Parents and students collectively must have the backbone to simply say NO! I received a religious exemption for my son in 2021 where he was enrolled at the University of Colorado. Our first request for the exemption was immediately denied. However, when I threatened legal action, they backed down and granted him an exemption within 10 days of the receipt of my e-mail and certified letter, I wonder why??? 💪
Exactly. EXACTLY!!!! We did the same - for my daughter who got Covid at school in spring 2020 - myself (work at a university) - my daughter who is an ICU nurse and had Covid - I put together a packet of papers - about natural immunity - risks - the first reported myocarditis death of a Northwestern student and said “screw you” to their request of letters from our doctors. I am a clinician and human genetic researcher. Then we started fighting for other students. There was a group of 54 who had denied exemptions and I told my daughter “do you know how much money the school will lose of all 54 of you say you are not coming back?” Stand strong. They won.
Exactly the right attitude: hit them where it hurts, their pocketbook. Since you put together all this info, I suggest you publish it in some way that parents can access it and present it to the schools that are intimidating and harming their children.
I have thought about collating it here and writing my first Substack - I will do my best to get that done. Also - I saw a comment of yours about Nuremberg code - I want you to go read Katherine Watt’s Substack to see how they’ve gotten around the law - it’s complicated - but her research is thorough. Here is a podcast about it
There’s a group of people against college mandates & they have a website. Definitely consider connecting with them. I’ll find the name for you.
I too read that story about Northwestern’s Simone Scott. Awful. All I know to do beyond writing letters is to start producing video stories of the vaccine injured, since news has them all on blackout. I’m an Emmy Award-winning former journalist (retired, thanks to 2 “safe & effective” total hip replacements that caused cobalt toxicity & destroyed my career when I was just 39), so storytelling/interviewing is what I do. My first interview with a vaccine injured person is Wednesday. If we all just do one thing to try to combat this (as you are doing), maybe...
Thank you for doing this. Yes, please, I’d love it if you put this together & published it somewhere. Many of us are terrified for our rising college freshman/students. My kids don’t seem to be hearing what I’m saying. They’re saying, “If I get into X college (one with a requirement & no exemption honored), I’m just going to take the shots.” With familial Ehlers Danlos Syndrome on my side, which they all seem to have, I feel certain, if anyone reacts poorly to these products, it’ll be our kids. My son swears he hasn’t gotten the shots, yet developed sudden onset chest pain and arrhythmias that have persisted every night (11pm-6am) since September 28th, 2022 (about the time of the booster roll out).
Me too - me too. One of my friend’s daughters- same age as mine - was a student athlete - school in NY and didn’t want to get the vaccine but was required to - no exemptions allowed - so she did - she died 3 days later of a heart attack. I have done my best to be vocal - share information - even to my family members who think I’m the problem - my nephew had myocarditis - I just want it all to stop - my husband thinks I’m obsessed - “why are you still reading, researching, writing, fighting when the kids have exemptions?” Because I have a 3 yo granddaughter - in NY they will probably put this on the requirement list - my daughter will move or homeschool - my badge is still turned off because I’m the risk - and I will keep fighting for other people’s children - none of this is right. None. I am obsessed.
Same here, RB!! I have 20 and 18 year old kids who are THE TARGET of this horrible govt-backed policy. And just a few days ago I was finally able to get them to watch a YT video titled "Monopoly: Follow the money" by a Netherlands' women's collective. An eye-opener that every college kid and adult should watch. It's been 3 exhausting years of tears, sweet-talking, debating, arguments because "their friends are fine". AAARGH!! I follow all the honest scientists/doctors: Jessica Rose, McCullough, Kory, Urso, Ryan Cole, El Gato Malo...ALL ON SUBSTACK. This sphere of community has saved me from insanity and given me hope and strength when I had little left to fight my beloved kids' ignorance. They are not jabbed but the fight is NOT OVER because Digital Health IDs will push the agenda hard. This is all WEF-WHO backed. Stay strong!!
Yes! I have 6 grandchildren and we live in NY and Ct and I fear we will have to move out of here! My husband’s nurse who has worked in his office for many years. Granddaughter developed a blood clot in her liver snd her cousin came down with myocarditis. I live this stuff too and send it off to everyone! How is this legal to require and EUA gene therapy?
Quit referring to this as "THERAPY." When you do, you are lending credence to the absolute LIE that the Medical/pharmaceutical Corporatocracy is trying to push and that is that this MRNA StabShot is "THERAPEUTIC", beneficial, lifesaving, and that opposing it is the very definition of "EVIL. IT'S NOT THERAPY!!!!!
Gene therapy is technically the closest thing to what it is if you don’t say bioweapon can be used. It’s just not designed to heal a condition. Lots of words/terms have been bastardized as of late.
Dr. McCullough, I'm so grateful for all what I can learn from you & for all you are doing for us and for the whole world as a honorable doctor with real ethical principles and deep knowledge of real medical science.
It's so comfortable here - like sitting together with good friends for a coffee break. I'm so pleased to learn to know such a lot of wonderful people. Stay strong and don't worry. More & more people are awakening & soon we'll get the power back in all countries. There is no other way to save the world & I strongly believe God will help us, too.
You all are admirable freedom-heroes and
I'm greeting you all in deepest respect from GER.❤️
It's not legal. The Nuremberg Code (or treaty, whatever) forbids this medical fascism, but peopled don't know this and they comply. I know a lovely woman who moved with her family to South Carolina to get away from our liberal insanity. I say liberal because there are states that honor privacy and self-respect, but California, where I live, and the northeastern states do not honor the integrity of the individual and his/her right to make his/her own decisions in a range of protected matters. Law suits will reveal the precedents that protect individeuals, but meanwhile we, you, all of us must not comply.
Sorry but complying is honoring the Nazis. I am not exaggerating to observe that Fauci is the new Mengele. Remember the bureaucrats in the Nuremberg trials who were just following orders.
None of this will matter IF we allow doctors to start tracking our vax status per the new ICD codes effective April 1st. DO NOT COMPLY. Find Naturopathic doctors or doctors that do NOT ask for this information.
You are not under the bus unless you consent to be there. Fight back. Fight for your lives and the lives of your kids. Why do you think they need to go to college ir university when you see the cowardice and corruption those institutions are sponsoring? I earned a Ph. D in literature; I've seen the corrupt insiders in major universities; please fight this crap!
I am happy you are obsessed. My cousin took her second shot and died the next day. She left a beauty shop and 3 children behind. The devastation this has caused is immeasurable and the fact that the pharmaceutical companies take no responsibility is unbelievable. Keep fighting!
There is a law, pretty recent I think but i'm not sure, that exonerates the pharm companies from the results of their criminal vaccines. But what about the universities? Are they excused from culpability/responsibility as well? Please fight these crimes against your kids!
Oh my dear God Djuana I am so very sorry - there should be a class action lawsuit - doesn't make a difference if you can't or your can - I think the truth is there was no "informed consent because people are not being told the truth before they take the shot. This is really insane - there just are no words adequate enough to describe the insanity.
We went outside of “woke” CA. I’m disgusted that they used all the young individuals as shields and willingly exposed these young people to potential long term harm, for what? To say that our top UC system has no scholars to stand up and say no more? Kudos to Kheriarty for standing his ground. It was a shame his departure didn’t wake up more of the UC system.
Surry but they couldn't have cared less what Keriatry did. Cowards and colluders, scared they'll lose their meaningless positions. And these people are supposed to be moral and intellectual examples for their students?
How is this still happening. As a logical, common sense person. How is this still going on? As a physician. How is this insane denial of reality still going on in the medical community? Don't understand how any sentient person doest see what's been happening.
It is going to continue until employers or universities face severe liability for harming those they force to take the poison. It is unconscionable to me - a non medical person - that hospitals are still pushing these shots as are the MDs connected to those hospitals. It is impossible to describe the extent to which it has shattered people's faith in our medical system. Sadly it seems that finances rather than humanitarian ethics are guiding these decisions with no regard whatsoever to the harms being wrought. And because of tight message control and propaganda, not nearly enough people understand that we are in a time of dark evil. It has happened before and sadly, physicians played a role. It is happening again.
It is unconscionable. There needs to be a reckoning. Medicine will take a generation to regain trust if at all. It will have to return to a model separated from government and third party payers. I've said for years, If you got rid of the lawyers and insurance companies I'd barter and take chickens(or just eggs now) for payment.
Good Doctors like you are the finest advocates of all---- please call, write, email your elected representatives, media, medical boards and attorneys' offices.
Read Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watts plus ICENI on Substack and contemplate a public interest lawsuit, if that concept appeals to you.
Give books and videos, call in to radio stations, and just plain keep speaking out.
If enough of us do this the tide will turn. God helps those that do not give up and do not give in.
Truth is like Lion and it's up to us to turn it loose!
I've heard there is a movement among Doctors to go totally private post Covid. And the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons has told the truth all along. Good men and women are working tirelessly to bring integrity back to both medicine and government.
There is hope. We all must keep doing our parts and leave the results in Higher Hands.
