
Petroleum Based Synthetic Injections

Are Not Compatible

With Water Based Human Bodies.

This Is Not Complicated People.


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A man of my heart and mind, who understands the root of most ails is Petroleum (20% outdoor vs. 80% self-induced into the home). Dr. Theron Randolph is the Father of Environmental medicine.

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Except that our bodies are Both water and fat composition. Nonetheless, petroleum products should generally be avoided, and yet a dermatologist told me this week to put vasciline on a second degree chemical burn. Oh, and to slather up in 50 spf sunscreen. Unbelievable.

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Thank you! Perfectly said Thomas!

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"What has been, is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun." Ecclesiastes1:9 From the time of Adam and Eve we are born into sin. There is but one way out of the madness.....the Gospel message. Be, in the Word.

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Evoke the "bible"...that always solves everything. Yes you are right; there has always been genocide by 'eites'...but there hasn't always been a system of global communication by which every thinking person can know within minutes what is happening half way around the world. We live in a time of unprecedented innovations. The 'elites' always did try to 'cull the herd' and get rid of useless and annoying eaters. Today is no different....except everyone is WATCHING them doing it....and it is against any moral code we pretend to abide by.

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And for those who read Scripture and are of the Faith, we have the assurance and rest that God's judgment is real: "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil."

2 Corinthians 5:10

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Amen! Kathleen above needs to reevaluate herself. The wages of sin is death for All who refuse the Gospel of Grace plus nothing. The judgment will apply to both the psychopathic satanic rulers of this world as well as those who think “they’re good people and deserve heaven.”

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Thank you....I am sure we all have this "need" every single day. It must be wonderful to be among "the chosen"....Congratulations and I wonder if you will take great joy as the rest of us burn in hell because we are not you. My own God is merciful AND just. Remember "narrow is the door and difficult is the path that leads to life"....that is always true....for YOU and for me. I do all I can....caring for drastically ill people in my own family and trying to reach other people to not poison themselves to death. I have many faults as we all do....

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Amen Kathleen, we all fall short and it's only through God's grace and mercy through Faith we have an advocate, His Spirit which comforts us and gives us the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5) Thank God, we through the Word can grow in our understanding of His will for our lives. I remind my children often, as Paul alludes, it's a lifelong race/journey. God's blessings to you and Deborah.

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A big Moody Blues fan here!

Song that resonates with me these days, especially the lyrics in the second half:


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Ditto!! Saw them a few years ago!!

Love 🌹

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How many dead from the injections?

700,000 ?


How many were "killed by the Cuomos".and their ilk. - nursing homes - the other by beig a complete BS artistt who dined out his hubris.

How many ijurd? 1 million on VAERS - a URD of 40?

Another 350,000 dead from the withholding of treatments? How may suffered and are still suffering?

"To err is human, to forgive is divine" - does that extend to genocide and accessory to genocide.

Comment on Birz saying the vaxx saved millions of lives.

Screw the epithets.

Anyone who says "I beieive in fre speech ... but..."


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May 16·edited May 16

Revelation 3:9

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In 2024 there are "journalists" like Chris Cuomo who have exposed themselves as fake empty headed propagandists... He is not a journalist when he says "we were given bad information" What is the job of journalist again? I heard something about fact finding and speaking truth to power.

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That's right....For those with "eyes to see" .... the con job was apparent from day one. Dolores Cahill formed a group and tried to stop this madness at the very beginning. She was publicly skewered and lost her job.... but she never gave up trying to save us from ourselves. There were many others who tried to put out the fire....and paid in one way or another.

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Who are and Where are these weaponized Bird Flu bio-weapons being developed?

W T F is Congress, the FDA/CDC and the FBI doing to stop it?

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U. Of Wisconsin doing gain of function research on bird flu.

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Nuke it! You're in charge!

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oh....you know....they are merely funding it....in offshore labs....front operations--well off our own soil. They are in the pay of genocidists....who want us--and our children--to stop cluttering up their big game hunting grounds.

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You nuke that site from orbit. Gotta be sure!

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My apologies for the overused acronym, but OMG, H.L. Mencken's remarks are SPOT ON for today. It seems that "wherever we go, there we are" applies to all of humanity, all the time. We are incapable of ditching human nature.

On another note, I've got bad moon rising playing as bird flu rising in my mind. I think you've hit on something big there.

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Dutch Member of Parliament, Mr. Thierry Baudet. He is the founder of a political party called Forum for Democracy, which is one of (if not the only) party in Europe specifically opposed to the UN’s Agenda 2030.

He broke down for us the inner workings of these globalist institutions—and the dangers we all face of being enslaved within a global technocracy.


