I'm Australian and, from what I see on Facebook and Facebook Messenger, a lot of my fellow citizens don't trust the gov or the medical profession. As for me, I want to find a new GP but I doubt that there would be one who didn't try to throw us under the bus. I sent research papers to my own GP as I had watched Prof Sucharit Bhakdi's warning video (watched it 5 times to understand it properly!) then went to see him with the recommendations from the Frontline Doctors in the US (hope I have that name correct). I had everything except Ivermectin and it hadn't yet been banned here. I asked for a prescription and he pushed the sheet of paper about the Frontline Doctors back across the desk and said "Not possible. Get vaccinated." My husband was trying to recover from surgery and radiation for aggressive prostate cancer and was on a testosterone blocker. He has two heart valve leaks also.

We didn't get "vaccinated" and we didn't catch Covid. I'm 74 and he is 71. We took NAC, Vit D3 etc. I'm still so furious I can hardly stand to look at the GP nowadays. Erin Neill PhD

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Brownstone: "What he lacked was not a conscience, but a spine" https://brownstone.org/articles/perrottets-covid-apology-is-not-good-enough/

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The medical community exposed themselves as untrustworthy.

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Doctors don't apologize for bad care because Hippocratic Medicine has been replaced by "Standard of Care" medicine. This new ethos asserts that providing the care that is consistent with the accepted standards of medical care is the most ethical care, and that deviation from it constitutes bad care and possibly grounds for loss of license. There is of course in this ethos an assumption that the standard of care is the best care is best because it represents the best research and expertise available. There are several problems with this, which may be painfully obvious to many in the know: 1. the "standard of care" is often determined by "thought leaders" who are allied with or influenced by Big Pharma; 2. the evidence base of modern medicine is heavily contaminated by industry influence. Marcia Angell and Richard Horton, former editors of NEJM and Lancet have long ago pointed this out. 3. If medicine is to be a lively, dynamic field, it must be open to innovation, and innovation is best accomplished in the clinic, not in a research office. Doctors and other clinicians who are free to test out different ideas that present reasonable opportunities for improvement without obvious safety concerns, with the informed consent of patients, have unique opportunities to explore uncharted territory in therapeutics. Standard of care medicine squelches this opportunity.

4. Standard of Care medicine casts a blind eye towards Hippocratic principles, which prioritize safety. Standard of care medicine may be aptly named "CYA medicine" because in actuality in prioritizes the well being of the physician rather than the patient. In short, Standard of care medicine, for all of its claims to be more ethical is the opposite of ethical. It should be banned.

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According to the vast majority of those doctors that did step-up to offer early out-patient treatment, approximately 85-90% of those who died from covid, died needlessly. They died because they were denied such treatment. That means that if one million died in this country, that between 850,000 - 900,000 did not need to die. Think about that. Is it any wonder that so many no longer trust their doctors, or the hospitals that pushed remdesivir & ventilators on them & prevented them from visitation from family members, killing most of them with this protocol?

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Here is one such doctor (Dr. Denise Sibley) that tried to help people & what she was up against...https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/events/the-peoples-study/internal-medicine-doctor-speaks-out/

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Excellent that people are waking up to the abuse inflicted upon humanity across the world by the medical fraternity and our Governments, endorsed by the MSM.

A shocking state of affairs.

There must be retribution.

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The decrease in the public's trust in their doctors from 70% to 40%:

MDs, meet College Professors.

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Very simply, how do you trust a doctor that blindly pushed (and took!) the vax? Aside from the fact that the ‘normal’ protocol here was, if you tested positive for covid, to send you home until you became sick enough to need hospitalization. That was it. For the moment, we’ll overlook the efficacy of PCR tests, etc. My current doctor took TWO vaccines (and now admits that if he ‘knew then what he knows now’, he would not have taken the vaccine.) Well, I am not a doctor. How was I able to know then what I know now, and refuse the vax? So, logically, the result is…..how do you trust a doctor that ‘follows orders without question’ or doesn’t know how to research medical information???

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My doctor and I argued for about 30 minutes about the vaccine and I would not give in. I’ll never forget her comment “oh you’re one of those people “.

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That's disgusting! What a total lack of respect. The fed govt sure pushed the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" I knew then the fed govt was aligned with the WEF in depopulation efforts. So evil

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She’s condescending but that’s okay, I won that battle. What’s funny is that she had on a face mask and a shield.

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I hope she’s still not your doctor. Why would you continue to put yourself at risk with someone like that?

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She’s still my PCP, she’s frequently on leave and I go to one of her partners most of the time.

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“oh you’re one of those people “

Yes one of those alive & well!!

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My childhood friends’s younger sister died after receiving the vaccine. The popular pediatrician was sued, lost and was put out of business. It caused quite a scandal locally. Then the 1986 Vaccine Safety Act gaslit everyone back into complacency. See how that works!

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I had the conversation with neurologist who pushed the vaccine. Now I have to find a new Dr. I switched pcp to a DO

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A neurologist scolded me for not taking the vaccine, said immune compromised people are depending on me. That was my last visit with him. Soon after that he retired. Good riddance

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This is the synopsis from my patients, of why they have the mistrust and hostility coming in, as I told you by text, the other day. When I tell them my story, of my near death from the forced upon covid jab and that, I went half-way across the country to see you, because I couldn't find a doctor, that would admit, let alone, treat me properly or even look at my test results, from you; is when their attitude goes full circle! Patients want to be heard and not dismissed! The doctors with the guts and humility, like yourself, Dr. MCcullough, are the true warriors and the only worthy ones, to have MD in their title! You are still my hero! Thank you for saving my life! God bless you

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In my case, shortly after Dr. Fauci announced the plan on TV, I researched him and found out that he and Bill Gates were chummy. That set off a huge alarm for me. I had previously read what bill gates did with vaccines in Africa and India and the many thousands of people that were disabled and killed by the vaccines he pushed and promoted. I knew then not to trust Dr Fauci. Dr Fauci with touting his horn that he represents "Science" made me I'll. Turns out he's a blatant liar and a fraud.