Stay out of hospitals unless absolutely necessary. If you dont have an advocate (family or friend) at your bedside, after the ICU you will most definitely be ignored. Nurses are checking boxes on a form or have been let go for refusing the Jab.
Was another of their test of the plandemic. Isolation from family and friends
Return? That would be quite a feat. Medicine became a wholly owned subsidiary of Rockefeller since the beginning of the 1900's. Simultaneously, he controlled (owned) the Pharma industry. His institutions have controlled the curriculum ever since. Thus the emphasis on drugs.
Kinda what I was referencing with the chicken scenario. Medicines final downfall began in the 60"s when medicine was essentially taken over by the feds. You wouldn't believe how many boxes I use to have to check to get fair payment from the Government or insurance company.
As currently structured it is a perverted commercial activity. Someone offering their skills as a physician in a free exchange of goods for money or other good or skills is not allowed in the current system. A barter system of sorts not involving insurance companies or government, as they are the same entity, will likely start . Already is in some ways like concierge medicine.
It's become worse with the hospitals using hospitalists. They are accountable to the hospital; not to the patient. As with COVID, the hospitalists stuck with following protocols and using hospital - recommended pharmaceutical products - rather than allowed to practice patient-centric medicine. If I read the situation accurately, I imagine that if a hospitalist were suddenly inspired and decided that an inexpensive off-label, off-patent medication would be the most advantageous treatment for a particular patient - they would either quickly informed of the error of their ways - or escorted off the premises. Ditto for recommending AGAINST the COVID vax for any patient. So those of us who have previously witnessed brilliance and the practice of the "art of medicine" by some amazing practitioners - must mourn, as they have been replaced by hospitalist drones within our hospital systems.
And yes, I know there were bad physicians within the old system; I am a nurse, and I often had to work around the idiots to protect their patients from them. However replacing them with hospitalists wasn't the answer either - especially as there are now bad hospitalists in the current system - and patients can't fire their hospitalist, can they?
Agree. As ED Doc,Hospitalist were a God send for getting people admitted who needed to be. Frequently there were arguments with admitting physicians. Hospitalist helped remove that obstacle, I thought for the benefit of the patient. They quickly became an agent of the hospital, trained to check the right box and adding the right diagnosis to get the hospital as much from the government roulette wheel as possible.
Cy, you couldn’t have said it better! We are repeating history, and many people DO NOT GET IT (that alone is frightening). Now we know what each one of us would do (probably) in Nazi Germany. People would always say they’d stand up, and it would never happen again.
It is happening again, but it’s much worse this time around! It’s GLOBAL!
Yes - yes they do! I presented a family with adverse events after various vaccines and their genetic HLA results that increased their risk for non-conversion and autoimmune disorders and was using it as an example to talk about adversomics and vaccinomics and genetics - so I could also bring up the fact that Dr. Gary Poland - the person who has devoted his career to vaccinomics and adversomics had an adverse event after his Covid injection yet still talked about the importance of getting it - which goes against his own beliefs about everything - or is it that it goes against the Mayo Clinic and those who fund him...... you should have seen the big eyes in the room 😂😂
It is happening because not enough of the people who comprehend what is going on have stood up and raised HELL.
It is going on because doctors and science and government and media have been lying through their teeth to The People at the behest of the Military, Industrial, Bio-Security, Pharmaceutical, Tech & Bankster oriented corporations for decades and decades and decades.
My only child almost died in 1999 from her "safe and effective" CDC reccommended and State required "well baby shots!" She has never been well since.
Those damn pHarma whores need to be in prison as do the pHarma Lords themselves. Removing liability in 1986 was the kiss of death for America's children. Now they have come for all of us.
Study the health of the fully unvaccinated in the USA, btw. You might learn something. Try "Turtles All The Way Down," (book) Dr. James Lyons Weiler's peer reviewed study of Dr. Paul Thomas's pediatric practice, or the Control Group Litigation's Survey Study on the vaxxed vs unvaxxed. Also the Guinea-Bissau study showing vaccinated little girls dying at much higher rates than the unvaccinated, from diseases like sepsis and pneumonia.
Excessive vaccination destroys normal immune system development. And the problematic contaminants are a huge issue. Human primitive DNA, (Dr. Teresa Diesher,) Retroviruses, animal DNA, Monkey Kidney cells that cause cancer, and let's not even start on all the powerful neurotoxins like aluminum and mercury, plus nasties like Glysophate and PEG.
These injections are anything but safe and effective and our brainwashed and bought out medical system never gets the damn memo. They refuse to look at the facts. Japan has stopped all vaccines before 2 years of age and has basically no SIDS, now. SIDS is mostly from "safe and effective" vaccines as is "SADS."
And cancer can be treated non-toxically with cheap and safe compounds in many many instances, yet mainstream medicine will fight you tooth and nail to utilize something profoundly toxic or brand spanking new that costs an entire life's savings, doubled.
Research Fenbendazole and Ivermectin and the cancers they show effectiveness against in vitro. Sometimes with additional very safe compounds together they are astoundingly effective.
Idiot chauvinistic MD's almost killed me in the early 80s with toxic and dangerous birth control pills with 70×s the amount of progesterone in normal pills. I was bloody clueless until I had dinner plate size bleeds in my legs.
Were they sorry? No. Did anyone apologize for using a formulation dropped years earlier? No. Did any Ob/Gyn tell me Birth Control Pills can kill women and do double their risk for cervical cancer? No they did not.
Mercury used to be mainstream medicine's go to treatment and DDT was advertised as "Good For Me!"
Our Government is in the hands of Narcissists and Psychopaths who do not care how many die as long as the money train keeps running.
Remdesivir and a Vent is a death sentence.
90% of doctors and nurses kept doing it regardless, even though they damn well knew it would kill their patients.
The Paul Mariks and Peter McCulloughs and Pierre Korys are too thin on the ground.
Most doctors care vastly more about themselves than their patients; Covid in America proved that beyond all doubt.
If we as a nation do not stand up against the warmongering, the killing inside our country, the loss of freedom of speech and bodily autonomy, and a doctor's right to practice medicine as he or she sees fit, and demand corporate and governmental accountability, rise up against those who would mandate murder, bankrupt millions and torture our children, we, as a People are finished.
If you don't like what you are witnessing, stand up, and fight back.
Join an activist group in your area and do everything possible to wake the sleeping sheep heading into the kill box, and to expose the perpetrators, both the conscious ones and zombies who drank all the Kool-Aid.
It's up to us. Anyone who sees what is happening to humanity and America and who isn't fighting it with everything they can is the real reason we are in this mess.
Sometimes it's so bad that not acting is criminal. This is THAT TIME.
Huzzah to everyone fighting the darkness in our world!!! As RFK Jr says, "there's no one I'd rather be in trenches with!" and "if neccessary I'm ready to die with my boots on!"
That's the attitude that will get us where we need to go.
Watch Robert the Bruce. There's determination. My ancestors, the Mackays, supported The Bruce and Scottish Freedom. My American ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War.
New Hampshire has it right, "Live Free or Die."
Again we must decide. The battle for Freedom is never won, it is eternal. And God fights with those who will stand up.
This is the hill I will die on. My daughter is also vaccine injured from HPV - long story involving coercion and uninformed “consent”. Never again as long as I can help it.
Thank you, Katherine. So sorry your daughter got caught in the system and injured by it. I will read the research you mention so that I can inform others.
No it is EVIL masquerading as stupidity and greed, if you care for my personal opinion.
My journey began with my awareness of President Kennedy's exceptionally brutal murder at 3 years of age, progresses to why do we eat animals, (I was a rather fanatical animal lover from as early as I can recall,) at 5 or 6 years of age, progressed into why should I sit under my desk if a thermonuclear bomb is heading for us as it OBVIOUSLY WILL NOT HELP, to why are we at war in Vietnam at a later date and finally led me to read the Pentagon Papers cover to cover in 1976, and 16 years of age.
That childhood set the foundation for my Intellectual & Spiritual studies which inevitably led to "what the f is wrong with humanity?!" Or really what's wrong with the male humans who have basically been in charge for 6000 years and the leaders of the war societies that prevail on our planet currently??
Read Saharasia by James DeMeo, PhD, for an excellent window into our human history.
But in the end even emotional plague, Sociopathy, Mass Formation and other standard theories, Bonobos vs Chimpanzees, plenty vs lack, etc., just never really cut it for me.
Yes, all those historical and biological issues are real and are a part of our problem. But in the end I believe to really comprehend what's going on you need to look at the spiritual component or influence.
For me the concepts of Wetico, or negative Spiritual attachments, Christian concepts of "Satan" (greed) or "Lucifer," (hubris) but as forces interacting with humans, or the White Wolf vs the Black Wolf, etc., etc., do matter.
We get to choose, in this life, which force we align with, and to me that has become very obvious with Covid. Those fighting back, in most cases, have their own Spiritual Foundation. Or they develop one while facing this Beast which is seeking to destroy us.
