Decadent, depraved,and shameless…France you defile yourself.

No wonder the illegal migrants think they can take your country.

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They know they can take your country.

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ARE taking their country.

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Have already taken that country…

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We must subvert the subversion, comrade. Never normalize drag queens and trans grooming. Save women’s sports: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-save-womens-sports-riley-gaines

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Women should stop competing against transgenders in women's sport, if they stop competing the whole idiocy is over in a jiffy!

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Precisely. Let them show up and absolutely NOT join in the delusion. If these sick people want to compete, let them compete by themselves

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I can't remember where, but they organized a sport event for only transgenders, NO one turned up!

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See reason 4: https://removecox.com/

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Very well stated John. The Summer Olympic drag queen showcase is a celebration of the denigration of International societies—a cultural demoralization through devaluation of strong traditional families in general, and to devalue women in particular.

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It's a celebration of rebellion against Yhwh God, as man tries to be his own deity, and FAILS ABYSMALLY! It's a glaring example of WHY humanity is now facing His judgment!

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All these women should stand there with rotten tomatoes.

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No, just take the bench in uniform and refuse to take the field while the fake remains on it, but do nothing, otherwise, against him.

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Men are better than women at everything, including being women.

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[Snort] [Bitter chuckle] Yep, you captured that attitude in one sentence. I sincerely hope only a tiny percent of the male population holds that super-destructive attitude.

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The obvious implication is that they wanted women for the role but couldn’t find any good enough, so they chose men pretending to be women whom, for some reason, they judged would out-perform real women.

Were it my place to be “defending women’s rights” I would be seething at this.

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If you really believe that then you might as well join them, while the vast majority of sane and sensible people who care about children and families would be happy to round all of you miscreants and ship you to Mars. Let the Martians embrace your bologna nonsense, or not!

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Ship them to Russia

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Sol is more appropriate; more like their ultimate destination anyway...

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No, the obvious implication is that they want to make themselves and their fellow sinners feel "okay" when they ALL KNOW they are everything BUT "okay"!

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Women are better than men at doing lots of things. Think on it…

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Of course they are. Including and especially being women, which is why it’s mind boggling that anyone would choose a man pretending to be a woman as a stand-in for a real woman.

Just what can we conclude about the thought process of anyone who would do that? To me it’s obvious: “Men make better women than women do”.

Why “feminists” are not outraged is another head-scratcher.

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Many “feminists” are outraged. Take the indomitable, brilliant long-time journalist from Canada, Trish Wood. She’s done several shows on the issue. Jennifer Bilek, another great feminist, is equally angry, as is JK Rowling. I have nothing against gay or even trans people, per se. What I do take issue with is biological men who take female hormones, then claim “womanhood” and compete against women in women’s sports. The fact that any sports authority allows them to compete is a travesty. I love women’s sports, but why have women’s sports if biological men can enter and dominate them? The height of unfair practices and disingenuous bs we must for the moment, put up with, but not without justified complaint.

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It's what happens in cross pollinations or DNA experiments, or when Aliens arrived??

Only real men know what real men are made of.

I think my Mother told me a time or two, when I was a small and curious boy.


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Jun 2·edited Jun 2

Not hardly! Turns out ladies are better fighter jockeys than the boys are, for 1 thing, and have always been better nurturers! We're also better at multitasking!

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that depends on your perspective. If you are looking to satisfying certain perversions well-known to homosexuals such as anal intercourse ...then you are exactly on target.

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You should have clarified the perversions of Male homosexuals vs. the perversions of Female homosexuals. One is no more vile than the other.

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Well - let's just comment in the dumb-dumb area shall we?

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I didn’t think that I would need to explicitly point out the obvious attempt at ironic humor. I apparently was a little optimistic.

Just so you know; it was a joke. Got it, or do you need more help?

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That's a very eye opening line for a stand up comic.

It wakes everyone's femininity side in short order.

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The liberals are trying desperately to normalize this and simultaneously try to ruin the tradition of family. This is so shameful....another reason I won't tune in to the Olympics. Another attempt to destroy female athletes.

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My interest in the entire things has dropped to zero.

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I agree, I will make a point of not viewing, full of cheaters anyway. These days you can't see the cheaters for the the drag queens (freaks).

