Yes indeed, at 77 years old I've learned along the way that EVERYTHING is "follow the money". And I refused to get the Covid jab simply because no one could tell me if there were any conflicts with my heart meds that have kept me alive for another 21 years. And I'm convinced that will be the SAME scenario with any future mRNA jabs cooked up in a week or so instead of the normal 10 year studies on a new injection. Conclusion - I've had my last "vaccine" for anything. I still have my full natural immunity intact.

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Say unvaxxed, it has been planned for reducing population and more dictatorship.

My blogs are on : kasselmain.com

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The Wisdom I rely on is only that of God Almighty as revealed by His Holy Prophets and His One and Only Divine Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. This site lacks sufficient wisdom, is not brave enough to call out the Satanic pentagram tattoo on Biden’s monkey pox “ czar” which is much more pertinent to the survival of the world than the deadliest virus- global Satanism pushed by the left wing democrats and fully backed by the CCP is our greatest Enemy and mortal threat, bar none.

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Is Steve Bannon sitting in a federal prison? Is Peter Navarro sitting in prison? How many citizens have been held in horrific conditions in federal prisons as a result of expressing their view that an election was stolen? Not sure that all is imaginary as you might ask us to believe. Not sure they could simply walk down a side street to avoid trouble. Were the tyrannical conditions imposed during COVID-19 imaginary? It is true that the use of imaginary threats to conjure up fear is well-known. However, when unafraid individuals stand up, all too often we discover caution is warranted as those behind the fear are fully willing to cause harm. For example, I had no fear of COVID, but my career was ended by despotic folks using COVID as an excuse for imposing tyranny. So when we see the use of mass fear we can deduce those in power are fully willing to cause harm to those who resist their agenda.

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Truth worthy of pondering. Tyranny is real but when we are culled by fear rather than brought together to act in courage, then evil will ensue.

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The new warfare is undermining education in our country to dumb down and indoctrinate the young and impressionable, while creating conflict in the general population so we'll all be so busy hating each other we won't notice our malevolent leaders are robbing us blind of our assets and freedoms. Assorted media driven psychological terrorism then adds to the fun...

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Right on

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H.L. Mencken is one of my heroes and this quote is so fantastic and apropos, that I feel the need to repeat what you have so well made a point of: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary."

To which I might ad that the modern use of "mainstream media" as well as many alt media sources, are as dedicated today if not more so, to this goal than ever before.

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Kill, kill, kill.... 3rd generation psychos on a suicide mission. We're all f.cked

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Just watched massive lines covering the sun this beautiful Sunday morning....in Ohio...The retards are spewing us with heavy metals..At least two states have outlawed this.

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Mencken is great!

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How far we have come. I would hope one would view the healthcare system as a economical model rather than a system designed to cure or improve health of individuals. For someone that has lived eight decades and lived in eight different cities in eight different states I can tell you the growth of healthcare has been massive. From Government agencies, facilities, insurance, pharmacies, medical specialties etc. 54% of children are chronically ill. Vaccinations since 1990's have been on a upward trajectory that only makes sense when you understand how much and how many benefit economically from the increase. When we are measured against developed nations we rank poorly and we out spend them on the average by double. The US and New Zealand are the only two countries that allow for drug ads. 70% of big media's income in off election years are from drug ads. Anyone really believe that big media isn't captured. The US spends anywhere from 17+% to 20+% on healthcare annually as part of Gross Domestic Product. It should be recognized by the citizens of this country that this cannot go on indefinitely. As the national short term debt is approaching 35 trillion and growing at least 2 trillion per year the dam will break. Medicaid is funded directly from the general fund and Medicare is funded by workers and partly by retirees (part B). The cost to fund the 35 trillion debt is now 1 trillion annually.

The message should be clear when you are in a hole over your head quit digging.

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Hold on to the rim, God's about to flush the toilet

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I think it's true that we need to 'walk away'. Most of the rioters and protestors are just looking for attention, confirmation that they are alive and notable. If we don't give them attention, they will be forced to look within themselves for the values they are looking for. Bringing up children is a good example: if they have tantrums that are ignored, they will quit having tantrums.

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Wishful thinking

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I very much hope that employers that mandated these shots get hit successfully with more and more and more lawsuits. Starbucks was drive through only for 1-2 years during pandemic, so no exposure to customers. Maybe they had good attorneys that told them they have no liability shield if they mandate.

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I want more coverage on the millions that were fired for standing their ground. Reparations for the fired and injured - NOW!

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Up to us

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I agree that’s why I have spent a ton of money hiring attorneys to go after San Joaquin Delta College in Stockton California.

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We have all these different actors, but just like a rumour is spread by one person, this fear mongering must have one root. I think it is Bill Gates and the next branch is pharma and Tedros. Just musing on this, I really don't have a clue who Mr. Oz is. Would love to know though.

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Me too, name that head bastard, SATAN

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There has to be a prime mover behind all of this.

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So maybe as they bring out SEERS we create memes that make fun of it. Sears vs JCPenney virus. The virus of prophets like BG and Nostradamus.... There must be someone. Who can think of clever dissing

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Brace yourselves, but be happy your living in history

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

well, war of 1812, second war of independence had an invasion of America...

ww2, Japan Alaska invasion....

and President Biden couldn't even stop a Balloon from flying across America....

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Balloons dropping crap in South Korea

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Courageous and hope bringing discourse!

Yes, follow the money and DEPOPULATION ongoing action.

It took two decades of planing, developing/inventing a man-made "virus" and creating bioweapon of mass destruction, COVID 19 "vaccination" containing self-assembling nanotechnology.


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