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Thanks for the reference to HL Mencken. Reminds me of another philosopher of the 1920s, Will Rogers who noted "Ten men in the country could buy the world and ten million can’t buy enough to eat."

Some things still haven't changed!

And for those suffering with allergies, nasal lavage with a neti pot is a very workable, inexpensive solution to allergies.

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"There will be justice when those who are not injured are as outraged as those who are" Thucydides

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Do you know how many I know who are injured and refuse to put two plus two together? I have to spell it out for them, and then, well, still vacant doll’s eyes.

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I understand completely, Deborah. I know of approximately 20-people who developed serious/life-threatening medical issues post-injection, three of whom have died. Two others are battling cancer, including a 29 y/o nephew in previously excellent health (a fitness instructor, no less). He has 4th-stage lymphoma. Since the adverse effects are acute, sub-acute, and long term, we will continue to see grievous injury & death in the months & years to come. Yet, there is practically no admission or recognition as to the cause of their issues. The degree of cognitive dissonance is stunning.

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Really, perfect. Vacant doll's eyes. Can I use that? I will.

But only to fellow redpilled.

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Please do. lol

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BOO for the advertising!!!!!

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Crazy period? No, just fewer well-educated. Russian interference in the elections? How? Switched votes? Wasn’t this the “securest” election ever (p.s., paper can’t be hacked from 10,000 miles away)? Otherwise, communicative persuasion is a 1st Amendment guarantee, and discourse is a necessity, so an informed citizen is practically immune to mis/disinformation and foreign “hacking”.

Worse politicians? No, a politician is a prostitute, always has been. A statesman tends toward more modest behaviors. Statesmen practically don’t exist nowadays, as the voters are less engaged (see point above) and the lobbyists are pretty sophisticated crafters of legislation and purveyors of lucre. Horndogs and busybodies apply for those jobs.

No, there isn’t a grand conspiracy to cement the universe under a single thumb, but there are plenty of busybodies who are humming on the same wavelength—totalitarianism. Saving the world requires a busybody to be obeyed, and busybodies need to be needed, so there’s no end to paternalistic scolding. The Karen’s’ ears are attuned to that particular scolding and echo it throughout their neighborhoods and workplaces. It’s an echo chamber that created Covid, amplified and cemented into fixity by a CDC and FDA that held the gold standard over the civilized world’s processes and procedures such that none could escape but the 3rd world. Those who had no 1st world medical straightjacket figured out Covid pretty quickly. Bane of the 1st world: lawyers. Lawsuit fear kept doctors from treating Covid patients. Watched them die, they did. Watched them die. Some assisted with The Protocol.

Vaccine worship is nothing more than mass fear of vaccine failure: you don’t get vaccinated, the vaccinated are scrooed—and that’s not restricted to covid vaxx, either; it’s all of them. How’s that? Yep. Talk about antivaxxers!! They don’t believe! For those few who truly believe they are ONLY aiding the immunocompromised, their position is you must subserviate your rights to others who are IC. Equal rights, except when the Karens get scared…and they are never not scared. Vaccines shall forever be voluntary for the health of self and/or the IC. But, they shall never be panacea in pandemic or peace. Yet, even so, this last vaxx laid out the world’s vaxxed immune systems in carbon copies, so when the virus tumblers fall into place on the magic lotto number of all galactic lotto numbers, the numbers go to the moon.

Happy Tuesday.

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"Yet, even so, this last vaxx laid out the world’s vaxxed immune systems in carbon copies, so when the virus tumblers fall into place on the magic lotto number of all galactic lotto numbers, the numbers go to the moon."

This is not exactly a straight forward statement.....can you say what you mean in plain English, please?

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Let me decipher then hopefully he/she can tell me if I’m out on a limb, or hit the bingo. Here goes: The vaxxed have all had their immune systems rearranged /compromised in a specific pre-ordered state so that when the next “switch” is pulled or plan set into place, the death rate skyrockets to the moon.

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No plan involved. Rather, quite the opposite; it is the father of all inadvertent events.

Vaccinating into a pandemic is a known no-no. See elsewhere (Virology 101) for explanation. By vaccinating the bulk of the world population with a method that primes the immune system identically and ineffectively, the collective “immune system” worldwide becomes a parallel processor in virtual pursuit of the “most fit” virus.

Recall the adage, “what doesn’t kill one makes one stronger”? Well, if a bacterium is not killed off by a bactericide, it lives to reproduce. Its progeny likely will survive the same insult. Repeated ad nauseum, the lineage, sufficiently challenged but without a mortal blow, will develop a genetic disposition that results in immunity to the insult going forward. That is, the “ones” that were susceptible to the bactericide died off and their susceptible traits disappeared with them. Those strong enough passed their strong trait onward.

