45's mistakes were obvious. Let's start with Pence. The RNC as then existent , was calling the shots. The (R) RINO CLASS was running the show. Having Ivanka and Jared in key positions was not helpful.

With all due respect for Kennedy unveiling Fauci and the covid debacle, his support of reparations leaves me cold.

I was better off under 45 than 46. So was the world . You may not like his personality but his policies resound favorably with me especially his calling out NATO.

The world is on the cusp of WWII. It is time to put the Muslim dude not born in Hawaii and his Diapered Muppet and their globally destructive policies out to pasture. America First for me.

From the beach....


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Pence was not a mistake. He was and is military intelligence. (Along with past DNI Dan Coats with whom he worked.) They were assigned to sabotage the Trump presidency on behalf of the Military Industrial Intelligence Complex. While Mr. Leake thinks Trump should have been tough enough to slay that dragon, I would suggest that is a ludicrous view. And suggesting that RFK Jr. would have the ability or insight to enter such a battle is just silly. One has to remember Kennedy's life long love affair with the Democrats who have gutted our Republic.

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Pence is a Judas. Presidential wannabe and a campaign that imploded in Indianapolis at the NRA Convention when he was booed before he spoke. " I chose the Constitution," my arse.

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Pence was as Daniels in Indianapolis...Before him as Governor with both PRETENDING to be Conservatives/Republicans. Both are simple proof of the existence of the Nazi Uniparty.

Lebanon, IN is being BUILT BACK BETTER into a CONCENTRATION CAMP they're defining a SMART/15 MIN CITY. Thousands of acres of Farmland, Forest and Fresh Water in both Reservoirs and Aquafer in Northwest IN off of i65 declared as 'Emminent Domain' now in the hands of the NAZI'S. THEY REFUSE TO DECLARE THE AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISE THEY'RE BUILDING BACK BETTER.

They're seeking to market as JOBS! JOBS! JOBS!

Some here know better than to trust any of the sociopathis in Govt.

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RFK's life long love affair is not with this current type of Democrat. He's movin' on! He has the character and courage our country needs right now. A man who puts the people before the party!

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Also, Kennedy is an intellectual, with a love for books and history. He speaks OF urgency, but he doesn't speak WITH urgency. Some things don't lend themselves to intellectual analyzation. Split- second, gut-feel decisions are required.

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Amen to all of the above.. You mirrored my thoughts to the T. 45 made several mistakes because he was not a career politician, and 98% of that class are lower than snakes. He learned a lot of hard lessons that I don't think he will repeat, but far more important is the shake up of the political landscape not just here in the US, but globally. The populist movement, with a multi-polar powers serves humankind far better than the globalist WEF/Soros hegemony that has steadily seized power.

We've seen with increasing visibility the hand of the Deep State, cutting out Kennedy from the debates was yet another sign of that. While I don't agree with half of what he wishes to do, I do feel he should have shared the stage with them.

The real questions on my mind are; just how awake is the country as a whole to all the machinations going on, and just how complacent will the populace be when these same actors attempt another steal by means of another "crisis"?

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Over 35% of the voting population has been seduced to want to give communism a go.

Our education system, the SCOTUS, patience of the communist infiltrators and people who decided to give up on their civic duties for cell phones & Netflix has got us where we find ourselves today.

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I see the same. The result of most of us being too busy working and paying bills as the school system was steadily undermined to produce communist seeking youth, as Hitler said, "Give me your youth and I will shape the future". While many institutions have failed us, I place the lion's share at the feet of public school teachers as they were the the most active at pushing the racist white hating ideology and victim identity BS. The rest fell like dominos.

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I have been trying to do my part in pushing back against these people since I volunteered on Ronald Reagan’s campaign. The RINOs and the deep state operatives who are no less than traitors to their own neighborhoods and children are a part of a spiderweb of corruption and incompetence. For such talented and gifted journalists such as yourself to not dig under the top soil is mind boggling. We all hoped that the entrenched Lucifarian would get swept off the game board just after the inauguration evening dance, but we knew who many of them were but 1/2 the country was still holding hand with Hillary! Many conservatives believe in Speaker Ryan, many believed in Pence! The exposure of the truth of who’s who in this list of our “public servants’ that are taking bribes from our enemies to become rich while they put in appropriate sad faces when we loose everything we worked for since 1980, like my brother did.

