We'll see how this battlefield develops.

I was removed from the field for vaccine-refusal almost precisely 3 years ago, after treating patients with repurposed antivirals and giving away over 40,000 doses of vitamin-D 5000 IU capsules.

I early-voted before dawn this morning, riding my bike to the poll in my "Palestine" bike jersey to wait outside for the doors to open in a fairly long line, which had to be re-snaked to not block merchants.

This is a war to cull us regular humans, especially those of us who don't serve the owners, and who also make claims on their resources, jet-fuel, and nature-preserves.

It's an awkward historical moment (again).

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Interesting Dr. Day, you align yourself with a movement whose sole purpose is to annihilate a neighboring country and its people. Interesting moral compass…..

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No, I am opposed to Settler Colonialism.

I'm sorry if I was not clear about that.

I support the indigenous peoples who are being slaughtered, not the movement which seeks to consume all of its neighbors through genocide.


I'm glad you raised that point for me to clarify, rather than letting it smolder.

God Bless You!


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Victims no longer.....

All just wanting to be "Heard"....

As to be silenced is the same as near First degree murder.

While a Medical Empire can not make up it's own mind.

And dis-honor the oath of "First Do No Harm".

Did so readily.....almost "unabashedly"!


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Read “Phantom Nation” and you’ll know there never was a nation or people from ‘Palestine’.

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The Levant has long been fairly densely populated with natives ("Philistines" in some ancient religious texts), and has had a lot of trade. The area now known as "Gaza" is ancient in its development.

Some names were added after WW-1, or changed, under the British Mandate, when Ottoman lands were taken over, including the Levant, which was populated with local people professing mostly Islam, Christianity and Judaism, though some local blend-religious groups, such as "Druze".

The problems began with European colonialism beginning under the British mandate, and accelerated during the period of Nazi Fascism in Europe, and thereafter, when European Jews were induced to move to the Levant and kill or displace the native farmers, fisherfolk, and so on from their ancient ancestral homes and lands.

The region is at another crisis point because those land rights still exist and are still denied to the descendants of those murdered and displaced by the European "settlers".

The UNRWA keeps those records.

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Jews were indigenous to the land long before Islam existed. I was born in ‘Palestine’ and atrocities were committed against Jews well before the modern state of Israel. The Arabs living in the mandate did not want to be known as Palestinians. They were Jordanians in the 1947 partition. They also had much more land than the Israelis.

Then Arafat in 1964 came up with the Palestinian idea. He refused all manner of accommodation by the Israelis. Since then then the leftists have jumped onboard, irrationally I might say, since these people have no tolerance for homosexuals or feminism, nor for Jews; that’s a given.

So as my parents used to say, there will never be peace in the region. So far they are 100% correct.

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The native peoples of the Levant are not distinguishable genetically, whether "Jewish", "Christian" or "Muslim", though tribalism applies.

The native peoples long lived in relative-peace under the Ottoman Empire, which was disturbed after WW-1, basically after British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour wrote this letter to Lord Rothschild: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration

That began the "Settler Colonialism", first purchasing, then later taking-by-violence, the lands and homes of the indigenous inhabitants, based upon a religious tribalist ideology, "Zionism".

What will be in the future is not yet decided. Linear extrapolations in critical historical moments don't predict well.

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I am curious as to how you voted; did you vote against your own medical autonomy with the occupation of the 3rd Obama regime or did you vote against the free people of Israel (including ~2 million free Palestinians living and voting and free to hold political office in Israel

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John , there was a division of the land when the British gave up their mandate with sovereignty for both Jews(Israel) and Palestinians’. The Jews accepted that, the Arabs did not, The Israeli’s won the ensuing war against overwhelming odds & numbers. Rational people would accept that result as a defeat of the Palestinians of as Providence speaking. Perhaps you should as well.

I am not genetically distinguishable from my English, Celtic or Welsh ancestors, yet I am , and have been American for generations, not Welsh, Celtic or English. Perhaps you should accept reality as well and quit kicking against the goads.

On the other hand, I agree completely with you regarding treatment of COVID, so there is that.

