I believe these concerns are important. I would appreciate if you also looked to the danger posed by the UN, massive at present. According to Dr Rima Laibow, you Americans actually have a chance to exit the monster UN - but it's quick and urgent. Worth trying, I say. https://preventgenocide2030.org/

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Probability is quite low for that to happen even though 'The People' support such an act. The Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits are now in control and they are pushing for all the eugenicist crime possible to obtain Absolute Power and all God's creation.

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I really think that ist time to fully realize and understand that demonic role and deal with it BEYOND church dogma and programming since the worst ones have been hiding there for a long time

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Intercessory Prayer is as Spiritual Attack upon those hosting the demonic.

Also, it's imperative to confront all here on the material/secular evenue, too.

That means actually placing 'GOOD' people of God into positions of power

as well as being willing to risk blood, limb and life to ENFORCE 'Good',

it seems.

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Yes great ideas if it can be accomplished, how would you place people of GOD into such positions in GLOBAL RIGGED ELECTION SYSTEMS and who has the ability to truly see WHO is worthy of that , and they are then the focus of power temptation

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We all know people in our neighborhoods and communities who are really of God; those adoring all the innocent, standing for righteousness, the passionate about going out of the way to get needs met for the unfortunate when tragedy strikes. They are in all positions of life and in all socio-economic backgrounds. They may or may not be the most educated and well spoken.

Those kinds of people don't seek or demand power; they're true love is about God, family and the well-being of those around them. Most laugh much and then some don't. Few receive any recognition or award nor seek it. THESE ARE THE KINDS OF PEOPLE NECESSARY TO CHANGE ALL...THOSE NOT WANTING NOR SEEKING POWER. Those as George Washington; turning it away except for doing what's right in whatever way they can contribute...Those willing to sacrifice for the well-being of the world.

Word of mouth in all communities...Good people always know other good people. Organize to find these people and provide them as options to the Demons COMMANDING POWER TO ABUSE THE WORLD, NATION AND OTHERS.

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Beautiful answer but they are few and why are they not in such positions and if they are all around why are we in this situation collectively / globally and I would not say George Washington was an example of such.

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My thing: it's worth trying.

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Absolutely worth trying!

Doubt the CORRUPT TREASONOUS loyal to

The Pilgrim Society in U.K. will allow it

as it is among their plans to re-install

a new Dark Middle Age of Absolute Control

to enslave the people resulting in their

dream of a 'Target-Rich Environment' of ready

victims to torture, mutilate, rape and murder

according to the worship of the Demons they host Hiding

within their souls.

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Their plans - great incentives to do what we can to stop them.

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Yes and how many of them are there , and how many people in the world DeSantis is member of Pilgrim society

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Similar to Xlear Nasal Spray if you want to try the at home version:

1 cup of water (8 ounces) (Filtered Water)

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp of xylitol crystals

1/2 tsp baking soda

4 drops of grapefruit seed extract (optional for infection)

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Do n you have a recipe for EARS for when it has expanded into ears from sinuses?

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Sorry but never heard of it. Does it work on tinitus? If yes then "go long" on the stock LOL. Lots of that going around

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great do-it-yourself. I love stuff like this!

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we need to investigate the DOD, and other Event 201 participants, as the locus of control of the plan. Fauci was a willing conspirator, the moneybags of the research, not a scapegoat. He is a thread to be pulled on. Totally agree with Dr McCullough to get to the direct questions.

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We use Xlear. Great stuff. Works.

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You're dancing around the center of the implied issue. That is, labs somewhere are creating artifactual viruses able to infect humans, and deliberately releasing them into the public.

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anybody notice that today is the 57th anniversary of another day that will live in infamy?

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When will the pretend experts explain how a virus is formed in nature? When will these clowns explain how a virus travels around the world? When will they prove contagion? Could we get a down to earth explanation as to how these viruses come and go? Could we get an honest explanation as to how they can differentiate between these viruses?

On the other hand, what has any of the 1,000 or more bio-labs ever done that is positive for humanity? If they create a deadly virus, how do they mitigate the risks to themselves? How do they control it? How do they test it on humans? Find a possible antidote by testing it on humans? How do they release these deadly viruses into the world? Seems like the release zone would be extremely deadly...where are the bodies?