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I digressed and need to finish my point. Trump got more done than even Reagan and both men had the deep state after them but it was far more aggressive with Trump .(In spite of the beliefs that Reagan was hit by a deep state assassins bullet, he unexpectedly survived) You gentlemen have a hard time voting for him? WHAT? What are you looking for! He has even brought to the surface the fact that we are more like a corporation than a Constitutional Republic. Have you discovered so little that you knew nothing about prior to 2017? I do t k ow where you gentlemen who have a hard time voting for Trump have been, but many of the rest of us thought we were caught up in a spy movie! Have you forgotten the entire leadership of the FBI plotting against Trump? That doesn’t bother you owe? Old news? The scam trials are something any of you would buckle under. His BP isn’t even up! As Paul the apostle was told and I will paraphrase: has you coveted learning made you go crazy or bonkers? Gentlemen, wise up, get off your comfortable bottom end go vote for the only man since George Washington that has the backbone to help our teetering on the edge of doom country to survive. We have a lot of work to do!

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I see I am not alone in noting the 35% level of brain-washing / compliance!

your points are succinct and real.

Great post.

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I concur with your narrative. With vigor and respect.

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Nicely put.

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Like! Hardily agree with you, Gene!

The only people "better off" under this current bunch of gangsters are the "Takers".

Those of us who work for a living and pay the Yankee governments outrageous taxes, and foot the bill for all the deadweight are suffering like big dogs under this disastrous criminal regime.

Your comment about WWIII is particularly timely.

We face so many serious problems, and with the regime and Ministry of Propaganda doing all possible to deflect and distract, it's sometime hard to prioritize them and focus. The fact that our government's insane wars in Ukraine and especially the Middle East are a gigantic powder keg makes them a priority matter that isn't getting the public attention it deserves.

I'm mighty grateful for the restraint being shown by certain foreign governments. Too bad our bunch of demented clowns don't have any of that quality.


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100% agree with you, Gene! I do believe we are in the "last hours" to save the republic. It may already be too late, but I'm voting with the hopes we can save her (America).

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We are in absolute agreement, Sue.

Thank you .

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I appreciate the injection of a little levity (lesser of two weevils). Humor once served us well as a healthy contrast to the adversarial nature of political discourse, which sadly, in our times, appears to embrace a toxicity and 'by any means necessary' posture, that formerly seemed less overt, even if it lurked greedily beneath the surface. That said, I share Gene's take and assessment. I strongly support the MAGA agenda. Trump clearly is the best choice of these two, even if I no longer support him as I once did prior to his handling of Covid. JFK, Jr, would be a disaster. My take remains the virus was a biological weapon unleashed on us all, deliberately and on purpose. It may have been cleverly executed to appear China was behind it all, but anyone who has done a deep dive into this knows better. The 'gain of function' research focus was driven by the NIH, Fauci, and Military funding for decades, with a direct link to Big Pharma Big Tech Complex which captured them all. None of it was accidental. And all of it was carefully disguised and covered up including 'Operation Warp speed" which claimed to have developed a "vaccine" in record time. In reality, it had been under development and testing for decades as a mRNA gene therapy which was well known as an affont upon medical ethics, clinical practice, and responsible Pharmacological Therapeutics. Trump was either played completely or he was an active participant. The fallout from his emergency declaration and all that followed directly led to him losing the 2020 election. And the damage that was done to us as a population and the country was nothing short of devastating on a variety of levels. Like it or not, President Truman's quote of "the Buck stops here" applies to all sitting presidents. Trump owns what happened. Yet he chooses to stand by his actions regarding all of it. So it goes. I accept his tendency to brag and exaggerate accomplishments as bravado; and I accept his executive administrative and negotiating achievements as best in class. I no longer trust him as I once did. I want to believe he will act in the best interests of the country and the people. But his Covid response and current position runs counter to that vision. Nonetheless, he may be our best and only choice at recovering the semblance of a Republic. It remains to be seen if he, or anyone, can and will tackle the Administrative state, find a way to dismantle and disconnect it from all government and NGO agencies and functions, and bring about the kind of return to core Constitutional principles which, IMHO, are the key to us having a future based upon the power of the people, rights and liberty, individual responsibility, the rule of law and fair execution of justice for all (no double standards). Tall order. Unsure if such is even possible anymore. Hope springs eternal. Finally, realize that the 'debate' last night had an aura of Orwellian tactics orchestrated by CNN (and whoever else behind the scenes) which exclusively controlled the content, the streaming (it shut down Rumble and Locals, and many other outlets which were poised to stream and discuss it, essentially eliminating the bulk of the people's voices be heard, and content discussed). There was selective streaming only by a few, and the networks (dinosaur media) bought into a common agreement to permit them all to have broadcast access. I doubt CSPAN was allowed to broadcast live, but I don't know for sure. Suffice to say, a great many who rely upon alternative sources out of the MSM for their information and content, were denied. Censorship and control of content in a Presidential debate of this magnitude should not have been allowed under any circumstances. Something really is rotten at the core; when this kind of interference and control manifests. Make no mistake, with this and rulings from the Supreme court recently, it appears to be entrenched & growing. Thank our stars for places like Substack which still has a voice and supports free speech. Be wary of the Marxist influences which have crept into our society and ways of life. They have only one objective, to destroy from within.

