
The real enemy of our time is centralization of power. The WHO that completely messed up the COVID-19 pandemic response, now wants total control over everybody’s health? He who controls health and finance controls the world. This WHO treaty attempted power grab is simply naked totalitarianism.

There is safety in decentralization which we’ve gotten to see very clearly from the Covid pandemic where different countries managed things very differently and had very different outcomes. Some like Sweden, who did not mandate masking or close their schools had much better outcomes than the US. Uttar Pradesh province of India that distributed ivermectin to its entire approximately 250 million population had virtually no deaths from COVID-19 while other areas of India that banned ivermectin Had numerous .

We can learn and improve by diversity. seeing which outcomes were better and which were disastrous. Centralization of power is tyrannical and antithetical to liberty and to progress..

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The entire system works on greed for reward (money, power, "heaven") and fear of punishment (fines, jail, and "hell"). Kind of like the reward / punishment psychology system of training animals. Except for humans most of the time it is religion. To help people think outside the carrot and stick system, here's one example with neither. https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/principa

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John, if you want to discuss topics that are not mainstream you have to invite someone from that camp to present their case rather than discuss them in an echo chamber with Dr. McCullough.

Dr. McCullough simply recites what he and the vast majority of scientists/doctors, from both ends of the fence have been conditioned to memorize. This is not an indication of objective thinking and contemplation. The trick is to be able to separate oneself from one’s beliefs and look at them as an outsider looking in. And this is not something many of us can do.

Saying sentences like “the virus has been cultured and isolated” and “the virus is killed” are not artifacts of objective contemplation. If one cannot explain things in a clear and simple manner, like they are explaining to a 6 year old, means they haven’t understood the subject, but merely memorized it.



I always like to remind folks that the truth is always simple, because it’s built on universal laws, which are inherently simple. It’s us who complicate things because we are prisoners of our own minds. No one educates children to the mechanics of consciousness and how the mind distorts the information it filters from the senses. This is mind boggling to me.

Within and without everything is moving without exception. Even in idle things that appear static, everything is moving. Even in our sleep, while our bodies are relatively static, so many things are constantly moving within.

And so if everything is moving how can the mind make accurate measurements?

It can’t. Unless it freezes everything and dissects the observed phenomenon to its tiniest parts. Only then is it able to juxtapose one part to another, by which it can then derive a measurement.

That’s how a conclusion is formed.

But the conclusion itself can never be the underlying reality. It can only be relative. This is how we get the ‘good’ and ‘bad’, the ‘this’ and ‘that’. Depending on the observer and the object observed, these polar points constantly change positions. A knife can kill but it can also heal.

Right there, inadvertently, we create a recipe for misconception, which down the line can be extremely dangerous, because it becomes the main foundation for erroneous belief systems that then become truths.

As a result, the untrained mind becomes a victim to its own illusion. It’s always looking for a singularity - a definite linear cause and effect for an outcome. So most of our explanation to phenomena are a “straight line” explanations - the shortest distance between two points. Whereas in truth, the underlying reality is more like a circle, with no ends and no beginning, while each point can be both.

The latter is more aligned to Nature’s laws, whereas the former, to the illusion created by the mind. In other words, the human mind is built on a two dimensional medium, while reality itself is multi dimensional.



Over the years, within the medical field and science at large, we have developed more and more sophisticated tools and skillsets to be able to go down to the minutiae in the world of microscopic matter, as the last frontier before the invisible.

This gave us the illusion that if we have managed to find the smallest visible particle and can go no further, means “here’s a singularity”: A definite culprit for that which we couldn’t explain before. It has given us a sense of footing - that now we don’t have to rely on “chance” and the invisible (miasma), and in that no longer remain powerless, but have something tangible to work with.

Additionally, over the last century we have sophisticated our language and datasets exponentially. We invented so many new words and labels to name these new observed artifacts in the minutiae. Until we’ve come to a point in which there are something like half a million technical words alone in the English language.

This, inadvertently, has created the illusion of knowledge. We’re now on the other side of the efficiency arc because the usage of complex jargon has become the goal rather than the means. The more we use complex jargon the more it gives the listener the sense of expertise and irrefutable authority.

But then again it’s still an illusion. A different one, but nonetheless an illusion. If one breaks down our scientific paradigms down to their components they realize that we merely exchanged one demagoguery for another.

