Tragic day in America - I'm a third generation New Yorker and I remember it when it was beautiful safe and there were EDUCATED PATRIOTIC people who lived there. The liberals have destroyed the state - BOYCOTT NYC - DO NOT SPEND MONEY IN NYS - GET EVERYONE TO VOTE IN NOVEMBER - The jury pool were most likely hand picked.

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The liberals have destroyed the country.

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It's the globalists, using all the money they laundered from the U S into their pockets to fund ALL these psychotic crimes against the people, hand-in-hand with the captured, corrupt agencies and all the branches of govt, including the bought-and-paid-for pukes in the District of Corruption. The leftards are simply puppets of a well-funded, orchestrated globalist cabal running these sh!t shows. Leftards are too stupid and ineffective to do anything if left to their own devices. None of these "protests" or social "movements" (or the resultant "legislation") is grassroots or organic. It's all organized, orchestrated, directed, and funded by the usual puppetmasters. And the same is true of these puppets, like Bragg or Fanny or Smith, etc, who couldn't come up with these lawfare games on their own if they had a hundred years to figure it out. And the same is true, no matter how high up you go on the luciferian, cartel babylon chain when it comes to the corrupt judiciary and every other branch or agency. None of them have high enough IQs or the guts to pull this fascist banana republic crap without being instructed every step of the way and heavily insulated and protected to do so.

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It's pretty astounding the breadth and scope of their power because these are all unelected people - in every segment of our government - Thank God for states like Florida where it's safe -

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Safe for now.

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The real tragedy is their breadth and scope casts a wide enough net to blackmail, pay for, and control their opposition as much as they control their willing demonic minions. And don't be too quick to get comfy when it comes to DeSanctimonious. He's not as clean as you think; and he's totally in bed with the z!onists. Watch and see. Unless the people of FL pay close attention and start standing against some of the things he's signed & put into play, you'll be in the same boat. All these bought-and-paid-for (controlled, installed) politicians are playing different angles of the agenda.

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Its easy for thrm when there's video of them drinking adrenochrome and raping, and torturing children.

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Why has Biden gone unchallenged? How has a brain damaged incompetent been allowed to make the US the laughing stock of the world? Why have Blackrock,Vangaurd and State Street been allowed to own controlling interests in our media and everything else and orchestrate this trial.. Do we not have monopoly laws? Who really orchestrated Trimp's prosecution? Who is buying up housing and everything else while we focus on Trump? Is this trial part of a smokescreen for the great reset? Trafficking, destruction of our food supply, the murder of Humans via our allopathic-theory-medical system, etc. This has been a diversion for the Great Reset. The stakes aren't liberals vs conservatives but itself. Human Species itself. The US is disappearing.

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Yep easily bought, owned and directed puppet pawns on the 5 dimensional Luciferian chess board as WE are always playing catchup...!

Tho Trump has much not known held close to the cuff yet to be played...!

I only hope he has a couple someones in the wings should anything befall him that are fully informed so the actual preset plans can go forward to cause the DC swamp drain plug still gets pulled so he entire cabal collapses worldwide...!

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We can only hope... on all accounts. But, honestly, not to throw out blackpills, all of this has gone too far; and this latest escapade will further empower the already deranged hard-core sheople 'tards. So much for any further "awakening", not that the hard-core, brain-damaged, matrix-dwelling, low IQers would've ever awakened from their deep blue-pill coma. And this fiasco will only further the divide and continue to propel the DS globalist agenda into an escalated frenzy of further destruction. We're already at a point of no return, so it's probably moot anyway.

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Realize WE the "silent majority"are far more in numbers then they, sadly only 30+% of us don't even vote = at this point is a crime against their own posterity...this IS a make it or lose it election as the Atheist MarXist owned Globalist puppets and "useful idiots" K N O W the hour has come and are in a frenzy both in fear and the smell of blood in the water...!

"WE the(real)People" must bring about their greatest fears of the rejected unknown in putting "God & country first" just as OUR Founding peoples would have us do with the hard fought means they gave EVERYTHING to gift us with...!

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Yes....and it was the RIGHT after 9/11....one bird, two wings. The global elites got the NDA and Patriot Act passed, the Prep Act too to further their agenda to COVID. It's all one big long game using both parties to get it done. the power of money and propaganda works.

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Exactly. Because WeThePeople did nothing to stand against any of it.

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You mean the $13T that was printed under Trump in 2020-2021 and the $7T that went to the Covid Scamdemic? https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/breaking-vaxxx-daddy-trump-convicted

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And how much did Biden print for the American Recovery Act AND the Inflation Reduction Act? Both parties are complicit in this mess.