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The grand prize IMHO, was and is the White House, and I’ve read that America’s worst enemies played significant roles in helping to accomplish their primary goal.

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It did a nice job of derailing our economy in order for the Left to be able to blame on Trump the heartache and hardships brought on us by the Dems.

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I agree with your posits. Trump was not a good judge of character when choosing his subordinates. RFK jr is a hard left liberal. We absolutely cannot stand a fourth Obama term.

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We stand together, Gary.

Thank you.

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Divided.. We fall.

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I also like Trump's leaving WHO. At the time I loved WHO and was mad at Trump. But now I appreciate he was so right!

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Thanks for crossing the river, Diana.

No pollution here.

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I can only assure you that I played no part in that story.

Nor would I, if such atrocities were to be given a new hope, going forward.

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Delighted to know your hands are clean, Frogman!😃

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How is that to support the bold commandeering of land and resources by Israel is seen as just and fair when your ilk rebel against treating their OWN second class black citizens receiving the same? Reparations fir black people is a long overdue compensation.

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Unsupportive of your view expressed but respectful of your opinion.

Thank you.

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Articulated in the manner I just did, why do you not support financial compensation for ancestors of victims? That’s all it is. Apology and financial comp for victims of atrocities. JUST LIKE THE JEWS GOT….

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With all due respect to you stated view, I view the matter differently.

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Do tell… how do you view the hundreds of years of enslavement, disenfranchisement and systematic discrimination of a group of Americans? I’d like to know.

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🥱 “Guilt is a rope that soon wears thin.”—Ayn Rand

I have zero guilt for what other generations did. My ancestors in Ireland didn’t have it so good under British rule either. I don’t expect reparations from the British. By your logic, don’t the African blacks who sold their captured enemies into slavery owe American blacks reparations? Good luck guilt tripping them.

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There are people all over the world who have been enslaved, disenfranchised, discriminated against for centuries and thousands of years. They have not all gotten reparations. My grandparents and parents are some of those people. (One of my grandmothers was put in a work(slave)camp along with my dad and his brother during WWII in Yugoslavia. They are not Jewish… they are Austrian. Their land, homes, belongings all taken from them.) They have gotten nothing from nobody. The came to the U.S. and worked hard and made a decent life here without government or taxpayers support from any country. Why should people today pay for what has happened in the past? We taxpayers are not responsible.

Though I think If land/property was taken from a family, I believe that it should be given back.

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RFK Jr has some pretty radical left beliefs, including jailing those who haven’t fallen for the lucrative govt-power-grabbing climate hoax.

You’ve lost my respect a bit on this one, Mr. Leake. I can try to respect your opinion on RFK Jr, but you’ve also fallen into the cheap worn-out characterization of Trump supporters as worshipping him, members of a cult, etc. We simply like safety and success.

I bet your bank account was doing just fine during Trump’s Admin, and if you have any loved ones in the military, I bet you’re glad Trump didn’t start any new wars and cooled off/ended old ones.

You’ve fallen for the Kennedy mystique and nostalgia.

Trump is not only the lesser of THREE evils, but he’s actually not evil.

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Look no further than RFKJr’s choice of VP. No way.

