This doesn't mean we shouldn't celebrate this exposure of Pfizer's wicked complicity. At this point, the Pfizer executives' best hope is to help provide evidence to convict the folks at the DoD who were giving them their marching orders.

And, who is the DoD taking orders from?

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It's hopeful to think one dept is a law unto itself. This way, you don't find those who are really in power.

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We all knew that OWS was under the purview of DoD, but were never threatened with a mandate until the transfer of power. That’s the crux.

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I'm not sure what you mean by saying "we all knew OWS was under the purview of the DoD", because we didn't all know that at all. Dr. McCullough didn't know that until some months ago, nor I, nor many he talked to about it. Most people had absolutely no idea that the DoD was involved until very recently when Dr. McCullough started telling people. So, can you help me understand what you're saying here?

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Yes. Those who watched daily press briefings knew initially of DoD’s control of the final rollout: the refrigeration of the product, the delivery to the variety of facilities that contracted with them for vaccination. The early stages of product development and testing were under Pharma’s management. OWS was on the DoD website. I don’t know if the name OWS was a WH moniker or DoD from the start. “We all knew” signifies the information was publicly available.

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Why would that matter?

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What's OWS?

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Operation Warp Speed, which was the process, not the product.

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In your linked article, you state that Trump continues to push the toxxine and brag about operation "Warp Speed."

Do you continue to stand by your statement? If so, can you cite Trump pushing and bragging in, say, the last several days?

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You cited a MSM opinion in Newsweek as to what Trump said. By saying that Trump was still "promoting" the vaccine, the article stretched what Trump said. He didn't PROMOTE it. However, I would say that when asked what he thought about a CDC article that mentioned harms, he basically DEFENDED the vaccine.

Now, I am NOT defending Trump. Statements 1-7, below, are my honest TAKEWAYS (for whatever they're worth) from the interview, which starts here at minute 16:38.



1. **Trump doesn't know the vaccine was ALREADY made by the DoD YEARS BEFORE January 2020, and it contains CRAP.

2. Trump thinks he CONVINCED the FDA to approve it.

2. Trump said that LOTS of articles say the vaccine saved millions of lives, and that FEW articles say it did not. (He conveniently forgets that social media and MSM haven't let us spread the word.)

3. Trump said that he does think about vaccine safety issues, but that you "have to look at the pros and cons."

3. Trump said that the vaccine was a "problem" for "RELATIVELY FEW" people of the millions who had taken it.

4. Trump thinks the shot WORKED for "millions or even hundreds of millions of people."

5. Trump actually thinks he got a vaccine made quickly [FALSE], and

Trump actually thinks "his" vaccine saved millions of lives [ALSO FALSE] and

6. During OWS, Trump did not know the vaccine would harm anyone, nor did he want it to.

7. Even though it has been two years since he finished his part in OWS, Trump is having EGO and PRIDE problems.


(A.) that the DoD had ALREADY made the vaccine YEARS BEFORE Jan. 2020,

(B.) that he DIDN'T influence the FDA to do anything,

(C.) that we now know the shot does NOT "work,"

(D.) that the shot did NOT save millions of lives (if any)

(E.) that the shot is harming a LOT MORE people than he thinks,

(F.) that he should ASK HIMSELF why the DoD would have made the vaccine BEFORE the pandemic even hit, and

(G) that he should go talk the religious minister of his choice.

Patrick, what say you?

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I just can't support Trump until he starts to tell the truth about the vaxx, namely:

1. It is very dangerous. It kill about 1 in 800 of those who take it, and seriously injures about 10%.

2. It is completely ineffective. Obviously everyone who got the jab is _more_ likely to catch the virus, not less. From Australian data, you can also see that each jab you get makes you _more_ likely to get hospitalized or die from the virus.

When he admit what is now the glaringly obvious truth, then I might support him again. But until then, no. It's not like he has any shortage of information.

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I hear you.

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Trump is a very stable and corrupt genius. His actions were essential in launching the entire COVID extermination project.

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It's a pity, because Trump was the hope for half of the country, and he did deliver on the economy and keeping us out of wars.

But he failed and continues to fail miserably on the vaxx. He needs to tell the truth about it, now.