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Agreed both parties have stolen. But one has gone completely off the rails and not playing by the rules. The Dumbino family is taking over complete control of the assets of the Reprozzi family. Its winner take all. Only Jesus my friends can save, only Jesus.

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Biden 4-5 Trillion in 2022-2023. Trump, $6.66 Trillion in 2020. $6.66Trillion in 2021.

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Bullseye, none of these criminals k ow your name or do anything to benefit the people of the country. Its all a sham.


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Someone gets it.

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Of course. I'm the one that predicted it the day before Covid was given a name. https://nurembergtrials.net/who-is-the-chief-justice

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And you know this how exactly?

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No. That's not what I mean.

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If they can do this to a billionaire and former President, just think what they can do to other politicians, to toe the establishment line. Just think what they can do to average citizens, especially those who speak too loudly and become influential. This is the path to eventually punish those who vote the "wrong way."

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The jury instructions the Judge gives the jury just before they go in and deliberate are often very key. People don't realize this. Everyone's tired at that point and just want to get it over with. The Judge can write the Instructions any way he/she wants. Juries can write them in a way that encourage a particular verdict. Most wouldn't do that, but I'm sure some do.

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And most likely paid off.

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I agree with you. It’s all BS!!

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It needs to get to Supreme Court- get it out of ny- appeal - keep it in courts - cuz if he loses one would hope that any other president (we’ve had a few) doing same thing goes down too

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It’s game over folks. Agenda 2030 will be on overdrive. Pandemics, geoengineering, famine, economic crash, CBDC’s, 15 min cities…. You know in the rest.

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Nope, just done playing their games. Were smarter than they. Time to play in the dirt, like they like to.

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I sure hope so.

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Anything that brings Jesus back sooner is alright by me! And all of that will.

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You mean Vaccination Agenda 2030 which can only be accomplished with Trump's biometric scanning and vaccine passports? https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/breaking-vaxxx-daddy-trump-convicted

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I will play. What bio-metric and vaccine passports are you referring to?

Proof, not your delusions.

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You've obviously are not listening to the right people... https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/breaking-vaxxx-daddy-trump-convicted Trump's Techocratic Tyranny w/ Biometric Entry-Exit System & "America First" Vaccines https://www.bitchute.com/video/wzBa1Lrmf6uM/ TRUMP'S "VACCINE CZAR", MONCEF SLAOUI ON BIOELECTRONICS, TRANSHUMANIST MEDICINE (2016) https://www.bitchute.com/video/2OPjSfbA0KVv/ Donald Trump's Biometric Tracking System ft Remote Paralysis & Migrant Hoax To Push for Vaccine Passports (NurembergTrials.net) https://www.bitchute.com/video/0hb7qLLR12Yf/

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These people think they “get” it but they don’t. They are playing right along with the staged scenario, emotions and all, of which I’ve known since he first came on the election stage. Just like the previous One.

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Oh, so RFK and Biden would stop this?

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Nuremberg only works when they're not complicit. No one is going to be held accountable for any of this.

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So Trump is guilty of classifying hooker payment as legal fees? I better make sure I never put dog kennel disinfectant under office supplies.

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Well put.

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This is the day that Justice officially died in America.

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What about the day when they put us all under house arrest and told us we couldn't go out except for survival necessities. We were literally imprisoned in our homes....some with nobody at all to talk to except their t.v sets and their other gadgets. Many desperately needing medical attention prescriptions, operations, other procedures. Or just company....I know ex-alcoholics who fell off the wagon and took up long abandoned habits out of total despair....the aged and the cognitively impaired were doubly punished. They did not have any idea why they couldn't see their friends/children/grandchildren. In Canada laws were passed so they could be euthanized and it is rumored governments bought millions of doses of deadly does in order to achieve "painless deaths". So much heart break and despair and then to have to watch the endless tik-tok videos of doctors and nurses dancing around and some actually making fun of their obese and handicapped patients.....I believe all of this was a deliberate crime and not just by any Trump or Joe Biden. My dearest hope is that some day the world will know what happened. These were not vaccines. They are murder weapons. And we were not "patients"....we were victims of an unparalleled atrocity.

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100%. And they are going to try it again in a more sinister way.

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I feel like crying. My country is destroyed; there is no justice. We are governed by dictators who claim to be saving democracy. There's no need to have an election; it is clear the Democrats will do ANYTHING in order to stay in power.

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Yes, there is need for an election. Trump will win on appeal and I'll bet he'll still have enough supporters to win the election. Keep the faith.

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I'm keeping my faith in Christ, but I have no faith in a political solution.

