Please stop calling it the “Democratic Party.” There name is the “Democrat Party,” and there is nothing democratic about it. One case in point, Kamala was selected, not elected by Democrat voters in a primary. I prefer to call it the “Demonrat Party” because they have become a party of Satan worshippers as evidenced by their actions.

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Evil, deranged, useful idiot.

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....and SCAPEGOAT.

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Poster boy for the Donkies.

"Their democracy" can only be sustained through culpable criminal activity while the DOJ and FBI look the other way.

From the beach....


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The Feds may look the other way once the fuse is lit, but often they find them, groom them, fund them, and set them on target. Even the NY Times once admitted that something like 19 out of 20 would-be Islamist terrorists arrested by the FBI since 9/11 had been organized by the FBI, Whitmer kidnapping style.

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The FBI is still trying to eliminate Trump by any means. Their posting of Routh’s letter offering a $150,000 bounty for anyone who could assassinate Trump incites murder. Someone at the FBI must be held accountable for this.

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Oh, it's way, Way, WAY bigger than the foot soldiers in Alphabet Agencies....

(hint: international bankster mafia)

(clues: Confessions Of An Economic Hitman by John Perkins)

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Love that you brought in that classic, Portrait of Dorian Grey. Very apt comparison.

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Sad part is there are thousands of these sickos still out there being ignored by the FBI and the not so secret service. Now his son was just arrested for some real sicko pictures of child abuse while he was arrested for sexual exploitation of children too! All in the family, the Manson family!

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Take a look at Oran's photos, instant Dorian Gray portrait, quick as a Polaroid. Isn't this the son that said what a good man his daddy is, nonviolent and all? Poisoned fruit, close to poison tree.

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As with so many in the TDS cohort, they have been drinking from the poisoned well of Operation Mockingbird corporate media.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false" ~ William Casey, CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

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chilling. The face of insanity and evil all mixed together

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It's the "Psychopath Next Door" infestation of society.

Every day you're likely to meet a psychopath. Dr. James Fallon of UC Irvine explains what a psychopath is, how they work, and what they want from you -- and he ought to know (but you'll have to watch to find out why).


The Sociopath Next Door: The Ruthless Versus the Rest of Us


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There is a Far-Left, and there is a Far-Right, both equally unpleasant. They cannot be reasoned with, and it’s their way or the highway. They say the most vile, hateful, and rude things to people they don’t even know. I’ll never get used to it. There are racists on both sides, but I don’t find that surprising. It’s not what the propaganda news reports, though.

It’s difficult to associate ourselves with a party, Democrats or Republicans, because we have lost respect for almost the whole lot of them. They’ve had this scam going for years now, leading us to believe our votes counted all the while deceiving us and installing whoever will benefit them as a collective. You think we would have caught on when their ratings were so low, and nothing ever changed. It never mattered what we wanted. It was all about them and what would benefit them. They’re all making deals on a daily basis, and we aren’t included in any of their plans.

The last 28 out of 32 years, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack 0bama, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris have held power. They are all wings from the same bird. Ask yourself, if they had our best interests at heart, how could we be $38T+ in debt? Why does our country look like a third world shite hole?

I don’t even like to refer to those of us who just want to live the best life we possibly can, go to work, raise children, living the life of Reilly, really, the American Dream, the best schools, great infrastructure, cleanest waterways, environment, and so much more as Dems or Republicans, but we’ve been tossed aside so the Deep state Democrats and Republicans can maintain their voting base and become filthy rich in the process. Can we say insider trading and charitable foundations? There’s a million and one ways for them to steal our money.

There’s never any accountability either. I emailed the Office of Ethics and asked if I could get a list of all our reps on The Hill who used our tax money for sexual harassment/sexual abuse slush fund, and I was told they passed a law to seal the documents, and the only way to unseal them is for them to enact a law to unseal them. What a joke! Elon, we need you….

We, both former Dems and Republicans, are the People ‘s Party. We don’t want anything to do with scum who swore an oath to serve and protect us and are instead treating us like an afterthought.

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It’s getting to be time for another tea party and real insurrection like in 1770s. Otherwise, nothing will change in DC. Enough regular folks (at least a million) need to show up in DC and physically escort or drag all current government officials out of their offices and shut down the government (no weapons, just massive outnumbering). It would make January 6, 2021 look like a cake walk. I would suggest spring time when the cherry trees are blossoming.

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The Democrats Party has been venal and corrupt for a very long time. They’ve been taking money and favors from foreign entities for almost as long. With their recent predilection from authoritarianism they are now a good match for the Quisling Party. That should be their new name.

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The Democrat Party has been INFILTRATED BY NEO-MARXISTS and corrupt for a very long time. The Republican Party has been COMPROMISED BY NEO-MARXISTS and corrupt for a very long time.

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P Diddyism. You don’t become corrupt because you’re powerful. You are corrupted in order to have access to power, success, fame and such like.

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Is Routh the true picture of the Democrat party?

While I would hesitate to make a generalization as sweeping as that, I can say with 100% confidence that, even removing all overt political references, a short description of him instantly pegs him as a true believer democrat.

Democrats have had their party hijacked and they are easily led and swayed by bias confirming propaganda they want to believe is true. Our legacy media carries that ball. That's how Trump became demonized, how dangerous COVID shots became safe and effective, how those with the sense to refuse poison harmful shots became open targets for discrimination, and how people terribly harmed by the shots came to be disbelieved, disregarded and swept under a rug. It is how people speaking truth have become shadow banned, censored, accused of spreading harmful misinformation, and had their livelihoods destroyed.

We are in the midst of an intense battle to redefine reality in a global information war.

And the Democrat party is NOT on the side of truth and goodness in this war despite being pumped up with false virtue by propagandists.

There is much at stake in the coming election. But my faith in our election system is on par with my faith in the CDC and all those in the medical field denying the harms of the COVID injections. Vote. Pray. Be vigilant and speak out against lies and tyranny. Thank you John Leake and PMC.

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Something terrible shaped the fellows early days and educations.

Some one repeated nonsense into his up formative bringing.

Maybe a repeated arena of you are bad/dumb/worthless and never amount to anything....

Just for starters.

This seems to be a very massive pattern of the Mis-Fits of America.

If I can shoot and kill a President....I'll finally be somebody of fame. I'll be on TV too!

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The phrase "sick & twisted" immediately comes to mind. So prevalent in the TDS community, the whole lot of them.

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Jimmy Dore wrote on X about a 2022 Newsweek propaganda video featuring this assassin ................................................


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Trump Assassin Ryan Routh appeared in a propaganda video for the AZOV BATTALLION in May 2022 ......................................................................


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A funny and informative 10-minute video about the Democrat-quality SKS firearm of Ryan Wesley Routh:


Trump Golf Course Shooter’s SKS Rifle: A Breakdown

James Reeves

Summary points: The SKS was the Soviet rifle in use for 10 years before the adoption of the AK-47, it fires the same cartridge as the AK (a round not well suited for long-distance shooting), and it's not as readily scoped as an AR. Routh fastened a scope to his SKS using tape! The weapon was a reflection of the man, and the Butler shooter looks like a ninja genius by comparison.

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I’m not sure how to send you medical research information other than put it in a comment and hope you see it.


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