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These women athletes should stand up.

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Perversion in the 1st degree, shame on you

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No doubt, what a f--king shit show.

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Thanks for the heads up. I will skip that one

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Creepy! How does France's majority Muslim population feel about that?

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Question: do France's "majority Muslim" women wear bhurkas? or is that out of style. I hope so for their sakes....cannot imagine having to move around in one of those tent-like garments.

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Why are the feminists always so silent as they watch men stealing women's identities everywhere? It's literally displacement and replacement, which couldn't be more opposite from the feminist movement's founding purpose.

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This is hardly surprising...remember the "opening ceremony" of the olympics in 2010(?)..at least I THINK it was at that year when they had a summary in dance and music of the entire horror show which has since unfolded as "covid 19"...including medical personnel giving people injections and choreographed features of the nurses tik-tok dancing and patients being wheeled around etc etc...What does all this mean? That we were being preprogramed to accept this madness?

Another point someone made...somewhere....was that the "globalists" hope to "normalize" robots living among us and performing all sorts of jobs such as nurses and childcare workers....so that is why we see a lot of "robotic" memes popping up.

How sad that the young are now being impressed and programed with these satanic images of transgender monsters and "robotic" care givers.

Staying sane is truly an accomplishment in these times.

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Not to worry, they can parade these absurdities all they want. Real Men value real Woman absolutely. We, the real Men and real Women out number the creeps exponentially.

Tune them out, turn them off, give them not one ounce of validation.

My hope is that real Men and real Women are bold, brazen, and clear enough to cut through these absurdities like a clean sword cut, censuring them without reservation; and to hell with political correctness!!

Our children need that clear example from we the adults, now more than ever!

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communist perversion

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Lipstick on a pig! Same thing!

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How sick in the head can people get? How about we stop glorifying mental illness? Mentally healthy men don't dress up in women's clothing and bizarrely exaggerated "feminine" makeup and hairdos.

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How about we stop calling SIN a mental illness!

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Anybody else feel like we're living the movie, "Cabaret" in real time?

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Never seen it

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Read the synopsis near the bottom

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Do ‘Normal’ People who believe in Jesus Christ & his Christian teachings during his time on earth get the same respect for their feelings by their countries governments now that The World Economic Forum’s founder, Klaus Schwab and his Satanic Cult Members & WEF Speakers are enforcing their LGBTQ MANDATORY DRAG QUEEN GROOMING ON OUR CHILDREN & EXPLOITING OUR CHILDREN IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS? Be very cautious about what we, the majority and psychologically stable citizens feel because we cannot voice our opinions without the #WEF #FakeNews Mockingbird Media’s permission.

I never thought that I would see this Evil, subversive & appalling behavior take over Righteousness, Dignity, Self-respect, Morality, Family Values, etc.

The World Economic Forum is the epitome of Satanic Evil & make no mistake, these people are Lucifer’s Demons who are now infiltrating countries’ governments, globally.

They have destroyed European society by forcing Europe countries to open their borders & accept illegal aliens, especially radical Islamic groups who want to literally decapitate anyone who doesn’t believe in their ancient, barbaric beliefs such as killing all infidels who don’t believe in Muhammad or Allah.

We better pray that a real man who refuses to bow down to these evil but very dangerous and politically powerful individuals gets elected as President of The United States. Only one man has the courage & love for America to make “America 🇺🇸 First & Great Again.”

Donald Trump is The Alfa Male, and he will never be bribed because of his own personal loyalty to America.

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Oh really? Trump? You mean the man whose first wife inexplicably died after "falling down" a stair case? You mean the man who went to a foreign country and literally bought a beautiful trophy wife to spirit around on his arm? You mean the man who somehow has a magnificent castle like existence on a remote island like place where his life-style exceeds the dreams of even millionaires? I think I would look for a real human being first. I like his hair though....