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Trump was better than Biden in so many ways. Propaganda smears him, but he wasn't that bad. He does lie a lot. So do most politicians.

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There’s a famous Winston Churchill quote that “ In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.”

I do not believe Trump is a liar, but Biden and the Globalists are.

Well, we’re in wartime.

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Hmmm… I myself, am gonna pull a George Carlin on our voting day this November. I’m staying home. I’ll get a lot more done and it’ll be infinitely more productive than voting for any of these men. I want to like RFK, Jr, I really do, but his stance on Israel/Gaza, his recent dinner with the odious Mike Pompeo, calling him “charming” was two bridges TOO far. None of these people is worth my vote.

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Don’t you ‘vote’ for the winner if you stay home?

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No, Jillian. As Carlin said, “Don’t blame me when the guy you voted for turns everything to shit- You’re the one who voted him in.” But I like how the mind tricks they’ve played on you have worked…

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" RFK Jr [...] including jailing those who haven’t fallen for the lucrative govt-power-grabbing climate hoax." - I missed it...

Trump has lovers and haters. half and half, and those in between as I am, a skeptic.

Although some blame his advisory team on "pandemic" lead by Deborah Birx, for misleading him vaccinations, he initiated Operation Warp Speed (OWS).

It's been enormously effective for Pfizer, Moderna+ as their profits count in billions of $$. .

And safe, because of lack of accountability for mass murder.

Well, the change is coming, Nuremberg 2.O.

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I too am a skeptic and am not a rabid Trump fan. In fact, in 2016 when we started out with 17 R contenders, Trump was pretty low on my list, but I voted for “the lesser of two evils” when he won the nomination. (Sadly, I’ve had to do that my entire life). So I chose Trump over Hillary.

AND was shocked at how well he ran this country.

I must say that, even with all his accomplishments, what impressed me most was the way the obviously corrupt DC establishment (both parties) fought against him. He was obviously doing something RIGHT. The corrupt govt spokespiece Propaganda Press demonized him, and many even in this substack have fallen for it.

The corrupt govt threw the Plandemic at Trump along with an impeachment and every other dirty trick up their dirty sleeves. He made mistakes, but fewer than most would have when confronted with the new modern biowarfare in which our own govt was complicit.

That convinced me. Trump supporters see the evil controlling our country, and we prefer safety and success.

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I’m with you, Twink. I was not a Trump supporter in 2016 and I felt sick to vote for him because there was no way I wanted Hillary to win. But, boy am I glad Trump won and he turned out to be one of the best US presidents ever. No one else could have withstood all that was thrown at him during his entire presidency when the coup began before he was even inaugurated. He is showing that he is a man of courage and our enemies abroad will fear him.

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I’ll bet there are a lot of skeptics turned Trump supporters. He SHOWED us what an efficient business man can do—run the country like a successful reputable company. He also opened my eyes to the corruption in DC from the Uniparty that is rotting out the heart of our country.

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And he opened our eyes to the fake media.

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Yes, no one else could have, or would have, withstood it. His family, as well.

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For the love of ice cream it’s NOT the president’s job to “run the country!!” You people are duped for a dictatorship and not a Constitutional limited powers person of the presidency!

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RFK also unconditionally supports Israel (last I checked). We need diplomacy and end of military support for destruction of Gaza. All BIden has to do is stop sending weapons. Israel cannot continue this war without U.S. support. (That's what John Meersheimer says on youtube)

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NICE. Obviously, John's pocketbook has been doing well. And that's okay, but I hope he understands that it's apparent in his writing. We are not stupid.

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How about your buddy Drumpf saying that abortionists and those who get them should go to jail? Are you aware of that insane drivel? And I’m anti abortion btw.

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Where did he say that?

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It’s on a You Tube video interview last year. I don’t have the link but was shocked when I heard it. Totally bizarre.

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RFK has a few good points. HOWEVER, he is STILL a left leaning liberal who embraces abortion and climate bs! His VP choice is no better than Cackles the ho.

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You haven't listened to RFK if you think he "embraces" abortion and "climate bs" and is a "left leaning liberal". But go ahead and be one of those people

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His own words speak for themselves.

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Oh, I will sweetie, because I can think for myself. You might want to try it.

