While the Covid front may be imploding, other fronts are gearing up.

Keep in mind that the puppet masters of this betrayal of the people are always two steps ahead of us. This is not over now that more people and a few politicians have figured out the superficial parts of the ruse. Look for the clues to what is to come next. Australia has disarmed the public to some extent as has Canada. Canada just passed a major censorship law. Canada's liberal party just boosted the Newsroom subsidy for bankrupt Canadian MSM to $30,000 per employee per annum last fall (it lasts until the next election in 2025). The WHO is attempting to pass a universal agreement and pandemic treaty that allows them to take control of any pandemic THEY declare and force vaccinate populations, making the Covid victory you wrote about a mute point. Despite opposition they still might pass the treaty and agreement. So they hang out Daszak as sacrificial lamb, their plan will continue on other fronts. The problem of the corrupt CDC, FDA and Medical institutions has not been solved. Read "A Midwestern Doctors" substack article of May 12th for more enlightenment of what has happened and what may be coming on the Covid Front.

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Unfortunately, you've nailed it, and thank-you for doing so. They're 'admitting to making some mistakes'. The fact that the '911 Commission Inquiry' that ignored/concealed information and stretched all incredulity to officially cover an obvious insider criminal conspiracy. as an excuse to attack other people's countries, following their attack on their OWN country and people, was referred to as the 'go-to' makes my skin crawl.

We've already heard of some of the back-up plans, one coming up in Sept. Somehow, enough of the checks and balances must be cleaned up and reinforced to take all traitors out of all governments and any position of power or influence, and often ill-gotten wealth of the perps needs to be seized so they can no longer buy mercenary armies and whole governments.

This also enabling them to steal even more, having their agents in our govenments, as it appears that there will never be an enough for these obsessive-compulsive control freaks until nobody else has anything at all, and evidently until nobody and nothing natural else exists, going by the sun-blocking plans and sky-spraying and other poisoning levels that are currently not only killing off the global self-sustaining life support system consisting of Life, itself, but making the planet inimical to life with all this, the life-damaging frequencies and the dimming/blocking of normal levels of sunlight required for Life's health and survival.

It must involve an appalling degree of ignorance, combined with delusional psychopathy, that blocks their realisation of the nothing they are creating for themselves to wind up with the wreckage with nowhere to go when their tech fails/AI turns on them as the last vestige of what they've been programmed to remove/when the underground cities they've trapped themselves in are contaminated with, perhaps some infiltrating, voracious multi-domain organism resulting from their randomised genetic-exchanging experimentation that can and will eat everything, including themselves.

But if a mindlessly-destructive evil was bright, it wouldn't be evil, would it?

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"ill-gotten wealth of the perps needs to be seized "


Why is it never talked about, even in alternate news outlets, that the biggest problem we have is the immense concentration of wealth among those implementing evil agendas? Money is power. As long as they have most of it, we're spitting in the wind, swimming upstream, bashing our heads against a brick wall. Pick your cliche, they all apply. To win a war you have to destroy the enemy, which means taking their power, which is their wealth. There are ways to do it that can work.

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I'd be really interested in a few examples & cases of of the ways where this has been done by those other than 'competitors'.

They might turn on themselves (e.g. Bezos stuffs Gates), consistent with history, but how do we underlings pull off the same stunt?

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We can start by not buying products these rich buggers sell and cut off their money tap. Do we really need all those prescriptions (ie to you really believe your doctors orders given all they have done over the past 4 years). Don't buy from Amazon but buy smaller on line marketers. Don't buy new software from Microsoft, buy used or third party. Live simple and keep in mind the Chinese proverb "If you own more than 7 things then they own you".

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Sure - I do all of those things, but I don't see that BG would give a flying fig if everybody stopped buying M$oft products. He's already loaded the loot & left the building. Likewise Bezos etc. etc..

Hannibal Smith & the 'A' team maybe?

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It hasn't been done, except around the edges. Like, Pfizer paid the biggest fine in corporate history, pre-covid. Obviously, not enough, since they remained in a position to do what we just witnessed. Still, the judicial system is not completely captured. So, the court system is the first place to start. Some are already working on it. Fraud and other illegalities are provable. Punitive damages are a tool that can work to some extent. Exactly how much can be clawed back back by that method we won't know until it's applied, very aggressively.

