Jordan Peterson explains that predatory psychopaths have found a way to cloak themselves is a guild of compassion. Reading about the young woman, it’s clear no reasonable holistic approach was made, rather she was used as an opportunity to further a cult. “First do no harm” is not a complicated concept.

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Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy is Dr. Viktoria Brack. Who's practice of "Gender-affirming care" is repackaged "Sterilization of imbeciles" eugenics.

Eugenics has been an allopathic medical community 'solution' to a 'problem' of undesirable humans for over a century. In the US and Germany, especially. Declared constitutional by an 8-1 SCOTUS decision in Buck v. Bell where Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes penned the words "Three generations of imbeciles is enough."

Buck v. Bell and US eugenics practices were the inspiration and initial role model for the Nazi Germany adoption of eugenics as official state policy. Using sterilizations and euthanasia of "undesirables." Be they disabled, mentally ill, disobedient asocials, Jews, Gypsies, any who were deemed "useless eaters." Buck v. Bell was even cited by defendants like Dr. Viktor Brack at their Nuremberg trials for their crimes against humanity. "But you Americans do it, too, we copied you, what's the big deal?"

They were right. Buck v. Bell still stands in the US, never overturned, only Skinner v. Oklahoma added a consent element to it. Which, as Noam Chomsky wrote about, can be manufactured. Through propaganda, whole of society. Aka, advertising and marketing. Edward Bernays, nephew of Sigmund Freud, developed both allopathic medical propaganda programs and the modern advertising industry, Madison Avenue. How consent is manufactured.

"Gender-affirming Care" is a continuation of the eugenics practice of sterilization of imbeciles, the mentally ill (Gender dysphoria). As MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying) is the eugenics practice of euthanisia of undesirables, 'useless eaters.' Eugenics put through the Bernays Madison Avenue pros to manufacture consent to sterilization and euthanasia eugenics. Literal Madmen.

And Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy is a modern day Dr. Viktor Brack. Commiting crimes against humanity. Under cover of Madison Avenue professional spin that's likened sterilizations of the mentally ill to a civil right. Sold to the feeble-minded like lipstick and fashion are. Joseph Goebbels also based much of his propaganda efforts on UK/US propagandists like Bernays and Laswell. The more things change....

Note: Political opponents, the disobedient were diagnosed as mentally ill under both Hitler and Stalin. And were sterilized and euthanized. Eugenics. Not just for the gender confused. You can bet that Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy will be at the forefront of that medical practice if she and her kind aren't stopped now. A Dr. Viktoria Brack of our time.

Reading materials for the curious:

Nazi Eugenics:






Buck v. Bell:






Skinner v. Oklahoma:





Chomsky's Manufacture of Consent:


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Excellent information about from whence they come. This needs to be published and promoted everywhere!

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The origin of Eugenics is NOT of the U.S. or Germany and it wasn't practiced as profoundly as in the U.K.

It hails from antiquity as a practice having no formal definition and most recently practiced by the IMPERIALISTS of Eurasia through the 19th Century. It was practiced via variety of tactics including STARVATION for millennia.

The U.K.'s Oxford Fabian Society prompted its arrival as a philosophy in the U.S. among those associated with the City of London's Central Bank Branch known as 'The Fed' before infesting the Robber Barrons and Corporatists as Ford, IBM, Dupont, GM, Standard Oil, etc. at roughly the same time as it formally infested Germany.

"DEALING WITH HUMAN SURPLUS POPULATION," was a commonly discussed issue in Merry Old England and is addressed formally in Dicken's 'Christmas Carrol' and earlier in other literature from the Dark Ages.

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I'll also note that India's caste system was exploited and refined with British certitude and precision while under their empire's rule. What existed before UK control was a shadow of what it became.

When one looks at the agenda and Utopia of the eugenicists India's caste system is a preferred and practiced model. Their useless eaters called Untouchables, Dalits. To be euthanized/sterilized. Blended with many Nazi Germany aspects.

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Yes. It is much older concept. It was "The Science" of it that began in the time frame I focus on.