Viruses are not alive!

Since they are not alive they cannot have discriminatory characteristics of contagion. They have no means of locomotion, detection, transmission and procreation of their own. So the moment you isolate them and culture them on a Petri dish you remove them from the “orchestrating whole” - the host body.

In other words, their function is determined by the fluids manufactured by living cells and the magnetic force that orchestrates them (i.e. zeta potential). They are found anywhere, in any living organism and are part of their genetic makeup.

The moment you transfer them to an isolated, sterile lab environment, however, you begin to distort their function and with it, one’s conclusions.

The belief that some of them are “bad” and some of them are “good” is preposterous and does not align with the mechanism of what science is: finding the most reliable pattern underlying phenomena (in order to have a secure future).

Enough if we look at our scientific measures to combat so-called “viral disease and contagion” shows that we are not loyal to the premise of science anymore; we no longer care to find the underlying reliable pattern, but solely focus on honing and maintaining trickery ways to substantiate control over others.

This is the corruption of science.

The fact that we do nothing but anthropomorphize their functions is a clear reflection to the ongoing deception we do unto ourselves on a daily basis.

If masks, vaccines, social distancing, quarantines, etc, don’t really work - isn’t it an indication that we need to re-examine the paradigm that underlie them?

To this day these questions remain the same and still unanswered:

1. Why do scientists anthropomorphize constantly about something to describe its functions, if science is all about patterns that have clear, logical formulas that underlie them?

2. If there are something like 320,000 different species of viruses in the human gut alone, how come something that is not sentient knows that it's actually doing something harmful in one instance, while on another, beneficial?

3. How come a senseless microscopic particle switches between discriminate to indiscriminate capacity to infect?

4. Why scientists, in a different context, when they examine transitions and mutations that led to development of species, all of the sudden deem viruses as “essential integrative pieces of evolution?

5. Does science, therefore, actually know how things really work on the foundation level? or is it just a byproduct of anthropomorphized abstract explanations repeated over and over throughout the years to have become irrefutable scientific truths?

Therefore, how about investing our energies to find concrete non-anthropomorphized answers for these questions once and for all, instead of juggling hot air to showcase “expertise” as a means to circumscribe a footing?

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Well that is a really long post. Hard to say which bits to respond to. I do love a debate though.

When Geert talks viral evolution in response to the human immune system, he occasionally 'anthropomorphizes' the viral response. However if you listen carefully he is just using such framing to make it clear to folk needing a frame to understand. It is clear he does NOT assume any sort of nonsense about viruses 'doing' things, he describes processes of evolution condensed by the factor of time and of trillions of replications of viral particles. My point? Are you so sure virologists assume any sort sentience in viruses? I doubt they do. I would bet money they don't.

You mention the failure of masks distancing and lockdowns as representing a failure of the 'virus' paradigm. And yet (suppressed) experts in virology were clear they could never work and reject the lack of science behind the assumption they ever could. Such folk were censored and punished, yet their views were those of any old virologist? Who if they had courage would have said same. I dispute that it was virologists or even epidemiologists or clinicians who promoted the bogus distancing masking and lockdowns. These were political and IMO pschological pysop measures devoid of science.

Science does not know, in discrete provable complete detail how such a complex thing as a persons immune system works. This does not mean they do not know some things to a reasonable certainty.

I am open to the idea that terrain theory will add to the knowledge concerning infection and disease. Your post leaves me unclear whether, however, you see it as an 'on/off' switch where germ theory is entirely wrong and terrain theory is entirely right.

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I divided your comment to two parts to which I respond separately.





“Well that is a really long post. Hard to say which bits to respond to. I do love a debate though.

When Geert talks about viral evolution in response to the human immune system, he occasionally 'anthropomorphizes' the viral response. However if you listen carefully he is just using such framing to make it clear to folk needing a frame to understand. It is clear he does NOT assume any sort of nonsense about viruses 'doing' things, he describes processes of evolution condensed by the factor of time and of trillions of replications of viral particles. My point? Are you so sure virologists assume any sort of sentience in viruses? I doubt they do. I would bet money they don't.”





This is not about Geert, or Dr. Mccullough per se, but about the ongoing repetition of half truths over the last 200 years that have unconsciously morphed and settled as cellular memory.