One problem with taking their wealth is the contrarian, anti-authoritarian side is mostly conservative-leaning. They've been indoctrinated into believing "taxes bad, private wealth good". That's true, to a point Trouble is, now we have a ridiculous concentration of wealth in the hands of a very few criminals and criminal enterprises, who have used that wealth to control the system (gov't, media, academia, "science", corporatocracy) to the point all wealth and power flows their way at an ever-accellerating pace. It's time to reverse that. Wealth confiscation by government, as unappetizing as it is, would probably be necessary. I'm not talking about the gov't taking it, then, in their "wisdom", spending it "for our benefit". We only would benefit from the taking part. The gov't taking it, then spending it, would just transfer power from one set of criminals to another. Reduce the deficit, if that's successful, pay off public debt. That wouldn't exhaust the influx of cash for about a thousand years. The particulars would require political action, getting agreement on a good plan, given the intellect of the population, is likely impossible. Still, SOMETHING needs to be done to remove power from the psychopathic monsters, even though flawed it would likely be a net benefit. The course we're on is destroying us anyway, they must be stopped somehow.

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There are plenty of examples of wise decisions by judges even today. MSM, media, entertainment, large corporations are completely captured, or nearly so. The judiciary to a lesser extent.

I agree clawing back their wealth is unlikely to happen, for a lot of reasons. Which is why I'm a pessimist. Human beings can't maintain a decent society. The old saying about "hard times, make strong men", etc. As long as they have the money, they'll have the power. That's all I'm saying. If taking it is impossible, turning things around is impossible. Which is probably exactly where we are.

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Unfortunately, those will not be removed until Jesus' return and assumption of His rightful reign over the Earth.

It might still choose the be evil, just not mindless any longer, if it was "bright". Satan is no dummy, yet he chose evil, and human history shows many " bright" folks have done likewise!

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Sorry to disagree on this point, but I personally feel that evil is inherently stupid, no matter how cleverly the evils may scheme.

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EVIL is stupid, but the people perpetrating it are not, necessarily; they are simply making stupid choices. There is a difference.

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They are making evil choices.

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They are stupid. These people are the useless idiots for satan. They are stupid. satan is stupid. They all know how the story goes, yet they go on pretending they're going to get away with it. They may continue with evil deeds, but God wins, "good" wins.

Habakkuk 1 2-5

2 How long, Lord, must I call for help,

but you do not listen?

Or cry out to you, “Violence!”

but you do not save?

3 Why do you make me look at injustice?

Why do you tolerate wrongdoing?

Destruction and violence are before me;

there is strife, and conflict abounds.

4 Therefore the law is paralyzed,

and justice never prevails.

The wicked hem in the righteous,

so that justice is perverted.

The Lord’s Answer

5 “Look at the nations and watch—

and be utterly amazed.

For I am going to do something in your days

that you would not believe,

even if you were told.

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Habakkuk is really helpful. I am trying to explain waiting upon God to my grandson right now, and I think I'll use part of Habakkuk.

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A very short book, but very good for that topic. It's hard to understand God's will, and God's time. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is a good one too. The evil sin of sodomy/homosexuality etc was rampant and became an abomination against the Lord, BUT, he did eventuslly takre care of it, on His time. I imagine He is very angry at the world with all of the devoant sin of the world, esp with the rise of butchering childrens sex organs for transgenderism, etc. But He will return. Hopefully sooner than later. As another Christian, thank you for taking time to teach your grandson about the Lord. I'll pray He gives you the proper words to help you.

God Bless you!

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Wow, yes that is ahead for us~~~ So I now picture folks who might sit in their attic, mornings, before it gets too hot, over these coming summer months, rummaging through old trunks of toys and tumbled play costumes. They come across the beloved dolls, in long dresses, petticoats and cute shoes…and then suddenly their plaster heads break apart and pieces scatter over the lap, on the floor~~~Those who have ignored the ongoing exposed information these last years, who could have prepared, who might have fought for their family’s health and freedom…..yes, their heads will explode.

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based on your intergalactic film metaphor, would Dr. Peter Hotez then be Jabba the Hut?