No, quite frankly, viruses in the wild are a fantasy as well as deadly viruses created in a lab. We are provided no reasonable explanations yet we are expected to assume these idiots know everything. If a deadly virus was to be created by nature, a billion people would perish before anything could be done and what exactly would that be? Another mRNA injection? If a deadly virus was released by a lab (how does that work?) the perps would be at greatest risk being at or near ground zero.

These researchers are all cowards, pretending to be needed and important to the future of humanity. I cannot stop laughing. They are much too wimpy to expose themselves to a dangerous virus or the possibility of doing so. Virology is just another arm of the entire fake medical mafia which is not based on providing useful cures, but that of installing fear and panic so that people will become lifetime patients presuming that they will be saved from some terror that does not exist. In many cases, they are murdered by "doctoring" and drugs.

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STOP THE FUCKING ADS!!!!! This is what brought down NPR. You CANNOT be unbiased if you use ads on your site. Cut the shit.

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Staying VIGILANT or aware of their evil agendas lies and coverups IS NOT THE SAME AS STOPPING THEM PROSECUTING OR ELIMINATING the perps which none has been done yet , we can keep writing this stuff until we are all dead.

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Corona viruses are one strain among many within the common cold universe. Common colds are normally experienced in temperate climates, during winter. Such winter flus may require inhalation of cold, dry air as one trigger? Flus are survivable, I have beaten many. Yet the UN and many nations around the globe pronounced a health emergency in 2020.

NIH had sponsored a research collaboration with communist China to find a corona virus within bats, starting back during during the Obama administration. The collaboration was publicly reported at the time. There were reports the collaboration would avoid gain of function research. I noticed mention about this at the time, never guessing what would later unfold.

If the NIH saw a reason to study bat viruses, the NIH could have undertaken such work within the US. There are plenty of bats living inside the US.

The virus that escaped the Chinese government's lab was, it is now being reported, not natural. A disease agent of human modification could potentially serve as a legal basis for patent claims for vaccines.

The health emergency ran thru three summers -- 2020, 2021, and 2022. Yet respiratory colds normally are not emergencies year around, for 365 days per year. One reason is we obtain more sunshine via dermal exposure (shorts, bathing suits) during warm summers, thereby boosting vitamin D levels, an important contributor to the immune system.

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The UN and WHO are garbage.

Exit ASAP.

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XLEAR is one of the best new products around!

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Another great Interview. Glad to hear you'll be visiting our Farmers who feed America. They have taken much abuse from the BidenAdministration & his Crap New Green Deal Plans to Close Down Farms, Create a Food Shortage, Ration Food, and change to Bug Diets & Synthetic Meat. Biden's Severe New Regulations & High Fees have forced Farmers to Close. Some states are Banning use of Water for Farmers, leaving dry & barren land. While other 4 US States compensate Farmers who agree to use less water. There's been a rash of Burning of Barns all across America since Biden took office. Also Over 100 Food Processing plants are now burnt to cinder. Lets not forget Bidens bogus claims of Bird Flu to rationalize his culling of thousands and thousands of Chickens, Turkeys , Cows..... Biden continues to show his hatred for America by his evil actions of destruction of everything good.

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Great conversation, gentlemen, and I can't tell you how appreciative I am of your efforts to keep us informed with the actual truth of what's happening all around us these days.

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Yes , my mother was part Cherokee, and I lived in their homeland area for many years. ALL this woke insanity is really just Maoist communism rebranded for America to enflame the racial situation, Yes many of the Black Nobility FAMILY LINES are Persian and likely originally Babylonian. Also when I state that not all people everywhere practiced slavery Im including indigenous people from many areas of the globe , not just Native Americans, and if your close as you say to the Cherokee they have always stated "we came from the EAST , the direction of the rising sun not Asia across the land bridge or ice free corridor." Stay safe

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Per the CDC there are 1-3 cases of human rabies per year. Here is a what I was given at the border on Saturday (yesterday ). I

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