Not everyone sees or perceives that this is more a Spiritual war than an Earthly one, but many of us do. Once you are at that point the choices get a bit easier, and help does arrive. : ))
Ed Dowd saw what was happening and prayed to be of service. Look what happened there. God Bless the man, and the millions like him. Together with God's Grace, we will prevail!
Yep. The people who speak up lose their reputation, livelihood, funding etc .... “intimidation done correctly, seldom needs repeated” .... so only the very strong and brave stand up. The rest .... just comply or get their own exemption (like faculty) and let the kids be thrown under the bus. Sickening.
I use to believe before covid, that 90% plus of us yearned for personal freedom and responsibility, while perhaps 10% wanted to be cared for by an alphabet soup government entity. Sadly, I think it may be the opposite, hence the difficulty countering this mass psychosis
I’m right there with you on that. Much of my own extended family continues to make me shake my head. My uncle was the oldest of 6 - so is an 87 year old retired oncologist and he thinks I’m off my rocker - and everyone prefers to listen to him instead of someone in clinical genetics practice for 16 years then switched to human genetics research for the last 15 years. They are all brainwashed. My mother even went to visit my 20 year old at college who had recovered from Covid along with the entire campus - to tell her that if she didn’t get vaccinated she wouldn’t be allowed to go on vacation with the family. As you can imagine - that didn’t go over well and in fact we all went on vacation. :)
Fascinating. Ive found oncologist and Infectious disease seem to be looking away the most. Your family, non scientist some I get. What about your profession? Other clinical geneticist and the MD's or DO's Im certain you work with clinically? What are their general responses?
Im ashamed of my profession. It continues to commit hideous evils.
I am ashamed of my profession as well. I mean at one point I was so proud that a geneticist - Francis Collins became the director of the NIH - look how that turned out. The rest - all drank the kool-aid. People I trusted and respected - not one that I know of has not been on the bandwagon. I used to work for Sentara - the same hospital that fired Paul Marik. The worst in my opinion? The MFM physicians who sold out pregnant women and unborn babies. In the spring of 2021 when they started to say pregnant women should get this - I thought - WHAT?!!! So I called Reprotox after a search of the database for any data - there was of course nothing. So this is what the doctor there said - copied from email “The vaccine information will go in the COVID summary when any information is available. There are currently no data to report. I personally recommend that pregnant women consider vaccination, as does the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine.”
NEVER IN MY CAREER would anyone ever say that. Not about a vaccine or soft cheese or cleaning the litter box or ibuprofen. It was ALWAYS about risk vs. Benefit and the risk would go up if there was no data or only animal data. This was April 2021. I knew then that we were in serious trouble and that things were very wrong- at first I thought it had to be fear - I don’t think that anymore. I joined the research team that Naomi Wolf organized to go through the pregnancy and other data released by Pfizer. Unbelievable. So, like you - I am ashamed of my profession and I also believe it will take a very very long time for the trust to be re-established with the medical field - probably not in my lifetime. So, you are not alone.
I believe it does - O.G. Covid Was a bioweapon - a respiratory virus that didn’t touch children .... hmmmm .... to get rid of the vulnerable - after I read Bitten : The Secret History of Lyme Disease I also believe I know where it came from. The reaction was the psy-op.
Yep. Even small schools - even public schools received money from the govt - a friend of mine - public hs - said they hired a propaganda - sorry “Covid mental health counselor” with the money - the first thing they did was implement a vaccine education program to coerce the kids - sorry “educate” the kids about the importance of the vaccine and identifying misinformation.
My daughter is a freshman at a university that never had a vaccine mandate. She had the grades and test scores to go anywhere but we specifically chose a school that NEVER had a mandate. Choose wisely. Think critically. Spend your money where the administration does the same. Stop paying for the name on the diploma.
It’s massive brainwashing. I don’t blame the universities per se. I blame those that COMPLY WITH STUPIDITY. This is an “IQ TEST”. And people are going to these schools to get educated????
I have a freshman in college. He achieved national merit finalist, perfect, ACT, Eagle Scout and more. After he applied and had already had admission interviews he eliminated all the schools that require the vaccine at that time- Harvard, Duke, Rice, Emory and Case Western. And for that I’m very grateful. Harvard and Case Western were especially terrible. Last spring Harvard was still requiring masks and if I recall the unvaccinated, we’re not allowed on campus. Case Western had a snitch line posted on the first page of their website. It was a number to call to report anonymously people who were “not following the CW mandates and who are in need of help in understanding the Covid policies”. Whaaaat?! he ultimately chose to attend the school in Florida. And a free state. Not perfect, but definitely safer than any of these other places.
I work there and my badge is still turned off and I have to work from home because I’m dangerously unvaccinated. They just dropped the mask mandate last week but have kept the mandate of original Covid serious plus a booster.
And it took me 10 years to put myself through college (I chipped away at school) on waitress tips and working more than one job. My parents never went to college. It was a big deal for me. Things sure have changed!
I agree 100%, Renee Marie!! I think you would get less brainwashing in the trades. I mean, if you are training to get a jounneyman electrician license, how much woke revisionist interpretation of how electricity actually functions do you think you are going to be able to get away with before you wind up electrocuting yourself?
😂🤣…lmao! You definitely have a point Catherine! One of my dearest friends has been an electrician for decades. The trades have some of the best sense of humor in the world! The snowflakes wouldn’t even understand the humor.
re: "One wonders if this is a test to gauge the stupidity of parents and students."
Um, intended or not, it is a test.
I don't speak out of prejudice towards academia, I hold 2 degrees from a top university myself. I've been saying this a for a while now, that what these mandates for students are doing is destroying the respect for the students themselves. As an employer, why would I want to hire someone foolish enough to get themselves injected with experimental gene therapy, in the prime of their reproductive lives no less, just to attend a university? Sorry, but I would not even give a person with a resume that says Yale U class of '22 or '23 an interview. Nor would I for any student who attended a university that imposed a mandate-- alas, with sadness, that includes my own alma mater (to which by the way I will never give another penny). The mandates are criminal, and may those who imposed them be held accountable before the law.
I'm in the minority, I know, but things are changing fast.
Yeah, my alma mater probably doesn't care about me, either, I'm not donating 100 million clams for a new "science" building. But there is a reason such universities spend a lot of money on regular mailings and the glossy alumni magazine and the class reunions. The small donations from alumni add up, especially over time, and are important to their balance sheet.
Great piece John. Thank you for highlighting our conversation and our work at NCM. Yale and so many other colleges have displayed fascism that many of us underestimated and that I hope many of us never forget. We must support the 20+ colleges that are truly free of government control and the many others that never removed informed consent and medical freedom. Check the lists on our Website.
It's been here all along. They are just being far more bold, because they have all of their minions in place.
I know it sounds crazy, and I know I mention it often, but I'm convinced that what is currently going on has something to do with "Operation Paperclip".
For thos not familiar with Operation Paperclip, it was a program developed by the OSS (Office of Strategic known as the CIA) that brought 1,700 of Hitler's top doctors and scientists into the United States after WWII, and placed them into positions within our government, running projects like the NASA space program, and many others. Operation Paperclip also placed these people into our most important industries, such as big chem and big pharma.
I say this because many of the people / organizations involved in Operation Paperclip are involved in what is currently going on. Big pharma, the CIA, our DOD, Corporate America, etc. Also, the World Economic Forum (Klaus Schwab's father, Eugene, worked with the Nazis)
And then there is NATO, who is currently heavily involved in the situation in Ukraine.
I firmly believe that C19 and the situation in Ukraine are connected.
Ukraine also has a history with Nazi's. Ukraine collaborated with the Nazi's during WWII, and there is still a "neo-nazi" movement there, and even a miliary batallion.
Ukraine was once Khazaria. This is the root of the problem. Saw a very good video today The Downfall of the Cabal, on Bitchute, who they say are going down and once Ukraine fails they will be done. 🤞
Quatervois: I knew there were some ugly connections when we, US, immediately sent huge amount of $E to Ukraine. When the U.S. supports something, those of us who can still think need to be suspicious. Next, we have to figure out how to fight these evils.
Gary: Take the long view of history. When Dutch and English settlers came to this land, they reported back to their home countries, in applying for contracts to settle the land, that there was NO ONE HERE. What they meant was no one white.
It's not China per se. It's the ones who control China via their agents, that want those things. Today's China would likely be satisfied with being left alone, but it's been infiltrated by the same scum of the Earth as the US has. The ones who want fertile land are the globalist mafiosi. Billy Gates is reportedly buying up all kinds of farm land and others with bucks have apparently been doing something similar, for example, Ted Turner, as I'v heard.
Please take the time to study this before it disappears; it's full of very good info.:
Mao was a Yale Man - A Yali with Skull and Bones
“By about the year 2000 Communist China will be a “superpower” built by American technology and skill.”
Antony C. Sutton, American Secret Establishment published 1984
The children are required to take these injections at the college level because they are the next generation of breeders. Faculty? Meh. Make sense now?