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Follow the patents. May the truth prevail.

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Birx made completely false statements right off the bat saying that the “vaccine” had been shown to “prevent severe disease, hospitalization, and death.” The “vaccines” were NOT shown to do any of those things. They were tested to prevent mild to moderate symptoms. The pharmaceutical companies stated clearly in their EUA application that they did NOT test them to see if they prevented severe illness, hospitalization, death, or transmission!!! This is one of the BIGGEST lies that we have been told for years. And the journalists could get off their lazy butts and find this information if they actually cared about doing their jobs instead of cashing in their paychecks, which comes from revenue to their news organizations from pharmaceutical propaganda adds, no doubt.

Also, the elderly were not tested in the specific cohort that Birx says they tested the “vaccines” in. The “vaccines” were NOT tested in the elderly and in the infirm/ill. This woman is full of lies and Cuomo just allows her to spew them with out any pushback.

These people are all responsible for death and destruction. And she smiles through the whole thing. Both of them are clearly psychopathic. Whatever gets them paychecks, no matter how much they lie…

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It’s so disgusting. And instead of these people ever being held accountable, they get pay raises, promotions, news interviews, and cushy retirements.

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There is a Judge and "court" none of them will escape!

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Honestly, I suspect that we'd all prefer that they were judged and condemned BEFORE all of OUR deaths, rather than AFTER theirs.

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Glad I'm not the only one suffering from "they'll pay after they die" fatigue. What a copout that is.

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Read all of Chapters 1 and 2 of Habakkuk. They're short. Something unbelievable happens.

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Guarantee, the conviction will be sure, and the sentence longer Yhwh God's way! Revenge is not healthy for you to hold onto, physically, psychologically, and assuredly not spiritually; it won't touch the real targets, but it will harm you. Let it go now, for your own sake.

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Wanting murderous maniacs stopped, rather than their continuing to harm and destroy lives, societies and all else, is not revenge. That's exerting rights-protective law. that been unlawfully left out of the equation so far.

ALL of the perps need to be arrested, securely held for trial, and prevented from ever again harming any one or anything.

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Yeeeeeup! And hallelujah

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Seeing Cuomo and Birx depart even ever-so-slightly from the rigid narrative they were shoving down the throats of the gullible is welcome, become it signals a change in our favor. But anyone who thinks there is a genuine change in people like them is hopelessly naive, and useless to the pursuit of truth, and will always be a pawn of their sacred "authorities".

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Cuomo acts as though these concerns have been only recently discovered and are being understood. “Woiking on it” !

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Yeah, he’s only 3 1/2 years late to the party. Cutting edge journalism there… give me a break. They are all criminals and just continuously participate in fooling the average citizen.

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Sure. There was "no way they could have known". Millions of us saw through the obvious scam from the beginning, somehow we knew. They conveniently never mention that. Unfortunately their crude techniques work on their gullible audience. And they know that.

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Well, some change is coming because millions (not thousands) have been damaged or died from these things. Cuomo and Birx taking hold of the narrative and controlling it so that people don’t ever hold these psychopaths accountable is not a positive development in my mind. It’s basically a “mistakes were made but they were because we were trying our best to save you” BS.

And people who were traumatized by them will go along with it because it’s easier than coming to the realization that these people know exactly what they are doing and are horrible criminals. It’s just infuriating to see them operate.

Birx is essentially blaming the injuries on people’s genetics. And acting like it’s a simple fix. It just blows my mind that people fall for this crap.

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Brandy - well said!

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I agree Brandy !

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Cuomo and Birx changing their message a bit is part of that change. Of course they'll try to continue to control the narrative. It's what they do. They've been FORCED to change to these tactics, which is a very positive development. Wishing snakes like them would behave differently is pointless.

And no matter how obvious their lies, there will be plenty who fall for their crap. After all, the whole fiasco was an obvious scam since early 2020. Yet adult jab uptake across the Western world is > 90%. It should be impossible to be surprised by the stupidity of the public.

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This is nothing more than mockery.

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I don’t think they have been forced to change. I think they are choosing to move in a new direction. And the direction they are moving in is not good.

