I have to be the only person on the planet who doesn't have a smartphone...except for the Amish and a couple of lone holdouts.

And, it is great.

I notice that people do not talk to each other anymore. Heads are always down looking at their screens. Mothers take their kids out to the park and they are more interested in their phones than the safety of their kids.

What scares me the most are the folks that drive and text.

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Same. I am so happy that I am not the only one Kathleen....by the way, The Democracy Fund is stepping up to help the Amish with having their fines overturned....fined for "not completing the ARRIVECAN APP"...on cell phones they do not own, do not wish to own and refuse to own. I donated...the Feds will come for me and Kathleen next...I intend to remain phoneless and (fully informed), in spite of the genocidal Feds BULLYING AND THEIR CENSORSHIP. Kathleen, you are a rascal, rebelling against the expectations and aspirations of Silcone valley and their accomplices in government...good for you. All the best. God bless you.

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No GPS in either one of my vehicles. Paper maps galore.

No TV.

People don't realize that the smartphone will end up being the boot on their neck. Next stop, social credit score just like the CCP.

You probably already know this, but the Feds used geofencing to round up the people at the Capitol on J6. Even some poor schmuck walking his dog, or some person just walking to the nearest Metro stop.

Here is a good article from Wired magazine on how it was done.


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I checked out the geofence article, and it is indeed sobering...and it reminded me about a comment I made to my wife last January, while using a rental car's navigation screen, in Arizona. The steering wheel could be turned at precisely the time the next road appeared on the screen...deadly accurate GPS real time data. Thanks for the article Kathleen.

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Sep 22
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Thanks Beth...this is one of my long held interests. I ordered the book.

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Ditto. No GPS. All paper maps.

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When people stop using paper maps and only rely on GPS, a little part of the thinking brain dies.

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Taking instructions from a machine - who would do that?

And a machine knowing exactly where one is, at any time... bad idea.

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Interesting article.

Google, of course, reminds us that they will restrict the information they hand out to law enforcement based on certain criteria being met. For instance, probable cause that a crime is being committed will result in release of their data.

Was there probable cause of crime being committed at the capital on January 6, 2021? Gee, I don't know. What do you think?

But then again, that is Google's currently stated policy in practice. Who is to say that stated policy couldn't be revised in the future under pressure from certain interests who would find location information useful for persecuting those they deem to be a threat to themselves.

FYI - a follow up article about David Rhine, the man mentioned in the November 28, 2022 Wired article.


It seems in this case that the location information gathered helped to convict Mr. Rhine of a crime in his participation in the attempted overthrow of the 2020 elections. This was a mass crime of the highest order that will go down in history as one of a big low points in our moral character, a stain on our reputation as a leading force for democracy in the world.

The questions here are not simple diametrically opposed positions. Law enforcement needs to be a priority to keep us from falling into the oblivion of chaos.

Orderly elections were supposed to be our means of peacefully changing government officials per citizen input, not the norm throughout history where demands for change of entrenched government officials were refused, resulting in open rebellions that were subsequently violently suppressed. The hope was that we could prevent chaos and violence and still have meaningful citizen input into our governing processes. January 6 proved that we were naive to expect that all our citizens would always act rationally for the greater good.

The misgivings that our founders had about unfettered democracy proved to be very much on point on January 6, 2021. People can be easily be misled to believe utter nonsense by a strongly spoken miscreant who keeps them in a perpetual state of fear and rage.

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January 6th was a FEDsurrection.

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A FEDsurrrection?? Please explain,

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I don't have a smart phone either! Mine is a flip phone because Verizon does not support its battery back up location where we live.

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Same here. Verizon flip phone and a Verizon landline. But if the power goes out, the landline goes out. With the old Verizon box in the basement, it used to have a battery that lasted 8 hours. But it needed to be replaced 2 years ago and there is no longer a battery.

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Check out Patriot Mobile...https://patriotmobile.com/ and Pure Talk USA https://www.puretalk.com/

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You, me, David, and the Amish, sister.

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I do not own a "smart phone"....I feel sorry for those enslaved by this devise...which is not really the most efficient for talking or for research. I do not want to "see" the people I talk to on the phone.....I just want to have a conversation. A laptop is much better for researching and reading articles

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I don't have a cell phone and don't miss a thing. Email and my wife's cell phone is enough. I now stand several feet away from her when she uses it. Rumors out there are that they 'explode'...

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"Speaking of DETOXIFICATION—the main theme of this episode is Dr. McCullough’s ongoing quest for a means of neutralizing and eliminating the toxic SPIKE PROTEIN from the body."

Detoxification the body from all sorts of harmful substances (organic and non-organic) has been done for centuries, if not millennia in truly holistic ways. There have been hundreds of excellent and well-researched books published over the past 70 years and before. There are many very successful known detox protocols available.

