The federal government has lost ALL credibility. Reduce the corrupt, self-worshipping, bloated, criminal, Administrative State by 75%, yes 75%, and reconfigure the remaining structure to serve the U.S. Constitution and thus, We the People. Time is of the essence.

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You're far too generous. I'd go with 90%. 10% should easily cover interstates, militia (definitely including border control), diplomacy, etc.

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Agree with James, time is of the essence here.

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Time we no longer have. Truth be told this should never have been allowed to happen, had citizens been doing their civic duty and remained critically aware of what the Feds were up to in DC, especially in the aftermath of that fracas between1861 and 1865! In 1871, the Feds "got the bit in their teeth" and have held it there since! Once they had that control, stopping them was rapidly increasingly next to impossible!

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deletedJul 23
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You mean bona fide voters, or the the newly Entitled?

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Incompetence or planned sinister, evil motive? Incompetence at this level is impossible

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It doesn't have to be limited to incompetence. Add in the usual issues that crop up with different agencies working together (for one day), the need for clarity before a police officer can fire at a human being (the ss sniper may have thought the shooter was another sniper and failed to shoot first), an assignment that is predictably routine 99.99% of the time (leading to complacency), and people of average intellect manning the posts.

Assassinations (and attempts) have the same ingredients: a misfit, a weapon, and an opportunity. But because we're in the "greatest country in the world", we can't imagine these agencies aren't how Hollywood depicts them. (Agent Fumblina, who ducked behind DJT and struggled to holster her sidearm, wasn't anything like the female cops that Hollywood shows us)

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Not expecting 007, just not Barney Fife!

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Well, Barney Fife is a cop somewhere; maybe it's Butler PA.

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She’s not even Bonnie Fife!

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27

Not at all, but it is highly unlikely ALL suffered from it; just the middle managers and below. Incompetence has been being enshrined in gov't, business, and military for over 50 yrs now. That's what Affirmative Action and DEI were for, in reality!

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When will it end, Bridget?

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Already talking about kids getting vaccine for school. DONT COMPLY

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Assassination gone bad .

Cover up to continue.

Government agents failed mission.

Lots of dystopian smoke coming.

From the beach....


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(1) find a useful idiot who is thinking of killing them, earn his trust and encourage him to follow through

(2) once it is decided where and when the idiot will strike, bring your own professional sniper to the same event

(3) let the idiot get positioned to shoot, then get the job done properly by your own sniper

(4) immediately take out the idiot and claim that he was the one and only shooter

Note: these were created by correlating all we know about the JFK and Trump shootings, and assuming they came from the same playbook.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 25

Pattern was the same, but with the differences I noted above. Oswald was one of a number of false "defectors" sent to the Soviet Union by CIA or Naval Intelligence. He came back to the U.S. without any charges or repercussions and was given a job working at a firm making maps for the military. He was trained in Russian before the "defection"--Marina said he spoke like a native the day she met him. He expressed admiration for JFK on the days he wasn't posing as a Communist, working out of the office of Guy Bannister (former Naval Intelligence) in the section of downtown New Orleans that housed all sorts of Federal intelligence agencies. The Oliver Stone movie got that part right. Even Hoover told Johnson that the guy visiting the Cuban embassy in Mexico City, as claimed by CIA, wasn't really Oswald.

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When I wrote "find a useful idiot", I did not say where. He may be someone you find online, or may be someone who is a colleague. The important thing is that you don't mind to have him killed, because that is part of the plan.

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But if you go back and look at all of the horrible murders using trucks and cars. Everyone of them had connections with the FBI and they were usually busted for pedophile crap.

The FBI are using these very controllable people who have nothing to live for.

This once Great Light of Hope to the world , is a little Birthday candle and it's about to go out.

God has You and Me here for a purpose.

It's time to start a Fire for Freedom and let it spread around the world.

Come Holy Ghost please Come 🙏

Viva Cristo Rey

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That would be a way to do it.

1.5 Make sure the idiot makes himself highly visible throughout the morning.

1.6 Silo all the communications between the different protective forces

1.7 Have the BBC ready at the back of the field to interview a genuine guy in a wild Trump hat, who might've been a little misled in the moment, who can say he saw the whole thing.

However, I'm not completely convinced the kid was 'just an idiot'.

I'm still a bit disturbed by the meme of the strong, brave, good looking fireman, taking a bullet while protecting his daughters. Why isn't it ever a scraggly character who was shot trying to escape from the bleachers?

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The kid is the one who shot the innocent bystanders including unfortunately the fireman. His aim was terrible, unlike that of the real shooter. He was aiming for the temple, and had Trump not turned his head, his bullet would have hit its mark.

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You're saying that with great certainty. How do you 'know' it?

There were four victims - one person had two bullets.