Notice how Birx is not saying that the injections should be taken off the market. She’s talking about doing research into people’s genetics to figure out why some people (very few in her account of things) were injured so that they can just use more ‘science’ and fix them. There is no change of course. They are steam rolling ahead with a little hand waving and a little ‘I’m sorry a few people got hurt but it was worth it’ kind of ridiculousness.

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When I remember the “care” homes, nursing homes….residents prevented from seeing family !! Xsept from touching their fingers on windows, one outside and one from their bed! ~~~ And no visitors, die by yourself!….Farce farce .. My own senior comty PO plastered warnings on the floor! Stand Six feet apart .. can you beleeeve !? ~~~I think most of us can visualize what six feet looks like …

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Six feet was a completely fabricated measurement, according to Birx book. So Birx makes up “science” garbage, admits it in her book, and then Cuomo invites her as his guest to spew new lies. They are all in it up to their eyeballs. It’s the fakest news possible.

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My favorite was the Plexiglas...because we know that covid/germs/whatever can never float about the top the Plexiglas.

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Oh too funny! One of the best! ~~~My own big market took down theirs some months ago, felt so weird talking to the other person bagging theirs.…. And I was just at my neighborhood library and their plexiglass is still up and, and, and, if you can imagine it, a couple of fhe librarians at the desk, still wear masks—to the eyes. Where do they really breathe?!! And when?

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This is a sad commentary. You would think the librarians would KNOW better....

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Birx behaves like an animal. Her smile, baring teeth, is a threat or a show of potential force. It is not friendly or comforting or empathetic. Rather she shows her teeth to be aggressive and instill fear.

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She is evil personified.

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And not a moment too soon!...Thank God and thank you Dr.McCullough and John Leake for standing up to the gigantic fraud which swallowed our world. In the meantime, intrepid lawyer/truth promoter Reiner Fuellmich is till imprisoned in some grim place in Germany. We need an international push for his release and vindication...Hope to live to see that day! Cheers!

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great song....for a criminal in deep. May he rot forever.

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The Dr McCullough who believes in the virus and is always saying he caught COVID again but he used his therapeutics that he sells to get better.

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So Mr. Mitch...Please expound on your own theory of the last three 1/2 years. Do you have some better medicine to offer the injured? There are millions of them--or do you not read any news at all. McCullough states what is included in his remedies .... you can buy most of these ingredients in an herb or grocery store...You could even grow them in your garden! You are insinuating Dr McCullough is trying to profit from the grievous harms suffered by millions of innocent victims around the world....do you really believe that?

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It may be unknown what mechanism in each case helps the body to better cope with the various issues imposed, but they variously evidently help with the poisons and damaging frequencies with which we're being inundated.

As does natural supplementary nutrition, in maintaining health to prevent the worst of the effects, that the perps are now attempting to remove from the global public, together with vitamins and strengthening/healing herbs, as the planned global famine is being created in our countries to starve and kill off the entire world of life.

If it works, regardless of the cause, it's a benefit, and sources of such as Dr. Mcullough sells, are hard to come by, making this A Good Thing, however you look at it.

This must be stopped now, before any more damage is done, somehow...

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Covid was a bioweapon.

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I disagree. I’m not convinced there was a COVID, nor a SARS2 virus. The vax was the bioweapon.

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Both of them were bioweapons.

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Exactly. We all need to make this simple enough for anyone asleep in the back row to understand.

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Here is another liberator. He was vaxxed, though, and is now quite ill. Maybe Dr. McCullough could reach out to this courageous man and help him?

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They might be trying to set the stage to use Warp Speed against Trump, while at the same time they need to try to recover the lost trust in the institutions. I, for one, will never trust any given scientist or doctor ever again. They will all need to earn it. I define an “expert” as a paid liar that hides deceit in complexity.

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They blew that away totally, and don't have near enough time left, to gauge by the signposts, in which to endeavor a "reboot"!

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I hope Trump wins, or we're toast. But he certainly deserves to have OWS used against him. How could anyone argue otherwise? His baby, he started the chain of destruction, he STILL stands by it. Pathetic. HE was in charge, not all the "advisors" his excusers blame everything on. There were plenty of right-thinking experts he could, and should have listened to. We could tell the difference, who was legit and who were the liars. My view is he's more corrupt than naive and stupid. Still, he's the only reasonable choice for president.

