I believe my own eyes over your analysis. I've seen probably a dozen or so elderly patients on polypharmacy whose cognitive function improved within days of stopping their statins. Set against the reduced risk of cardiovascular disease (which is questionable for those on statins for primary prevention), it is most definitely worth trying a trial without statin in patients with declining memory/ cognitive function.

And there is a mechanism behind it as cholesterol is vital for brain health. My sickest elderly patients are the ones with very low cholesterol and LDL.

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This is the first article I have come across where I feel Dr. McCullough has not done a deep dive- sad to say- please do your own due diligence and look for yourself. David Esaul Munoz MD


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This is interesting because Dr Malhotra in the UK says the cardiac benefits of statins are negligible at best. Maybe Drs McCullough and Malhotra can discuss this one day?

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I must say I’m somewhat disheartened with the last line of this discussion, ie: “as we use and take them to prevent heart attack, stroke, need for stenting or bypass surgery, and cardiac death”. There is so much evidence against the use of statins. Clinical trials show no benefit to women taking statins, and only show a benefit to males that have already had a heart attack. Autopsies indicate that those with higher cholesterol actually live longer than those with lower. Some years ago, our very ‘trusted’ big pharma dropped the ‘normal’ level of cholesterol from 6 (as indicated in the EU) to 4, thus making millions of new, ‘sick’ patients overnight. For a discussion on the dangers of statins (or the benefits of cholesterol), I’d recommend a read here: http://www.ravnskov.nu/cholesterol/ Personally, I find that the recommendation for statins is quite similar to the recommendation for the covid vax….and am somewhat concerned that Dr. McCullough finds statin use viable. It is somewhat interesting that, with the preponderance of people on statins, nevertheless the occurrence of heart disease and consequent death continues to rise.

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Personal experience with statins has proven to me that statins are harmful. This is the first time that I’ve questioned anything that Dr. McCullough has had to say, but statins are absolutely a hard no for me.

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Dr. McCollough, you know that many studies found in journals are fraudulent since the journals have been captured by big pharma. You’ve spoken of it. How do you know this is an accurate study? I’ve read several books and substacks that reject that statins are beneficial other than reducing inflammation. Statins have been a cash cow for big pharma for some 35 years. Why does reducing cholesterol, required by every cell beneficial? It’s not a rhetorical question. I’d really like to know.

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This unusually weak article reminds me of the forced recantation that Galileo made while under duress from the Catholic church.

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I’m going to play “devil’s advocate” here.

We already know how the publications are made to favor the pharmaceutical industry. We’ve seen firsthand your own papers get removed, even with the best documentation. Why believe that the statin “cash cow” would be any different than the covid jab?

The brain has a large percentage of fat and cholesterol. We’ve been told that fat and cholesterol are “bad”. We’ve been told that you need a statin so that you can lower your body’s cholesterol to prevent heart attacks and strokes.

BUT, it’s been shown that statins do NOT reduce risks of heart attacks and strokes. And furthermore, since doctors began putting everyone on statins, because the pharmaceutical companies and their representatives talked up those drugs, we’ve seen the number of dementia cases increase exponentially.

I know the talking head’s point will be, “it doesn’t prove causation”, but I find the coincidence to be obvious. And I trust very little of what might make it into the medical journals since 2020.

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I am disappointed to see Dr McCullough basing his analysis on studies from journals that we now know can’t be trusted. Agree with comments above; side effects not worth unproven benefit.

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Many doctors of a holistic bent like Dr. Joseph Mercola have been saying for decades to avoid statins like the plague. Perhaps it would be interesting to interview someone like him to dialogue about the reasonings of the strong stance?

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You’re the expert doc, and I don’t usually disagree with you, but I’ve got to on this one based on my own personal experience with statins. I took them for about six months after which I couldn’t remember my own phone number. Once I stopper them my memory came back.

They also caused unexplained muscle pains and tendon weakness which I think contributed to the rupture of my Achilles tendon. I’m a definite no thank you on any further statin treatment!

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This was a disappointing conclusion. I hope you study this further as you did with Genetic engineering (mRNA) and the vaccines.

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This is shocking coming from Dr. McCullough!! Read through all the comments and have to agree with all. Something is gone awry here!!

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Wow!! Did somebody hijack your post today? This is frightening…

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The use of statin drugs is associated with an increase in all causes mortality, which includes deaths due to suicides, accidents, diabetes and cancer. These deaths reduce the number of people who live long enough to develop dementia ...

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This is a huge conclusion, Dr. McCullough, based on just this research. What is going on?

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