John, everything you've said is absolutely true, but those of us who have been working against the Transgenda/Transhumanist machine understand that autistic 17-year-olds do not suddenly become mature enough on their 18th birthday to be able consent to disfigurement and sterilization, and there is no evidence base for this medicine at ANY age. Please check out PartnersForEthicalCare.com and TransitionJustice.org, organizations set up to stop this predatory industry in its tracks. We would love to work with you and Dr. McCullough and are located in the same town as you.

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"Gender-affirming care" is the Madison Avenue treatment by Mad Men of Buck v. Bell eugenics sterilizations. A pseudoscience. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes writing for the 8-1 majority, "three generations of imbeciles is enough" in upholding compulsory sterilizations of those deemed lesser humans. Defendants at Nuremberg cited the case and practice in the US, said, "but you Americans said it was ok, what's the big deal?" They were right.


A little case, Skinner v Oklahoma added the element of consent to Buck v. Bell. Not to exclude nonconsensual, but raise the bar to sterilizing lesser humans. Enter Madison Avenue. The psychological manipulation of consumers to buy something. The same practitioners and techniques learned by Edward Bernays, Harold Laswell, et al that informed the eugenics movement that promoted sterilizations of imbeciles, the Buck v. Bell standard, applying their skills for business profit as advertising and marketing campaigns:

Sterilization of Imbeciles ---> Mad Men ---> Gender Affirming Care

It's eugenics. Applied psychological manipulation to manufacture consent, "all the cool kids are doing it" "become empowered," get all the mentally weak and socially awkward to line up and demand to be sterilized. Buck v. Bell's end-run around Skinner v. Oklahoma consent bar.

Transhumanism, the transagenda is eugenics. And the same powerful forces behind eugenics over a century ago are behind it today. Very powerful. It will take citizens in great numbers to rise up and overpower them. Lest they follow in the same path to Nuremberg.

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You're right except for one thing - this time the victims are not "imbeciles" but on the other end of the IQ scale. About 80% of young people convinced they are born in the wrong body are gifted and talented. They have other comorbidities such as Asperger's syndrome, OCD, bipolar or schizophrenia, but they are far from imbeciles. We are sterilizing the geniuses in this generation, which may be by design.

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One man's genius is another man's imbecile.

I understand your point. But I also know how broadly the term "imbecile" is applied by eugenicists. By imbecile they include all disabilities, those you list and many others. Not just IQ points go into their designation of imbecile. High IQ with mental illness is still an undesirable; eugenicists view mental illness as a genetic trait. Not desired in the gene pool of their design.

They also consider "asocial" to be a disability, the result of an undesirable genetic trait. What is asocial? Disobedience. Selfishness. You know, those who refuse to just wear the damn mask or get the damn jab. Those who don't accept stolen election results or endless wars of aggression. Political opposition classified as a mental illness. Disability. Imbecile.

That's who eugenicists are. Remember, it is a pseudscience. They apply the term "imbecile" differently than you, I and most people do. So in that sense you are right to suggest it is by design.

That whole "master race" plan never went away. It just shape-shifted and took on linguistic redefinition and deceit. By Mad Men who are also cleverly redefining Peace as War, Strength as Ignorance and Slavery as Freedom.

It is an evil most can't comprehend.

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Read this in-depth paper on who Germany eugenicists considered "imbeciles" and unworthy of future gene pool participation in the human race. Read it if you dare. It's disturbing.

Useless Eaters: Disability as Genocidal Marker in Nazi Germany

Catholic Culture/Journal of Special Education, 2002


Low IQ is only one of many considerations.

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Thank you, it looks like an informative article.

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Absolutely agree on the autism-18th birthday concept.

And even in the non-autistic crowd it can take decades to reach a psychological-biological status of reproductive maturity, at which point a new awareness of beautiful purpose emerges for those seemingly redundant and sometimes annoying body parts.

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Apr 13·edited Apr 13

Of course those perpetrating this horror KNEW what they were doing and the pretense of ignorance was NEVER believed by most having any simple common sense; let alone education. Every single Doctor and Medical/Psychological/Pharma oriented Professional involved in this Con/Scam/Swindle costing the victims a lifetime of pain, injury, illness and pre-mature death must lose all privileges and right to practice any kind of care for Human Beings in any field concerning health in any way.

