I recall when I first got involved in this political spy thriller I had no idea what was going on, unlike the unfortunate souls who have been in the fight for years. I was just sick and tired of everything being stagnant, nothing ever getting better, just more debt. I checked out for Barry’s eight years, and I finally got to the point where I was ready for new blood.

Little did I know the road was going to be so rocky. I feel like I’ve been at university for nine years, and I’m wondering when I’m going to get my degree. I started down a rabbit hole, and I'm still learning new things every day. I’d be hard pressed to try and explain everything we’ve learned because I think the majority of people who aren’t aware what’s been happening to us at least since 1913 (although it’s been longer) would think we’re absolute nut job conspiracy theorists.

Once I got started on my journey down the rabbit hole, I couldn’t stop. My thirst for knowledge became greater and greater, and when I found out how dire our situation is, how we are at a moment in history where we could actually lose our country, I knew I couldn’t stop. This is a situation where we’re either going to become Venezuela or worse or we’re going to stay a free people and remain a free and prosperous Republic under POTUS45.

I try to maintain a balance between brain overload and being at peace, and my go-to stress release is the outdoors, nature, and music. Right now, it’s been a challenge with the election being so close because I know it’s going to get rough.

Believe what you see, not what they tell you. See everything this regime is doing to our country, and know this is just a small peek at what they intend to do to us. When you hear the WEF talking about us not owning anything, 15-minute cities, eating insects, believe them. They’ve all told us their plans. Look what Emperor Gates has planned for us. Our Government thinks it’s okay to murder living, breathing babies and throw people in prison without due process of law. Many of our jurists don’t follow the rule of law and act like they’ve never heard about the Constitution.

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It's not like we don't have options and choice. "We the people" simply choose not to exert them. Most people just keep using the same services when they should boycott anything that ignores their body autonomy for example. They keep buying from the horrid companies like Walmart and Amazon who don't have ethical standards and go against our country's sacred-held beliefs. Voting with our wallet is always something we can do. And we can also get involved in alternative systems like say, farmer's markets, etc. Getting off the system is the only way I see we can get through this.

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I like what you write and agree completely.

Know your enemy: all entities connected with WEF, for beginners.

Cash transactions as much as possible.

Read, read. read.

Pray, pray, pray.

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Funny, you talk about the business world becoming more isolated people working from home and such. That follows suit with what one man describes as the total totalitarian tiptoe towards 15 minutes cities where people will be confined to certain areas based on their perhaps social credit score if you can see the connection only time will tell. Divide and conquer never gets old with the cult. Otherwise John, are you sure I didn’t cause that deviated septum with one of my straight right hands😂

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Greetings Maestro, you may have aggravated it, but the initial damage was done in a schoolyard brawl in 1983. I was just thinking about you when you sent your message, as I intend to drag myself to your 6:00 a.m. class tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. Regards, John

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Thanks, John Leake and Dr. McCullough. I enjoyed listening.

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My summation: It's beyond hubris. It's the kind of malice, wickedness, and envy that prompted God to expel Lucifer from His sight.

There is a home waiting for these morally bankrupt malcontents, a permanent residence from which there is no escape. A real Hot Zone.

"Vengeance is mine. I will repay, says the Lord." Romans 12:19.

After justice is sought here and judgment assigned, a terror awaits these criminals no mind can fathom.

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"The HOT ZONE: Drama, Catharsis & "

... my good self... Glad to feel included :P...

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Thank you again for the Hot Zone presentations. I perceive these to be among the most informative, provocative, and timely discourses that can be found anywhere. Your exchange in this session summarizing the role Barick, et al, played using gain of function research practices, has been pivotal in bringing the entire Covid pandemic and widespread injection of mRNA vaccines into common practice in the global human population. Ethics once held a sacrosanct position in science, medicine, and practice. It certainly seems with this sars-cov-2 episode to have been dismissed completely; safety concerns cast aside; collateral damage and unintended consequences considered unimportant. In their place, profits, power, control, etc, have emerged as heavy handed blunt instruments wielded by agencies, big pharma, NGO's, etc. I especially appreciate your discussing normal metabolic cellular functions in terms of perfection, and balance, under normal natural conditions. The introduction of man-made genetic mRNA has effectively thrown cells out of balance. This does not portent well for humanity. I sincerely hope external pressures continue to build against these dangerous practices across the board with positive effect. I must admit, it becomes increasingly difficult to remain optimistic that we shall achieve healthy positive outcomes which undo much of the damage already done; so that we may return to a more natural normal for Public Health worldwide. Thank you both for your continuing courage and commitment to bringing these developments forward and sharing with all of us. If I may close with a prayer of sorts: " Bless you brother, with the Love of God, which we all share. Let us learn the joyous lesson that There is no Love but God's, and yours, and mine, and everyone "

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