Press on…We the People are grateful.

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You are so right about worrying about being jabbed while sedated. I was worried about that, and for my second surgery, this PA told me they were going to do add three new medications for anesthesia, and they wanted me to do a survey afterwards, which I never got, so I didn’t trust them. Then, my big mouthed sister had to bring up the fact they wouldn’t let me give my own blood during my surgery, and that’s the last time I saw the surgeon, before surgery. I never saw him at all during my second surgery, not even at the hospital the next day.

I wanted to go home after surgery the first time, and there was a cancellation in March for my second surgery, so I took it, but they didn’t tell me the cancellation included an overnight stay. After surgery, I expected to go home, so when the PT guy came to walk me around, I willed myself to walk down the hallway, but at the end of the hallway, I fainted, so I just don’t know if they overdrugged me. The hospital stay was a nightmare, and that’s all I’m going to say about that.

I appreciate your interview and am so thankful for doctors like you. I was trying to find for the longest time the dosage of Ivermectin and if I should take it every day, so glad to know I can take it every day. I am taking a dose of 12 mg, so I hope that works. Have you ever thought of providing that and HCQ in bulk to people? Most people can’t get it from their regular doctors.

I have the Spike Protein, so thank you for that!

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In Tennessee Pharmacies, No prescription is required for Ivermectin or Hydroxy. TNFreedomDoctors. Ivermectin OTC.

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I came very close to moving there, and I so regret not doing so. I was actually looking at homes there, but I didn’t make the right decision. So many displaced Americans have moved there, amongst other supposedly Red States. I know some of these people hate us. I understand. It’s tough but lucrative for them. I will eventually move back to my beloved VA when things change.

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great mentality. I would seriously consider living in such a open minded state. Where I live, in Greece, we can get both, some pharmacies let you get ti without a prescription, some, no.

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What does that say about our doctors? Best question. It says you cannot trust the average doctor anymore. The American board of internal Medicine only dug their hole deeper lately. The Christian Medical Dental Association is going to have a hard time and should have backtracked by now, but I haven't seen it.

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Thank you!

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are you f serious????

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