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But they have managed to delude themselves they are okay. They probably think donating some of the money they've made butchering children makes up for it. So we should still make them sit through victim impact statements from every one of their victims, Nazi Germany style. I would not leave out all the good intentioned teachers and councillors who get them over that threshold, they are the ones who need it most.

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All as the Rhode's Trust Scholar Program Designatee's...Ethically Elastic, Morally Bankrupt and Endlessly Ambitious. These souless trolls exhibit this evil combination creating disturbing pathologies for those victimized. Hell's angels on the frontline are certainly NOT to be forgotten...You're absolutely correct.

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Is that a Rhode's scholar characteristic? Do you know some terrible ones?

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Apr 14·edited Apr 14

We all know some terrible ones...There are many. Those going to Oxford and Cambridge here in the States are ALL SUSPECT.

Are you aware that heinous Espionage Enterprise has graduated 33,000 U.S. University students in the almost 100 yrs. of its existence LONG before Schwabby's 'Youth Leader's Espionage Training.' It was the predecessor and it's students populate The Council for Foreign Relations aligned with the much older Royal Institute for International Affairs ran by London's Imperialists and now Ding-A-Ling Unchuck. This is the group now saturating the U.S. Deep State and Officer's Corp...Along with the CIA, FBI ran by GCHQ, MI5/6. For every Institute, Agency, Institution or Secret Society Menagerie as The State Dept., Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones; Freemasons/Illuminati, there is the SUPERIOR GIVING ORDERS FROM THE U.K. and usually directly from Ding-a-Ling Upchuck now.

They are aligned and hide behind the U.N. using several NGO's as the WEF to do the filthy work of the International Mafia which is their ancient Death Cult. A good book to begin to understand the length, depth and breadth is 'Tragedy and Hope 101' by Joseph Plummer which is an abridged version of 'Tragedy and Hope' by whistleblower Carroll Quigley. Plummer's lacks the ancestral heritage of the Demons behind this current darkness...The extreme documentation of Family Trees.

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I would take it a step further: prison.

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The onslaught of "gender affirming" care practice and propaganda does not exist in a vacuum. It is simply another facet in the endless efforts to create societal breakdown and chaos while enriching the same people that bring you anthropologic climate change, open boarders, WEF, WHO, censorship, Covid/jab, war, Lawfare, etc, and remove traditional national and personal identities, thereby creating 'sheep' that are more easily herded and ultimately, lead to slaughter.

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This universal "onslaught" of evil is the result of removing God from daily life.

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Another way to say ‘… remove traditional national and personal identities …’ is


= a process of establishing control over foreign territories or peoples for the purpose of exploitation and possibly settlement

We are ALL indigenous to earth … there are only superficially created (via colonization), foreign territories or peoples.

We must DEcolonise!!!

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Language distortion remains the bedrock of woke and transgender narrative. There is no such thing as "gender affirming care". The perpetuators of this hoax understand that this care is really gender deforming care. They rename it to something less likely to raise the ire of normal members of society. Their goal is destruction of the family unit by any means since for the progressive left any means is justified to attain their psychopathic goals. Just say no to gender deforming medicine and surgery.

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Language is everything. Constantly changing public terms. Disallowing words, creating new. Controlling public discourse.

Stand for your words!

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These very same people were so fraudulently outraged, not so very long ago, about the female genitalia MUTILATION going on in Africa. What happened? Is their attention span really so short, or was it the obscene amounts of money to be made in the lucrative genital mutilation business going on, closer to home? Of course you'd have to flip the script, but that's not even worthy of discussion. There are not enough hours in the day for a proper psychopath, I tell ya!

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Apr 13·edited Apr 13

Well, of course they know the truth; they chose money over actual health care! Free will choice is behind literally ALL the evil in this world, whether the alleged intentions are overtly evil, or not! But, conversely, it is also behind the most generous and caring acts seen in humanity. So is free will choice inherently evil? No. But the human heart and mind, unless properly trained in the early years of life, do lean to evil inherently, and far too many yield to those leanings, then fight to "justify" their choices! That's what happened in Sodom and its sister plains cities that Yhwh God eventually destroyed, and its what's happening all over the world today, which will garner much the same result, according to the prophecies, which as we watch, are coming to fulfillment even now.

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Spot on!

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"covid" was the cornerstone. It laid the foundations for all that came after it, including transgender stuff etc. It is almost as if some switch was thrown, that enabled madness on so many levels.