Yes, I was watching the 1951 version of Scrooge with Alastair Sim last week, noticed the eugenics line from Christmas Carol in it. Even the movie Trading Places with Eddie Murphy and Dan Akroyd is premised on eugenics, the $1 bet between the Duke Brothers is about nature vs nurture.

Your additional background and depth is a welcome contribution.

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Thank-you for bringing it into discussion. People don't know history very well especially in the U.S. and that is a deliberate decision in our Educational System.

"Those not well-versed with history are bound to repeat it."

Sadly, those knowledgeable with history too often lack the capacity to stop it from being repeated.

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Thank you, John, for bringing to the public’s attention, NOT FORGETING, this crime against unprotected minors.

I just quote, now, what other godly people said, about medical professionals, in this post, in the last days:

“The most heartless profession is medical profession”. “Medical kidnaping” “Holding patients HOSTAGE” “ This story cannot be forgotten, nor hidden. We need accountability”. “without accountability, will be repeated”.

And, I will add: “This could have enormous implications for any government, CDC, medical professional, lawyer, Supreme court justice, WHO WANTS TO LISTEN, now”.

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I hope this “Mad Scientist” is finished FOREVER!!!

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I hope Every one of these mutilators of vulnerable children get nailed to the wall. It is unspeakable evil.

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I've been saying for years that this and the Final Solution injections would not be ended until the trial lawyers got involved and sued the crap out of every doctor, hospital, medical facility, and any other hangers-on that have supported these evil doings. I hope this woman gets destroyed by whomever is suing her.

Danny Huckabee

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You are exactly correct, Danny. Enough trial lawyers winning will scare the gender surgeons from continuing their work, their insurances will pull out, their hospitals will no longer support them, and that will then impact the other "professionals" who work in the field, and they will do something else because there will be no access to gender surgery that they can recommend. It's all about money. Sue the bastards!

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It will be important to know where those vampire rats flee. They are incapable of reform, and everywhere they go, they carry the evil with them. Let them land nowhere anonymously. Let them be greeted horrendously.

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But, these are difficult cases and THE LAWYERS WANT ONLY FAST MONEY

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I'm in a lawsuit that was filed in 2018 and our lawyers are still fighting for us. I think it has more to do with the money involved.

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John, what is it about our age, our time, that billions of homo sapiens, the innocents, were allowed/coerced to be injected with synthetic genetic material on an EUA basis, slaughtering millions, the mutilation of countless innocents, the masking of innocents, relentless migration of innocents, the current of malevolence behind it all? Have the psycopaths risen to the top, the Bill Gates, Fauci's, this Kennedy freak, The WHO, Farrar, Collins, and like minded as Soros, Schaub around the world? Is there an inevitability to all this is driving us to hell on earth? I cannot fathom what is happening and will happen, however much in shock at what has been and is.

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"This Kennedy freak"?? I certainly hope you're not talking about RFK jr? He's been the only sane voice for health and the environment for many many years!

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We are living in a world that has mostly rejected God, so now anything goes!

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Except Kennedy …RFK J is part of the solution. His name doesn’t belong with these evil, greedy, power hungry psychopaths.

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What Kennedy?

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I want to correct today, an inadmissible omission I made in the other day post.

I omitted from my recommendation for Nobel Prize for Medicine, a giant Canadian scientist,

Professor Denis Rancourt PhD and his group. I correct this mistake today. HE IS ONE OF THE FRONTLINE “CANARIES”.

In his first report on COVID, published June 2,2020, very radically entitled, “ALL-CAUSE MORTALITY DURING COVID-19-NO PLAGUE (translated by me, no virus, no pandemic) AND A LIKELY SIGNATURE OF MASS HOMICIDE BY GOVERNMENT RESPONSE”, Prof. Rancourt is spot on.

His analysis describes with outmost precision, the very core (heart) of COVID EVENTS, at a such an early date, when such conclusions, were impossible for a common individual. Every information added latter by other scientists, fits perfectly with his original statements.

At that time (perhaps even now), majority of us, did not see anything. Very few of us, were just wandering, “what is going on”?

His analysis of ALL-CAUSE MORTALITY is magnificent, showing convincingly WHAT DID HAPPEN and WHAT DID NOT HAPPEN in alleged pandemic.

