What kept George Bush at night wasn’t fear of the bird flu. It was his fear of failing to cause an epidemic. The Bush family set the stage for this madness. Most who pay attention know this by now, Mr Solomon.

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that caught my attention too. The only people I trust less than gullible big pharma doctors are the globalists such as the Bushes who are quite simply double agents politically.

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It’s so profoundly depressing.

It wasn’t that many years ago that I was asked to be George Bush’s nurse when he stopped in our town for a campaign speech since he was running for reelection. I brought a physician friend since both a nurse & doctor need to be present when a presidential candidate visits.

I was struck by his arrogance. I told him how much we admired him. He said: “I know.” We were in a room alone with him yet he didn’t even have the courtesy to say hello or ask our names. I kindof brushed it off at the time. Now I look back & it makes sense.

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Interesting. It makes perfect sense when you realize that it is arrogance and ego at its core within the medical industry AND government that created the commodity that science itself has become as result of the built in gullibility and indoctrination in folks that NEVER see themselves as wrong.* That is what BECAME the symbiosis that the covid CREATORS took full advantage of: a symbiosis between government and the biopharmaceutical industry that used fiat money to drive what was obviously a business plan - certainly NOT a medical prevention. Now what has become obvious in my book> it was nothing less than murder.

*it is my contention that ego has been a HUGE common denominator and the deception hides quite well behind these huge egos of doctors I now wouldn't trust with a splinter.

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P.S. I didn’t trust many doctors before COVID & the only ones I kind of trust now are 100% anti vax and refuse to wear a mask. And, then I’d have to be pretty darn sick.

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I think screwing with our health was a genius move. Understanding health is a mystery to anyone who isn’t part of the medical system (some who are part of it also). I could tell a patient almost anything and they’d believe me. Explaining how the heart pumps blood throughout the body (I was a coronary care nurse) is similar to an economist attempting to explain principles of microeconomics to me.

Combine the lack of medical knowledge with the terror of death and you have ideal climate for total govt control over our health.

Add that background to your discussion about physician arrogance, corrupt government & the mendacious, greedy pharmaceutical industry monopoly and the result is a population who are sitting ducks.

Fear of death will motivate most to betray their best friend. Fear of dying motivates most to get a little “vaccine.” If someone doesn’t buy into this lie then losing their job should do the trick.

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suggest you check out "tamiflu" product. lot of negative reports on web


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Here’s an interesting perspective on Ivermectin: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/reimagining-medicine

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The Dailymail.com had this article you might want to know about, “Scientists discover ancient HERPES in 50,000-year-old Neanderthal bones found in a Russian cave... and they want to bring virus back to life

READ MORE: NEANDERTHAL may be to blame for passing on the Covid gene


PUBLISHED: 10:29 EDT, 14 May 2024 | UPDATED: 10:36 EDT, 14 May 2024”. What can go wrong!

Also, I watched “The Cassandra Crossing” 1976 movie last night starring Burt Lancaster, Richard Harris, Sophia Loren, Martin Sheen, OS Simpson and a woman last name Thule about a US biolab in Geneva that was researching a very deadly pneumonic plague bacteria. A couple of peace activists get to the lab to blow it up but guards intercepted them and shot 2 of the 3. The 3rd guy gets away, having been exposed to the plague and gets on a train with about 1000 people and begins to infect passengers. The military seizes the train and welds the passengers in. I’ll leave the rest to your own viewing if you wish. But interesting that this 1976 movie sounded a lot like recent events.

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Typo *OJ Simpson

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