Once insanity is enabled for one thing, it can be more easily recruited for others.

Remember that the whole dis/mis/mal-information stuff, and the explosive presence of "fact checkers" and the suppression/censorship of alternative opinion, this all started with covid.

The blanket mass propaganda, now used for Ukraine and other matters, was launched by covid.

It was the beginning of the end.

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The "trans" cornerstone was laid in the late '60s when sodomy laws got torn down. The "covid jabs" laid the foundation for all the "kill shots and drugs", as well as foods, coming down the pike now!

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The immense sprawl of their evil is pretty amazing to behold. I am constantly left slack-jawed by it, on a regular basis and over and over, I have to come to terms with the grotesque betrayal, the medieval brutality...can this be real???

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You got me with the "sunbeam from cucumbers" reference.

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😄 Same here! It was perfect.

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Word is spreading and parents should increasingly come to terms of the evil of this agenda, but just as with the endless injections I suspect there will be little let up in the U.S. until we see a big increase in lawsuits against doctors since they are not indemnified like the poison injections. Full-scale assault on what is human and sane, and so forth, until enough people really get pissed and the psychos take a big step too far.

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Americans came from a much better starting point, and they are not particularly well-vaccinated, from a whole population perspective.

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We live in a country where 1M Americans were literally exterminated in our hospitals, not to mention similar truckloads of corpses delivered by the shots, not to mention disabilities and a wide range of injuries maybe less severe or maybe not happen yet. So the ostensible “concern” of health agencies or the medical community for public health must be “interpreted.”

Do children need hormone treatments and $l00k surgery and therapies when the slightest bewilderment with our bewildering world is amplified into a catastrophic intervention that funnels tax dollars and personal savings onto industry? Like the fake pandemic that parleyed public hysteria into grotesque and malfeasant ICU protocols that commanded a $450,000 bounty on the life of an otherwise treatable patient.

Or can we learn to live with the cards we are dealt at birth as humans have always done, but with ever more success in adapting to the vicissitudes of our species? Can we not deal with monkey pox and bird flu by lifestyle awareness that optimizes immune response, as well as psychological health that resists destructive social pressures as destructive as pathogens against which we are supposedly defenseless?

The point is that we are almost never defenseless. We are just TOLD that we are.

Like Dr. Seuss’s character that returned from Solla Solew, where the “trouble free” reputation turned out to be as big a scam as the vaccine religion of modern medicine: “The troubles will have trouble with ME!”

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wow -> "slightest bewilderment with our bewildering world is amplified into a catastrophic intervention"

Would like to steal that

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I agree with regards to children, not adults. I believe some adults suffer psychologically due to a physiological anomaly or mismatch between the gender wired into their brain, and the hormones and genitals of the opposite gender. There was a time when doctors would decide the gender of the child when it was unclear looking at the genitalia. And they often made mistakes. Adults are entitled to remedy such a terrible mistake as best they can, although the solutions are crude at best.

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Thanks for your comment.

That's my understanding too.

Gestation is complicated and, occasionally, there is a slight alteration in the processes early on which leads to moderations to the 'normal' binary condition.

Having said that, there is no justification for commercial and psychopathic procedures on children.

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Yes, the problem is people in society become so angered that they lose perspective, and in this case, there really are people that have a problem, and it was not caused by a wrong viewpoint. I have witnessed it in a small boy, who just had the surgery now at eighteen. It breaks my heart knowing what it involves. Yet, he said from age three God made a mistake, and everything about him was feminine, you would understand when you see it. I would not ever think I had a right to deny this suffering person's experience and need to do their best to rectify it, even if the whole world disagrees, they are not the ones going through such a disaster.

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Good information - thank you. And I agree with everything you say.

We must never forget - we are all people - first and foremost - and that is a blessing, privilege and worthy of respect. Focusing on that, maybe we are in a better position to resolve various problems whether physical or more social.

Unfortunately, we live in times where there is an agenda to divide and rule us which has distorted everything.

Thanks for the chat. Wishing you a good weekend.

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Please be careful with your beliefs, Rita. If they are not tethered to Jesus, who is Truth, then they are only a vaporous demonic deception foisted upon unsuspecting humans. On the other hand, Jesus enlightens the women and men who know Him personally, so that they subscribe to the natural order of Creation, which includes the maleness and femaleness of humans. Let's read what Jesus taught when asked about marriage and divorce in Matthew 19: 4 "Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ [5] and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? [6] So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” [11] Jesus replied, “Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. [12] For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.”