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Oh how I wish a truly classical, free-speech loving liberal were up for the role. Those folks are gone with the wind.

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Kennedy is a socialist and a lawyer from a very corrupt family.

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He is not a “socialist.”

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Of course he is. He wants to use state power to control the lives, liberty and property of individuals, a socialist.

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And by the way, the very definition of fascism is corporate control melded with the state. We have got that in spades!!!

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I think you’ve got that wrong, Jon. He has no desire to control anyone but the serious criminals running the MIC, Big Pharma, Big Food, and all the other crooks and hangers-on who are rotting this great country from the inside out. I’m ALL for controlling these maniacs who have sickened, poisoned, and killed so many of us. And for WHAT???

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After reading Socialism by Mises, The Law by Bastiat, and The Road to Serfdom by Hayek, not Selma, I concluded socialism, Fascism and communism all use state power to control the lives, liberty and property of individuals.

After reviewing his positions, he wants to use state power to control the lives liberty and property of individuals. A socialist.

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Sorry, buddy. You’ve been wrong before, no doubt and you are definitely wrong now. He’s a capitalist, through and through, but with a heart, supporting social programs to increase wellbeing to society members. By the way, if you are an older person, I expect you will willingly give up every bit of your Social Security money, and your Medicare benefit. All of it. If you’re not of that age yet, I expect you should willingly REFUSE those programs when you do come of age because guess what? Those are socialistic programs. And they keep many people out of abject poverty, especially now that war spending has put us in the tank for trillions. Every president since these programs were enacted has supported them, whether R or D, at least on the outside… Give up your rights to them today.

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Sorry buddy.

I was FORCED to pay into SS and Medicare and I damn well do what I can to get MY money back.

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His policies say he wants to control the lives, liberty and property of individuals.


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which policy are you referring to supporting "wants to control" the lives, liberty and property of "individuals"?

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He wants to keep the Regulatory State.

"Raise the minimum wage to $15"

" redirecting regulatory scrutiny "

"government-backed mortgage bonds"

One example: "The East Palestine disaster could have been prevented if the Department of Transportation (DOT) had made train operators comply with reasonable safety regulations."

Why not peel the onion and find out why DOT failed? Success for government agencies is finding ways to spend more money.

Recall when new Ford SUVs were having high speed accidents? It was discovered that it was the fault of the Firestone tires. Ford settled many cases out of court, but where was the DOT?

Kennedy's socialism goes back to the 'progressive' Teddy Roosevelt who created the Regulatory State to control businesses.

SCOTUS just ruled today Regulatory State only has the explicit authority from Congress.

Kennedy wants to make the socialist state work, not abolish it.

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I find Trump to be quite capable as he has had to negotiate with multiple governments and unions to develop his properties and create wealth.

Name all the politicians in office that have created wealth.

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If you look at the big picture, there is no other candidate that will take arrows repeatedly from the deep state in a quest for eliminating corruption. Simply look back at his video for the 2016 campaign. He says his "movement" is about eliminating the corruption and rot that has infiltrated our government, three letter agencies and other institutions. Robert Jr. has similar ideas but does not have the ability to eliminate the deep state and go after them head on. This is not about Rep or Democrat back and forth standard politics. It took decades to infiltrate, it will take some time to regain our Republic.

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The big picture includes having a a pharma/bioweapons lobbyist as a senior advisor who will guide Trump into the same business as usual corruption. The fact is that Bobby has many points on which he agrees with Trump but with far more savvy about the swamp.

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If Chyna doesn’t sink us first!

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Yes. It will take a lot of time. Trump is our beginning. Now we must be willing to still believe.

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Trump is not particularly capable? Are you kidding? That, and your comments in general on Trump reveal that you know pretty much nothing about him and clearly haven't been paying attention.

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How do you wake up those that are sleeping! You have to show them. This is what I believe. You can keep voting for Republicans and hope things change. Good luck with that...

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There are Republicans, and there are Republicans. Sadly, many of them are in league with, and little better than, Democrats. And they are not to be trusted. That does make things very difficult when voting. Trump, however, is one of a kind, and certainly not in that camp. (A major problem when he was previously President that, being an outsider, he had to take the advice of a lot of those snakes when it came to appointing people to his administration. I don't think will happen again.

