Youtube's censorship strikes fast these days. For quite a long time at the beginning of the plandemic, there were all sorts of good things to be found on youtube. There was an excellent interview series (I think from the Hoover Institute) titled "Perspectives on the Pandemic" which included interviews with John Ioannidis, Scott Atlas, et al. If you wanted to keep up with discoveries in treatment of COVID-19, Dr. Mobeen Syed's channel was superb. "Dr. Bean" (as he was called) did excellent interviews with the doctors pioneering treatments. That's where I first heard about Budesonide, Ivermectin, and Dr. Chetty's protocol. If I remember right, Dr. Zelenko and Dr. Marik were interviewed very early on. I also remember going back to Dr. Bean's channel after some time and not a single one of these COVID treatment interviews was to be found...and some of the "Perspectives" interviews seemed to have disappeared...

So now "unacceptable" videos are "disappeared" almost instantly, eh?

BTW, another disappearance from Youtube is anything positive about Dr. Andrew Wakefield. In the good old days, it was easy to find good things. There was an excellent series of short videos of Dr. Wakefield; in each one he gave a detailed answer to a single interview question. If you wanted to understand the research he had been involved in (which went far beyond the original study; he and his fellow researchers had proceeded with the "further investigation" called for in the original paper) and all the ins and outs of the regulatory actions against him, these videos were excellent. There was also a video of his brilliant presentation on measles and measles vaccination given at Life University. Now on Youtube there is nothing but lies about Wakefield, often just regurgitated lies delivered by people who apparently have never bothered to read the original "Wakefield study" much less the follow-up research.

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Andy Wakefield planted a lot of seeds. I read his books and worked for him here in Austin for a year or so and chatted about the predicaments many times over coffee. Of course whenever something true and sane arises, there is always kickback in a untrue and ridiculous world. But something gets through and continues to only grow. Falsehoods scramble this way then that to build new straw houses whenever truth blows it's unrelenting wind, but in the end, it's the brick house that stands forever and untouched.

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I have contacted all my representatives on this matter but with their approval rating at 4% I see no recourse on their part..Yes, I believe the injected pose a public health crises such as HIV did in the 1980's .. after reading some better part of 50 pages of documentation on Dr. McCollough's nattokinase & bromelaine treatments I find it an absolute must for all to be on it even the uninjected... remember though if the body is continually making spike, then this is only a management spike tool not a cure...if integration did take place through retroposition or with contaminants (plasmids) through telophase, more needs to be done as to find a cure... this is like asbestos, you may not get mesothelioma today, but 20 years down the road, through mitosis, LD 50 values may be exceeded.. Sadly, we are at war and we can't find our way.... this needs to be addressed before they release the infection X.

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Well, about a cure if integration did occur, I think there's a doctor (Dr. Group? I'm not sure I've got the right name and can't remember the first name...) who says urotherapy will restore DNA to its original, proper state. Aside from the no-cost do-it-yourself method, which I think most people would find too distasteful to even try, there's a method for extracting the beneficial elements and providing just those to the patient in a more acceptable form.

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My dad gave me two books 40 years ago. "Shivambu Kalpa, Nectar of the Gods" and "The Water of Life, A Treatise on Urine Therapy". I don't want to write a book here, but I'll sum up: UT is miraculous used externally and internally.

It's Holy Water in the east, with a lot of poetic scripture written about it. The west is stupid.

I've done 6 or 7 UT fasts since then. Cured my poison Ivy in a day last week when I picked wild Dew Berries. Didn't help with the chiggers though.

Never forget. You can drink it like water. A week without water can kill you. After the first couple of passes, it gets clear, nearly tasteless, odorless.

Recycling the vitamins and adrenaline is like superman stuff. It will heal damn near anything I think. I knocked out "Delta" COVID in 48 hours with UT, the good vitamins and immune boost shrooms, Chaga, Reishi and such.

I've got a lot of gratitude for those two books and the ancient medicine of the self.

Screw what anyone thinks or says about it when they laugh and make jokes. Almost all people are slaves to the programming and they make each other feel very smug. In the end, I get the last laugh.

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Just ordered the Armstrong book. A good one for the library.

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Yes. Thx for book idea. Group says one might even use the u therapy in homeopathic style eliminating a lot of the distaste.,literally.

Haven’t heard a recent update from Dr G on this therapy, was trying it on himself at the time I listened.

The only thing I would say is …imo…he doesn’t look so swell lately…to me. But then folks might be saying that about me too…lol.

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Yes, Edward group


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It's a step in the right direction.. all options should be thoroughly examined .

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how dare they censor anything you have to say!

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May 10·edited May 10

If this guy only had 1 m downloads I doubt the censors would care. “Heresy” is only allowed just so much reach, imho.

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