Have a nice day.

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Which Jews the khazarians ashkenazi. This is amusing

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I think you have it backwords!

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Congrats on not falling for, and for defying, one psy-op! Hopefully, you’ll work your way out of the other that you are in currently in.

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Social Security pays me to truth-blog at the moment...


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You are so right Dr. Day!

Thank you for your Strength, Courage and Perseverance!

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Well done, sir! 👏

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This horror show is not going to stop until these “drs” are sued out of existence or their own insurance refuses to cover such filthy experiments, ruining forever the lives of these children on whom they’re preying

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such crimes should be criminally prosecuted.... shows how weak we've become morally.... its just a reality of where we aretoday

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I presume you mean malpractice, not just billing.

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Yes, definitely, malpractice insurance

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Congrats to TX AG Ken Paxton! We need to stop mutilating children who cannot govern consent till 18 or 21 years of age. The insurance companies should scrutinize the codes malicious drs are using to get paid! Parents need to be educated about the long-term effects of puberty blockers. Psychological care is needed long before any dr should dare touch a child and mutilate their genitalia.

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Thanks for that! That’s 100% the moral and ethical way to approach this particular subject. It’s a matter of total body health, like everyone else has the right to have. No one should make these choices for a child, ever! And if they want to discuss biology, let’s go to the mental capacity being at its optimal after 21 years of age for discernment. As an older adult, I dare say that 21 is still a very young mind.

Learning (or gaining more knowledge) should be an educational requirement to make choices of that magnitude to one’s life. I appreciate your perspective!

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Psychological care isn't all it cracked up to be. Psych Docs are just another version of pharma pill pushers.

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Bravo to AG Paxton. We need leaders that call out this evil abuse and for John at Courageous Discourse exposing the denial of safe early treatment for Covid.

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God bless AG Paxton.

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Amen! Thank you.

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More power to him! There are no words for this cultural Hollywood cool trend. Good grief! Not only is it horrific but it’s an embarrassment how Evil this trend is.

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I'm SO proud of Texas AG Ken Paxton. Native Texan here.

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Yes, Bravo Ken Paxton.

The Austin RINO establishment has been after Ken for years. It has challenged him in the courts, tried to impeach him and orchestrated an in house staff attorney coup. Even attempted to primary him. He won the primary and was reelected. Ken is still around fighting for the citizens of Texas who put him in office. The RINO establishment in Austin is like the UNIPARTY BLOB in DC. Karl Rove , the Bush family acolyte, is the bandleader. I have and will continue to support Ken Paxton for his character and integrity and his commitment to the law.

From the Beach....


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Bravo AG Paxton!

Where are the rest of the AGs?


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‘So many of you, those that are truly independent thinkers, if you allowed yourself to realize how truly moronic every doctor you’ve ever met is, you not only would never speak to them again, you would put a leash on them.

One that could be seen and held.

In contrast to the intellectual choke collars the medical schools put on each of them.

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All involved in promoting transgender ideas to children are assaulting innocent minds with highly toxic nonsense that offers zero benefit and severely damages those poisoned.

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suing? reallyshould be prosecuted criminally

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That should absolutely be the next step, while held without bail awaiting trial…indefinitely as all the courts are “backed up.” Just as they tell the rest of us with any matter they want to be heard.

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People are able to believe anything without questioning. But the important thing is to question everything.

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A child doesn't have the maturity to comprehend the risks, changes, and regrets that come with this transformation. SO any doctor giving treatment to this extreme upon a child should be prosecuted for child abuse, and mental destruction of a child long term as it is highly likely the child will have regrets that could lead to suicide.

Their license should be revoked as well.

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We need 20 more of AG Ken Paxton. They shouldn’t have played dirty with him. Wrong man!

BREAKING: Ken Paxton's Investigation Into ActBlue Uncovers Large Number of Suspicious Donations Made Through Obscure Identities | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila


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“As a child, I never imagined that all the real monsters in the world would be human.” Mobeen Hakeem

Let’s clean the medical swamp too!

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Suing her?? F that, arrest her.

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