The moment you pick up a sanitizer to kill microbes in your surroundings, or take antibiotics to eliminate “bad bacteria”, you are in on the deception, whether you know it or not, understand it or not. It's already ingrained in you as a behavioral pattern because the information has already cemented itself deep within as cellular memory.

That's why it's so easy to cajole masses and masses of people to do things that are absolutely unhealthy for them.

It’s ok to anthropomorphize when we want to explain things to others. It’s ok to anthropomorphize when we want to illustrate how things work. But when it comes to science - finding the underlying mechanism for observable phenomena - we can’t rely on that.

Just like in mathematics, a formula is a formula. It’s not a quasi written equation supported by anthropomorphism. A computer language code is not complemented with an anthropomorphized explanation, expected to compile the same result. And until one finds the right, conclusive formula, one can never compensate for it by anthropomorphism.

When you don’t have a clear definition, however, you can’t have accurate methodologies. When you don’t have accurate methodologies, all the derivatives that come out of them cannot be specific, and therefore of value.

If there is no clear and specific formula that underlies how infection really works; if we anthropomorphize constantly to compensate for that, it prevents us from finding the real mechanism: A solid foundation from which specific measures can be derived.



Now, you can rightfully say that scientists don’t do that amongst themselves. That in their labs they maintain rigorous adherence to so-called “scientific methods”. Well, that’s somewhat true, but the models themselves have become so far fetched from reality altogether, that they have become victims to fantasy.

In other words, we have come to a place in our development that we have created sophisticated ways to tinker and transform data that, like Mogely in the Jungle Book whose enchanted by the Python snake, we’ve become hypnotized to what’s possible rather than stick to what’s probable.

That’s why all our explanations are rooted in vacuum-based lab / computer models, no longer connected whatsoever with the underlying nature.

Additionally, that’s why our measures to combat contagion and illness, at best, are merely placebos that deal predominantly with the crippling anxiety and overwhelming uncertainty, giving us the illusion of control, rather than actually knowing the underlying phenomenon.

And so, rather than go back to the foundation, everyone’s stuck on the upper convoluted layers of a paradigm, which has become saturated with anthropomorphism, as a crutch to the so many gaps and inconsistencies, derived from these disconnected and sterile models.

Watch any scientist and doctor out there, including this video. Not even once have I heard a clear and simple explanation to the mechanics of contagion by anyone. They’ve already become an artifact of the intricacies and the complex jargon they were indoctrinated with, that they can no longer see things for what they are.

All phenomena are inherently simple, however. Everything can be explained in simple language.

Therefore, I disagree with the conclusion that this was merely political. It goes much deeper than that.

It’s about fear!





“You mention the failure of masks distancing and lockdowns as representing a failure of the 'virus' paradigm. And yet (suppressed) experts in virology were clear they could never work and reject the lack of science behind the assumption they ever could.

Such folk were censored and punished, yet their views were those of any old virologist? Who if they had courage would have said the same. I dispute that it was virologists or even epidemiologists or clinicians who promoted the bogus distancing masking and lockdowns. These were political and IMO psychological psyop measures devoid of science.

Science does not know, in discrete provable complete detail how such a complex thing as a person's immune system works. This does not mean they do not know some things to a reasonable certainty.

I am open to the idea that terrain theory will add to the knowledge concerning infection and disease. Your post leaves me unclear whether, however, you see it as an 'on/off' switch where germ theory is entirely wrong and terrain theory is entirely right. “




That’s where the folly lies - assuming that this has to do with camps of differing views.

I go deeper than that and tackle the underlying mechanics of it: the mechanics of consciousness and how beliefs are formed by the mind in a very insidious way.

You see, no matter whether one considers themselves belonging to the right side of history or not, by using the Germ Theory verbiage, they inadvertently maintain the very thing they preach against. It’s the language, rehashed over and over again, that allows all these inhumane and ineffective measures to exist. Unaware that their entire crusade for courage and freedom is futile raging into the wind, unless they confront the underlying truth.

The moment you use such language over and over again, you inadvertently assist the orthodoxy who likes to ride the wave of deception to continue their “parasitic existence”.

The Germ Theory is convenient because it provides what every simplistic view of a problem seeks before all else: a culprit, an invisible hare for the hounds to chase in their costly research labs, universities, hospitals, and drug factories.

