusive the only choice becomes one to leave, which can be impossible for many due to jobs and housing, plus family commitments.

For forced medical treatments, print out and carry a copy of the Nuremberg code with you (USA is a signatory) you have an absolute right to fully informed consent for ANY medical treatment without coercion, and a right to REFUSE.

I do not know if there are people in the Medical Freedom movement in Michigan, but take a look at the CHD website to start looking for national resources as that may help you to find support.

May God help you and your husband.

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Thanks Mary for your concern and comments but I am a doctor myself and well aware of all that you have said and that is the problem! At a local level the hospitals and health care facilities are completely ignoring all that has happened! I am (was) a patient at the U of M and there are still reminders on my chart to get the covid vaccine. Last time I went to the facility ALL chairs for patients to sit on during check out have been removed. ALL clerks are behind plexiglass and everyone is constantly using hand sanitizer. All of this is leading the public to think that something dangerous is in the air. People recoil if you come too close to them. There are many doctors on the U of M staff who have published articles refuting this BUT THE PEOPLE WHO RUN HOSPITALS ARE NOT DOCTORS. THEY ARE BUSINESS PEOPLE AND THEY DON'T CARE WHAT THE MDS AND PHDS HAVE TO SAY. This is true for all US hospitals. They are all big business - not healthcare! This is my concern. How can this be stopped? It is not being addressed and isolated individuals getting into confrontations with security guards and clerks is not going to accomplish anything. This can only be stopped by someone with authority mandating that they not do this. As I understand, these are businesses and the govt. cannot at this point tell them what to do.

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Thank you as a busy Doctor for taking the time to write full details. I have come to believe that the current medical model in the USA is deeply flawed with medical administrators and insurance companies and even Pharmaceutical companies or medical regulators, who are not doctors, dictating treatment protocols to, or disapproving medical care prescribed by our Doctors.

One can make a case that most, if not all of these entities, are practicing medicine without a license, not just during Covid, but virtually all the time! It is possible the key path forward is a legal challenge (to any dictates on patient care or medications) brought by Doctor groups and professional associations.

The other path is by getting legal protections in place through your state legislators and Governor, this has worked out in a number of states to the benefit of patients and doctors. The states can enact legislation about medical rights and freedoms and can, as Tennessee did with Ivermectin, even make a life saving drug available over the counter. The states can also say NO to the Federal government on many issues as Florida has done for several years.

The biggest impediment is the Federalized insurance system , Medicare/Medicaid which can enforce back door rules. Our hope here has to be additional States rights rulings from the US Supreme Court on all medical care issues.

May God Bless and Protect you and your family.

At the same time extremely dangerous and deadly protocols were dictated by CDC, NIH, or other entities including hospitals or Medicare and Doctors who refused to use them put their own jobs/licenses on the line.

I salute all doctors who are working to save patients or improve their health under these conditions. I support the Medical Freedom movement and in some cases, doctors are resorting to concierge practices or internet practices, yet these are so new it is hard to know what can be sustained.

The one good thing now is that nearly everyone, doctors and patients and other medical professionals, understand the dangers and flaws of the present system. I hope it can be changed for the better for all concerned.

May God Bless you.

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Thanks again for your kind reply.

First I must say that I am retired and no longer a busy doctor, which is one reason why I had time to learn about this v@x. Most busy doctors are too busy to learn about it. They (as I used to do) just do what the CDC tells them. Second, you are 100% correct about all these institutions and agencies practicing medicine without a license! This has been going on baby step by baby step for the past 30 years. And you are correct that they all need to be charged and punished.

I too hope that it can be changed for the better.

May God bless you too!

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Also, I believe patients have a right to have family members with them. There are in-hospital patient advocates whom you can meet with to find out (also get printouts) of the patient’s legal rights for family visitation and decisions relative to treatment and medication.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

That is absolutely true and there are many different Patient's Bill of Rights and they all sat the same thing. However, what most people do not realize is that the declaration of a State of Emergency NEGATES all laws including Patient's Bill of Rights. With a declared SOE no citizen has any rights. The law is what the man with the gun standing in front of you says it is and you have NO rights. Let that sink in: Declaring a SOE meant that ALL rights were legally taken away from ALL citizens. A declared SOE is essentially a declaration of a dictatorship. That is why the PBoRs were forgotten and not mentioned.

I happen to be aware of this because I was a kid in Los Angeles when the Watts riots broke out and a SOE was declared and the military brought in. The first night there were police cars and military vehicles driving down the streets and the bull horns said. "We are in a SOE. You are under martial law. You have no rights! You are to remain in your homes. Anyone seen on the street will be shot. I repeat anyone seen on the street will be shot! You have no rights." They did not put us under military law during the lockdown, which BTW is a prison term, but that is essentially what took place. They just did not tell you that ALL of your constitutional rights and other rights were taken away..

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Also, I am in Florida and all such nonsensical mandates stopped sometime early in 2021, I never wore a mask after early 2020 except in idiotic doctor offices...never wore one outdoors.

I also REFUSE all vaccines, upon being asked about flu or any other V’s, I politely state no thank you and smile! No one hassles me about it. No vaccines can be trusted.

About bird flu mask wearing or anything else:

I am not a bird,

You are not a bird,

I will never wear a mask,

Until I see a bird with a mask....


Laughter is the best way to fight back....

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People migrate. Most all mammal Wildlife and Avian flocks have done so too.

Been this way for thousands of years.

We do not need the folks in DC , to dive head first into the topic to control what they cannot!

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Well, UK has moved on re Covid, but we have been told to register our chickens, even if it is only one. My three fat hens are free range on some land two miles away, so good luck with that one.

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Bravo John Solomon and Dr. Peter McCullough.

Z-E-R-O TRUST in the PHARMA-bribed-bureaucrat (govt., medical and FNM) TOOLS.

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When will we learn that often the best course of action is to do nothing.

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It's extremely important to understand that widespread screening for bird flu in animal populations or humans will lead to a VAST majority of false positives, due to well-understood dynamics that are a type of base-rate fallacy. I wrote up how it worked in the Covid context and it's exactly the same dynamic for bird flu, but even worse b/c the disease prevalence for bird flu is so much lower. This all translates into probably 99% of positive test results being false positives. https://www.noozhawk.com/tam-hunt-a-counter-intuitive-math-problem-took-the-world-for-a-covid-19-pandemic-ride/

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RFK Jr will be clearing this crap up right quick and yes, by interesting turns of events, he's the next president.

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Dr. McCollough,

We are in a better place than we were when the Covid virus came on the scene because of you and some of your other courageous colleagues. Your conversation shows you are way ahead of the government with treatments in place for the “bird flu.” Thank you for being so innovative in order to be prepared and protect us. We are in your debt.

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