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Bingo. The Bible tells us repeatedly not to put our faith, trust in man. Amen.

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Yes. We don't always understand why bad things happen to good people. Sometimes we don't understand until we have left this life. But, we must trust that whatever happens, it is minute compared to the joy we will have being in Heaven for eternity. Can you imagine yourself sitting at Jesus's feet as he tells us parables?

We have that ahead, and I think, so does Trump.

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Drumpf (his Real name) is Not the good you have been duped to believe he is. Sorry to tell you and all the others. He’s part of the deception:

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Oh, yeah, going through 4 jail trials... wake up.

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He'll have plenty! Probably more than he would have had this not happened. We are tired of this.

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I sadly have to agree. There is no way the Deep State and the communist democrats will ever allow Trump back into the Oval Office. They will do anything, including assassination and/or no elections to keep him out. With today’s verdict and upcoming sentencing the communists are hoping good, honest patriots will rise up so they, the communists, can declare martial law. One only needs to look at the communist playbook which instructs to foment discontent and trouble so they can step in and completely take over. The Supreme Court should step in to restore justice, but the refusal to hear appeals made by state legislatures after the 2020 election proved the Supreme Court is feckless. It will soon be a useless body, along with Congress. Who needs laws, lawyers and judges in a society controlled by dictators?

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The Democrats are a lost cause and there are very few Republicans who will do what is right. They got to Mike Johnson quickly. He must have been threatened with something serious for him to roll over and become the Democrats' puppet.

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Jack Bergeron--What my brother said many years ago--[perhaps decades]---it will be the Supreme Court that brigs this county down. I was too young to realize how profound his words. In my youth thinking--that cant be.

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This is what they did/are doing to us. Take a good look.

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Thank you. I am well aware of the harm from the so-called vaccines. I wish everyone was, but people are still lining up to take them. We have friends who took a flu, covid and RSV shot at the same time last fall. Neither my husband nor I took the covid shots and we don't ever intent to take any kind of vaccine in the future.

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we need a strategy. How do we wake up the sleepers?

They think because they have not died yet....everything will be alright.

Why don't you buy/give your friends Edward Dowd's masterful analysis of all the sudden deaths that seem to be happening post VAXX.

CAUSE UNKNOWN....you can buy this book anywhere...Beg them not to murder their children. Give them a copy of THE COURAGE TO FACE COVID 19 by John Leake and Peter McCullous.

Do something. We are confronting the collapse of the world as we know it.

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Yes it cost $20 or something like that. Would you pay $20 to save your friend's or your child's life? See it as a donation to keep your world alive.

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There are more of us than there are sleepers. We don't want to see any sleepers (and thus save them) so it's very hard to hear of just a few here and there, but I feel more of us know the dangers than do not.

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Well...that is not my experience. Many folks I know still believe that light weight aluminum planes that weigh a few hundred tons or less can destroy buildings weighing literally thousands of tons and are made of 12" thick steel girders and cement. We are a dim lot...verging on the hopeless.

Is "seeing sleepers" too weird to explain?...Is that like "seeing dead people"?

Your speech patterns confuse me.

No....many are still terrified of the dreaded "covid 19"...and the derivatives there of and I am afraid that after another session of nonstop fear porn would run into the safe haven of whoever said they could save their lives with just a few injections.

Perhaps you could help those you know who are still groping in the dark cave of the "pandemic horror" and are still turning to the "vaccines" to save them....Where there is life...there is still hope....

But these clueless ones I think are the "silent majority" forever glued to their football game or whatever-- or t hey are our prized 'intellectuals' who go to the NYTs and do not read it there so it must not be real.

They need to learn about scientist/professor Denis Rancourt, Reiner Fuellmich, embalmers like John Looney, Doctors Dr Peter McCullough Dr James Thorpe, Dolores Cahill and the many other intrepid souls working for our survival into the future and

leading our "resistance" to tyranny and total domination at the hands bumbling old fools like Klaus Schwab and his unbelievably toxic side kick navel Hararri....Will we ALL "eat zee bugs" or just the ones they put into their "camps"?

As for myself I am breathlessly awaiting the next chapter in the NWO bid to rid the world of useless human scum who can hardly afford to pay their rent.

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Are you a follower of Christ? That is the absolute most important thing to settle now, if you are not. I believe we are in the end times. I have to balance trying to help people wake up to the world situation with helping them be prepared for eternity. How can anyone deny that humans are sinful and that there is a spiritual battle going on? Satan is real. He's out in the open now, but Jesus is greater. God's sovereign plan will move forward as He has planned. That's where I find peace in the midst of the horror. One of my favorite verses is Philippians 1:21. "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain." Meanwhile, I am doing the best I can to make a difference in the world. ✝️

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Your country? You mean "your debt"? You don't own anything, you "owe" 35 Trillion.