The fact that the hare can never be caught is the perfect guarantee that their race will never finish, their demands for funding will never cease, and their ability to generate profits for the drug and chemical corporations will continue to grow.

And it’s not like scientists and doctors do it on purpose. As stated above, it’s already ingrained in all of us as cellular memory. They really believe the lie with all their being.

That’s why I object to these (lazy) explanations that Covid is a result of a lab leak. Or that it was organized from behind the scenes by elite cabals.

If you break it down to its simple components you realize that it is not a feasible endeavor. If it was feasible, the human race was long ago extinct. Moreover, it’s not like these people, projected upon as the perpetrators for such scheme, are intelligent enough to orchestrate that with a forethought. They’re merely artifacts of archaic systems of indoctrination.

These explanations are convenient, however, because they absolves us from taking responsibility for ourselves, since all of us are the ones who sustain the deception.



Here’s a reality check: the body doesn’t speak the mind’s language. It doesn't know what ‘spike protein', or ‘amyloid’, or ‘enzyme A’ or ‘protein B’ all mean.

Yes, we need those in order to explain things to each other, but at the same time it’s important to be reminded that they do not reflect the underlying reality in full.

The human body is a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. There are (hidden) elements that together create what is then perceived by the mind as a singular isolated phenomenon.

There are many "buffers'' within us that prevent the capitulation of our bodies to any foreign invader. We pass new viruses / bacteria / fungi among ourselves all the time, far more often than we’re capable to measure. It’s not like on the microscopic level, every time a particulate matter circulating in the body, happens to cause havoc merely due to its very existence.

The belief it does is sheer mass hypnosis based on mechanistic science - a derivative of the rational mind and how it perceives reality.

This is the prevailing weakness in our consciousness in which the human body is seen as a jigsaw puzzle; a bag of meat, frail, helpless and incompetent unless it gets the daily dosage of ”assistance” by superimposing on it engineered solutions made by disconnected and sterile models. Derivatives of the vain mind which has assumed superiority on the Life. A mentality in which everything is ultimately downsized to "good" and "bad", zeros and ones, without seeing the interdependency all around and between them.

It’s all black magic.

Anytime you read a paper, a blog post, an article, listen to an interview and whatnot, and you see exclamations such as: “listeria causes food poisoning”, “E.coli is dangerous for you”, “Salmonella can kill you,” “beware of flesh eating bacteria”, or alternatively: “viruses can jump from one person to another, and can remain alive on surfaces up to 72 hours and then infect you …” - understand that by repeating these statements over and over and over again is what sustains the delusion and the hijacking of the vital force from society.

It’s the loss of vital force, wasted on holding onto false fears that renders a state of dis-ease to begin with.

And herein lies the rub.

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Pretend you're a 6 year old for a moment and that Dr McCullough is passing on the very simple truth.

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I'm sorry to break your glass menagerie, but saying "a virus is killed" is not a truth. No matter how much one is repeating it.

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Perhaps, as a 6 year old you can ask "What does kill mean, Dr McCullough?"

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So far the only childish conduct is coming from your end. You have nothing to say other than behave like an immature groupie whose favorite band has been criticized for being off key.

How about thinking for yourself for a change instead of kowtowing blindly to anything your “Guru” says?!

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If you find yourself imagining that you know what a total stranger thinks and values, pause for reflection before writing about it.

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Thank God the WHO backed off this time. However, they are not done, they will keep coming back. Bill Gates is relentless and will do anything that will benefit him financially. He will continue to back WHO until it is no longer a benefit to do so. He wants control of the food supply and all else. A megalomaniac with endless money.

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Regarding the argument that there is no COVID virus, or any virus, I recall two of these arguments. One is important because it's promoted by the former VP of Pfizer Mike Yeadon. One argument he kept making was that it was just impossible for the virus infections to suddenly appear all over the whole world simultaneously. So you should respond to that or even talk to him about it. Then secondly, there was someone (I don't remember who) that said he reviewed the entire scientific literature on vaccines from the beginning and that not a single published paper actually provided any proof of the existence of the virus they discussed. They all just took it for granted that the virus did exist and based their research solely on the premise of its existence. So please maybe you can try to find that person in the health community. Maybe ask Dr. Ardis or Dr. Group as they try to keep up on what seem like fringe theories.