Many of us knew there was corruption in universities, that money influenced their actions. We knew that Pharma and the Rockefeller Foundation "owns" the medical industry and medical schools. We knew that many government officials and politicians were also corrupt, and some outright traitors. But the depth and breadth of the corruption - as exposed by this falsely inflated pandemic and its deadly products pretending to be vaccines - surprises even me. And not just garden-variety corruption. It's incredible how many people in universities and the medical profession are willing to indirectly or directly cause millions of people great medical harm or death - for money, reputation and position. The fact that Yale doesn't mandate these toxins for faculty and staff proves they know these poisons are harmful. But they force thousands of young adults to put their lives as risk.
A must read is an article by John Leake entitled “On Stupidity”. We are dealing with intelligent people who are utterly, undeniably, dangerously stupid.
Very sad to hear that Yale - an ivy league school would act in such a fashion. Must be that Skull and Bones connection - its all about $$$. So they will collect $$$ and students will die- so much for human life.
Reasonably-priced vocational, tech, human services, and art/design schools to gain specific skills and that encourage creative thinking, open-mindedness, debate, and flexibility should be what higher education is all about.
My daughter had hoped to go to PA school at Yale but she's not even applying there now with the ridiculous mandates. And even if she could get an exemption there (she had one for undergrad) she surely would be ruled out of Yale's clinical sites. She'll apply elsewhere.
I wonder how she is going to stand being a medical professional, horrific as the Medical/pharmaceutical Corporatocracy is, that now dominates medical education and practice in these times. Yale is by no means an outlier in this. All medical and nursing school require the full complement of vaxxines, including the CVD. She will get the full brainwashing treatment as well......a "WELL ROUNDED MEDICAL EDUCATION"
I warn you. She won't like where they are going with this.
That's the first thing I wondered....... how do you even partake in the medical system as a professional. Maybe branch off to functional medicine or Naturopathic medicine...... Man good luck with that
Might be worth cautiously looking into. BASTYR College used to have a ND Naturopathic Doctor program, dont know whats going on with them at the present time. A
Chiropractic College like PARKER is something else to consider. Chiropractic does a LOT of good for people, It certainly did for me over the years.
I went to Nursing School years ago, But I would not do it at the present time: people start out in med school or nursing school thinking they're going to be the one to change the world! Not going to happen......It will change you if you partake of it the way medicine has deteriorated
I agree that most schools do, but not all. There are a couple in our small state alone that don’t….now the clinical sites? That’s questionable. Her ultimate goal is to work in functional/integrative medicine to help heal others with healthy eating, exercise, stress reduction, and meaningful connections with others. She knows she just has to play the allopathic game for a few years to get “experience”.
Why cant she not go directly into a NATUROPATHIC medicine program? Do all functional medicine track lead through the allopathic Rockefeller medicine track? The latter is diametrically opposed to helping others to heal. Who told her she needs to go to PA school and marinate herself in that toxic environment to gain "experience"? She needs to get a "second opinion!" She needs to look very carefully before she leaps into this. Not even trying to tell her what to do, but putting forth thoughts for her deep consideration.
The "allopathic medicine game" as you so antiseptically refer to it, is growing so toxic that you now have to don gloves and handle the pieces with tweezers..... selling yourself in that manner could prove very corrosive to your soul and detrimental to those you think you want to help. It's called expediency: also known as having no real values that you adhere to. it's one reason the world is in the mess it's in. Every one seems to be doing it. And you will likely sell your soul
and stay enslaved to your corporate bosses because you have medical school debt to pay off and the money's good. In so doing one remains blind to where this is headed
To be honest, those happy to pay fortunes for their kids to be indoctrinated at a woke university are likely to support their kids being forced to be pharmaceutical guinea pigs as part of the deal.
Not true for all - many of these kids - mine included - got a full ride academic scholarship and would have paid the same or more at our woke NY state universities - she applied for and fought for an exemption along with many of her fellow students - going so far as to get a legal help and had the backing of several faculty. If she didn’t get her exemption she was going to walk away from her scholarship. So - don’t assume these things. I am locked out of my own office - my badge was shut off because I’m an unvaccinated danger to everyone (who have had Covid many times - with each of their boosters) - so I work at home - which is good because if I worked in the office for the last 3 years I would have quit because the wokeness from above is only getting worse - we need to fight this system.
Bravo for both you and your daughter! I hope it's not too impertinent of me to suggest that she consider walking away from those perverted monstrosities in any case.
She is going to school to become a human rights lawyer and decided after much deliberation to stand and fight - she is in a department with wonderful ethical supportive faculty and guess what? She got her university to drop their mandate in December (I helped supply her with research papers from Substack etc...that’s going to save the world). :)
One can only hope that more people will wake up & be encouraged to ditch these woke, corrupt institutions in favour of trade school or small colleges…
Parents and students collectively must have the backbone to simply say NO! I received a religious exemption for my son in 2021 where he was enrolled at the University of Colorado. Our first request for the exemption was immediately denied. However, when I threatened legal action, they backed down and granted him an exemption within 10 days of the receipt of my e-mail and certified letter, I wonder why??? 💪
Exactly. EXACTLY!!!! We did the same - for my daughter who got Covid at school in spring 2020 - myself (work at a university) - my daughter who is an ICU nurse and had Covid - I put together a packet of papers - about natural immunity - risks - the first reported myocarditis death of a Northwestern student and said “screw you” to their request of letters from our doctors. I am a clinician and human genetic researcher. Then we started fighting for other students. There was a group of 54 who had denied exemptions and I told my daughter “do you know how much money the school will lose of all 54 of you say you are not coming back?” Stand strong. They won.
Exactly the right attitude: hit them where it hurts, their pocketbook. Since you put together all this info, I suggest you publish it in some way that parents can access it and present it to the schools that are intimidating and harming their children.
I have thought about collating it here and writing my first Substack - I will do my best to get that done. Also - I saw a comment of yours about Nuremberg code - I want you to go read Katherine Watt’s Substack to see how they’ve gotten around the law - it’s complicated - but her research is thorough. Here is a podcast about it
There’s a group of people against college mandates & they have a website. Definitely consider connecting with them. I’ll find the name for you.
I too read that story about Northwestern’s Simone Scott. Awful. All I know to do beyond writing letters is to start producing video stories of the vaccine injured, since news has them all on blackout. I’m an Emmy Award-winning former journalist (retired, thanks to 2 “safe & effective” total hip replacements that caused cobalt toxicity & destroyed my career when I was just 39), so storytelling/interviewing is what I do. My first interview with a vaccine injured person is Wednesday. If we all just do one thing to try to combat this (as you are doing), maybe...
(This is me/my story):
Thank you for doing this. Yes, please, I’d love it if you put this together & published it somewhere. Many of us are terrified for our rising college freshman/students. My kids don’t seem to be hearing what I’m saying. They’re saying, “If I get into X college (one with a requirement & no exemption honored), I’m just going to take the shots.” With familial Ehlers Danlos Syndrome on my side, which they all seem to have, I feel certain, if anyone reacts poorly to these products, it’ll be our kids. My son swears he hasn’t gotten the shots, yet developed sudden onset chest pain and arrhythmias that have persisted every night (11pm-6am) since September 28th, 2022 (about the time of the booster roll out).
This is an EXCELLENT point. Kudos to you for doing this. I wish ALL parents had the same intestinal fortitude.
Me too - me too. One of my friend’s daughters- same age as mine - was a student athlete - school in NY and didn’t want to get the vaccine but was required to - no exemptions allowed - so she did - she died 3 days later of a heart attack. I have done my best to be vocal - share information - even to my family members who think I’m the problem - my nephew had myocarditis - I just want it all to stop - my husband thinks I’m obsessed - “why are you still reading, researching, writing, fighting when the kids have exemptions?” Because I have a 3 yo granddaughter - in NY they will probably put this on the requirement list - my daughter will move or homeschool - my badge is still turned off because I’m the risk - and I will keep fighting for other people’s children - none of this is right. None. I am obsessed.
You are a warrior, and so appreciated! It takes courage, and that is so lacking in today's world. Keep being obsessed!
Thank you Eileen - I will say that Substack has helped to keep me sane/strong and realize I’m not alone.
Substack can be an echo chamber at times, but it absolutely helps to interact with other like minded people when it all becomes a bit overwhelming.
Stay strong and keep fighting, but be careful that you don't burn out. Some people are beyond redemption, but many will appreciate your help.
Good luck.
We cannot afford to NOT fight for fairness, justice, and sanity!!
Same here, RB!! I have 20 and 18 year old kids who are THE TARGET of this horrible govt-backed policy. And just a few days ago I was finally able to get them to watch a YT video titled "Monopoly: Follow the money" by a Netherlands' women's collective. An eye-opener that every college kid and adult should watch. It's been 3 exhausting years of tears, sweet-talking, debating, arguments because "their friends are fine". AAARGH!! I follow all the honest scientists/doctors: Jessica Rose, McCullough, Kory, Urso, Ryan Cole, El Gato Malo...ALL ON SUBSTACK. This sphere of community has saved me from insanity and given me hope and strength when I had little left to fight my beloved kids' ignorance. They are not jabbed but the fight is NOT OVER because Digital Health IDs will push the agenda hard. This is all WEF-WHO backed. Stay strong!!