The Chris Martenson audio analysis suggested bullets 4-8 came from a really expert shooter, because they were so quick - definitely a different sound, as though they came from a different location.

If the kid shot all the victims, his three bullets had multiple hits.

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I interpreted Martenson to say that the first three shots possibly came from inside the building, and were not from Crooks. The very first shot was the one that hit Trump's ear. The rushed shots that came afterward from Crooks simply wildly sprayed into the crowd. The first three shots are measured so that recoil is managed, and they probably come from a pro inside the building shooting out of a window -- hence minimal echo. This analysis matches up well with the following:


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It was reported to the Committee of Homeland Security that there were 8 bullet casings on the roof, and that the (supposed) snipers on the 2nd floor of the building left their posts to look for Crooks, allowing him thus to get up on the roof.

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On the second spray, he said they couldn't have come from Crooks, due to the rapid fire and accuracy (which he was going to show in his follow up vid - today? haven't looked for it). I think he'll show that all of the shots that reached the stage were in a very direct line, unachieveable by a kid shooting quickly. That's why I wonder if the injuries were actually caused by the first three bullets.

Re the first 3... (Personally, I think the first shot sounded a little different). I momentarily forgot that he had that snip of video showing no movement in Crooks at the time of the first shot - assuming raw footage - no shoulder movement, no recoil. He thought Crooks wasn't big enough to contain recoil. He did say they were a bit more muffled... But then, the videographers were on the other side of the building from Crooks (muffled), whereas they would've been directly exposed to the sound from snipers in the building <- my current theory has these guys trying to shoot at Crooks - the rapid fire shots.

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The professional is the one who shot Trump, and also whoever was to the right and behind Trump, because that bullet only grazed Trump's ear and kept going. The kid is the one that shot the other innocent bystanders because he was using a rifle that does multiple shots in quick succession and his aim sucks.

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You need to see the Chris Martenson analysis. He said those bullets are shot at a speed that kid couldn't manage on that weapon - very close to 'best in the world' abilities, and if they are the bullets that hit the crowd they were shot at incredible speed with incredible accuracy.

I leave open the question of the first shot because it did sound a tiny bit different, but Cheatle said there was only one shooter - she knew how many casings there were onethe roof. I'm not saying people can't lie, or receive wrong information, but maybe she didn't and the information was right.

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<<Cheatle said there was only one shooter>> - which is exactly what she would say, see part (4) of the plan. She also said the reason no one was stationed on that roof despite the original plan to have a security person there, was because "it was too steep" -- and you still believe her?.. And as far as the number of casings, I remember them cleaning off the roof as the first order of business, before anything else, which did not make sense at the time... Clearly they did not want anyone to find out exactly how many casings were there.

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Look at this BBC connection too.


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In general, I think the organising brains behind propaganda comes from Britain.

"A source in ... told us that..."

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I read that the kid on the roof was shot in the BACK of his head. So. Secret Service in the second floor room of the building behind him. They let him shoot, then took him out. FBI hosed off the roof. Those videos are GONE. Kid rode a bike in. There were photos of that, too. Bike leaning on a backpack and another pack across the handlebars. Those photos are WIPED. This was a. Inside, GOVERNMENT job. These Agencies are disgusting.

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I think Americans run to conspiracy theories because the "greatest country in the world" could never be staffed by so many feckless incompetents.

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Americans I know are not running to anything. We are observing the traitorous and despotic actions and in actions of several impostors of public servants bent on our destruction. In our area, Southern Middle Tennessee, we are under a "Conspiracy Theory" drought watch because they've all proven true. You know, like "Chem Trails" (which TN has now outlawed), CIA/FBI/DOJ corruption... syn/biological warfare disguised as "vaccines" etc. ...you know the thing...

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You must watch The Dimming, and I can't believe that it's still on YouTube. Top world scientists and Geo engineer experts blowing the whistle on the cloud seeding.

Everyone should see what the so-called climate savers, are putting deadly chemicals in the air.

Almost every day in the Southern Swamp, I see tic tac toe and huge X's across the sky.

These would be very deadly flight patterns and they linger until it slowly disperses.

The Dimming goes into the evil that this is doing.

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Also check out zerogeoengineering.com

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I‘ve seen it. Dane has it down.

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Right On 👍

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How do you shoot down chemtrails drifting in from upwind?

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Good question. I will be contacting the authors of the bill TN passed. I want to know what the "teeth" are. It came in force July 3, and for a few days I didn't see any over my head. That changed.

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Without Term Limits nothing will ever change.

We The People need to come up with a Date,and that's the Line that Must Not be Crossed.

We can give them a certain amount of time to collect their belongings and then get the Heck out, and don't come back.

But it's got to start locally and things will get bumpy.

These life long criminals will refuse to leave, but We The People have the Best,and devoted Men and Women Serving in the Military, and it's pretty clear that Trump shows up and the place goes nuts..