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I think a bunch of the pimps for the vaccine are worried about prosecution down the road and are putting on their white hat now but we know they know they really look "good" in black. Eff Birk and Cuomo.

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Exactly!!! They should be worried. My god, look what they did. She should look at the destruction she caused. I can’t even believe I hate someone this much. I’m surprising myself. And I think it’s because here they all are, still getting paid, not having been punished in the tiniest bit. It’s insupportable.

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Well said! I don't like to "hate"...but sadly I find myself doing just that in regard to her and her cohorts. I guess I haven't gotten there yet--but I think that day may be approaching. My adult children are "vaxxed" and may have "vaxxed" my grandkids as well. If they have done that...I will have nothing to lose. May God strike her dead...

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Then my advice to you is the same as to Alicia, for your own sake as well, Kathleen.

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You hate Evil. Justifiably so. And if someone is Evil, then it's justified.

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Who held them down?

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My daughter works about a 60 hour week as an emergency physician--Her husband is unemployed and she needed to keep her job to feed her family. Does that answer your question? I think the same thing happened to so many working families as they struggle to raise their children, pay mortgages etc. NO ONE HELD THEM DOWN. Liars and murderers told them it was "safe and effective" over and over again. They are moral and upright people....they believed what their employers told them.

Your response reveals a stunning lack of compassion. I hope your children....if you have them do not die from the "vaccine"....I would never stoop to such comments as you have made to me. Hatred does not get anyone anywhere. People were conned and they are being murdered. Do you see how the population in vaxxed nations is actually decreasing?

Possibly you are among those who perpetrated this horrendous crime. May God forgive you....because if you are...no one else will.

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Although they have not studied the sordid history of vaccines, of which anthrax, Gardasil, and N-methyl-pseudouridinylated mRNA covid are likely the worst, they don't get them. (Wish I could say the same about most of my siblings.) The lie of "safe and effective" is not news. Don't believe "allopathic medicine", their Operation Mockingbird abettors, or Devilcrap military controllers. Nearly dying of Hep-B induced SIDS afforded a strong lesson. I have allergies, probably from DTP or its aluminum adjuvant. I drink silica water, but that does not reverse the deleterious changes to my immune system.

While these Flexner medicrats exerted enormous pressure, it was still voluntary, and alternative employment exists. I refuse to patronize businesses that ever to my knowledge required covid jabs unless they sincerely apologize. And yes, "income tax" and mortgages are financial traps.

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Sahib - who held you down for Hap B and DTP shots?

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If Everyone who was threatened, said NO. Simply NO. NONE of this would have happened. No jobs. No mortgage payments. No electric bills paid. Nobody would be paying corporate interests. Could have stopped this from day 1.

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It was a "Sophie's Choice."

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Let go and repent that hate, now, Alicia. It only harms you; she doesn't feel it in the least. "Vengeance is Mine; I will recompense" ~ Yhwh God. Leave it in His very capable hands; none of them will escape Him!

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While I have hope with the recent revelations, I am quite suspect of Birx openly discussing this so publicly. She’s now making the interview rounds trying to trickle out information ~ with her spin (long Covid!) of course. Coumo may be in on it, too. We’re dealing with Mega Greed here. These people have a looong way to go to develop any semblance of trust.

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These “people” should be swinging from a rope

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I’ve been saying this since mid-2020 and continue to do so:

I will not be happy until I see Fauci (and Daszak, Collins et al) swinging from a tree by the neck.

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Something that works rather slowly, as with weeks of vacs and later, all those boosters

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"These People" as you call them...will wait for hell to freeze over before I trust them with anything or anyone. I would sooner be thrown into a pit of snakes than to trust these dead and compromised souls....May God have mercy on them. They certainly don't deserve it.....as far as I can surmise, that is.

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Some criminals are more simpleton than others; they’ll speak freely.

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A little too late Dr. B and Mr. C

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Why should we listen to anything they have to say, their credibility is zero. They destroyed their own reputations, should retire and disappear with their millions.