Yes! I have 6 grandchildren and we live in NY and Ct and I fear we will have to move out of here! My husband’s nurse who has worked in his office for many years. Granddaughter developed a blood clot in her liver snd her cousin came down with myocarditis. I live this stuff too and send it off to everyone! How is this legal to require and EUA gene therapy?
Stop colluding with them ..DEVELOP A SPINE!!!!
Quit referring to this as "THERAPY." When you do, you are lending credence to the absolute LIE that the Medical/pharmaceutical Corporatocracy is trying to push and that is that this MRNA StabShot is "THERAPEUTIC", beneficial, lifesaving, and that opposing it is the very definition of "EVIL. IT'S NOT THERAPY!!!!!
Gene therapy is technically the closest thing to what it is if you don’t say bioweapon can be used. It’s just not designed to heal a condition. Lots of words/terms have been bastardized as of late.
Better than calling it a vaccine.
Gene therapy was their description, that people were then silenced for using.
Or perhaps quite short "Gen-Clotshots"? 😉 -
Dr. McCullough, I'm so grateful for all what I can learn from you & for all you are doing for us and for the whole world as a honorable doctor with real ethical principles and deep knowledge of real medical science.
It's so comfortable here - like sitting together with good friends for a coffee break. I'm so pleased to learn to know such a lot of wonderful people. Stay strong and don't worry. More & more people are awakening & soon we'll get the power back in all countries. There is no other way to save the world & I strongly believe God will help us, too.
You all are admirable freedom-heroes and
I'm greeting you all in deepest respect from GER.❤️
It's not legal. The Nuremberg Code (or treaty, whatever) forbids this medical fascism, but peopled don't know this and they comply. I know a lovely woman who moved with her family to South Carolina to get away from our liberal insanity. I say liberal because there are states that honor privacy and self-respect, but California, where I live, and the northeastern states do not honor the integrity of the individual and his/her right to make his/her own decisions in a range of protected matters. Law suits will reveal the precedents that protect individeuals, but meanwhile we, you, all of us must not comply.
Sorry but complying is honoring the Nazis. I am not exaggerating to observe that Fauci is the new Mengele. Remember the bureaucrats in the Nuremberg trials who were just following orders.
None of this will matter IF we allow doctors to start tracking our vax status per the new ICD codes effective April 1st. DO NOT COMPLY. Find Naturopathic doctors or doctors that do NOT ask for this information.
:( and Hochel will figure out how to make it be - given the CDC and FDA has thrown us under the bus.
You are not under the bus unless you consent to be there. Fight back. Fight for your lives and the lives of your kids. Why do you think they need to go to college ir university when you see the cowardice and corruption those institutions are sponsoring? I earned a Ph. D in literature; I've seen the corrupt insiders in major universities; please fight this crap!
Fuck Hochel
You go! Apathy is unacceptable!
Ditto, been fighting the SUNY system as well. They disgust me.
Me too - my oldest went to a SUNY school - when it was time for my next to go we told her nope.
Good for you in your awareness and persistence. We cannot permit this country to become fascist in this area of medical mandates.
I am happy you are obsessed. My cousin took her second shot and died the next day. She left a beauty shop and 3 children behind. The devastation this has caused is immeasurable and the fact that the pharmaceutical companies take no responsibility is unbelievable. Keep fighting!
There is a law, pretty recent I think but i'm not sure, that exonerates the pharm companies from the results of their criminal vaccines. But what about the universities? Are they excused from culpability/responsibility as well? Please fight these crimes against your kids!
I’m so so sorry Djuana ☹️ I will keep fighting.
Oh my dear God Djuana I am so very sorry - there should be a class action lawsuit - doesn't make a difference if you can't or your can - I think the truth is there was no "informed consent because people are not being told the truth before they take the shot. This is really insane - there just are no words adequate enough to describe the insanity.
I'm deeply sorry for you & all the hundredthousend people who lost their loved ones.
The elderly were murdered at first to panic the other people's mind & to test if the clotshots worked efficiently.
Same. Had a lawyer present our son's religious exemption to his college.
We did the same at a top school and it was approved right away. For second son it was the same. Unless you say no, they’ll squeeze you down…
I agree. Parents should individually and collectively begin legal action against this disgusting mandate.
Good for you! Never back down to any bully!
right on
We went outside of “woke” CA. I’m disgusted that they used all the young individuals as shields and willingly exposed these young people to potential long term harm, for what? To say that our top UC system has no scholars to stand up and say no more? Kudos to Kheriarty for standing his ground. It was a shame his departure didn’t wake up more of the UC system.
Surry but they couldn't have cared less what Keriatry did. Cowards and colluders, scared they'll lose their meaningless positions. And these people are supposed to be moral and intellectual examples for their students?
Exactly, do not apply to these! Don’t contribute to their application increase and “selectiveness.”
Oh, but that’s exactly what these universities want: COMPLIANT SHEEP!
If you love your children, you won’t send your babies to these indoctrination mills.
My bf and I both lost our jobs/careers (me 23 years, him 17 years). Who do you think is left at our former job? What will TPTB ask of you next?
You cannot comply yourself out of tyranny-EVER!
What is "woke" about Yale's behavior? Yale is as dead asleep as Rip Van Winkle!
How is this still happening. As a logical, common sense person. How is this still going on? As a physician. How is this insane denial of reality still going on in the medical community? Don't understand how any sentient person doest see what's been happening.
It is going to continue until employers or universities face severe liability for harming those they force to take the poison. It is unconscionable to me - a non medical person - that hospitals are still pushing these shots as are the MDs connected to those hospitals. It is impossible to describe the extent to which it has shattered people's faith in our medical system. Sadly it seems that finances rather than humanitarian ethics are guiding these decisions with no regard whatsoever to the harms being wrought. And because of tight message control and propaganda, not nearly enough people understand that we are in a time of dark evil. It has happened before and sadly, physicians played a role. It is happening again.
It is unconscionable. There needs to be a reckoning. Medicine will take a generation to regain trust if at all. It will have to return to a model separated from government and third party payers. I've said for years, If you got rid of the lawyers and insurance companies I'd barter and take chickens(or just eggs now) for payment.
Good Doctors like you are the finest advocates of all---- please call, write, email your elected representatives, media, medical boards and attorneys' offices.
Read Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watts plus ICENI on Substack and contemplate a public interest lawsuit, if that concept appeals to you.
Give books and videos, call in to radio stations, and just plain keep speaking out.
If enough of us do this the tide will turn. God helps those that do not give up and do not give in.
Truth is like Lion and it's up to us to turn it loose!
I've heard there is a movement among Doctors to go totally private post Covid. And the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons has told the truth all along. Good men and women are working tirelessly to bring integrity back to both medicine and government.
There is hope. We all must keep doing our parts and leave the results in Higher Hands.
Never again trust an establishment doctor. What would they do if we were all well? They need us sick.
Doctor, I have a feeling that our system will be going back to that in the near future.
I have been in the hospital twice since last August. I’ve never been more scared in my life, seriously. And I’m healthy! Take care of your body!
Stay out of hospitals unless absolutely necessary. If you dont have an advocate (family or friend) at your bedside, after the ICU you will most definitely be ignored. Nurses are checking boxes on a form or have been let go for refusing the Jab.
Was another of their test of the plandemic. Isolation from family and friends
I dont see any other way to regain any respect. Back to Dr/Patient relationship.
Not Dr/Government,Pharma,Insurance Symbiote/ Then Patient relationship
Return? That would be quite a feat. Medicine became a wholly owned subsidiary of Rockefeller since the beginning of the 1900's. Simultaneously, he controlled (owned) the Pharma industry. His institutions have controlled the curriculum ever since. Thus the emphasis on drugs.
Kinda what I was referencing with the chicken scenario. Medicines final downfall began in the 60"s when medicine was essentially taken over by the feds. You wouldn't believe how many boxes I use to have to check to get fair payment from the Government or insurance company.
"Faith" should never be considered with for profit, or for power entities. Faith is for your Spiritual Life.
Or in your private life. NEVER in commercial life. And make no mistake, medicine is 100,000 % a commercial activity.
As pHarma openly admits-- "healthy people are not profitable!"
As currently structured it is a perverted commercial activity. Someone offering their skills as a physician in a free exchange of goods for money or other good or skills is not allowed in the current system. A barter system of sorts not involving insurance companies or government, as they are the same entity, will likely start . Already is in some ways like concierge medicine.
Yes yes yes.
It's become worse with the hospitals using hospitalists. They are accountable to the hospital; not to the patient. As with COVID, the hospitalists stuck with following protocols and using hospital - recommended pharmaceutical products - rather than allowed to practice patient-centric medicine. If I read the situation accurately, I imagine that if a hospitalist were suddenly inspired and decided that an inexpensive off-label, off-patent medication would be the most advantageous treatment for a particular patient - they would either quickly informed of the error of their ways - or escorted off the premises. Ditto for recommending AGAINST the COVID vax for any patient. So those of us who have previously witnessed brilliance and the practice of the "art of medicine" by some amazing practitioners - must mourn, as they have been replaced by hospitalist drones within our hospital systems.