I've lost faith in my current doctors. Now, granted, one of two were following the protocols of the hospitals where they officed and thus had to. My question is, why are medical associations, medicsl journals, etc., aligned with the fed govt? Is it all just about money or is there something else going on here?

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Follow the $$$.

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These eight authors show no sign of recognizing what actually caused this tremendous loss of trust. The cause was not just mistaken perceptions, but correct (if delayed and only partial) recognition of profoundly harmful practices and avoidance of effective nutrition https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ and inexpensive, safe, drug treatments.

The web-readable version of their article is: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11292455/. eFigure 9 on page 12 of the supplement: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11292455/bin/jamanetwopen-e2424984-s001.pdf is more instructive than the graphs in the main article, since it shows proportions of people over the survey period whose trust level in doctors and hospitals was "not at all", "a little, "some" and "a lot".

"However, undercurrents of distrust in medicine are not new in US society - for example, concerns about the health effects of vaccines have persisted long after they were disproven." They cite a single 2007 article "Mercury, Vaccines, and Autism One Controversy, Three Histories": https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/full/10.2105/AJPH.2007.113159.

"During the COVID-19 pandemic, medicine and public health more broadly became politicized, with the internet amplifying public figures [9] and even physicians encouraging individuals not to trust the advice of public health experts and scientists.[10]" Ref 9 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8164188/ surveyed journal articles to 2020-06-01 which surveyed so-called "misinformation". Ref 10 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10427940/ "Communication of COVID-19 Misinformation on Social Media by Physicians in the US." is from 2023-08-15, directly surveying mass and social media between January 2021 and December 2022. They identified 52 physicians who spread such "misinformation, but they don't mention any names or make their data available.

They seem to think that the loss of trust can be remedied by some kind of "intervention". However, their mention of "experiences of neglect" below indicates that they consider these to be real, rather than mis-perceptions:

". . . to inform future interventions aimed at restoring trust, we examined open-ended responses collected from a randomly selected subset of participants in 1 survey wave (wave 27, the first of the 2 examined cross-sectionally) when individuals were asked to explain briefly why they had indicated a particular level of trust. Responses among the 2 lowest levels of trust (n = 200) included the following themes.

35% **Financial Motives Over Patient Care**: This theme includes perceptions of healthcare as

primarily profit-driven, where financial incentives outweigh patient welfare. Respondents

believe that decisions are made based on profitability rather than the best interests of patients.

"Doctors and hospitals are one of the biggest multi million dollar industry..."

"It seems they only do things for money and to keep their jobs."

"They're all interested in profits over patients."

"Health last money first."

27% **Poor Quality of Care and Negligence**: Responses that mention experiences of neglect,

inadequate care, misdiagnosis, or dismissive attitudes from healthcare providers fall under this

category. This also includes perceptions of healthcare professionals not listening or taking

patient concerns seriously.

"They have not treated me well."

"They didn’t take care of my son in law like they should..."

"Often miss diagnos"

"It's more the nurses, negligence from them is only rising."

14% **Influence of External Entities and Agendas**: Here, the focus is on the belief that decisions

in healthcare are unduly influenced by pharmaceutical companies, government entities, or other

external powers. This includes suspicions of dishonesty or withholding information for non-

medical reasons.

"They've been denying healthcare to those who refused the covid jab..."

"The media makes them tell us what they need us to hear."

"Because they are told what to tell us."

"I believe they are all controlled by a higher rank of power..."

4% **Discrimination and Bias**: Responses indicating experiences or beliefs that healthcare

providers exhibit bias, discrimination, or lack of cultural competency. This can include racial

discrimination, gender bias, or insensitivity to patient backgrounds.

"Not the best at doing their jobs at time due to bigotry."

"I have one parent who is African American and one parent who is indigenous American..."

"Black women die at an alarming rate from their practices."

"Because \"white\" and \"black\" people get treated differently and not in a good way."

20% **Other**: Any comments that do not clearly fit into the themes above, including vague or

nonspecific distrust, personal beliefs, or unique experiences not shared by other respondents.

"Just don't."

"I don't trust people easily."

"No reason."

"Not sure."

They acknowledge that the loss of trust is related to medicine specifically:

"A lower level of trust was associated with decreased likelihood of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 as well as influenza; these associations were not explained by political affiliation, nor fully accounted for by trust in science, suggesting some specificity for medicine per se.

They still seem to be seeking "interventions" rather than admitting and preventing the reoccurence of the numerous egregious and disastrous failings of many doctors and hospitals:

". . . effective interventions aimed at restoring trust could have benefits, not only for future pandemics, but for health in the US more generally, at least in terms of vaccination. In examining reasons for low trust, financial conflicts of interest, a longstanding area of academic investigation (4 refs) in medicine, remain a major factor associated with mistrust, concerns that may have been amplified during the pandemic. However, a prior Cochrane review concluded that there was a lack of evidence that any intervention meaningfully changed trust in physicians, despite a number of efforts to do so that observed generally modest effects. A better understanding of groups exhibiting particularly low trust, and the factors associated with that diminished trust, may be valuable in guiding future intervention development and deployment."

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The distrust of many doctors was well earned.

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Thank you Dr. McCullough. We need more doctors like you.

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Doc, I lost my 71 yr old brother to their poison - heart problems emerged after his vax. He never had any heart problems. We can never forgive them!

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