This could have had enormous implications for any government, CDC, medical professional, lawyer, Supreme court justice, WHO WANTED TO LISTEN.


For those who are new to the topic, go to denisrancourt.ca , click, then must scroll, to see the documents.

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Peter your questions are very reasonable. This must stop.

Unfortunately, the people in power are not interested to stop these crimes.

And godly, righteous, are not in power. This is why, we must to return to the One who has this power, THE CREATOT GOD, to confess our sins and accept him as our God and Savior.

The ones, who did so, must fervently pray to Him.

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Music to my ears Sociopaths/psychopaths like this doctor need to be criminally charged and convicted as they are a menace to society and the harm they inflict is truly incalculable. Did this doctor never hear of or much less take a comprehensive history and physical? Clearly not as these mentally ill people costuming as health care professionals are so steeped in their own delusions they can’t think or hear anything but their sick sexual perversions! This has got to stop as anyone who has taken an A and P class knows the human brain doesn’t complete development until 26 to 28 years of life. It’s an open and shut case she’s guilty of abuse medical malpractice etc. Will the woke have the objective eyes to see right from wrong? Good clinical assessment skills of not and receive consequences for failure to do no harm. Thanks to Obama he removed the Hippocratic Oath through the Prep Act per my understanding. I hope he’s right behind this doctor sporting an Orange Jumpsuit

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Even the term "mentally ill" is degrading and defeating. Can we call suffering people what they are, which is trauma victims and nutrition deprivation victims?

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Here is the raw truth. If therapists properly treated sexual trauma and other conditions in questioning youth, the psychopathic LGBTQ cult would rapidly come to an auspicious end, and millions of children could be saved from an unnecessary life of queerness and despair. Assess, empathize, normalize, contain, be patient, love, guide. Be a real therapist.

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Amen! These children need compassion and protection, not sterilization. I hope she also sues her abuser, and the hospital.

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Yes, sue the surgeons.

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And prison for the child rapists causing the trauma

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Without parole opportunity. Everything I understand about these demons, they CANNOT be rehabilitated.

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Once a sex offender, always a sex offender. Said by a sex offender. Seems he would know

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The LGBT thing is promoted by Gates to reduce reproduction and Soros out of his general hatred of all of humanity.

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Here is the reality..... Hospitals develop these programs because they perceive them to be, or become a CASH COW!!! Perfect examples are cancer, cardiac and bariatric surgery/services. They find the physicians, buy the equipment and market market market!!! This is about MONEY not individual "health care".

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Yes. We will win if enough lawsuits are brought and won against the SURGEONS, not the hospitals. Hospitals are more difficult to win against.

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This kind of progressive party atrocity must be stopped. Thankfully on Jan 20th we can return to a two-gender world!

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civilized? Have you looked around the "Colonial Crapitalist" bull shit "values" The American foundation IS murder & theft & Fraud ( especially war & medicine ).Its US dollars & power & it is anything but civilized. PROFITEERING IS GOD. Wealth is king & murder & suffering is common by the gov/corp alliance of greed. Everyone's a potential mark in this grift. Repulsive our culture is just effing disgraceful. We seem focused on destroying children the world over from Gaza ,Ukraine, & here st home its clear slaughter , starvation, sex trafficking & mutilation WTF monsters have we allowed to shape us void of any values? life is sacred ea one has intrinsic value . Children aren't mr potato head toys w/ parts to swap ? We really suck as a nation at this point. We need to grow up & take responsibility & act like adults who give a shit

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Thank you for sharing this great news. I hope that this lawsuit is merely the first drop of a tidal wave that strips these “doctors” of every credential and every cent they’ll ever have.

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More fake 'Medicine'.

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Find some in your area, you will be surprised how many disgusting professionals live so close to our homes .

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"....at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA)". Let that sink in.

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We need to put the surgeons in jail and take the licenses and impose serious fines on the woke therapists who failed to do proper assessments and imposed their social agendas on these girls.

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WHILE you're waiting for surgeons to be sent to jail, sue them for money. After awhile, they will be pressured to quit my their insurance and their hospitals. It's all about money.

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