DId. you happen to notice the precision with which his defenses were presented to various courts? Did that stop the press from misrepresenting the evidence and the issues? Nope. Did you happen to notice the manner in which no matter what he says, the propagandists twist and malign his words? I believe this has forced him to use a Trump shorthand to communicate with those who support his goal (to clean up our government). He is not actually the source of any problem when it comes to misunderstanding... rather, it is those who have chosen to slander him that cause the confustion.

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Thank you, very concise.

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Agree, but I also wish he would speak more carefully. He doesn’t need to convince his supporters. He needs to convince his skeptics.

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Bad call to publish this, John. The advantages to publishing this article just didn't outweigh the potential harm to Trump.

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Jennifer, I don’t think it will hurt him at all. We’re all pretty much aware of his flaws, and we also know that the DS already knows what he’s got planned. I honestly believe it was a com. After reading the comments, I see most people are defending him. We’re not as judgmental about him because we know what the end goal has to be, and we’re more forgiving because a lot of us care deeply about him.

Also, when I look at the regime’s response to the hurricanes and everything else they’re doing, I can see that they could care less about those people and didn’t care who saw it. This is right before an election. No, something stinks. JL said the same about HRC. They’ve got other plans. I just don’t know exactly what. POTUS45 probably knows.

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I disagree with you, John. I was born in Brooklyn NY and spent a considerable time in and around the five Burroughs before relocating to Texas in the early 70's. NYC has a language of its own. The dialect is a reflection of its soul. "If you can make it here you can make it anywhere" , Sinatra offered. And again Sunday at MAGA Square Garden by a magnificent offering. If straight talk offends you , be not afraid. You are young enough to catch on.

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As always, thanks for reading, and thanks for your comment. A good boxing trainer insists that his fighter make no sloppy mistakes such as letting his guard down. Sloppy mistakes mean taking hard punches and possibly getting knocked out. Foolish. Regards, John

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Let’s acknowledge that there are plenty of sloppy speaking politicians. The difference is if you’re Donald Trump they will not only analyze every single word but they will distort, cut & fabricate his words. How else did they convince half the country that he praised white supremacists by merely cutting off his final words in a statement. Let’s not forget the other tactic of constant repetition of the distortions & lies to the point where it takes 4 years for some people to find out the real statement. Wish he was more careful but then he would be scripted. I know there are many politicians that could be hung by their words but you can count on that if there is a D after their name they will skate by to higher office without a mention from the media (ie CA Kamala)

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Mr, Leake - yes, it’s actually about self-control. I don’t believe Trump’s life arc ever required him to develop same.

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You omit the premise.

No one shows up and pays fare for a no-name boxer against a loser heavyweight.

Trump has a draw, so the stadium is packed for the hopeful to watch his sloppy street style perhaps whip the reigning asshole.

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Sounds as though your heart often falls into your stomach when listening to Trump, too. It feels as though milk is curdling right before our eyes and we're just made aware of the sickening, rank, rotten acidic stench of it as we know many do not perceive it as he's seeking to address it.

Will still vote for him for the third time...With Vance, Kennedy, Gabbard, Musk and others seemingly more adept with pretty words women are especially sensitive with.

There was a reason the serpent SPOKE the pretty words of delusions and deception to Eve instead of Adam who was present and NOT deceived.

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Not this woman! I hate silly prissy girly women like that. They are an embarrassment to my own sex. And you're wrong about old Adam. You see, Eve was seduced by the most powerful turned evil creation God had ever made, but Adam caved in to a mere Human-Eve. Thus the whole world is cursed, until the "second Adam" Jesus, died on the cross for us.

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John I discourage you from continuing to publish this *type* of negative remarks about Trump, until, at least, Trump gets Inaugurated. These are unusual, unsafe times.

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Boxing is an art.

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It was extremely sloppy not to have pre screened that comedian’s jokes prior to his presentation at MSG. That “joke” about Puerto Rico was in extremely bad taste and offended folks could be upset enough not to vote for Trump. And The Don’s rambling ribald remarks about Arnie’s manhood were beyond the pale.

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Wrong. Puerto Ricans, like my family members who've been living in the 💩hole that they can't escape, are happy to finally get the Gringos to pay attention and discuss their gross environment. Seems the majority of Americans who are upset about the truth bomb, are uppity Whites who have done NOTHING to clean up Puerto Rico. More action, less faux outrage.

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Regards to you as well from equatorial living in Brasil, John. Your glass chin is showing.

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I’m tending to agree with you, even with my cringing and praying for the man. Haha

I think Joe Rogan was pretty spot on…copied/quoting below…

““Oh, I can definitely tell you. You said a lot of wild s***,” Rogan told Trump.