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Maybe that guy, instead of reading vaccine papers, should've been reading the virus description papers.

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Nuremberg 2.0 News May 25-31st - Countdown Week to the WHO Agreement er Treaty. WHO ditches World Government for Nationalism? https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/nuremberg-20-news-may25-31st-countdown

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We have been constantly lied to so many times, it is now up to us to question everything and that means if it should be a debate, than so be it. To not debate is to be indoctrinated.

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Xlear has been my choice for years

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It's very disheartening when you read a person's obituary. You used to know why a person died. Maybe a long battle with cancer, heart problems, car accident, etc... It would be better if they would admit that a person had the shot, how long ago, have the proper autopsy done and admit the real cause of death. That would awaken everyone including Drs, who continue to deny reality of fact that this Vax is THE PROBLEM!!

Too bad Dr McCullough that Donald Trump didn't take the time to talk face to face with you! Thank you for everything you do!!

God Bless You and Yours Always!!

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Noosepoopers now demand a bribe to print or post to the Web any o-bitch-you-airie at all. People don't want to pay to publicize anything embarrassing. And what autopsy? No longer standard; family must pay a lot to get one done.

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May 30·edited May 30

i believe one of the signs she was holding up was back with white words "FREE ROSS" apparently meaning free Ross Ulbricht which President Trump pledges to do if he is re-elected.


is there NO other agent besides sars cov-2, that can cause blood clots? say a lipid nano particle that contains RNA and then sprayed on people? an infectious clone?

i'll remind everyone that they tested a goat, a paw paw fruit in Africa and it came back positive...

(PCR)... so PCR type stuff fails....

and Patients weren't allowed to know the sequencing of what they tested for...

"COVID-19 infections from variant strains are quickly spreading across the U.S., but there’s one big problem: Lab officials say they can’t tell patients or their doctors whether someone has been infected by a variant."


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"he used heavy filters and inoculated the cow... nothing could be seen in the microscope...": so, how was the virus isolated? Was there a morphology report? what does the sar cov-2 virus look like? Please point to the report that show the evidence. What is the meaning of "we know its genetic sequence"? "we can see it infect the cells": show the virus that was injected. 130 years of virology history means nothing to me until I understand the basics. Before the covid military test campaign, if you went to the doctor with flu symptoms, he would give you antibiotics if your phlegm was greenish or he would tell you to rest if it was clear/white because "it could be a virus and there is nothing it could be done." SO, 130 years of "virology science" sounds more like 130 years of BS to me.

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The United States of America happens when a quorum of the several states meets in a Congress Assembled. A re-Constitution or Original jurisdiction occurs when there is no de facto in appearance. It is all de jure. The best way out is straight ahead. Knowing what came preceedent as juxtaposed to post or amended, is quite handy. Precedent also.

Now, is a good time to think about the Electoral College. It elects our Chief Executive. That would be the President of the Congress Assembled of the Confederation and perpetual Union that combines the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America 1776. So, we know the critical 14 that must move forward to achieve 20 for a quorum. And it does it with unelected people, unfettered from the several states. That number is 33, a quorum that also includes South Carolina re-Constitutes a de jure government.

The United States of America is dated 1777; the USMC is dated 1775. Oregon the state is dated 1859 and is number 33 with full faith and credit among the several states and territories. Oregon has re-constituted; completed in November 2022. Now, we know 15 states. Any additional 5. The United States of the Constitution 1859, was usurped by the Lieber Code. It is no longer a 10 mile square. That is U.S. Army, Blue Coats, Federal, un-Constitutional as in no standing Army. It should be militia. The Electoral College makes the Next Commander and Chief of the United States the de jure provisional government. Provenance, Pedigree, Protocol, de jure, do you have your bona fides in order? We will have a proper oath to the proper Constitutions with the Laws of nature and Nature’s God included. This year, 2024.

