Alas, truth in our Postmodern Brandonland, is indeed stranger than fiction. Only three options are possible: 1) our vaunted Secret Service leadership is dumb as a box of rocks; 2) the leadership was in on the assassination attempt; 3) both 1 and 2. I'm voting for number 3.

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Yeah, I am with you on that. Unless the autistic, pimple faced kid was a secret Crypto millionaire, he could not afford all of those “Toys”. I am leaning towards the idea that the kid was the Sacrifice to the gods of the Deepstate.

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I was appalled that the Secret Service that has billions in revenue could not afford a simple drone that would have garnered a plethora of data ahead of time so the shooter could be removed quietly and easily in plenty of time. Failure is not an option! Is it ineptitude or something I hate to admit might be a possibility full well knowing the Iranians have put out a statement against Trump, Pompeo, Bolton and others.

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Umm....how about LAZY?

Does just plain old Lazy pop into this conversation at some point?

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Not really . . . . after what we have collectively witnessed in our political spectrum over the past 8+ years - especially the lawfare antics of the Deep State associated with the four indictments of DJT, it is no small wonder that the corruption in our government is by far more powerful than any further excuses for what just happened in Butler, PA.

NOW, for the matter of getting to the bottom of this? Can we really rely upon any investigation run by the FBI? Remember James Comey's assessment of Hillary Clinton's conduct as Secretary of State with cell phones and Pat for Play?

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Randall, If I understood you correctly, I am not disparaged to the point you seem to be professing in your reply. I understand the sentiment but, IMO, it obscures the spirit of many in this nation who still believe in the magic of self determination and a better life as opposed to a resignation of consensus by defeatism.

This 'magic' I refer to has been the fuel that built this country into the greatest nation on Earth. I am only one of millions who still believe that, in spite of the profound corruption in plain view, it is the sole belief of many who still chase and fulfill their dreams every day in America, that we can overcome and will eventually over power this corruption.

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The bottom indeed is endless. Any attempt to alter that will meet with subversions 🤕

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?Shooter on the water tower and the kid was the programmed fall guy?

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Is there any vision of this yet?

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How will the public ever get an honest accounting of the assassination attempt from the FBI or the Secret Service when they use the lying CIA methods of obfuscation and plausible deniability? It’s going to be nearly impossible to discover what really happened in Butler, PA. If this really is the simple handiwork of a 20 year old, all by himself, then what’s the use of the whole security system?

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What you know

And all you know

Is that someone said he did that.

Don’t let your thinking end

Where it should actually start from.

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As easy as this all is for me

It still comes down to a life

Wishing everyone was smarter.

How dumb is that ?

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Expectations are indeed over rated.

And in this case the performance pay grades are as well!

Wishing for integrity....Now we're cookin Tom! A+

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There is no logical conclusion other than the powers that be wanted Trump dead. No real surprise, they pretty much have made that abundantly clear. It wasn't that they didn't care about his safety, they actually wanted him dead. There just is no other logical conclusion!

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I've looked over the lay of the land and the story isn't adding up. According to "the story" the USSS counter sniper who took out the leftist shooter had a difficult time acquiring the target because it was concealed by the peak of the roof. Now, I am not an expert by any means, but I do have a bit of experience with shooting and in order for a shooter to line up a shot on a target that is lower than he is, he must expose himself to the target. And if he is exposed to the target, anyone who is at a higher elevation than the target will have an unobstructed view of that shooter.

The shooter was allowed to fire because that is what was ordered to happen.

And somehow a police sniper in the 2nd floor window of the building next door, "missed the target". The distance is 50 yards, a chip shot with a rifle, and he missed. Now, they say he missed, but if he missed there has to be a bullet hole in that roof from him missing. Or maybe 5 bullet holes if those shots were the second burst of 5. And even if the USSS didn't have coms with the local police, the other police no doubt had coms with their own sharpshooters.

