Ummmm....no thanks

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Lately, It's almost like someone has a gun to McCullough's head.

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My thoughts exactly, along with: Seriously? WTH? 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Fruit of the Poisoned tree is Poisonous! Do not eat of it!

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Can’t blame people for being skeptical about the use of nanotechnology and the administration of foreign proteins.

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Oh what a web we weave when a criminal cabal forces untested, unsafe, ineffective, injurious, experimental injections on a population BY FORCE.

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Good stuff McCullough. Thanks for posting and slipping in a “boost” for your own commercial product(s).

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The title of the paper drives home the point that antibodies can be introduced into the body as THERAPEUTIC. In fact, decades ago, the military acknowledged that the introduction of antibodies created from convalesced individuals that had been naturally exposed to toxins or pathogens are the best countermeasure. This is why antivenoms administered after snake or insect bites can be lifesaving. We also saw how the emergency administration of antibodies against Sars-CoV-2 saved lives.

Our fatal mistake was spreading the lie that the injection of parts of pathogens or messages to make those parts could be PROPHYLACTIC and prevent the infection. This procedure not only doesn’t prevent infections, but it also encourages them through antibody dependent enhancement of infection, and worsens the symptoms through antibody dependent enhancement of disease mechanisms.

There might be some promise in the therapeutic introduction of these smaller targeted antibodies if they are pure and do not result in autoimmune issues.


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Careful there buddy: before you prance off into antibody land, explain to us all the roles of the endothelium and epithelium?

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"Nanobodies should be a biotechnology explored to treat long-COVID/ vaccine injury syndrome."

Beyond decades of tracking Biotech Mafia w its Rockefeller-Gates science miracles from foods to humans my money is on what Albert Einstein said..

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”.

Let me know when they make a PCR test to flag carcinogens in my food, thanks!

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Problem is no one trusts anything out of HHS now....little boy who cried wolf...

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Don't use "Fruit of the poisoned tree."!

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