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Pardon me for evaluating DJT on the superb domestic/international LEADERSHIP leading up to the CCP SCAMDEMIC BIOWEAPON…(sidebar: Why did the CCP bar domestic travel and allow international travel/spread? Riddle me that Batman.) Superb domestic/international, presidential leadership, all while the DeepState, UniParty, FNM, Big Tech Oligarchs tried to thwart his amazing success.

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Hear hear!

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I think Trump is capable. Not being a politician and having the RINOS and Dems against him from the start of his presidency was a real challenge. He's learned he can't trust anyone. RINOS are brown nosers and then stab you in the back. Trump has good instincts when it comes to sniffing out when things are not working correctly, but he lacks those instincts when it comes to sniffing out personalities. If he is elected, it would be wise to have people close to him who have that ability. I hear people complain about the way he speaks and I dismiss it because Trump is not a politician nor does he pretend to be. He's a successful business man and that is what makes him attractive for this job.

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Mr. Leake, you may very well be an educated & intelligent man, but there is an old saying that is applicable here- ‘if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging’. We are in this position today precisely because of people like you (& RFK) — ‘classical liberal types’ stuck in Camelot —which not only is dead, but never existed! So while you can pass sanctimonious picky judgement on Trump—who btw could be out playing golf & enjoying the fruits of his considerable accomplishments, but instead chose to stand & fight Lord of The Rings type evil & put everything (EVERYTHING) at risk including his own freedom. When you can say that, I might take your opinion into consideration. Whatever Trump’s faults may or may not be, he is the present day embodiment of ‘we pledge our lives, our fortunes, our sacred honor’. This isn’t some wing/hope/prayer. I make this statement because of the 11 presidents I have lived thru Trump out performed all of them combined. On the other hand, you want to elect a man who no one would know exists except for his last name & upon all of his accomplishments rests. Move over Hamlet, we have a new Hamlet in town.

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I agree with and love everything you wrote!

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You said it the best. Maybe someday John Leake will look back and understand what you've said.

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As a post script, while the only reason I subscribe to this SubStack is because of Dr. M (someone who also put his entire net worth on the line to speak truth) & so will not cancel, my titling at windmills moment will be to never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever again read another word you write.

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I like Kennedy but his view on abortion without limits is bonkers!

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"bonkers"??? Hardly! RFK believes in bodily autonomy and medical freedom. Each one of us gets to decide and give consent for any medical treatment we undergo. In the case of abortion, the pregnant woman has to be trusted with the final decision. He believes every abortion is a tragedy and therefore has a robust plan to prevent abortion being the decision made for an unexpected pregnancy. And do you really want our government deciding these things for us? Isn't that government overreach?

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RFK said he does not believe in abortion once the child is viable outside the womb, much like several other countries around the world. You should listen to his mock debate. He also said he’d cut our defense spending by 50%. That’s rather frightening to me.

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I am an independent. I am not a Trump supporter and Biden is a laughable dementia patient. It shocks me to see you advocating for RFK Jr. Bobby believes in the bullshit climate change crisis. That ridiculous con will be used to control and murder FAR MORE people than the global covid emergency psy-op and bioweapon con. Bobby is great on vaccines and agency capture but terrible on climate change murder. I’m sorry but I can no longer follow anyone who supports more genocide based on lies.

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John, you’re a smart, insightful man.

Yet regarding President Trump, you have, as the apostle Paul wrote, been blinded in your mind by the god of this world.

Our Creator has the limitless perspicacity to use friend, for, even the greatest enemy for His purposes. But it appears many refined mortals haven’t the stomach to follow His lead.

God bless you. Keep writing. Maybe shift your perspective ever so slightly and look afresh at things.

BTW - RFK Jr’s anti-vax stance is his solitary blind-squirrel-found-something useful moment. He is tediously leftishly wrong on everything else.

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He’s wrong about the vaxes, too. RFK and $hanahan are NOT against vaccines at all. Here’s what Jr. actually has said, “I’m pro-vaccine.” Then, “I don’t think we oughta be mandating medical interventions for unwilling Americans unless we know precisely that that vaccine is gonna end up helping people rather than hurting them.” https://rumble.com/v2samua-robert-f.-kennedy-jr.-summarizes-his-views-on-childhood-vaccines-in-3-minut.html

I don’t think I have to tell you how naive (yet predatory) he sounds. After what we’ve been through since early 2020, we don’t want ANYTHING mandated. ANY THING period. I don’t care who thinks it’s “safe and effective.”