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To continue participating in the agenda? ALL of the perps behind/willingly involved in/knowingly profiting from, this suicidally-murderous lunacy should be asset-stripped (this going to such as alleviating what can be alleviated and to fix whatever can be fixed of the damage done) and prevented from ever again harming anything or anyone.

if that had happened at Nuremberg and including all of the traitors funding/supporting/trading with the enemy/rescuing/hiring Nazis to bring them into government and industry, etc., this would not be happening now.

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Watch they will admit that the vaccines caused irreparable damage to the body and then offer a cure. A 4chan post stated this 2 years ago that the cure would be the “mark of the beast” and here we are as the dominoes start to fall…

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It's not the "mark of the beast"; the " beast" has yet to make his debut, and the "mark" doesn't appear 'til the 3.5 yr point in his reign.

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The cure has yet to make a debut either..reread my comment.

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I wasn't talking about a "cure" for anything; the "mark of the beast" is a 1 way, non-refundable ticket straight to Hell for eternity!

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“Hell” is a state you create yourself subconsciously. And this planet is unfortunately ruled by an evil entity with many names. 2nd corithians 4:4 - for the god of this world has blinded the minds of believers..take that in and really think about it and your edited response. Farewell!

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No, Hell is a geographic place, probably not in dimensions we can yet access, but real and already prepared, awaiting occupancy. It is a place each, who is eventually consigned to eternity there, has chosen by his choices in this life. No one, but oneself, may be blamed for winding up there. It was created particularly for the fallen angels who are those who rebelled with Satan, but humans have, and are continuing to choose, chosen it. The god of this world in that context is Satan, and he can only deceive redeemed believers if we choose to be deceived.

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Be very careful with this info. I think they have a plan to turn it against someone. They don’t give up easily.

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"Here is a new pill or treatment that just happens to be very expensive to address the mRNA damage you have suffered!" -- Create the problem, offer the solution, profit. Rinse/repeat.

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Especially if you 'need' something else to cope with the added damage of the 'solution'.

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I think you are right on this point....this is weaponized in some way that is not detailed at this time.

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Same way as the jabs.

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Yep. Without doubt.

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A Midwestern Doctor dissects a lot of what is unfolding on this subject, including Dr. Birx.....https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/dissecting-the-new-york-times-plea

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Is she for real?!!! She admitted in her book that she lied and withheld information (why? So she could witness her destruction of the American people she had a huge hand in putting under martial law?). So now she’s acting like she’s concerned about people being poisoned by this gene therapy?! No way. We cannot let these criminals off the hook. Never let them forget what they did to us and to our children and our businesses. Omg! I cannot even believe the nerve of her.

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I have nothing but complete disdain for Dr Birx. She lied to the president she was supposed to advise, because she thought she was smarter than him (apparently not) and she lied to the American people. She has the blood of thousands, if not millions on her hands by downplaying solutions that actually worked like hydroxychloriqune and Ivermectin. There are not enough apologies or mea culpas that will ever change my disgust for her.

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Trump is not a stupid man. He knew the score. He was playing his part just like the rest of them. There are many stains on Trump's record...including that one of his wives DIED FALLING DOWN STAIRS.... https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jul/15/ivana-trump-donald-trump-wife-death-cause

I think you can damage yourself falling down stairs....but die?

That's one heck of a fall...in my opinion. Sadly old Slow Joe makes Trump attractive. Well, his wife (is she still his wife?) that Trump bought from some Eastern European hell hole is certainly beautiful. I feel sorry for her...I hope she avoids stair cases.

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It’s bait & switch. We always knew there would be “fall guys” for covid, while other projects go full steam ahead.

Farmer & ranchers: lock your gates & keep the alphabet agencies out. No testing.

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Bill, what kind of push back would work for these ranchers? What if they were

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What you are seeing from Birx and Cuomo, people who damn well knew they were being unethical from the beginning, is not what you think it is. Birx gives the game away: "Study their genetics". These maniacs are simply preparing round two. There has never been more genetic diversity than now. Over time, as more inbreeding among races takes place it will be more difficult to isolate genes. They want to capture as much data as possible right now while it is easy and then use that data to do God only knows what in their next big experiment.

Gene therapy is attempting to play God and second-guess what nature has spent billions of years perfecting. It is a fool's errand. Remember, "scientists" think CO2 is a problem and want to intentionally plant, harvest and then bury trees. These people are insane.