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I believe it is obvious to those who are familiar with the civil court case successfully taken against the federal, state and local government by the family of the late Martin Luther King, Jr.:

The Transcription of the King Family Press Conference on the

MLK Assassination Trial Verdict

December 9, 1999

Atlanta, GA

CORETTA SCOTT KING: There is abundant evidence of a major high level conspiracy in the assassination

of my husband, Martin Luther King, Jr. And the civil court's unanimous verdict has validated our belief. I

wholeheartedly applaud the verdict of the jury and I feel that justice has been well served in their

deliberations. This verdict is not only a great victory for my family, but also a great victory for America. It

is a great victory for truth itself. It is important to know that this was a SWIFT verdict, delivered after

about an hour of jury deliberation. The jury was clearly convinced by the extensive evidence that was

presented during the trial that, in addition to Mr. Jowers, the conspiracy of the Mafia, local, state and

federal government agencies, were deeply involved in the assassination of my husband. The jury also

affirmed overwhelming evidence that identified someone else, not James Earl Ray, as the shooter, and

that Mr. Ray was set up to take the blame.


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DOD is under the Executive branch. (Commander in Chief...)

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You are right that understanding the criminal behavior is a "formidable undertaking" and that is exactly what Latypova and Watt have done. No need to go to the movies to find insights. Their thesis is that the actions are directed by an extra-legal set of laws. Which explain why it is that the FDA is not doing its job, why Congress is silent, why the clinical trials were so skimpy and incomplete, why the results were covered-up, why there's not even an attempt at consistency from batch to batch, why Pfizer claimed in court (via DOJ lawyers) that they were ordered to do it by the USG, why Maddie deGaray was ignored and why doctors like Peter McCullough are silenced. It's a great thesis because it has great explanatory power.

It's no use simply decrying the absence of regulatory oversight or the silencing of facts. It's hard to make much progress when you treat the pandemic response as a collection of disparate parties taking disparate actions. The US pandemic response was governmental. It was preplanned, well-organized and well-executed. Understanding the nature of how the government works is important.

A word about Ike's speech. The way I read the whole speech, he was saying that innovation won the war, that the Allies had more of a bottom-up and multi-sourced system for idea generation. And that if the USG steps in during the Cold War and starts funding the University labs and projects, that will imperil the innovation, because it is single-sourced.

Well, we are way beyond that now. We passed that signpost decades ago at 60 mph. We now have a mass injection campaign developed by the government, funded by the government, purchased by the government, and covered-up by the government, and fear-mongered by the government. I don't think Ike would even recognize this as America. All done by one branch of the government with no debate. Let's try to understand what is going on, so we know how to undo it.


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The US pandemic response was governmental. It was preplanned, well-organized and well-executed. Agreed. My question is: What do the "rest of us"--these undesirables who keep eating food that only the elite should be eating--what do we do now that we know this is govt-engineered?

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How about BlackRock as the unofficial fourth arm of gov't? It goes: BlackRock/Vanguard holding controlling interests in Pfizer, along with another $21 Trillion in global assets. Btw, BlackRock and Jewish CEO Larry Fink are all in on ESG for the US while using pension funds to invest in China and CCP. See how it works?

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Spot on, George. Couldn't agree more.

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Exactly like IGF, yes!

I think they are just trying to anticipate which variants result from deployment of their newest product line. If they can anticipate that, they can develope the vaccine for a pathogen created by their last vaccine before the pathogen pops up in the wild.

Every time we mass imprint we cause other variants to gain an edge. It's become a very dynamic and complex process, but it used to be relatively simple.


Now bivalent boosters are causing BQ.1.1 and CH.1.1 to gain predominance. The vaccinated can not produce any antibodies against it. The current CFR is roughly 6 times as high as that of all BA* variants and even slightly higher than Delta.

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💯💯💯 Ignore the laser pointer for a while and realize their depopulation program is rolling along as planned. Slow-kill bioweapons + infertility = ridding the globalists planet of useless eaters then opening the door to introducing the digital ID & currency enslavement system.

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Not vaccines. mRNA artificially tricking your God given immune system. All bogus. Covid equals common cold or less for 99.9 % of every body. Now the venting and remdesivir protocols, there’s your killer.

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Have you seen the Project Veritas videos w Pfizer Research Director admitting to gain of function aka directed evolution? Must see.