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I didn't say I own it, but it is my country. I will be 72 years old tomorrow and I was born in this country when there was still a bit of freedom and morality. John Adams said, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Our problem is that we have turned away from our Creator, and He is letting us have our way. See Romans 1.

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Amen! All of this will bring Him back sooner. If he was angry with Sodom and Gomorrah, He is absolutely LIVID now.

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Especially since so much of the depravity is focused on innocent children.

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Amen. Exactly what I was thinking. The butchering of childrens sexual body parts has got to be another level of depravity.

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100% agree with you.

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Thank you.

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It is very nice we all agree here...that is why we are on Courageous Discourse substack. Now more is needed. Much more...

What? What can you do that you have not yet done? We are facing the end of our civilization. I do not believe that is an exaggeration.

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I think the next thing for me might be speaking to our local school board. I have no hope that anything will change, but feel a responsibility to challenge them. If you'd like to, read about my conversation with a liberal school board candidate. https://asclifton1971.substack.com/p/impromptu-interview-of-a-school-board

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Dude, the US has companies worth trillions. WTF are you talking about?

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are you one of those cheena peeps? another bully? how do you know anything at all? lol. Wow. fall for anything.

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Yes if you mean CJN Soros scribe...!

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All of the money is all gone. It's all been stolen around the world.

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That's why it's not about money. It's all gone, and the Covid Plannedemic has been cancelled and dumped into the trash bin of history.

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Well, ultimately I believe it's the control which comes from the power they gain by stealing all of the money. Unfortunately I still hear the pushing of convid shots!

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I have never heard of having 4 choices to find a man guilty of something. You pick one and if all 12 jurors pick one then he can be convicted on all counts. What excitedly did they find him guilty of? Why was it a multiple CHOICE? Sounds like this will be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court.

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just more deflection. Rob Trump of all assets and time. However, we will never give in, nor will Trump. Its our duty to push against these rogue globalists who intend to run us over. Everyone complicit will face jail time and have assets seized after their convictions. These jurors have been used. How do they not know that? Or were they threatened? And no write the directives down? Huge red flag waving.

Now, we need to stop these shams right now. This is pure indecent mockery of our systems. We will not stand for it.

We need to uncouple from all rogue governments, cheena, as we see. BUY NOTHING from CHEENA. Starve em out. Refuse any meds from them, any of their cheap sheeet.. Do not give one red cent to that commie terror group. Not under this regime. Yes, I fully believe CCP is in the globalist's pocket. Keep it local folks. It may get difficult for a moment. Barter and trade. Know your farmer and their practices. Eat clean, eat at home or with your communities. Know your neighbors, bring back trust in neighborhoods and families. This weekend...open up your porch. lemonde, chat, bbq, it doesn't matter, do something local that doesn't support these crooks.

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And stock up on guns & ammo..

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True Americanism...!!!

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It is the new "non racist math"

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Yes, multiple choice of one being enough for all convictions, is a result of the Judge writing the Jury Instructions. Judges can screw with those.

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I agree. What kind of monkey sh*t is this??

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Trump was never even indicted on the “underlying crime” whatever that is that we’re still trying to figure out.

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I could cry right now, for this country. I've been feeling like that a lot in the last few years.

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Keep the faith. Keep praying. It's going to be okay. He'll win on appeal and he may still win the election. We, and he, do know that he did his very best for us and our country. Maybe this will be the wake up call that some Americans still need to resist.

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I really do not have any faith in "free and fair elections". I can't speak for other states but the fraud out of Philadelphia was horrible. Trump should have won PA in 2020. I just don't believe "they" will allow him to be president. They don't care about laws or The Constitution, elections are rigged, we're being told blatant lies and being gaslit every day and no one seems to be doing anything about any of it. I feel we are being provoked into a civil war. Thanks for letting me vent, I'm so upset.

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Remember the impossible becomes possible through Christ. We must continue in our acts of faith, like voting, and knowing God is in control. Pray our nation (our citizens) will turn to him and repent. That’s what it is going to take. I firmly believe that, without repentance the judgment is coming.