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Trump has his faults to be sure however, only a fool (or someone who watches CNN/MSNBC) would believe he pushed Ivana, the mother of his three oldest children, down a flight of stairs or that he actually PURCHASED his current wife, Melania. Also, sounds like you are jealous of his wealth. Do you hate ALL wealthy people or just those named Trump? You need TDS meds. SMH

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I only know that Ivana fell down the stairs and DIED. How many people die from a fall like that? Living in a retirement community--I know many old people and deaths of all kinds of things...but not that. I really don't know exactly how he got his current wife....and I bet you don't either. It was just a guess looking at her...which is wrong of me--. Fact is -- I do not see Trump as being "presidential material". But I will give you one thing: he is a heck of a lot better than Biden....who is simply an "empty suit". I don't know who is actually running the White House or the country. It certainly isn't that senile idiot. I sincerely hope it is not the "Epstein Cabal"....of extreme wealth and perversion.

I don't care what you think of me....but I actually like the wealthy people I have met. I am not talking about the kind of "wealth" that would enable one to live a Mar-a-lago type existence. That's more like at the Klaus Schwab/Bill Gates level. I admit that I never met anyone like that--but for sure I loathe them more than "envy" them.

Anyway I usually don't discuss religion or politics. Boring topics and largely pointless. I should never have inserted politics into the conversation.

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Insinuating Trump had anything to do with his ex-wife's death with ZERO evidence makes you appear to be no better than a NY prosecutor and yes, I do know how Trump "got" his wife, Melania. You know how I know? RESEARCH not assumption. And you are certainly entitled to "loathe" all extremely wealthy people but Trump isn't trying to make you eat bugs and lab created meat, or pushing a fake "climate change" agenda, ruining our economy or blatantly crapping on our constitution etc.

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" Trump isn't trying to make you eat bugs and lab created meat, or pushing a fake "climate change" agenda, ruining our economy or blatantly crapping on our constitution etc." True that, and I agree. I am very glad you are "researching" ...it is important. I have done a lot of research in many other areas. I must confess that Trump's personal life, marital relations etc is not very interesting to me. But perhaps I should pay more attention to the cretinous gang who actually reside in the White House and play the political game. Sadly however, the big players who run our world are entirely other---and I have surmised we don't even know their names. Schwab and that crowd are simply their puppets who perform the public motions. Trump and Biden et al are a level below even them.

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Dan Bongino's mother died last month from a fall down the stairs.

Maybe Dan did it?

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Trump’s lifestyle exceeds the dreams of millionaires, because his wealth exceeds that of millionaires. At least Trump has walked the same halls as the common people. Name another Uber wealthy person (bonus points if it’s a democrat) who has done so.

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Hmm 🤔 Either you have been watching too much Fakenews Mockingbird Media Conglomerate’s stations #MSNBC #CNN #ABC #NBC #CBS etc. [The WEF’ Members consist of BigMedia BigPharmCo BigCorps & they own 96% of The MSM]These WEF members have one goal: #Agenda30

They have already infiltrated The UN 🇺🇳 [One World Government] Klaus Schwab has bragged about how The WEF now has infiltrated every country’s government, how he owns Justin Trudeau, and his cabinet. His WEF’ main speaker Yuval Harrari has brazenly announced “Humans are Hackable Animals. We now have the technology to transform humans into Cyborgs. You will own nothing. You will eat bugs 🐛 and you will be happy.”

This is a Spiritual Warfare. Schwab authored “COVID-19 The Great Reset.” Clay Clark, is a man who is awakening people by traveling across America with speakers, such as Kash Patel, General Flynn, Kari Lake, Mike Lindell & many many others who are explaining what The Great Reset is.

Kim Clement who was a real prophet told many prophecies about Trump becoming a Trumpet (2007-2008) & “There Will Be Two Presidents” … Kim Clement died prior to DJT becoming The President in 2016.

Anyway, I suggest that you stop listening to Propaganda and do some diligent research. Trump is in their way to carry out The NEW WORLD ORDER

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Thanks for the news....I have other views. It is a false dichotomy you are seeing or is that some AI with some conglomeration of "topics" to hook us what . What is playing out is the very rich who wish to eliminate the "useless" eaters. That is what the "vaccine" was for. Donald pushed it. Shamelessly. Sorry but that is the bare assed truth. Trump also lied about witnessing "massive death" in some obscure town in New York. Perhaps you forgot?

It is my opinion that this will end badly for all the perps. We are off the reservation now and running wild through the internet. God keep you and yours.

I am moving to Florida. A shred of sanity still reigns there.

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