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Uproarious...RE-IMAGINGING 'Gain of Function' as 'Developing Evolution' or 'Developed Evolution' and Dr. Malone referred to the Method as 'Serial Passage' when monkeys are infected; one to another, repeatedly in enhance virulence.

Guess the EXACT TERMINOLOGY is mandated when speaking about the same issue and if the newest RE-IMAGINED term isn't the same; it's OK to lie.

Suppose it's necessary to ask any person giving any kind of testimony about all possible Terms when referring to anything, now. When infrastructure was reported to pertain to 'Food Stamps' and other forms of 'Social Welfare Benefit' as well as cameras and 'Facial Recognition' software installations; suppose we should have deduced it to be necessary to use SYNONYMS for every word spoken.


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It's not about enhancing virulence. It's about anticipating the strains that result from deployment of their products. Not really that much better.

The guy doesn't understand what he is talking about, regardless of education level. He was probably thinking about what to wear for his hot grindr date when they had the last meeting on it.

Also, didn't he state they are just planning to do this?

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And we are awaiting the Nuremberg 2.0 trials anxiously.

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Yes, and we can't stop investigating who is at the bottom of all this poisoning of the populace

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Since no virus has ever been isolated what are we really dealing with here?

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Excellent work John and General Peter “Patton” McCullough MD MPH. The military industrial complex (MIC) referred to by General Eisenhower in 1961 sadly has morphed into the medical industrial complex of today. And this was only possible after this rogue complex assassinated JFK - just 6 months earlier JFK stated that he would “Splinter them into a 1000 pieces and cast them to the wind”. Unfortunately JFK took a stand to eradicate this EVIL MIC and it cost him his life, his brother’s life and some speculate his only son’s life. So if the MIC was willing to accomplish a successful coup De’tat by assassinating JFK almost 60 years ago and has grown in strength, power & influence since then, what would they be willing to do now? Would they be willing & capable of purposely releasing a weapon of bio warfare? Would they start a war or another false flag event?

Someone needs to finish JFK’s promise to destroy the MIC and restore true FREEDOM not only in the USA but the entire world. But who can do this? Ladies and gentlemen, if not us then who? If not NOW then when?

Apostles Peter, James & John were the closest of the 12 to Jesus. They changed the world by following Jesus’s command. We the People can do the same. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us - Philippians 4:13

James A Thorp MD

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James, this information presented by Katherine Watts and Sasha Latypova has been RIGHT THERE ALL ALONG and yet it's taken almost 3 years for McCollough and Leake to talk about it, because these courageous women forced the issue and they were forced to respond.

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"However, it seems to me that that it’s of limited utility to draw sharp distinctions between the DOD and companies like Pfizer and Moderna."

I found it very disappointing that John should make the comment above. Clearly he doesn't get the importance of sharp distinctions and this is bizarre given his close relationship with Peter Mccullough who is the epitome of sharp distinctions. Don't water down the work of these two brilliant researchers. All of the medical orientation towards discovering the "science" of the now clearly non-medical military counter measures is a red hearing and while poisoned people need to be considered and antidotes and treatments developed the bigger game is still in play and we hardly need to go back to Ike to see that. It's right here in front of us with Latypova and Watt. Wake up my Friend!

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Well said

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In this vein, see also the writing of Whitney Webb. Her volumes One Nation Under Blackmail draws out the connections between the criminal underworld and the MIC.

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Assuming what Whitney writes is true, there are direct connections and collaboration between the US intelligence agencies, UK and Israeli intelligence agencies, and US organized crime. And I guess none of this should surprise fans of movies like The Departed, or fans of JFK assassination theories which implicate the CIA and the National Crime Syndicate.

As an average American observer of current events, the pandemic, the absurd restrictions on doctors, the insistence that lab-leak theories had been "debunked" and the fervent marketing of the jabs have taught me that "crazy conspiracy theories" are more plausible than I ever thought. So, in addition to surviving the pandemic (so far), I've learned something useful. Great job America.

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Webb provides copious footnotes and references. Her work is typically highly substantiated. There’s a point where information assembled is no longer a theory, however one chooses to characterize it. It’s not too different than Wheel Of Fortune. How many letters does one need to see before the message is legible?

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"Defining and delineating how exactly these organizations relate to and benefit from each other strikes me as a formidable undertaking."