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They want the data because they want to see what happens in their genetic experiments, while killing us off.

According to such as 'WEF prophet'/intended 'predictive programmer' Harari, the goal is to eliminate all natural reproduction/evolution/Life, to be 'replaced' by their own designs of synthetics/synthetic-machine composites, as tireless slaves - and once the genetics have been universally messed up, the line, in each case, would never be able to breed true again, even if the damaged genes were not always passed on as dominant.

Imitations of life useful to themselves are, as they plan, to be manufactured in those 'exterior wombs' the perps thought they were 'predictive-programming' us to accept, some years back. I don't think it went over well.

The perps really seem to believe that what works in Sci-Fi fantasy novels will work in creating an unliving 'RL', but the non-reality-based - to be 'politically-correct' regarding absolutely insane Mad Scientismists - seem to think that money can do anything, including helping themselves to survive in the unsurvivable lack of future they're enacting.

A line in Haggard's King Solomen's Mines comes to mind, regarding the finding of treasure in a cave the 'intrepid explorers' were about to be trapped in.

One can't eat, breathe or drink of money any more than one could of jewels, and it's the world of life that produces and cleans air, soil, water and all we need for our own health and life, apart from the modern comforts we now need to comfortably survive.

You have to be appalling ignorant and delusional to not only metaphorically saw off the branch of the tree you grew and are perched on, but to have the very Tree of Life demolished because you think you'll make a better, artificial tree yourself - at least until you go 'splat' at the bottom, one way or another.

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Excellent comment, Dorothy. These idiots who have seized control are playing with fire. Nothing they touch will flourish.

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All they know and seek to do seems to involve the imposition of sabotage, theft, propaganda, censorship, damage, disease, corruption, destruction and death.

None of these are productive in any manner, and I suspect that, should they succeed in getting rid of us, and their then-useless hirelings and enablers, including propagandists, politicians and policing forces, as all being useless wasters of their resources, most of which they're ruining, the'll then turn each against the other to steal the resources that each feels should all be his/hers.

To quote an old and classic saying: S/He who dies with the most (war-torn) toys wins.

Pointless insanity is not a survival trait.

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I think there are some who believe the transhuminism garbage but they are so stupid they can't really effect any sort of science that can achieve anything other than clumps of biological goo which server no purpose. Mostly what those who perpetrated covid want is money. Transhumanists are mostly the idiots like Sam Harris who are grifters that milk the latest wave of fleeting fame to push their satanic delusions of grandeur. The folks making and pushing the gene-altering products are just predatory con artists that use the fabricated field of virology to sell snake oil and get rich. Both are dangerous but the ones our largely-moronic healthcare workers support, pharmacologists, are the real threat. They have zero training and education is the uselessness of most drugs they prescribe.

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Have to agree with so much of this, although it seems possible to me that the perps may have been attempting to learn to build something inside of biological life, possibly beyond an internal control structure, due to the fact that the human (or other life-form) would likely not long survive the process and that the 'Zombie Apocalypse joke' may have been related to this, as the biological bits might well rot and eventually drop off the toxic-to-biology structures, while terming this 'transhumanism' or 'Improving Human Performance'.

Just a thought of the sort that's kept me up some nights.

Much as some US military personnel (often joining to try to get a college degree they could not otherwise afford, rather than being converted into 'Super Soldiers' only good for The Psychopaths That Be to play low-cost/low-maintenance 'war games' with) were, according to DARPA some years back, to potentially be experimentally converted into SS (Super Soldiers) that could get by with little rest, sleep or food AND regrow blown-off limbs in the field without needing rescue. Which also sounds like something Bezos would want to do to his staff... psychopaths will be psychopaths...

Indeed, the whole, literally-sickening, pharmafia (as with corrupted-government officials/agencies/judiciary failing to respect unaltered Constitutional rights-protective Law of The Land and all 'law' made in violation of this, in each country) mess needs to be gone through with a fine-tooth comb to pick out all the assorted criminals, predatory parasites and 'treatments' that are too-often both useless AND harmful.