When Lying Biden shows up? It's nothing but Nuts.

And not enough to fill a soap dish. 😏

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Term limits is not enough- reduce the govt by 50%. Anyone running for office cannot take money from outside- they will get free advertising on tv- 6am, 12, 6 and 11pm- media wants to rule now they can lose revenue too- run every ad for candidates. The winners make only the median salary of constituents. No more secret service for past officials.

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Ohh I like what you said more better 😄

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Every government error seems to redound to the benefit of Democrats. Funny that.

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Wish Bannon was out talking about this

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It’s feeling more and more everyday like a failed hit job by the deep state.

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Great analogy. They emptied our countries fuel tanks and are preparing to ditch it in the ocean.

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Who believes any aspect of this story is true? The magic bullet? Evidence shows he ducked when the sniper shot 3 rounds at the alleged shooter who never shot! Trump, at 78, obese, fully vaccinated, ear clipped, little blood, --NOT IN SHOCK, no coronary arrest, is in a live fire zone and allowed by helpful agents to have an Iwo Jima moment fully exposed for any shooter! Please. What made for TV movie is this and worse why make believe it is real?

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How do we explain the put options on Trump stock the day before??

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Austin Private Wealth put out a media release on that: https://austinprivatewealth.com/news-and-events

They made a reporting error - out by four 0's - on all their SEC filings that day.

Maybe credit the reduction in brain power from the vaccines instead.

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You believe the “reporting error” story?

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I think you can go and check the original 'puts' for yourself, and see they were 4x0's less?

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Do you have a reason not to?

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Yeah right. And the roof was too sloped.

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Exactly and the whole set up soo many holes in the magic bullet … like the one dead Cori, 2 critical injured. TDS is real.

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We need not. We only focus on the fraud in front of our eyes. First premise false all conclusions following false.

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6 zero typo! /s

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Were they purchased the day before or purchased some time in the second quarter and the position merely reported the day before? (I've seen two different answers to this question.)

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Purchased earlier, they were all reported on the same day, and according to the company, with an extra four x 0's. https://austinprivatewealth.com/news-and-events

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Does it make any difference? Why would your opposition place such large put options and not know or be planning something.

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If for no other reason than the interest in having an honest discussion, yes, it's important.

But if the trade was placed three months prior to it being reported, then there is three months of news to consider (and not the most recent news).

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The company claims that there was a reporting mistake in the size of the option position. It was like only for 1200 shares they corrected the reporting to the SEC.

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Yes, they claimed every one of their positions, not just the Trump stock, was multiplied by 10,000 by the third party firm paid to do their SEC reports, and they never noticed. Unbelievable incompetence, and they deserved to be disbelieved even if their story is true.

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The evidence you're using is false. The timing of the shots and the SS counter-sniper motion was slightly out of sync on those videos. The counter-sniper was obscured by the tree. He suddenly put his head up from his scope (like he saw something) but then he was shocked and startled by the first bullet (the one that got Trump). He got back to his scope but flinched again on the 2nd bullet. And then again on the third. He was exposed without view, and didn't quite bear himself with the cold, hard SS agent meme. The sound came from up the back, where it was 'punchy', with no separation between the 'crack' and the muzzle delay. https://madeleinelove.substack.com/p/not-staged

The bullets were real.

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Yeah, it’s amazing how many people are falling for this. The counter assault team came out because the security zone was compromised. But somehow Trump was not just dragged off the stage. DEI or not, he would have been dragged away, not given a photo op. And the ear wound is laughable.

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Orson Welles would howl. What he could do today with our image based quasi-textual world might equal this script. You can see a fine Day of the Jackal in this event. With many little plot twists. A magick sniper bullet say takes out a hidden gunman. A silent bullet. Fired from a drone. The signal is given to start live action.

A real gunman is the real sniper but his target is not Trump. Everyone from the Fed. Gov thinks Trump is target. Trump knows only of a fake shooting to give him PR does not know it is expected to go live

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What evidence are you citing? We all heard one initial shot, the first that hit. Then followed 2 others from the same gun, same sound. Then the sound changed indicating another shooter from a different distance, shots 4-8, then the SS kill shot.

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Watch out for distractions

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What are they distracting us from?

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World takeover

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Stinks to high heaven. But 1/2 the country swallows every government lie.

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Thank you John, this was fascinating video to watch, AND to listen to. But that roof is soooo steep, John....maybe vertigo could be an EXCUSE for fear of securing the roof...except that the 80 year olds up there helping document the scene appear quite relaxed, even athletic...does SS mandate physical and mental fitness any longer, or is ESG the governing doctrine? Up where I come from, that nearly flat roof would not survive one winters worth of snow load. Who else besides CHEAT ALL is a Biden appointee? Just sayin', you know, and ounce of prevention...

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