Indeed. JFK and RFK took them on and were summarily eliminated. If you don't think these bastards have become even more powerful and more ruthless your be kidding yourself.

This is going to get ugly either way it goes. So personally I'd rather go down swinging.

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I ‘d rather bob and weave like Axel Rose in the original welcome to the jungle video so they can’t get a bead on me.

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Point taken of course. Dying isn't high on my list of things to do any time soon.

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What do we do to fight back, that is to "go down swinging"?

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Well for starters I offered to drive a billboard box truck on all the communist controlled string holds.

I need a truck and some help with developing content and I'll drive it all over Masskachusetts in all the urban centers to try and educate the indoctrinated.

If we had a bunch of these trucks transferring the country we could bypass the tech censorship very easily.

I made the offer to Mr. Kirsch...I hope someone gets him the message and he takes me up on it.

I have some ideas for content and how to do it in a non threatening way focusing only on the desire to be helpful. I want to create a "Did You Know" series of quick hitting fact based visual infomercials that can play on a loop on for sides of the truck box.

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If love it if somebody puts me to work.

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Check with Bob Bolus, he has a trucking co.in Scranton, Pa. He was on team Trump in 2020 and used his trucks to get his message out. Not sure where his head is now in the aftermath of the plandemic.

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You have contact info for me. Bolus?

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Unfortunately that's not going to help...I don't have a Twitter account since I was banned 2 years ago.... I'll try to find him some other way.


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Trump was part of the criminal mob. Don't trust anyone associated with him.

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Yes ma'am

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Maybe people of wealth 'on our side' will contribute the truck and we can transport it from state to state taking turns. 😁🤩

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I believe it is important to help folks realize their government is doing this to them. Many people still live under the delusion that we have a democracy. This leap of understanding is a bigger red pill.

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Yes re red pill. But what do we do with our knowledge? That is, can we and how can we end this murdering of us?

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I know that we need to stop looking for heroes to save us. The heroes have been very busy distracting us over the past 3 years while the killing continues unabated.

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The elephant in the room: What ELSE are they doing to systematically exterminate all of us? We KNOW the massive amounts of research showing the toxicity of glyphosate, GMO food and EMF radiation are being ignored. We KNOW the media, social media and entertainment industry is being weaponized in psychological warfare. We KNOW valid elections are a fantasy. The only real question that matters is what is each of us going to do about it?

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Thanks Dr. Mc Cullough and Mr. Leake for following up with Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova...leading your readers to this information is priceless and helps spread the message that justice will not come from a meeting in a bar with a purported Pfizer employee who is divulging "new" news....the masses want easy answers as Watt and Latypova show there are no easy answers only complicated, years long development of laws creating an evil system designed to harm us all created by the government that claims to represent us....Put aside wishful thinking, start the hard slog of reading Bailiwick News and Latypova ( you can find them on You Tube and other channels as well) try to get your head around the evil that has been perpetrated on all of us and share this information with everyone you know to help take their blinders off so we can begin to work together toward change.

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to Karla: Yes.

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Other movies I’ve thought about in recent years:

The Fugitive, where a giant pharma company was killing whistle blowers who knew it’s new drug was causing (cancer?) horrible side effects.

I Am Legend: It opens with a doctor claiming she’d cured cancer via a new vaccine. A couple months later, pretty much everyone except Will Smith was either dead or a zombie.

Not like Hollywood hasn’t been warning us for years.

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For decades the gtovt has killed those doctors and scientists who invented cures.

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If you can, watch the first few minutes of the movie "Misconduct" from 2016, based on a fictitious Pierson pharmaceutical company and it's deadly drug trials. "They lied." "They need to be accountable." "No one should be allowed to get away with this." Sounds familiar. (Anthony Hopkins and Al Pacino make it worth watching.)

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It's also really important that the EUA law: (1) put the HHS Sec'y, alone, in charge of authorizing the Covid injection "countermeasures", (2) with the only criteria being that it "might" be useful in combating the emergency, given whatever info s/he had available at the time the decision was made, and (3) it's illegal to do any clinical studies on any product while it's under EUA usage. It's important that everyone understand that these are laws that congress passed and that are still in place. Sasha explains all that at 3:21 in 3:21 in https://doctors4covidethics.org/gold-standard-covid-science-in-practice-an-interdisciplinary-symposium-v-in-the-midst-of-darkness-light-prevails/

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Interesting. I was involved in a trial that would have stopped the injections over a year ago by showing their toxicity. It was not supported by any of the individuals associated with this substack. It was unfortunately halted because of "ethical concerns" raised by corrupt infiltrators.I am not aware of any laws against clinical trials of EUA products.