And yes, I know there were bad physicians within the old system; I am a nurse, and I often had to work around the idiots to protect their patients from them. However replacing them with hospitalists wasn't the answer either - especially as there are now bad hospitalists in the current system - and patients can't fire their hospitalist, can they?
Agree. As ED Doc,Hospitalist were a God send for getting people admitted who needed to be. Frequently there were arguments with admitting physicians. Hospitalist helped remove that obstacle, I thought for the benefit of the patient. They quickly became an agent of the hospital, trained to check the right box and adding the right diagnosis to get the hospital as much from the government roulette wheel as possible.
Cy, you couldn’t have said it better! We are repeating history, and many people DO NOT GET IT (that alone is frightening). Now we know what each one of us would do (probably) in Nazi Germany. People would always say they’d stand up, and it would never happen again.
It is happening again, but it’s much worse this time around! It’s GLOBAL!
Strict punishment for those involved must be instituted.
Mengeles all, but in these cases, they pretend they're not doing harm!
That is exactly how I feel. I’ve even given presentations at journal club to try and wake people up - not caring if I get fired.
They look at you like you are the one with three heads and say , " next topic" or 'Lets move on from that"
Yes - yes they do! I presented a family with adverse events after various vaccines and their genetic HLA results that increased their risk for non-conversion and autoimmune disorders and was using it as an example to talk about adversomics and vaccinomics and genetics - so I could also bring up the fact that Dr. Gary Poland - the person who has devoted his career to vaccinomics and adversomics had an adverse event after his Covid injection yet still talked about the importance of getting it - which goes against his own beliefs about everything - or is it that it goes against the Mayo Clinic and those who fund him...... you should have seen the big eyes in the room 😂😂
Minnesotan here. Mayo Clinic is the worst for buying into the lies. How much money do they get in following the NIH guidelines?
RB: Good for you! I applaud your normalcy.
It is happening because not enough of the people who comprehend what is going on have stood up and raised HELL.
It is going on because doctors and science and government and media have been lying through their teeth to The People at the behest of the Military, Industrial, Bio-Security, Pharmaceutical, Tech & Bankster oriented corporations for decades and decades and decades.
My only child almost died in 1999 from her "safe and effective" CDC reccommended and State required "well baby shots!" She has never been well since.
Those damn pHarma whores need to be in prison as do the pHarma Lords themselves. Removing liability in 1986 was the kiss of death for America's children. Now they have come for all of us.
Study the health of the fully unvaccinated in the USA, btw. You might learn something. Try "Turtles All The Way Down," (book) Dr. James Lyons Weiler's peer reviewed study of Dr. Paul Thomas's pediatric practice, or the Control Group Litigation's Survey Study on the vaxxed vs unvaxxed. Also the Guinea-Bissau study showing vaccinated little girls dying at much higher rates than the unvaccinated, from diseases like sepsis and pneumonia.
Excessive vaccination destroys normal immune system development. And the problematic contaminants are a huge issue. Human primitive DNA, (Dr. Teresa Diesher,) Retroviruses, animal DNA, Monkey Kidney cells that cause cancer, and let's not even start on all the powerful neurotoxins like aluminum and mercury, plus nasties like Glysophate and PEG.
These injections are anything but safe and effective and our brainwashed and bought out medical system never gets the damn memo. They refuse to look at the facts. Japan has stopped all vaccines before 2 years of age and has basically no SIDS, now. SIDS is mostly from "safe and effective" vaccines as is "SADS."
And cancer can be treated non-toxically with cheap and safe compounds in many many instances, yet mainstream medicine will fight you tooth and nail to utilize something profoundly toxic or brand spanking new that costs an entire life's savings, doubled.
Research Fenbendazole and Ivermectin and the cancers they show effectiveness against in vitro. Sometimes with additional very safe compounds together they are astoundingly effective.
Idiot chauvinistic MD's almost killed me in the early 80s with toxic and dangerous birth control pills with 70×s the amount of progesterone in normal pills. I was bloody clueless until I had dinner plate size bleeds in my legs.
Were they sorry? No. Did anyone apologize for using a formulation dropped years earlier? No. Did any Ob/Gyn tell me Birth Control Pills can kill women and do double their risk for cervical cancer? No they did not.
Mercury used to be mainstream medicine's go to treatment and DDT was advertised as "Good For Me!"
Our Government is in the hands of Narcissists and Psychopaths who do not care how many die as long as the money train keeps running.
Remdesivir and a Vent is a death sentence.
90% of doctors and nurses kept doing it regardless, even though they damn well knew it would kill their patients.
The Paul Mariks and Peter McCulloughs and Pierre Korys are too thin on the ground.
Most doctors care vastly more about themselves than their patients; Covid in America proved that beyond all doubt.
If we as a nation do not stand up against the warmongering, the killing inside our country, the loss of freedom of speech and bodily autonomy, and a doctor's right to practice medicine as he or she sees fit, and demand corporate and governmental accountability, rise up against those who would mandate murder, bankrupt millions and torture our children, we, as a People are finished.
If you don't like what you are witnessing, stand up, and fight back.
Join an activist group in your area and do everything possible to wake the sleeping sheep heading into the kill box, and to expose the perpetrators, both the conscious ones and zombies who drank all the Kool-Aid.
It's up to us. Anyone who sees what is happening to humanity and America and who isn't fighting it with everything they can is the real reason we are in this mess.
Sometimes it's so bad that not acting is criminal. This is THAT TIME.
Huzzah to everyone fighting the darkness in our world!!! As RFK Jr says, "there's no one I'd rather be in trenches with!" and "if neccessary I'm ready to die with my boots on!"
That's the attitude that will get us where we need to go.
Watch Robert the Bruce. There's determination. My ancestors, the Mackays, supported The Bruce and Scottish Freedom. My American ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War.
New Hampshire has it right, "Live Free or Die."
Again we must decide. The battle for Freedom is never won, it is eternal. And God fights with those who will stand up.
This is the hill I will die on. My daughter is also vaccine injured from HPV - long story involving coercion and uninformed “consent”. Never again as long as I can help it.
Thank you, Katherine. So sorry your daughter got caught in the system and injured by it. I will read the research you mention so that I can inform others.
I say the same. I've been saying the same since 2020.
Two weeks into it all as a front line doc in Florida, nothing was making sense. By a month in it was clear. Most was nonsense
It’s just craziness.
No it is EVIL masquerading as stupidity and greed, if you care for my personal opinion.
My journey began with my awareness of President Kennedy's exceptionally brutal murder at 3 years of age, progresses to why do we eat animals, (I was a rather fanatical animal lover from as early as I can recall,) at 5 or 6 years of age, progressed into why should I sit under my desk if a thermonuclear bomb is heading for us as it OBVIOUSLY WILL NOT HELP, to why are we at war in Vietnam at a later date and finally led me to read the Pentagon Papers cover to cover in 1976, and 16 years of age.
That childhood set the foundation for my Intellectual & Spiritual studies which inevitably led to "what the f is wrong with humanity?!" Or really what's wrong with the male humans who have basically been in charge for 6000 years and the leaders of the war societies that prevail on our planet currently??
Read Saharasia by James DeMeo, PhD, for an excellent window into our human history.
But in the end even emotional plague, Sociopathy, Mass Formation and other standard theories, Bonobos vs Chimpanzees, plenty vs lack, etc., just never really cut it for me.
Yes, all those historical and biological issues are real and are a part of our problem. But in the end I believe to really comprehend what's going on you need to look at the spiritual component or influence.
For me the concepts of Wetico, or negative Spiritual attachments, Christian concepts of "Satan" (greed) or "Lucifer," (hubris) but as forces interacting with humans, or the White Wolf vs the Black Wolf, etc., etc., do matter.
We get to choose, in this life, which force we align with, and to me that has become very obvious with Covid. Those fighting back, in most cases, have their own Spiritual Foundation. Or they develop one while facing this Beast which is seeking to destroy us.
Not everyone sees or perceives that this is more a Spiritual war than an Earthly one, but many of us do. Once you are at that point the choices get a bit easier, and help does arrive. : ))
Ed Dowd saw what was happening and prayed to be of service. Look what happened there. God Bless the man, and the millions like him. Together with God's Grace, we will prevail!
Tiny Tyrants chuck full of narcissism, helped the psychosis spread and envelop many
Kevin Giblin: Not just nonsense, Kevin. Corruption.
Yep. The people who speak up lose their reputation, livelihood, funding etc .... “intimidation done correctly, seldom needs repeated” .... so only the very strong and brave stand up. The rest .... just comply or get their own exemption (like faculty) and let the kids be thrown under the bus. Sickening.
