For reporting post op surgical complications, anything occurring within 30 days of the surgery is considered to be a surgical complication unless proven otherwise and prompts a Morbidity & Mortality review. As explained to me as a medical student, if someone has a surgery of any kind and 2 weeks later falls down the stairs and dies, or dies in an auto accident, it is automatically considered to be due to the surgery until proven otherwise. Why is the same or similar criteria not applied for vaccines? It should be considering the fact that vaccines are, or should only be given to healthy people. The first question asked before giving anyone a vax is "Have you been ill within the past 6 weeks?"

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Because surgeries have never had the same type of legal immunity protections vaccines and their makers have.

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The reason why the vaccinated were classed as unvaccinated for a given period after getting injected was that the supposed antibody response to the vaccine took a while to build up to what were considered therapeutic levels. One possibly unintended consequence of this system of classification is that someone who (for example) died from an adverse reaction within a few days of getting the shot would be counted as "unvaccinated".

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One way to improve things is to force every study using human or animal subjects to report the whole data to a free government website that can be freely researched by anyone whether or not the study is finished. Human test subjects (and their heirs in case of death or incapacitation) should have the right to review and correct their data. Currently, big Pharma can do 30 studies and only report the one with favorable data.

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Thank you gentlemen and true scientists. Great interview and you are both fighting the good fight.

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Yes I have seen several cases where the eventual covid infection following vaccination by several months was probably worsened by previous vaccination causing unusual clots in lung and heart. That includes me. I took 12000 fu nattokinase and managed to clear the clot in my lung confirmed by repeating a D-dimer and CT scans. I have been lucky so far, now have to get and angiogram to see the clot in my heart blocking left V function. I had been previously very fit and healthy, walking 6 Km daily.

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As a long-time practicing physician, I have a very hard time to follow your very important topic aimed to reveal THE TRURH ABOUT THE JAB. Why?

Because in my clinical practice I was not educated or using (unfortunately) of these very well- defined categories/entities: SOURCE OF BIAS (UN-VACCINATED BIAS, VACCINATED BIAS), VALIDITY, EFICACY, SAFETY, and many more.

Therefore, this very timely discussion, was very difficult to follow, at your light speed.

It would be VERY USEFUL to define these terms, with simple definitions and examples, accessible to non- specialists in epidemiology and clinical trials.

I would very much like, as many others, to became conversant with these entities, PARTICULARILY IN THESE TIMES OF DEEP DECEPTION IN SCIENCE PUBLICATIONS.

A glossary of terms, with plain, simple, and short examples, would be very much appreciated from both of you, as competent specialists in the field, IN THE IMMEDIATE NEXT POST. Thank you for an exceptional effort to reveal THE TRUTH.

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Thank you, Dr. McCullough.

I would appreciate more time to hear the interviewee speak freely and answer the open ended questions in full. These interviews are a short time to learn about about another experts point of view/experience.

So grateful for all the work you do!

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