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It’s wording in the EUA law. That law can be used to prevent publication of any trial results that go against the narrative. Perhaps the trial you were involved in hoped to show that the injections are ok, and perhaps it got killed because the data didn’t fit the narrative. In any case, the wording is right there in the law.

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Show me the wording, please. Link to document? Sasha did NOT say such a trial is illegal, she said clinical trials weren't done. You know nothing about the trial so stop speculating. It would have buried the damn things. Why hasn't such a clinical trial been done? Ever, anywhere? Any such EUA law would be unenforceable anyway. It's the mob they are all worried about, every pathetic coward pretending to be a hero right here. The Mafia is alive and well, and it's new name is US intelligence agencies and DOD.

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The wording of the law is in Sasha’s talk, which I provided a link to, and you can also look up the law directly if you like.

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The message I took from Whitney Webb's One Nation Under Blackmail is that what Americans have been conditioned to think of as business is really organized crime with official-looking offices. The Wall St. banks are stunning examples of this, as is Pharma.

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We're living a dystopian 'fiction' prediction, more than anything else. I'd say we're living a combination of Brave New World and 1984.

Looks like Huxley and Orwell were prescient.

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Orwell was an intelligence agent and Huxley and his brother Julian were eugenists. Julian Huxley led UNESCO and the British eugenics society. They have been planning this for a long time.

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Then who actually manufactures the 'vax'?

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Ah, who IS creating the injections, then, if not the DoD?

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Fosun Pharma, Shanghai, (CCP) formerly in joint partnership with BioNTech out of Germany, as of January 2021 fully owned by Fosun.

Dr Naomi R Wolf wrote about this on her Substack. Natalie R Winters of WarRoom:Pandemic also has scoop on this.

Here is a link:https://en.fosun.com/content/details74_7195.html

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Thanks, I am working with Naomi and the team on the Florida Grand Jury submissions. Fosun is behind the new push for mRNA jabs in China, as I have broadcast on Gettr. Daily Clout has republished some of my work on the US Bioweapons effort.


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Uh, maybe some of us are wrong. Below is the Amazon link to the book by War Room: Daily Clout ($9.99 Kindle) that Geoff cited in one of his Substack articles. The book is a 700+ page analysis by a volunteer team of the information in the Pfizer documents that the judge required Pfizer to make available.

Perhaps this is the source of Geoff's knowledge of the ingredients in the countermeasure and the locations of the manufacture?


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That link is proof of nothing. The manufacturing chain is much more elaborate and complex than a single facility in Andover.

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I did in fact tell you that the supply chain is fully known. Without Andover production there would be no Pfizer jabs in USA.

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Jan 28, 2023
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And the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation donated over $17M to Pfizer in 2017 for a 'Pneumonia' Grant. A coincidence? I think not.

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Jan 28, 2023
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See page 430 of the Book

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I’ve just finished “The Courage to Face Covid-19” by Mr Leake and Dr McCullough. Like Mr Leake, my degree is in History, American History. He’s far and away a superb researcher and storyteller. The book is not a thriller. But it does tell the story of many killers. CEPI, WEF, Gates, Fauci, Big Pharma and Media. The arrogance of the progressive elitists along with the concurrence of greed and distain for mankind has no rival in the history of the world.

This book is a must read and share with ten others. Do others have the courage to read it? Do they have the courage to bring these criminals to a world justice tribunal?

Some say that this is so big that no conspiracy could exist. Pre-Email and Internet that likely would have been true. But today’s technology makes it easy to conspire without ever having to meet or openly discuss your common goals. And that is what these criminals did - they signaled - in the open where it would be less noticeable- each other about how to accomplish their goals.

Covid victims and those who have perished due to the destruction these repeated mRNA jabs have done to their immune systems scream out from their graves.

What penalty? Why not a few doses of their own medicine?! For each, six doses of this mRNA JAB given two months a part! Let’s see how many survive the first four shots!

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That was a fabulous description of their book.

You talked me into reading it. Thank you!

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