The murderously fraudulent Pharmafia business model obviously has to go, to be replaced with a system designed for supporting biological function, rather than with the aim of making something to help counter some of the effects of previous drugs given, perhaps, to correct for the effects of another, initial drug already further disrupting an already disrupted system potentially due to toxic overload and nutritional deficiencies.

Biology has long been ignored/over-looked by those finding a test-tube reaction that might work on cell cultures and, more importantly, make pots of money in sales.

The pharmafia seem to have no idea of the impossible-to-simplify/completely comprehend or appreciate in any sense the interconnected complexity of carbon-based life's systems, consisting of more than organs and genes (the latter also expressing according to circumstance and with unknown potentials that may be important not to mess with?!) but also of such as myriad bits of epigenetically-acquired genetic material and organisms, all tried, tested and essential to the whole.

Life is highly adaptable, as are our various complex, interdependent internal systems, still not well-undrstood,, and often it seems that added impediments are coped with so that functions may continue for some time, despite interference - but we'd certainly do better without the latter.

Perhaps that why they want to replace us with a less-complex model, and of a type that can be run by AI controls as tools of the tools, of those who are tools in a different and ruder sense.

Do Robots Dream of Synthetic Jabs?

I really rather doubt it.

I don't believe they think at all

A dice roll's more about it.

They might have access to a lot

Of endless information

Programs limit what is caught

and text formed in relation.

Experienced reality

Is all at 2nd-hand

Pixels are not real life, they see

Unliving, in a can.

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"Over time, as more inbreeding among races takes place it will be more difficult to isolate genes." This is a totally bizarre statement....Or am I missing something? Does writer actually mean INTERBREEDING and not inbreeding?

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lol yes, sorry. Inter-breeding is what I meant. Have a listen to J Couey about current levels of genetic diversity and the kind of convergence that is happening. As the world "shrinks" many genes may become lost or altered such that information is lost. Researchers / experimenters / eugenicists / mad scientists seem to want to capture everyone's DNA likely to target "undesirable" traits.

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Targeting of ethnic groups does seem to be a goal of the evils. There was quite a concern over that, although they seem to be after all of us non-Insiders in an 'equitable' fashion..

I'm chronically over-tired myself (chemical and EMF-sensitive and it's constant now with both stratospheric spraying and, as occurred again today when I was out back - the dogs luckily being in - practically roof-top-level planes spraying us like bugs with whatever) and have astonished myself with some remarkably scrambled sentences/posts) so maybe the writer spliced sentences or used the wrong terms, as that does NOT look like an intended sentence.

Not sure if s/he may have meant 'to isolate genetic lines' in the planned 15-min. cities, for separation of involuntary experimental groups because ' more difficult to isolate genes' in any case of inbreeding is nonsense. Even an unfortunate reinforced gene (unless 'novel') shouldn't be any more difficult to identify as such than any other gene and for all I know, might stick out like a sore thumb to experts.

All I know is, we're all being fouled up by the threats, poisons and frequencies to which we're being exposed, and personally, I try to remember I'm not the only one getting wy mords wixed.

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Narrative implosion couldn't happen to a dicier group of people. No one is admitting the spread of SARS-CoV-2 began before on July 12 2019 Director of the CDC (who is again making the Team "Limited Hangout" rounds with Birx and Cuomo), Dr Robert Redfield shut down that Maryland center of biodefense 50 miles north of the nation's capital (which significantly is where a vast majority of the U.S. capital lives and thrives) that DC should have shut down in the 1960's. In my south central PA neighborhood, all of us had it by Dec 2019 and nearly 20% of us were dead before Jan 31 2020. Our story made Jessica Hockett look again at the NYC Mar-April 2020 debacle to where she has joined Team No-Virus.

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Don't forget the Master Criminal--"Dr Death" Anthony Fauci...he liked killing dogs in senseless experiments...as well helpless orphans in a remote New York state orphanage.....

I heard he liked to stroll among the cages as his beagles were prevented from scratching while they were EATEN ALIVE BY FLIES....I bet he just really got his rocks off killing people -- especially babies and children.

No punishment would be too great for this monster. No torture too severe.

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I couldn't agree more. Anyone who could even think to do something like that should NOT be loose to commit further atrocities.

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Pure Evil.

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