You and Dr. McCullough sound like the "toxic SPIKE PROTEIN" is "very unique and special substance" that needs something completely "new" to be eliminated or neutralized from the body. That might or might not be the case.

What baffles me completely and makes me increasingly suspicious is that I haven't found one word or attempt by Dr. McCullough to actually "research" all those known well-proven detox agents and methods and apply them to the spike protein to see if they work. Wouldn't that be the first and most logic step?

Similar to repurposing Ivermectin against the virus before we develop untested dangerous mRNA vaccines?

I am no detoxing expert but I have great success with coffee enemas and Chlorine Dioxide, one of the most powerful oxidating substances on the planet that kills the Covid virus in a Petri dish in no time. Maybe, just maybe, it kills the spike protein too? Or coffee enemas? Which has a long and solid history as proven detoxication agents and cancer remedy. Or is that a bit too unscientific, messy and fringe holistic to be examined?

Why wouldn't you look or many other proven methods and agents first?

It makes me wonder if that has to with "reputational" concerns and non-existing financial opportunities as most of these detox agents and methods are not patentable and very cheap.

So I wonder. Is this heroic quest to find "the antidote" to the Spike Protein motivated by helping to detox as many people as possible as quickly and cheap as possible or is it motivated by heroic ego-motives to find a sellable "anti-dote"? Not accusing. Just asking the obvious.

You lately wrote about "honest speech" and so on.

Now, don't cop out again and ignore me again. If I miss something important here, please correct me. I don't have any reputation to lose and I can admit when I erred. But I am sick and tired of hypocrites and Dr. McCullough has become a candidate for me. Which saddens me, because we have to thank him a lot for what he scarified and did to to stop the mass formation hypnosis.

Before you do so, please read my recent article which touches this topic:


And then push back please. Only through honest brave conversation can we dispel assumptions - the mother of all fuck-ups.

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FB, LinkedIn and Whatsapp 🆓 for years now... thousands of personal acquaintances, as well as business contacts - that I had met personally - all gone. When you can't publish a legal opinion, then - you are being censored. That's when I said F U. Don't mind sending you fellas a couple bucks though 😜

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I so regret discarding my old 'dumb phones' only just a couple of years ago. They worked fine but were superceded. I had all the cords and in kept well. Now I find myself looking for a dumb phone that won't track but workable. The Australian govt is currently deleting the entire 3G network.

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Our landlines now go through the modem. No electricity, no internet, no phone. Also, in a black spot when it comes to mobile/cell phone use. In an emergency, we are on our own.

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Sep 19Edited

Why the growing opposition to freedom of speech?

That's easy - the creeps doing this are supporters of things like sex change operations, transsexuals, free drugs, sexualizing children, drag queen shows in schools, allowing cities to be turned into drug ridden latrines, opening the borders to criminals, the mentally impaired, etc.

Nobody wanting all this sickness and degradation can defend it in questioning, debate, argument - so why wouldn't they want to make freedom of speech out of bounds, even illegal?

Don't make what's easy to figure out, complicated.

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"Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship ... To restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic and have no place in a republic ... The Constitution of this republic should make the special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom." - Benjamin Rush (maybe). It doesn't matter who actually said this. What matters is that for the past 109 years a self-regulating, self-policing Medical Monopoly has been in place, and we have been suffering because of it. Because absolute power corrupts absolutely, within a medical monopoly situations such as the VAX racket arise easily - and let me tell you, after 36 years of clinical work as a licensed naturopathic physician, the VAX racket is the tip of the iceberg of Machiavellian Monopolistic Medical Mediocrity...

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Silence on the COVID vaccine and mandates by both Presidential candidates: Agreed, but Trump has brought RFK Jr. into his fold whose raison d'etre IS addressing vaccine ideology and the vaccine schedule for children as well as righting the medical community's ship toward health instead of prescription drug methodology . There is, therefore, an implied acknowledgement that he was misled (remember though he tried to bring in independent voices at the beginning including Dr. Jay Bhattacharya I believe before he and others were ramrodded out of the White House by Fauci et al.).

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And anyone who dares to actually help people, like - say - Andrew Wakefield or Pierre Kory, is met with all the firepower the enemies of humanity can muster. Are they human? I do wonder, but I suppose they're really pathetic excuses for humans.

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If medical care were doled out at a church supported by charity, it would very likely slant toward being efficient, curative, palliative, and move along those who were good enough. Not charging for service, it would be interested in outcome and reasonable efficiency.

The management, moreover, would be under low, fixed overhead as are those who dedicate themselves to serving in the true sense.

As it stands, medicine is a profit driven business carved into a litigious bedrock. As such, it seeks out patients to fleece, either directly or through their insurance. Insurance is itself the ying to the medical yang. The two dance in tight embrace to secure a firmer market for their act.