The virus is being filtered the same way. Random mutations of viral composition either get taken out by the immune system or are left alone. Those taken out don’t procreate; those left alone do. Billions of cycles later (the vaxxed population x number of infections), the virus at points around the globe is being treated very homogenously by immune systems all alike. Thus, what is left alone in one system will fare identically well in the rest of the immune systems.

When the day comes that a virus composition is stumbled upon that skates unabated through the vaxxed immune system like sand through a sieve, it will live harmoniously in that body and flourish and be passed along to the next immune system—identical—and exist harmoniously there, too. And, so on across the populations of identical immune systems.

What will result is viral sepsis, where the virus remains unchallenged in the body, and nothing good comes from that.

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I agree, it is confusing.

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I enjoyed the discussion on the return to medieval speech codes and John's piece on hate speech. Crucial issues today.

A suggestion: After going through 4 years of pandemic, I don't think I'm alone in being shell-shocked by the brutality meted out to the public. I found your fire-based images and thumping soundtrack quite disturbing. (I don't want to say "triggering" because of the history of that.) My guess is that your audience is made up of sensitive thoughtful people that would probably appreciate your toning it down.

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You're definitely not alone with being shell shocked. It's been an incredibly rough few years. While I believe myself to be mostly sensitive and thoughtful, I disagree on the need for John Leake to "tone it down". I greatly appreciate his direct and forthright nature, as well as the references to literature, art and history. He's shining a light on the reality of today, but within a broader context. None of this is for the faint of heart. I don't mean any ill will toward you or anyone, and of course we all have our own points of view (thankfully). Just sharing my thoughts. Thank you.

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My "tone it down" comment pertained solely to the fire visual and the accompanying sound track. Sorry if I wasn't clear.

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I understand, even though in this case it doesn't bother me . . . but other things do. I drove into Austin yesterday and felt myself getting "that feeling" when I encountered masked people. I didn't see too many, but definitely more than in my rural community. I used to live in Austin, so I'm in tune with what it is to be an Austinite. There's a decidedly more "down" feeling there. Very sad - far from what it used to be. The Austin I know and love was a beautiful and exuberent city. I felt what you've described while there.

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I am more shell shocked that the public are mostly 'flying monkeys', willing to snitch, berate, humiliate, reject, and hold their friends, family members and neighbours in cruel contempt for choosing not to trust the agenda but to instead verify, and it didn't pan out. The masses did not verify, and instead trusted blindly and now find themselves betrayed.

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You are correct in that men who try to tell the truth are detested, especially in government. That is why the court of morality is the best place to present your case. I contacted your website for information on how to proceed in this direction, and I hope you respond.

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Ignore the fird blu. This con has been tried so many times in the last 30 years even the birds are saying "it's for the birds". What...it's now a crime to hate Canada? The 'Hot Zone" is really the joke zone. Not the newsletter, but the comedy of the stories.

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Well ignore the bird flu. Except for the part where they cull all the chickens and, next, cattle. These are real things. They are pushing mass testing of our livestock. We all know what comes next, 'asymptomatic but infected' and we are off to the races with a million chickens here and 10,000 cattle there. Its a plan. We cant ignore it?

Add a few human cases, with gain of function enabling. Boom. There goes rationality, and the livestock. Compensated with meaningless money digits.

The vampire squids probably have forseen most of what we see. They probably are ho hum you believe or not. Just so long as scared folk clap loudly at the latest cull of X million livestock to protect grandma.

We are on a knife edge of awareness. The vampire squids may feel the need to overwhelm us with XYZ societal threats, war, pandemic, bank collapse, to keep the emerging vaxx catastrophe from taking centre stage. That is my fear, these squids while entirely negative in all respects, CAN pull some large destructive levers. Benefit from chaos, their mantra?

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Your description of "orthodoxy" has been extremely useful for explaining the problem of vaccine silencing. Crediting you in a submission I'm writing.

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May 16·edited May 16

Anyone know where to get a blood test to see if someone is infected by vaccine shedding? I will pay. Someone should start this up. All these people shedding on everyone all the time. I also think all the perfume an daxe body spray makes it even worse as it attaches to these toxic particles. Anyone who got a vaccine because they thought they were doing it for the common Man are actually doing the exact opposite. They are infecting everyone around them with the VAX. The least you can do is a five day course of ivermectin at 0.5 mg per kilogram to try to annihilate the spike protein you are breathing on everyone. Www.gomedicinecounter.com from the flccc list.

But anyway, does anyone know where to get a blood test? I want to see how much all these people infected me before I moved to a farm forever.

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