We have a de jure, up and running Article III one supreme Court claiming original jurisdiction operating in our Amendment VII Civilian common law Court of record, whose jury verdict in common law has no appeal in fact. In cases of over $20.00 there is no judge involved. We have a Jury pool of several hundred men and women and have Presentments and True Bills from eight (8) Grand Juries. We have verdicts from seven (7) Trial Juries of Article III Amendment VII courts. We implemented ex parte Milligan and nullified martial law / Lieber code / FEMA. We offer this with full faith and credit. This is a de jure remedy signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed, proof of service, published at www.orsja.org

Assemblies and Jural Assemblies and Grand Juries abound and have been cycling around for a long time. Currently the option that is functioning is Article I Section 1 the social compact of our Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly aka the provisional government on Oregon. The paperwork to re Constitute a provisional government on a state, commonwealth or territory takes 30 days, 15 hours work, 100 bucks for postage, 40 bucks for a seal, done by 5 people with their bona fides in order. You will need a Jury pool of men and women large enough to respond and appear when called. Tonja called our 1st Grand Jury when we had a jury pool of 45. Now we are several hundred. www.orsja.org.

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W.H.O. Is a tool of global elites who seek to usurp the sovereignty of individual countries justified by a ‘public health emergency’ defined/declared solely by W.H.O. funded by Gates who seeks to depopulate the world, in part through the use of vaccines (which were definitely used to sterilize women in Africa, and worse....). This organization should have zero authority inside the United States, or anywhere. The Africans are RIGHT to be suspicious of vaccine programs pushed by the WHO, and so should we all.

The high USA mortality is due to using a bioweapon/vaccine and giving people deadly treatments in hospitals which deliberately killed people with fake protocols and deadly Remdesivir (failed Fauci Ebola drug) and failure to provide early treatment and access to IVERMECTIN OR HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE, both of which work. They did not even tell people to dramatically increase vitamin D intake via supplements.

We know the medical profession allowed us to be deliberately killed!

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I have the utmost respect for Dr. McCullough for all he has done to treat and save people throughout the CV19 pandemic and even beyond it with treatments for long Covid.

Here’s what I do not understand, in the discussion of the SARS-CoV-2 virus early in the pandemic (2020) many specialists in the virology world stated that the SARS-CoV-2 virus had not been isolated and Koch’s postulates for confirming the virus had not been met either. This implied that there either was no confirmation when the virus was spreading, and/or there was no way to establish a valid test for the presence of the virus in people with or without symptoms because the virus had not yet been isolated. Thus there was no sample/isolate available to create a test.

At the same time, later reports indicated that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was bioengineered and thus is a BIOWEAPON based on the presence of DNA sequences of other viruses, notably HIV. This implies that one or more labs had the full virus sequence available.

Dr Luc Montagier who won the Nobel (2008) along with two others, for their work on HIV, stated the use of the spike protein (to provoke an immune response) is a fundamental error, as it is the most toxic part of the virus and can travel anywhere in the body (with the use of LNP delivery system). Dr Montagnier’s remarks about this and the problem of Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) were falsely characterized as ‘misinformation’ as was his TRUE statement that SARS-CoV-2 was deliberately created in a Lab.

So the comments of a Nobel winner in virology were given LESS credibility than TV newsreaders or paid medical TV ‘experts’ like Dr Sanjay Gupta!

Dr Montagnier was in his late 80’s during the pandemic and unfortunately passed away February 8, 2022, at age 89. I wish he were still with us all as he was speaking the truth very clearly for the world to hear, despite the unfounded attacks on his credibility and mislabeling of his accurate statements as ‘misinformation’.

So perhaps someone can clarify or point to a source or article to find the answers:

1. When and where was SARS-CoV-2 isolated?

2. Were Koch’s postulates met?

3. Did ANY SARS-CoV-2 test (PCR or Other) actually test from an isolate of the virus?

4. Is there now agreement that SARS-CoV-2 is a Bioengineered product? If yes, it is accurate to describe it as a bioweapon.*

* In the book, Is Covid-19 a Bioweapon? Dr Richard M Fleming presents evidence and analysis that it is clearly a bioweapon.

Many of us have also concluded that the mRNA gene editing injections are the true bioweapon as more people are dying from the so-called ‘vaccines’ than the virus itself (data on all cause mortality, per Edward Dowd’s work).

May God protect and bless all of the truth tellers, as Jesus said,...the truth will set you free.

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Trump Case used as a distraction like "9/11" or WW2 as a diversion away from the WHO Pandemic Agreement Vote on June 1st https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/trump-case-used-as-a-distration-like

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