I use to believe before covid, that 90% plus of us yearned for personal freedom and responsibility, while perhaps 10% wanted to be cared for by an alphabet soup government entity. Sadly, I think it may be the opposite, hence the difficulty countering this mass psychosis
I’m right there with you on that. Much of my own extended family continues to make me shake my head. My uncle was the oldest of 6 - so is an 87 year old retired oncologist and he thinks I’m off my rocker - and everyone prefers to listen to him instead of someone in clinical genetics practice for 16 years then switched to human genetics research for the last 15 years. They are all brainwashed. My mother even went to visit my 20 year old at college who had recovered from Covid along with the entire campus - to tell her that if she didn’t get vaccinated she wouldn’t be allowed to go on vacation with the family. As you can imagine - that didn’t go over well and in fact we all went on vacation. :)
Fascinating. Ive found oncologist and Infectious disease seem to be looking away the most. Your family, non scientist some I get. What about your profession? Other clinical geneticist and the MD's or DO's Im certain you work with clinically? What are their general responses?
Im ashamed of my profession. It continues to commit hideous evils.
I am ashamed of my profession as well. I mean at one point I was so proud that a geneticist - Francis Collins became the director of the NIH - look how that turned out. The rest - all drank the kool-aid. People I trusted and respected - not one that I know of has not been on the bandwagon. I used to work for Sentara - the same hospital that fired Paul Marik. The worst in my opinion? The MFM physicians who sold out pregnant women and unborn babies. In the spring of 2021 when they started to say pregnant women should get this - I thought - WHAT?!!! So I called Reprotox after a search of the database for any data - there was of course nothing. So this is what the doctor there said - copied from email “The vaccine information will go in the COVID summary when any information is available. There are currently no data to report. I personally recommend that pregnant women consider vaccination, as does the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine.”
NEVER IN MY CAREER would anyone ever say that. Not about a vaccine or soft cheese or cleaning the litter box or ibuprofen. It was ALWAYS about risk vs. Benefit and the risk would go up if there was no data or only animal data. This was April 2021. I knew then that we were in serious trouble and that things were very wrong- at first I thought it had to be fear - I don’t think that anymore. I joined the research team that Naomi Wolf organized to go through the pregnancy and other data released by Pfizer. Unbelievable. So, like you - I am ashamed of my profession and I also believe it will take a very very long time for the trust to be re-established with the medical field - probably not in my lifetime. So, you are not alone.
I'v heard of grandma's whose children threaten that they'll never see their grandkids again if they're not vaccinated.
THAT is pure evil, you do realize that? I have no words.
CONvid doesn’t exist. It is a major psychological operation.
Once you understand that, everything makes sense. 😉
I believe it does - O.G. Covid Was a bioweapon - a respiratory virus that didn’t touch children .... hmmmm .... to get rid of the vulnerable - after I read Bitten : The Secret History of Lyme Disease I also believe I know where it came from. The reaction was the psy-op.
It’s quite scary, isn’t it? I’m 59, and I’ve never seen anything like this in my lifetime, Doctor.
I pray to my Father for strength, guidance, and for His will to be done, not mine.
I’m in Commifornia, so the results can sometimes be quite alarming. Lol!
I live in Ca too. I would call it Coward not Commie. Though I begin to get it: its conformity is sickening.
Mari, I went out today and I saw people STILL wearing masks! I’m sick of looking at these nut jobs! Lol!
Alas I agree.
I agree. 10% courageous people.
Ah yes...history does repeat itself.
I am asking the same question. How can it be? Is it a result of long term propaganda?
It has got to be about money - it’s the only thing - because we are not talking about stupid people.
Naomi Wolf investigated and discovered that HHS gave Yale more money than they received in tuition. Billions of dollars. 100% evil sellout.
Yep. Even small schools - even public schools received money from the govt - a friend of mine - public hs - said they hired a propaganda - sorry “Covid mental health counselor” with the money - the first thing they did was implement a vaccine education program to coerce the kids - sorry “educate” the kids about the importance of the vaccine and identifying misinformation.
Parents need to band together and fight that, if you can find consensus, that is. Otherwise home school at whatever cost.
Pharma whores, pharma Lords, their victims and then there are the resistors.
Sorry. I only see four classes today.
Of course in reality many of the first three are also the brainwashed masses....
But even so they will wind up in one, or more, of the first three categories as well.
Thank God for Naomi Wolf.
They have to make sure that Skull and Crossbones is perpetuated.
Remember the pledge doctors take: First, do no harm.
That's our tax dollars being thrown at Yale.
An earlier sub-stack from Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake ..."On Stupidity".
Explains a lot.
Thanks Doris - I might have missed it 😂 so much to read so little time!
thank you for was great!
If you behave stupidly, you're stupid. I'm talking about the people that b elieve the propaganda.
My daughter is a freshman at a university that never had a vaccine mandate. She had the grades and test scores to go anywhere but we specifically chose a school that NEVER had a mandate. Choose wisely. Think critically. Spend your money where the administration does the same. Stop paying for the name on the diploma.
Wasn't the diversity hire at Pfizer featured on Project Veritas an Ivy attendee at some point?
YEP! 😱The Ivy League schools are “commie/fascist/Bolshevik/cultural Marxist” Central. Lol!
It’s massive brainwashing. I don’t blame the universities per se. I blame those that COMPLY WITH STUPIDITY. This is an “IQ TEST”. And people are going to these schools to get educated????
NONCOMPLIANCE needs to be a bumper sticker.
With it derailing itself in digital medicine, AI, artificial biology
and winding up as a train wreck on fire at the bottom of the overpass, who still thinks it was a good idea to ride this to the bitter end?
How is this going on? FEAR
I have a freshman in college. He achieved national merit finalist, perfect, ACT, Eagle Scout and more. After he applied and had already had admission interviews he eliminated all the schools that require the vaccine at that time- Harvard, Duke, Rice, Emory and Case Western. And for that I’m very grateful. Harvard and Case Western were especially terrible. Last spring Harvard was still requiring masks and if I recall the unvaccinated, we’re not allowed on campus. Case Western had a snitch line posted on the first page of their website. It was a number to call to report anonymously people who were “not following the CW mandates and who are in need of help in understanding the Covid policies”. Whaaaat?! he ultimately chose to attend the school in Florida. And a free state. Not perfect, but definitely safer than any of these other places.
Bravo to your son!! Bravo!!
I work there and my badge is still turned off and I have to work from home because I’m dangerously unvaccinated. They just dropped the mask mandate last week but have kept the mandate of original Covid serious plus a booster.
Dear God in heaven. These people are insane!
They are.
If your son is white there is no point in him attending an ivy unless it is Harvard Business for an MBA. He will not have a good time of it.
If I was a kid NOW, I’d be working in a TRADE!
And it took me 10 years to put myself through college (I chipped away at school) on waitress tips and working more than one job. My parents never went to college. It was a big deal for me. Things sure have changed!
I agree 100%, Renee Marie!! I think you would get less brainwashing in the trades. I mean, if you are training to get a jounneyman electrician license, how much woke revisionist interpretation of how electricity actually functions do you think you are going to be able to get away with before you wind up electrocuting yourself?
😂🤣…lmao! You definitely have a point Catherine! One of my dearest friends has been an electrician for decades. The trades have some of the best sense of humor in the world! The snowflakes wouldn’t even understand the humor.
WHOA! Wait a darn second! A white student is suing Howard University (black college) for: DISCRIMINATION! 🤣🤜
You are a blessed mom! And think of all the sheep your son would be exposed to…not good for a healthy human being and a young man.
I have entirely left the liberal camp.
re: "One wonders if this is a test to gauge the stupidity of parents and students."
Um, intended or not, it is a test.
I don't speak out of prejudice towards academia, I hold 2 degrees from a top university myself. I've been saying this a for a while now, that what these mandates for students are doing is destroying the respect for the students themselves. As an employer, why would I want to hire someone foolish enough to get themselves injected with experimental gene therapy, in the prime of their reproductive lives no less, just to attend a university? Sorry, but I would not even give a person with a resume that says Yale U class of '22 or '23 an interview. Nor would I for any student who attended a university that imposed a mandate-- alas, with sadness, that includes my own alma mater (to which by the way I will never give another penny). The mandates are criminal, and may those who imposed them be held accountable before the law.
I'm in the minority, I know, but things are changing fast.
Yes, I refuse to give my alma mater any money anymore (UC Berkeley) but I'm not sure that they care.
Yeah, my alma mater probably doesn't care about me, either, I'm not donating 100 million clams for a new "science" building. But there is a reason such universities spend a lot of money on regular mailings and the glossy alumni magazine and the class reunions. The small donations from alumni add up, especially over time, and are important to their balance sheet.
Then we have to publicize their crimes, I mean their positive attitude toward any mandated, official bs.
Same here.
My condolences. Lol! I remember applying for a job at Berkeley (about 30 years ago), and it was nuts then! Now it’s a psych ward.
Faster than I thought they would. Totally agree with you.
Great piece John. Thank you for highlighting our conversation and our work at NCM. Yale and so many other colleges have displayed fascism that many of us underestimated and that I hope many of us never forget. We must support the 20+ colleges that are truly free of government control and the many others that never removed informed consent and medical freedom. Check the lists on our Website.
Thank you for your work to defend freedom.