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I wonder if the quest for an antidote includes looking at Chlorine Dioxide?

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Ha, thank you for that. I mentioned it several times in the comments regarding spike protein detoxification but only got silence. So I wrote a Substack challenging Dr. McCullough two days ago:


and put a challenge out to John and Peter in the comments here.

Let's see what comes back. Don't expect much as Substack has become such a boring echo-chamber were no one ever pushes back to anyone. Probably getting blocked instead because some big dissidents don't like small dissidents trying to keep them honest.

But I still have some hope for John.....will be interesting to see. And no answer is also an answer.

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It does seem odd to me that something as inexpensive and useful as CD (MMS1) has no profile in "the quest." Perhaps there is something I don't understand.....

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Maybe they fill us in one day…..

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Good article and good points. Sunshine is more important than most doctors admit. Ultra Violet Light Therapy was saving lives before antibiotics. Sunshine was used for people with TB and was also found effective for the flu pandemic. Dr. William Campbell Douglas was a physician that practiced all over the world and wrote about what seemed to cure people that was often outside the mainstream. He wrote a book about light therapy that was very effective against many pathogens. The following is a condensed summary from ChatGPT on the book: "Into the Light":

In Into the Light, William Campbell Douglass II advocates for the therapeutic use of light, specifically ultraviolet (UV) light therapy, to treat various infectious diseases caused by viruses and bacteria. Douglass suggests that UV light can effectively kill or neutralize many pathogens. Some of the viruses and bacteria he claims can be treated with light therapy include:

1. Viruses:

Hepatitis (A, B, C): Douglass argues that UV light therapy can help treat hepatitis infections by inactivating the virus in the bloodstream and boosting the body’s immune response.

Herpes: The book mentions that UV light may reduce the severity or frequency of herpes outbreaks (such as Herpes Simplex Virus), by disrupting the viral replication process.

HIV/AIDS: One of Douglass’s more controversial claims is that UV light therapy could have potential in managing HIV, reducing viral load, and boosting immune function. While there is no mainstream scientific evidence to support this claim, Douglass cites anecdotal reports of improvement in patients receiving UV blood irradiation.

Influenza: He suggests that UV light may be effective against influenza viruses, potentially reducing the severity of flu symptoms and speeding up recovery.

Poliovirus: The book discusses early experiments showing that UV light could inactivate the poliovirus in laboratory settings.

2. Bacteria:

Staphylococcus aureus: Douglass points to studies showing that UV light can kill Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, which are responsible for a wide range of infections, including skin infections, pneumonia, and sepsis.

Streptococcus: He suggests that UV light therapy has been useful in treating streptococcal infections, such as strep throat and other serious conditions caused by this group of bacteria.

Tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis): Douglass highlights historical successes of using UV light therapy to treat tuberculosis, both in the lungs and skin (lupus vulgaris).

Pneumonia: UV light has been historically used to treat bacterial pneumonia, and Douglass supports its continued use as a non-invasive way to reduce bacterial load in the body.

E. coli: Douglass argues that UV light can kill Escherichia coli, a bacterium responsible for various infections, including gastrointestinal and urinary tract infections.

Syphilis (Treponema pallidum): The book discusses early studies suggesting that UV light therapy might have been used to treat syphilis by killing the bacteria and improving patient outcomes.

Douglass explains that UV light, particularly UVA and UVB, can inactivate viruses and bacteria by:

Damaging their DNA or RNA, preventing them from replicating.

Enhancing the immune response by stimulating white blood cells and other immune functions.

Disinfecting blood through a process called UV blood irradiation (UVBI), where blood is exposed to UV light outside the body and then returned to the patient, a treatment he promotes for systemic infections.

I suggest that this treatment protocol should be looked into for the treatment of Long Covid and for all treatments where antibiotics may not work. It should be given a thorough review by at least reading the book: "Into the Light" and then deciding if it should be pursued.

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You have allowed Peter’s intellectual limitations to narrow your own scope of discovery to such a thin plank that you can neither turn around, nor head back from whence you came without an extraordinary effort on your part.


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Very well observed and put. I have the same concerns but still some hope for John to get out of this tricky situation.

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Question. Important. Does spike protien formula elininate bots, metals as shown by dr ana Michalcea. She advised EDTA.

Please explain. Thank you👍💜

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Very timely article for me as I have been thinking about how good a digital detox would be for me and this article is the nudge I needed. I love your clear cut suggestions and plan to implement them today.

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My understanding is the more you try to vaccinate the coronaviruses, the more the viruses mutate and cause more illness. Why then, don’t we just stop vaccinating and let the virus burn itself out. I’m told the infection is more mild and fewer people have to be hospitalized, so treat it with the medications that have been shown to work and let it die out? Can anyone explain why this is not the correct path forward?

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