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How can you say RFK Jr is "wrong about the vaxes"? OMG! And then the gall to say he is "pro-vaccine"! And "naive"?? WOW! Not true! Have you read any of his books including Vax-Unvax which includes a hundred studies in peer-reviewed literature that considers vaccinated vs unvaccinated populations and exposes the shoddy science? If he ever said he is "pro-vaccine" it has to have been a one-time slip up that has been taken out of context to be used as a "gotcha". I've heard him say he's not an "anti-vaxxer" but advocates for people recieveing medically informed consent and having the right to refuse what is injected into your body or baby's body. Have you heard of how he got into the whole childhood vaccination issue in the first place? We should all be thankful for RFK Jr and having the courage and strength to get to the bottom of this and expose the harms on behalf of concerned parents.

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Anita, before you further beclown yourself, watch him say what I quoted in the Rumble video linked.

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OK I watched it and heard it. I stand by my opinion that the one time he used the phrase "pro" vaccine was taken out of context. When considering the entirety of all that he has written, researched and discussed about vaccines in multitudes of interviews he's had this year while being slammed with vaccine questions almost every time, I think we can agree that he definitely does not agree with vaccine mandates. He has exposed how the big pharma wrongly covers themselves with the "safe and effective" clause. He has and still continues to stand up for medical freedom and bodily autonomy like no other presidential candidate we have ever had. And he takes the hit for those Americans like you who don't want "ANYTHING" mandated! He is couragous and not naive about this!

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Read his lips: “unless we know precisely that that vaccine is gonna end up helping people rather than hurting them.” Who gets to decide that?? Who got to decide it last time? Who didn’t, got forced to take is and is now disabled or dead? And that wasn’t even a vaccine, it was a transfection, the thing they use in lab rats they’re going to sacrifice for research. No. I don’t trust him and some people who have been close to him don’t either. Sorry. Thanks for viewing and God help us.

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OK. But you do trust Biden or Trump? "Who gets to decide that" is a great question. Last time it was Trump and Biden and the federal agencies under their control. God help us is right! Peace to you and your family

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I do not "worship" President Trump...but I do GREATLY appreciate and support him for his accomplishments when he was in office:


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Well stated once again by the brilliant words of Mr. Leake. Robert F. Kennedy is far and away the most attractive alternative. Kennedy is officially on the ballot now in 10 states including both FL and CA and has a good chance to be listed on the ballot in 14 more states. Who knows, we could still see an election miracle of sorts.

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Be careful what you’re wishing fer!

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RFK Jr will have ballot access in all 50 states and DC. He is a legitimate candidate who indisputably triumphed over the other two candidates in last night's TheRealDebate. I admire his and his campaign's zeal for including him since the tradition of Presidential debate permits the public to know their candidates' positions and exercise informed choice. Biden's and Trump's ad hominem vitriol and inability to respond to moderators' questions was shameful.

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He couldn't even stay within his two minute debate time. How could he have won the debate? What he gave was commentary.

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Kennedy mystique and nostalgia

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Oh, Camelot!

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You can guess the age of RFK Jr supporters. They long for Camelot.

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It would appear!

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Completely agreed. Trump hero worship seems as strange to me as believing he is a modern-day Hitler. I wouldn't feel great voting for him, personally, even if I were to do it as a "lesser of two evils" choice.

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I don't worship Trump.

Democrats worshiped him as long as he donated to the party.

But when he ran for president, 'liberals' realized they had no leverage and began abusing government power to take him out.

I support Trump because the socialist regulatory state fear him.

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Not sure the WHO and UN are fans either. I want out and a deadly smiting of the three-letter pretend health agencies. Please cut off the generals’ allowance for pantyhose!

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Best comment of the day

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Most Trump supporters don’t worship him. That’s cheap profiling by the DS that you’d think only a child would fall for.

Trump supporters merely like safety and success.

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Maybe, just maybe, you are an ignorant-blind, TDJ mo-ron.


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LOL! Definitely a sane, intelligent conclusion. I agree that maybe that's what I am!

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Divided, we fall.

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