A mixture of both I fear, with the morons being manipulated by the malevolent.

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Exactly. The tip top are evil and the underlings are comically inept.

Fraudci knew exactly what he was doing. Wollensky is literally retarded.

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🎰 Ka-ching –– that is the most accurate of answers. (and true throughout history)

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Yep. Nailed it.

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If I see one more 4 star, DEI-chicktard squawking at the camera at a crime scene...

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My thoughts exactly / what an amplification of the obvious emasculation that is everywhere now in leadership and proof of why the Bible refuses to allow women in such capacity. She looks comical with her tiny (shrunken) head in that huge military style hat.. more so knowing her background from Oakland. Frankly I believe we are going to see all the liberal cities deteriorating even more rapidly this year prompted by the democrats who seem to glee over the prospect of creating anything chaotic they can blame on Trump. It is going to be a prophetic year.

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John I recommend a reading of the curses of God on a nation of rebellion described in the bible in Deuteronomy chapter 28. The words "The LORD will smite you with madness and blindness and confusion of mind". A New Testament version of this principal at work is Romans chapter 1 where it talks about how "since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a base mind and to improper conduct". The events from 9/11 to J6 are so numerous that shows insanity is at work in those governing our land. The event that occurred in East Palestine with the burning of cancer causing chemicals comes to mind as being down foolishly without any kind of clear thinking or rationale. This nation by rejecting the laws of God are being cursed with confusion and base minds. The answer from the bible is simple, the American people need to turn back to the Lord Jesus which is what this nation was covenanted upon.

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Anyone still surprised that their government doesn't give a sh*t about them has not been paying attention.

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Governments have one enemy: the people. The people have one enemy: governments.

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The denizens of hell (both sides) care about we, the enslaved, as long as they are allowed to squeeze more sheckles, servitude and CO2 from us. Then, thrown away like so much useless garbage.

Fool us once, shame on you, fool us thousands of times, shame on all of us.

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In the Japanese culture there is a saying: The end is near when formerly civilized people start eating their own.

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“The price men pay for their indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.” ~ Plato

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no.. its to be ruled by evil WOMEN! and their spoiled children (and emasculated men

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Why do you hire a police chief who ruffled feathers at her previous job and sued the city? I have gotta question if she was hired to be a weak leader who could be a patsy for any nefarious schemes of the government. I don't think it was her job to fix the barriers. That would be Public Works.

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Malevolent clown, 100% 😏

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Actually it's not an either/or question, because the correct and obvious answer is BOTH/AND, and then some....

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I spent exactly one year working for a quasi-governmental agency, one of the largest appraisal districts in the USA. I can tell you one thing that governs all of the employess' behavior at such a place above all others: lifetime pensions. No one wanted to take any responsibility for challenging the status quo or making any decision that could be seen as proactive or productive for fear of making themselves a target in any way and putting the promise of a lifetime pension - awarded after only a modicum of service - at risk. Remove pension programs if you want people to actually do their jobs.

I happened to be in an industry and had skills that were easily transferable so I went for it and improved a lot of things that they had literally been paying an outside contractor to do for SEVEN years. I fixed all of it in less than six months. What did this get me? The ire of various doofuses who had been on board the seven year apathy project. They decided to harass me into quitting which I gladly obliged with zero notice and a bombastic resignation letter sent to all the heads of the organization, all of whom I had helped in upping their efficiency.

This is what we are up against, incentivized incompetence. The free market needs to do almost everything. We have to get rid of almost all government agencies to literally save the government from itself.

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No good deed goes unpunished. I worked for a county government for 14 years. Every time I saw some process that was ridiculously inefficient, outdated and easily fixable (for zero dollars!), the response I always got was, “that’s the way we’ve always done it”. 😑

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Proverbs 29:16 When the wicked are in authority, sin flourishes.

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“The government will one day be corrupt and filled with liars, and the people will flock to the one who tells the truth.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

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They will flock to the one telling the truth with their guillotines in tow.

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Hi John,

NO excess deaths in Alberta through most of 2020. NO REAL PANDEMIC!

~530,000 mostly-preventable American deaths in 2020. Medical Murder in the USA!

Tens of millions of Covid-19 vaxx-deaths worldwide starting in 2021.

We need JUSTICE!

We need NUREMBERG 2.0!

Regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary

THE CULL TRILOGY – by Allan Malcolm MacRae

"The ability to correctly predict is the best objective measure of scientific and technical competence."


Covid & Climate Chronicles – The Big Cull

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CHR2Z38JTHE COVID CULL


In 2020, humanity was again violently assaulted, this time by the Covid-19 Lockdowns and “Vaccines” scam. I correctly called this scam in Feb2020, within the first month of its public existence, and published on 21Mar2020:



Protect people over sixty-five and those with poor immune systems and return to business-as-usual for people under sixty-five.

This will allow “herd immunity” to develop much sooner and older people will thus be more protected AND THE ECONOMY WON’T CRASH.”

Six months later world experts published the same recommendations in their Great Barrington Declaration.

On 8Jan2021 I wrote government representatives and media and strongly advised:

”The Covid-19 vaccine developments were rushed and are not proven safe or effective and should NOT be taken, especially by the low-risk population - those under-65 or recovered from Covid-19. The two experimental Covid-19 vaccines that contain mRNA (Pfizer and Moderna) are especially risky – due to unknown future side-effects, the risk-to-reward is far too high for the low-risk group.”