“Maybe,” Trump responded, laughing.

“You said a lot of wild s*** and then CNN, in their brilliance, by highlighting your wild s*** made you much more popular,” Rogan claimed. “And they boost you in the polls because people were tired of someone talking in this bulls***, prepared politician lingo and even if they didn’t agree with you, they at least knew, whoever that guy is, that’s him. That’s really him.””

And with that, and Trump laughing, means he’s probably isn’t changing anytime soon.

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I think it’s as simple as this. And it amazes me his opponents keep taking the bait.

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They're not taking any bait. This is all preorchestrated with a desired pre-scripted outcome. What is wrong with you people of the US and abroad?

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Enlighten us, provide the blueprint they're following.

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It's the old good cop bad cop scenario. The "bad cop" orders and says the most outrageous things, which are obviously unlawful and unCostitutional. The "good cop" gets blamed for basically unprovable offenses and exaggerated charges to get public outcry and sympathy. Bam! He's in like Flynt!

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Trump’s communication issues have nothing whatsoever to do with ‘being from NY’. That’s silly, actually. He’s a poor communicator, in a number of ways.

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And still relates to kids working at McDonald’s or myriads of people he stops to talk with. Biden just wanted to eat his ice cream cone.

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He just can't "relate" to his own, right?

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That seems to be hit or miss. He def has strengths in some areas, and that’s where he comes across bold, which might be just what we need to keep us from wwIII. 🙏

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Is that why he's a master in negotiations? Because he has poor communication skills? 😂😂😂

He speaks like a New Yorker. I speak like a Cuban Floridian, I understand him.

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""If you can make it here you can make it anywhere" , Sinatra offered."

It was bullshit when Sinatra sang it, and it still is.

Those who grew up in NYC and other large cities would be the first to go under hard times. They have no ability to be self-sufficient.

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Yes, all smoke and mirrors by six decades of loathsome Leftists of home grown American grifters and haters to market and marshal in cultural ruin as they move on to globalism that does not include America’s middle class that trusted and built them because a dying MSM were captured cowards not to be “Revered”.

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This world doesn't need MORE of the kind of NONSENSE you offer.

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Get a clue. It was nothing but blather and reality TV showmanship, which this guy is actually an expert and nothing more.

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The left is even worse than Mr. Trump! I realize that Kamala is the worst speaker in history! Trump will be Trump, they will fabricate lies no matter how precise he is!

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Your point is accurate and well taken. Trump can be his worst enemy when speaking off the cuff. That said, with Trump, what you see is what you get. His MAGA agenda is what really matters to the people, the country, the Constitution and the future. There were plenty of others before him who had the same problem. Case in point, Biden; who often made gaffs and misspeaks, etc. But the difference was he got a pass from the media and their machine. Same with Clinton. Same with Obama. With Trump, every word he says is parsed closely by this same media for attacks and mud slinging. Sadly, this is what passes in our country these days for reporting. It's all bought and paid for and controlled and manipulated to prevent us from getting the straight scoop. TRUMP and MAGA need to win in a landslide in 9 days to overcome any and all attempts by his opponents to cheat, steal, rig and otherwise manipulate the election outcome. I'll take his 'foot in the mouth' gaffs with a grain of salt anyday of the week because his overriding major messages and actions are overwhelmingly positive and better for us as a nation, as citizens, and as a country. He's still a businessman at his core, and not a politician. In many ways, this endears him to us and gives him credibility none of his opponents can come close to.

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Well said!

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Well stated, Bill. Thank you.

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I read a great article about this. Detail people cannot understand Trump. Right brain people totally understand him. We LOVE him. We know what he really means . Believe me he thinks the way we conservatives think. FREEDOM FOR AMERICA…. NO COMMUNISM AND NO 20 MILLION ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS THAT WORKING Americans must house feed , take care of and educated when half are criminals. LETS GET OUR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT. And no MEN in women’s sports AND GOD MADE TWO SEXES MAN AND WOMAN AND if you don’t believe this CALL YOUR NEAREST PSYCHIATRIST because you are mentally sick .

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I know the other side often takes his words out of context, but I think many people know now that Trump is Trump; there is not a politician answer for everything. He is who he is and people appreciate that part (although it sometimes gets him into trouble).