Thank you for your work too 🙏🏼
Great. Thanks for that resource. 20 colleges, huh? out of how many hundreds. I'll check my alma mater now!
One thing we know is that evil has come upon the world.
It's been here all along. They are just being far more bold, because they have all of their minions in place.
I know it sounds crazy, and I know I mention it often, but I'm convinced that what is currently going on has something to do with "Operation Paperclip".
For thos not familiar with Operation Paperclip, it was a program developed by the OSS (Office of Strategic known as the CIA) that brought 1,700 of Hitler's top doctors and scientists into the United States after WWII, and placed them into positions within our government, running projects like the NASA space program, and many others. Operation Paperclip also placed these people into our most important industries, such as big chem and big pharma.
I say this because many of the people / organizations involved in Operation Paperclip are involved in what is currently going on. Big pharma, the CIA, our DOD, Corporate America, etc. Also, the World Economic Forum (Klaus Schwab's father, Eugene, worked with the Nazis)
And then there is NATO, who is currently heavily involved in the situation in Ukraine.
I firmly believe that C19 and the situation in Ukraine are connected.
Ukraine also has a history with Nazi's. Ukraine collaborated with the Nazi's during WWII, and there is still a "neo-nazi" movement there, and even a miliary batallion.
Have you read Annie Jacobsen’s book? “Operation Paperclip-The Secret Intelligence Program That Brought Nazi Scientists To America”?👍
Ukraine was once Khazaria. This is the root of the problem. Saw a very good video today The Downfall of the Cabal, on Bitchute, who they say are going down and once Ukraine fails they will be done. 🤞
I haven't recently watched "Fall of Cabal." Everyone who cares about justice, humanity, and children needs to watch that video/film.
Quatervois: I knew there were some ugly connections when we, US, immediately sent huge amount of $E to Ukraine. When the U.S. supports something, those of us who can still think need to be suspicious. Next, we have to figure out how to fight these evils.
Gary: Take the long view of history. When Dutch and English settlers came to this land, they reported back to their home countries, in applying for contracts to settle the land, that there was NO ONE HERE. What they meant was no one white.
Because Khazarian Mafia goes back millenia. They are the root cause.
These evil mother fuckers need to go
They trying to cull the next generation of elite?😏
Naomi Wolf think so. She sees it as part of China's plan to take over US.
Ridiculous. Modern China is a creation of those who already own the US and Mao was a product of a Yale related school in China.
See my comment elsewhere on this thread.
I know nothing on Wolf, but if she's promoting that sort of notion, then she may be part of the problem.
China wants to take over anything it can get its paws on. Look at the Belt and Road Initiative for STARTERS.
China wants land…fertile land.
"China wants land…fertile land."
It's not China per se. It's the ones who control China via their agents, that want those things. Today's China would likely be satisfied with being left alone, but it's been infiltrated by the same scum of the Earth as the US has. The ones who want fertile land are the globalist mafiosi. Billy Gates is reportedly buying up all kinds of farm land and others with bucks have apparently been doing something similar, for example, Ted Turner, as I'v heard.
Please take the time to study this before it disappears; it's full of very good info.:
Mao was a Yale Man - A Yali with Skull and Bones
“By about the year 2000 Communist China will be a “superpower” built by American technology and skill.”
Antony C. Sutton, American Secret Establishment published 1984
Or control.
Like Cambodia 1974 - 'The Killing Fields' 😞
Yes as a friend remarked rececently it is the petite Khmer Rouge. I wrote a post inspired by this.
The children are required to take these injections at the college level because they are the next generation of breeders. Faculty? Meh. Make sense now?
But they won’t be breeding as many will be infertile.
That may be the point.
The lightbulb went off in your head, I see. Very good. Now start educating the young people around you NOT to take this poison. Be well.
Many of us knew there was corruption in universities, that money influenced their actions. We knew that Pharma and the Rockefeller Foundation "owns" the medical industry and medical schools. We knew that many government officials and politicians were also corrupt, and some outright traitors. But the depth and breadth of the corruption - as exposed by this falsely inflated pandemic and its deadly products pretending to be vaccines - surprises even me. And not just garden-variety corruption. It's incredible how many people in universities and the medical profession are willing to indirectly or directly cause millions of people great medical harm or death - for money, reputation and position. The fact that Yale doesn't mandate these toxins for faculty and staff proves they know these poisons are harmful. But they force thousands of young adults to put their lives as risk.
I agree. It's the depth and breadth, as you say, the collusion of so many we thought were honorable people...that's discouraging. What should we do???
A must read is an article by John Leake entitled “On Stupidity”. We are dealing with intelligent people who are utterly, undeniably, dangerously stupid.
Yes, I read it. Very good. Interesting that Bonhoeffer didn’t recommend trying to convince them.
No, he didn’t. Thanks for the comment.
Very sad to hear that Yale - an ivy league school would act in such a fashion. Must be that Skull and Bones connection - its all about $$$. So they will collect $$$ and students will die- so much for human life.
Why would you think Ivy League is not corrupt?
Reasonably-priced vocational, tech, human services, and art/design schools to gain specific skills and that encourage creative thinking, open-mindedness, debate, and flexibility should be what higher education is all about.
My daughter had hoped to go to PA school at Yale but she's not even applying there now with the ridiculous mandates. And even if she could get an exemption there (she had one for undergrad) she surely would be ruled out of Yale's clinical sites. She'll apply elsewhere.
I wonder how she is going to stand being a medical professional, horrific as the Medical/pharmaceutical Corporatocracy is, that now dominates medical education and practice in these times. Yale is by no means an outlier in this. All medical and nursing school require the full complement of vaxxines, including the CVD. She will get the full brainwashing treatment as well......a "WELL ROUNDED MEDICAL EDUCATION"
I warn you. She won't like where they are going with this.
That's the first thing I wondered....... how do you even partake in the medical system as a professional. Maybe branch off to functional medicine or Naturopathic medicine...... Man good luck with that
Might be worth cautiously looking into. BASTYR College used to have a ND Naturopathic Doctor program, dont know whats going on with them at the present time. A
Chiropractic College like PARKER is something else to consider. Chiropractic does a LOT of good for people, It certainly did for me over the years.
I went to Nursing School years ago, But I would not do it at the present time: people start out in med school or nursing school thinking they're going to be the one to change the world! Not going to happen......It will change you if you partake of it the way medicine has deteriorated
That’s her plan after getting her P.A.😊💪🏻
I agree that most schools do, but not all. There are a couple in our small state alone that don’t….now the clinical sites? That’s questionable. Her ultimate goal is to work in functional/integrative medicine to help heal others with healthy eating, exercise, stress reduction, and meaningful connections with others. She knows she just has to play the allopathic game for a few years to get “experience”.
Why cant she not go directly into a NATUROPATHIC medicine program? Do all functional medicine track lead through the allopathic Rockefeller medicine track? The latter is diametrically opposed to helping others to heal. Who told her she needs to go to PA school and marinate herself in that toxic environment to gain "experience"? She needs to get a "second opinion!" She needs to look very carefully before she leaps into this. Not even trying to tell her what to do, but putting forth thoughts for her deep consideration.
The "allopathic medicine game" as you so antiseptically refer to it, is growing so toxic that you now have to don gloves and handle the pieces with tweezers..... selling yourself in that manner could prove very corrosive to your soul and detrimental to those you think you want to help. It's called expediency: also known as having no real values that you adhere to. it's one reason the world is in the mess it's in. Every one seems to be doing it. And you will likely sell your soul
and stay enslaved to your corporate bosses because you have medical school debt to pay off and the money's good. In so doing one remains blind to where this is headed
To be honest, those happy to pay fortunes for their kids to be indoctrinated at a woke university are likely to support their kids being forced to be pharmaceutical guinea pigs as part of the deal.
Not true for all - many of these kids - mine included - got a full ride academic scholarship and would have paid the same or more at our woke NY state universities - she applied for and fought for an exemption along with many of her fellow students - going so far as to get a legal help and had the backing of several faculty. If she didn’t get her exemption she was going to walk away from her scholarship. So - don’t assume these things. I am locked out of my own office - my badge was shut off because I’m an unvaccinated danger to everyone (who have had Covid many times - with each of their boosters) - so I work at home - which is good because if I worked in the office for the last 3 years I would have quit because the wokeness from above is only getting worse - we need to fight this system.
Bravo for both you and your daughter! I hope it's not too impertinent of me to suggest that she consider walking away from those perverted monstrosities in any case.
She is going to school to become a human rights lawyer and decided after much deliberation to stand and fight - she is in a department with wonderful ethical supportive faculty and guess what? She got her university to drop their mandate in December (I helped supply her with research papers from Substack etc...that’s going to save the world). :)
Good for her! Bravo!
I mean she sure got to see a 3 year real world reason for wanting to do that job! Right?!
More power to both of you.
Brava! Fantastic news!
I wish your daughter and you the most of everything this is going to take! So far, this seems to be going her way. Stand strong!
Agreed. I do not know why anyone would send their white child to an Ivy for undergrad. I know what happens at those places.