Two years later the Surgeon General of Florida made the same recommendation.

I first published this graph in 2021 – IMPORTANT: there was no major increase in Total Deaths in Alberta to 1Jul2020, the end of the first Covid-19 flu season. That means NO real pandemic!

Total Deaths are typically much greater in the Winter flu season every year.

The reason there was NO significant total death increase in Alberta in the 12 months from 1Jul2019 to 30Jun2020, the first “Covid-19 flu year”, was because competent Alberta physicians practiced early treatment. Pre-Covid 2017-2018 was a worse flu-year than Covid flu-year 2019-2020 for total deaths. This proves that the Covid-19 illness was not a dangerous plague, was not fatal to the general population and the panicked over-reaction to Covid-19 was wrong, and needlessly cost trillions of dollars and millions of lives.


The Covid-19 “vaccines” were deployed in Alberta in Jan2021. There was a large increase in total deaths for all ages AFTER the toxic Covid-19 injections were deployed.

The big increase in Total Deaths happened by 1H2021 and was caused by the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines”. There is credible evidence that this carnage was not an error, but was known to insiders in advance.

Based on total Alberta total deaths:

Deaths attributed to the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” in 2021 & 2022 totaled 98,000 Canadians to end 2022, increasing to 145,000 by end2023. Justin, Jagmeet and their corrupt leftist cohorts have now killed more Canadians than the 105,000 lost in WW1 & WW2.

Based on USA total deaths:

Incompetent, late Covid-19 treatment, Remdesivir and ventilators caused ~530,000 mostly-preventable American deaths in 2020. The toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” caused an additional ~1.1 million American deaths in 2021 and 2022, equal to all the deaths in all of America’s wars back to 1776. The death toll in the USA from the mismanagement of the Covid-19 illness and the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” totaled ~1.6 million to end 2022, and it is far from over.

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Prosecute all for “willful misconduct:”

Anthony Fauci/NIAID

Peter Daszak

Ralph Baric

Albert Bourla/Pfizer

Robert Redfield

Deborah Birx

Rochelle Walensky/CDC

Francis Collins/ former CDC

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus/WHO

Mike Pence

Bill Gates

Joe Biden

Kamala Harris

Andrew Cuomo

Chris Cuomo

Jen Psaki, Fmr. White House Press Secy.

Dr. Peter Hotez

Dr. Jeremy Farrar /Wellcome Trust & WHO

Dr. Kristian Andersen

David M Morens, OD, NIAID, NIH

Robert Garry, Ph.D., Tulane University

Philip Murphy/NJ Governor




Agency Heads



News Media



Business/Industry (Soros, Steyer, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Bloomberg, et al)

Twitter censors

Facebook censors

Scott Gottlieb

Andy Slavitt

Todd O’Boyle

Lauren Culbertson

For cover-up of lab leak:

Robert Garry, Ph.D., of Tulane U.;

Edward Holmes, Ph.D., U. of Sydney

Kristian Andersen, Ph.D., Scripps Research;

Angela Rasmussen, Vaccine & Infectious Disease Org., U. of Saskatchewan

Jason Gale, journalist, Bloomberg

Dr. Andrew Hill (trashed Ivermectin)

Dr. Rick Bright (former dir. of BARDA)

Dr. Janet Woodcock (ex-acting dir. of the FDA)

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Good list, but but Stephane Bancel, CEO of MODerna, needs to be up top with Bourla.

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Added to future posts

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“Love your country... but never trust your government.” ~ Mark Twain

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But, what *is* “my country” actually, these days?

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I recently answered that question for myself, Cathleen. (I'm Kathleen, too. ☺️) Looking back at where we moved from in 2021 and other places around the country, I have decided that -- despite its flaws -- Florida is my country.

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States are wielded by malevolent clowns who staff them with uncaring morons.

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If there is money to be made, companies will conspire to create the environment for problems to manifest...or at least to seem to manifest (fear-mongering is an art form these days, or at least, it is an economic strategy).

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None of this is companies...they want to have buyers and to persist. This is 100% government, as usual. And 100% malevolent clowns.

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Uhm … Pfizer? Moderna? AstraZeneca? J&J?

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I did not say there weren't bad companies. But if Pfizer were not protected by half a dozen idiot laws that shielded them from all liability (this is 100% a government failure) they, too, would want buyers and to persist and would have to perform to get there. Since they have a permanent get-out-of-jail-free card and everything they do gets rubber stamped BY THE GOVERNMENT anyway, I consider them primarily a government actor -- they are unconstrained by what generally constrains most companies. But good point.

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The EUA is certainly provided by the government, yes, as well as the vax mandates, the CDC and WHO protocols, etc.

What bothers me is that the windfall profits and profitable stock trades were likely used to line politicians’ pockets, most of it used as campaign donations to make certain things go their profitable way, general public be damned.

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Yes, which itself is another example of government failure to do what it says.

Also, these vaccines seem to have been a MILITARY (government) operation.

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"Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed speedily, the heart of the children of man is fully set to do evil."

Eccl. 8:11

I suppose you are correct, although this works for any organization of people, not just the government, but ultimately it is government's responsibility to adjudicate crime (evil). I've been around long enough to know that the "organization" acts like "management" allows, whether government or industry/commerce. Government just has the responsibility of adjudicating the harsher punishments, such as life and death.

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