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It was all part of his plan. As a younger man Trump was very articulate and concise, but he knew that was not enough against the One Democrat uniparty banner who had captured a dying MSM they use to guard their front. Trump had to risk going right at the media as a buffoon to get them to project their own buffoonery in the mirror the people eventually see once truth gets its pants on and fights back. Not only did he get nine years and billions of dollars of 24/7 free exposure any politician would die for, but Trump knew it would be negative, and the more he played a tune they responded to the rats would come out and the truth seekers would expose them as the MSM and their operatives once they got far enough ahead where they trapped themselves in all their lies of TV, Google, and Fakebook censorship propaganda. Trump was way ahead of them all the while knowing the coming of alternative media pods would strike back with darts and arrows of truth they cannot deny now.

So a desperate uniparty uses their last card, the Nazi card, “Trump is Hitler”.

Please, stop making fools of yourselves is the message to MSM today. “The American people know who your rulers are”.

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I still call him "The Donald" because he is: part showman, part comedian, part businessman, all heart.

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It appears to me that many of his followers consider that a beloved attribute. Most people do not have a nuanced or organized way of talking. In that way he's just like them -- apt to say whatever comes to mind. Verbal precision is not what they are voting for.

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Exactly! If we wanted a strict wordsmith, we'd be voting for a court reporter.

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I totally agree with you. I like Trump. I know you do too. I suspect, however, that Trump doesn't care what havoc is caused by his careless speech. He may even take his propensity to put his foot in his mouth as a badge of honour. I have noticed that he has definitely toned things down compared to when he was President. Something of the advice his handlers are giving him seems to be having at least a marginal affect. But he is the last best hope of the free world as far as I'm concerned. And people have had their fill of smooth politicians who never really say anything while never shutting their mouths. He may be imprecise, and even careless in his speech, but he's real. Anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear will recognize in him a real human being, in contrast to the monstrosity that is his opposition.

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Chill out a little. The Donald's opponents are the type of people who would complain about the wait to get into heaven after they got past St Michael and St Peter.

There is an enemy within.

What will bLM and Antifa do when he is elected and inaugurated? The dingbat mayor of DC and FJB will be “ in charge.” Will they let the rioters romp or use the National Guard and “if needed” the military? It will be their job and responsibility.

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just saw from The General on x.com, 'BREAKING: Antifa is reportedly setting ballot boxes on fire in Washington State, making recovery impossible.

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Sickening... It's a "Blue" State, so nothing will be done about it... The words "Blue" and "Democracy" don't exactly go hand in hand.

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Excellent question. When Trump speaks of "the enemy within" he is not speaking of the people, he is speaking of the "dingbat mayors" that allow radicals to storm over working class people's businesses and their rghts. Using the National Guard or military to protect people's property is a last resort, and only used to clean up what their mayor (and media) has, not only allowed, but encouraged.

The "enemy within" are the ones radicallizing the left. They're mayor's, they're media, they're schoolboards.... yes the swamp is deep!

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It makes more sense now that he has explained how he "Weaves" a story...he always returns to the original point..

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I don't think he could do what he does without being who he is, mean tweets and all. Besides, the left would find something wrong with Jesus, much less Trump. By now, we know two things: Trump is going to be Trump, and the left has Trump Derangement Syndrome. There's no use in making arguments for the left, like there's no use in apologizing to them. Time is much better spent criticizing the left for their endless lies and their never admitting to it.

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John, you are mistakenly assuming that if Trump did everything and said everything 100% correctly, that he wouldn't have enemies pouncing on him. That is NOT going to happen. Anybody with a brain knows what he means when he says it, and anybody without a brain is going to believe whatever they want regardless of how "careful" he is.

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John makes a very good point. Joe Rohan recently gave Trump a platform to explain why he thinks the 2020 election was “stolen” - something which virtually all other media refuse to do. Rather than take this opportunity to clearly explain the myriad of evidence that could point in this direction, he was vague and tangential. Even with Rogan asking for clarification or specific examples, Trump still did not provide a clear and concise answer. This was disappointing, because though there are many that say “well Trump is Trump, that’s how he speaks” there are MANY PEOPLE that don’t hold that opinion and it is precisely those that he had a great opportunity to explain the reasoning behind the “stolen election” and in my mind he likely did not move anyone on that issue who has already decided that there’s enough evidence to consider it.

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Actually, I applauded his ‘restraint’

in not stirring the political pot. A real no win at this point in time.

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What you say is correct. But it's probably too late to change PDJT.

Salena Zito said something like-- Trump's critics take him literally but not seriously. His supporters take him seriously but not literally.

Best we can do, I reckon.

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good quote

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This reminds me that people who say “it can’t be done” are always interrupting people who are doing “it.” Trump is doing just fine. Of all people, YOU should know by now that the general public are not even bright enough not to take poison. Let them.

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