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Trump did win. I have been part of team finding the election fraud in Wisconsin. It's all clear now. We now know exactly how the steal was done. Same in all states. PA was very bad, worst of swing states. He will win again. The problem is nothing has changed. The rigged system is still in place. We need to go back to the following like many other countries have done:





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It's OK. First don't write C_v_l W_r. Eyes everywhere. Second don't participate in one. Keep the faith that whatever happens, Trump will have a legacy through the years of truly giving his all, and he deserves that. Tell your kids and grandchildren about the sacrifices Trump is willing to take for us. I think that there will always be safe places to move to, if you're willing to move to them.

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Just realize this's been coming incrementally more each decades for 111yrs since 1913 so can't be stopped on a dime and Trump knows this = look how commited he is to defeat "The Snake"

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insanity pushes us toward a civil war

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thats likely what they are hoping. don't stand still. there are many back doors...

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Jesus is still in authority. Don’t despair. Vote if we get to.

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Ah yes...the opiate of the masses and don't forgit there is always the "after life"...will there be vaccines in heaven? .

So sorry to break the news...NO ONE IS RIDING TO OUR RESCUE. We are out here all alone confronting a one hundred foot tall monster. Get out your sling shots mis amigos....aim for his eyes!

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correction re: "the Democratic Party machine seems to have a mysterious and sinister hold on power. Increasingly I wonder if Congressmen are being blackmailed by an operator reminiscent of the evil genius Reinhard Heydrich, who amassed files on everyone who could potentially oppose the regime."

The Democratic Party HAS mysterious sinister hold on power. Congressmen ARE blackmailed or in today's language, captured.

I've used "America Implodes" when sharing commentary on American Politics, I'm being proven correct every day.

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The American juris prudence system died today. Every tyrannical acolyte of The Regime will come out with Agenda-Cudgels at the ready..... our "700 Front War" on America just went up 10 notches.

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nah...just a little hiccup...boy wont it be glorious when these traitors are knocked down? Keep putting the pressure on. Keep educating.

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That was a setup crooked Kangaroo Court and a laughing stock sham that could never be allowed in real court procedeures and be summarily Dismissed on Appeal and they all know it...!

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Today is the day that Trump won the election!

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Except those that want a one party dictatorship, or are just stupid, they will still vote Dem..which lets admit it, these are Marxists activists not Dems.

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Democrats are either stupid or evil.

I keep seeing self-titled Moderate Democrats whining and complaining, yet they will never vote for a Republican. I think that is delusional, which is also stupid.

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Evil. Not stupid. Or stupid by being controlled?

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Yes, the ones doing all of this are evil.

The voters though are either evil or stupid. I know a lot of them. I can't have discussions with them - I tell them they are believing lies but they refuse to read or hear anything that contradicts their fantasy.

I can't go so far to consider them evil. What is willful ignorance though? Is it actually evil?

The Banality of Evil?

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I am trying to understand how so many could be entirely incredibly stupid. Yes. Refuse to read or hear anything : Like facts. Truth. Will they research? No. Seems all MSM. I am called a fool.

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Same here. My D friends can't handle the truth. They don't want to see any evidence that what they've based their entire lives on has been a lie. So they will take that pill that keeps them plugged into the machines that uses them as fuel while feeding them fantastic living experiences.

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they are, but they haven't won yet. it will be our duty to inform those who have scales on their eyes. Those shiny things are speaking louder for them than truth right now. But we can and will show them the devils in the house. OUR HOUSE

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But? Is a "convicted felon" allowed to be President in the US?

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Well. It is time to stop playing their games. We know the laws, lets use them. These are nothing but a group of junkyard dogs....there is nothing good about these.

And cheena, we need to stop playing their crazy games also. Charge people who play their games and subvert the American people.

You allow the bully in and they will take over. Somehow, they didn't get the message that we wont tolerate their thefts of our intellectual property or our data, let alone personal data.

Look up Karen Kingstons post of today. How did so many fall for all this crazy sheeet?

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“Charge” … by whom? DoJ? Prosecutors who want to be disbarred? There is no judicial fix to what just happened.

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It is always darkest before dawn. Let’s pray this galvanizes undecided to vote Trump that leads to an overwhelming electoral college landslide.

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Time to find out how much those on the jury were paid, who was controlling them (we know), and so on. Time for state AGs to go after Obuttmer, PedoJoe, Bush, Clint0n, (and their cohorts, and puppetmasters) for their crimes of treason, money-laundering, etc. The door is now open. And it's time for WeThePeople to step up. If the broken, captured, corrupt system won't do what needs to be done to the REAL perpetrators of crime and injustice, then it's time for citizen grand juries to step up and bring about accountability for the heinous crimes that have gone on for decades by the same disgusting political enemies that pulled this coup against the Republic.

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There is a huge storm brewing that won’t have a good outcome. Pax

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Don't take part in any protests. They just want to charge you.

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