Here is how it adds up to me. Shooter goes onto roof and is noticed by the crowd who call out to the police. Those police get on their radios and alert their sharpshooters who aren't in a position to engage the shooter. Shooter opens fire, gets off 3 shots and then is engaged by the local PD with 5 rounds rapid fire because that was the first weapon brought to bear. Then the sharpshooter with the bolt gun takes his shot at 50 yards and actually ends the encounter. USSS sharpshooter dumps a round into the tree toward the target, likely the farther group of trees.

We need more sound from closer to the shooter. If the USSS sharpshooter hit anything in the area of the shooter we will be able to hear that impact. Shooting a head with a .300 Win Mag at 150 yards with any of the current target rounds is going to do more than leave a hole in the face and a slightly larger hole in the back of the head. It is going to open the head catastrophically. And it is going to make a sound like a watermelon falling from a few stories high. That sound is either in the recordings or the USSS sharpshooter dumped a round. If I were closer I would take a metal detector to the area and find that bullet. It is either in the grass somewhere or in a tree. It should be easy to find, though time consuming. That would bust the lie wide open.

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The federal government is in full collapse. ZERO trust.

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Reporting as if there was only 1 gunman makes you part of the coverup.

Chris Martenson: Three Audio Files Align and Agree: There Were Two Shooters - Peak Prosperity


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I watched that. I've done a lot of audio work as well. https://madeleinelove.substack.com/p/not-staged

I also thought that 1-3 sounded different to 4-8, but with zero experience with guns thought it might be something about the gun associated with the faster shooting mode. Martenson didn't dismiss that it could be the same shooter based on the sound, saying that perhaps he got up a little higher from the tin roof, changing the sound. He dismissed 4-8 as coming from the kid based on speed and precision (I don't know if he's published his follow-up vid yet looking at all the echos).

The most amazing thing in that video (to me) is that he presents a tiny bit of vision of the kid and the 1st shot - there is no recoil of any kind in his body - it's all still (assuming no-one has altered the raw footage).

[Personally I think shot 1 (the one that nipped Trump imo] sounds a little different to shots 2&3, but that might be because the recording iphones are being swivelled around in a hurry, with the direction changing.]

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"Crooks" should have been stopped and vigorously questioned based on his last name alone, but the truth, as you said John, is not recognized. Thus who could believe that Crooks could or would ever be a crook?

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'Trump Shooter Flew Drone Over Rally Site Just Hours Before Event'

SAYS WHO???? The FBLie?

Unless someone has video footage, I'll call......BS! (photos + AI also = BS!)

Sorry, but I do not believe ANYTHING that 'they' say is factual.

I'll need indisputable proof on EVERYTHING that comes out of 'their' mouths.

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They could have borrowed my drone.

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It is hard to accept the incompetence that was on display.

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BRAVO!! This Biedermann analogy is the concise out take of WHY the public is not in an OUTRAGE over the flimsy defense of the Secret Service detail assigned to the rally in Butler, PA. What was too outrageous to consider as reality was, in fact, REALITY!

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Crooks was in one post called 'would be assassin' he actually did assassinate one man. He planned this for a while based on all the ammo and packages he received. So, I don't think he needed an outsider to persuade him to do anything. There were many flies in the ointment regarding the protection offered at the rally that day. When a plane crashes, lots of investigation is done to determine exactly what went wrong. If the pilot lived and apologized without explaining the sequence of events leading to the disaster no one would feel satisfied. We need a break down of the gaffes that occurred, the man who died deserves it. Also, the parents are not responsible for their adult son's actions, but were they so disconnected from him that they didn't know what he was about?

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Bingo....that was THE RED HOT issue they would have preferred did not get out at all.

It took days then Boom.

Thomas Crooks field verified his homeworked plan as a GO via a personal Drone!

Security was too laid back and too relaxed!

I call it horribly complacent.

No split second commitment.

By the book.....they sucked at prevention of a shooter to get set up.

Civilians killed and wounded. Don't ask me for a vote of confidence. Not happening!

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