So then, marriage is the default and there is no ontological license for those who cannot or choose not to marry to change their birth gender. May God give you grace to accept this.

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I appreciate your kindly response. Regardless, this is not a belief, the fact is there are cases of ambiguous genitalia, any doctor will tell you that. And it was those anomalies I was referring to, not the sinister and dangerous transgender ideology that has infected the school system. I don't understand why people ignore the rare instances of So, instead of judgement for those unlucky enough to have been born this way, I think we need to have compassion. Everything is meaningless without compassion. I find the mega church culture steeped in judgment of the sins of others, instead of each person working out their own. "The number of births with ambiguous genitals is in the range of 1:4,500–1:2,000 (0.02%–0.05%). Other conditions involve atypical chromosomes, gonads, or hormones. Some persons may be assigned and raised as a girl or boy but then identify with another gender later in life, while most continue to identify with their assigned sex" It is unfair to ask a person to engage in cognitive dissonance and pretend these medical problems do not exist. I realize you mean well, but so do I.

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Do you think Jesus included the people who have genital anomalies when he stated "For there are eunuchs who were born that way"? As the Son of Man, Jesus epitomizes compassion and He invites those who therefore cannot marry to accept their condition and find ultimate fulfillment in him as his disciples. With respect to fairness, Romans 3:4 is relevant: "Let God be true, and every human being a liar." In that light, I only mean to accurately convey the Truth.

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Eunuchs are male. Whereas many babies born with intersex genitals were or are girls. I am not an atheist, but I listen a lot to Bart Ehrman because he is so well educated in Greek, Hebrew and the Bible. He is a true scholar. Difficult for any one person to convey the Truth unless they have had a spiritual change of nature, few have achieved that. The narrow gate symbolizes that I believe.

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Dear Rita, some of us suffer physical and/or psychological defects from birth, but all of us suffer from sin, the most serious birth defect. That is why each of us needs to heed 1 John 1:9: "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to purify us from all unrighteousness." But Bart Ehrman has turned his back on the most holy faith by rejecting Jesus as the Messiah, the preexisting Word and unique Son of God. On the Last Day how will the Righteous Judge of all the earth deal with him in light of the many people he has deceived and led astray? And why should you subscribe to his cunning and damaging ideologies?

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Hmm....I never said I subscribed to them; you are making a lot of assumptions. I enjoy the debate though. He is an atheist and I said I am not. He is responsible for his own soul. He does not trash Christianity, he does not belittle people for their beliefs, he does point out harms in hardcore fundamentalism. His primary focus is the history. Being born with birth defects is not a sin. You are entitled to your religious position; it won't be the same position that every Christian holds though. The problem with talking with Christians from different sects is that each believe they are the only correct one, and the discussion becomes circular and pointless.

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Yes, but these are rare medical anomalies, as opposed to the wholesale indoctrination of a society, that what a person "feels" or imagines, can and should be accomodated, at increasingly younger ages, with little forethought to consequences.

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Right, I agree.

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It figures. It comes from a phuquing Brit. I am so finished with all of them from the Commonwealth. Subject of the King.

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‘Gender-related distress’. A made-up, nonexistent ‘thing’. It’s all so ludicrous (and evil) that I’m at a loss for words.

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This is truly demonic.

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The entire trans project originated in the misbegotten attempt to deny the difference between men and women, and between boy and girls. Unable to persuade anyone with common-sense that there was the slightest biological basis for denial of innate sexual differences, deluded teachers and doctors proceeded to reify their insane beliefs by butchering children. As if to say ‘see, these grotesque operations are supported and paid for by government agencies, so they must be all right’. But of course they’re not all right, they cause a lifetime of disfigurement and suffering. This should have been obvious to the victims and their parents from the get-go. How sad that Americans and Brits need data to persuade themselves of what was always obvious — that yes, men and women are different, and neither propaganda nor cosmetic surgery can ever change that.

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Interesting. Raised in the '70s by two teachers I was told that girls and boys were equal and the same. I certainly suffered no discrimination and everything was open to me. However, I did self-discover that boys and girls were very, very different.

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Insofar as victims of trans surgery have a higher rate of suicide than children who do not have this surgery, in lieu of "gender-affirming care" it might well be called "suicide-affirming care".

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Lord have mercy…

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