To what end?


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Our current reality makes most Twilight Zone episodes look pale. Rod Serling, were he with us today, might actually believe that he had finally gone mad

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We Didn’t Need To Find The Cure For Cancer.

We Found The Cause.


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I no longer donate to the Cancer society as they endorsed Covid 19 vaccines and in my opinion are not making any headway to finding a cure for cancer. As you say, we know the causes of cancer so lets restrict exposure to harmful chemicals, Covid vaccinations, encourage diet changes, etc.

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The irony or shame here is that the wheel cogs, the semi whiz kids of two generations (elite privileged Boomers and offspring), who are closest to the marionettes we elected rather work for unelected overlords. They have long protected themselves with tongues in cheeks as they lied with impunity of “plausible deniability”, the official mantra of the CIA, justified as necessary national security, although against Constitutional Law. The old system of checks and balances was not good enough for my “chosen” universita Marxists of Stanford/Berkeley to Harvaud/Columbia Boomer peers of elite academia of the 1960’s and 70’s. The Constitutional Republic had worked until the elite university Boomer whiz kids like Clinton’s, Fauci’s, Pelosi’s, Biden’s, (sorry MY naturally massive groupthink TV Boomers) and all the other ilk minded cowardly Boomer cabals matastisized from their university years where they made Marxism popular. They hijacked and inverted every civil movement of those tumultuous years (a Marxist mainstay), and slandered America’s idea of self defense of liberty, vowed to “march through the institutions” (Gramsci), to destroy them that represented America to save America from itself by “building back better”, in their own image, a cheap copy of MAGA that tells us these people can not be original except in deceit and plagiarism. That’s why they installed a lifetime plagiarizer and sociopathic and liar in your Boomer faces, it’s all they know. Don’t smash the mirror yet my Boomers. I understand we had no idea we were being culturally TV programmed, exponentially as tech evolved and “Google” slept with Communist China “for national security’s sake”. But, hey, Boomer stocks in Google and collaborator Apple roared. My “theory” (thought), outlawed as conspiracy, has already happened. It’s outcome, based of the fact that in the 1990’s Clinton administration) with a handful of Republican posers immediately made their old friends Communist China and Vietnam “besties”, effectively hitching Communist deceit and censorship wagon to America’s Van. Simultaneously, they gutted middle American manufacturing, sending the skilled jobs abroad to slave regimes, severely demoralizing middle America. Hillary’s 70 million plus (deplorables). The irony here, like the Twilight Zone is that now as AI usurps its programmers’ intellect the CIA and security apparatus worries it will only tell the truth. Hence the need for “disinformation” and censorship of free speech as alternate media naturally developes.

Basically, deceit. Lie to the people to save the people by becoming the enemy of the ideal claimed to be for the people.

Three decades ago, in the 1990’s everything Google/CIA/China/Apple whiz kid employees did lead the corporate and government charge to lie to America as they told their own kids the opposite. Fact. But don’t bother Googling it. If it is there it will be way down at the end of the scroll if there is any truth remaining.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

Boomer this, boomer that. That generation bad, this generation good: shows poor knowledge of human nature throughout history and cherry picking data to demogogue a generation. AOC and the idiots coming out of universities prove my point. God help us someday when some of them will be in control....🤣

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👍 - it was in the name all along! CENTER OF DISEASE CON-TROL

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There have been cures. The gov destroys them. Royal Rife , in the 1940s cured it with vibrations. The gov destroyed his machine and records. He moved to Mexico and stated again. Hitler, it is told, was mortified of cancer. He had a scientist find a cure. Big Pharma rules!

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PCR test is garbage. Deborah Birks is a CIA psyop psycopath.

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"Why? he asks himself. To what end?"

Ask yourself whether it's possible the UN/WEF/CEPI are making mRNA products in conjunction with manufactured viral pathogens they plan to release.

Sow panic, coerce injection, reap a smaller less fertile population. In today's post-Covid world, does that seem far-fetched?

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Manufacture fear — create conformance.

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Not in the least! Except it isn't going to happen, it's not going to proceed to that end.

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Great episode!

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I believe The Twilight Zone was presented on CBS. I recently watched a few shows and even after 60 years, they are still relevant. Nothing about the human psyche changes. Rod Serling knew as much about how man works as any of the psychiatrist clowns of today.

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John Leake, try not to recommend Google. They are antifreedom and anti free speech. I say web search instead of Google search.

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“ Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities “ Voltaire

Great article on a really relevant topic. Thank you.

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I know most days I certainly feel like we are in the Twilight Zone. Great analogy.

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Your twilight zone idea would be extremely educational, and possible as a work of fiction.

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Sounds like the person who started this rumour needs a little trip to GITMO to meet Mr. Hemp.

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No need to write that Sterling episode,

we have, and continue to live in the exact one daily.

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It's felt pretty Twilight Zone-y for a good long while now. But many things are slowly starting to come into solidity and focus. I so appreciate your efforts.

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Can’t Declare Victory For Natural Immunity.

Because He Is Actually Fighting For Medicine.

That’s What Most People Do Not Realize.

He Believes In Synthetic Medicine.

His Role In This, His Only Role In All Of This

Is To Concede Victory To Natural Immunity

And To Admit To The Complete Failure Of His Professional Field.

That’s The Job That The Medical Freedom Movement Is Engaged In.

That Is What Malone Can’t Stomach.

It’s Us Against Him.

Bet Heavy On Us.

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