All hospitals handed out the same treatment….no one tried to be better than the other hospitals…….scripted treatment or no payout……easy to answer that . Loss of thousands or even millions of dollars.

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My Comment

Thank you for posting this video. As always, it was very informative.

The video ran for 27:27 minutes, or 1,647 seconds. Sadly, 912 seconds, or 55% -- more than half the audio, is missing from the written transcript. Here are the time stamps:

BEGIN OMISSION from [4:49] to [5:16] (27 seconds)

BEGIN OMISSION from [6:47] to [7:12] (25 seconds)

BEGIN OMISSION from [7:38] to [8:28] (50 seconds)

BEGIN OMISSION from [8:49] to [9:16] (27 seconds)

BEGIN OMISSION from [9:36] to [11:15] (99 seconds)

BEGIN OMISSION from [11:58] to [12:54] (56 seconds)

BEGIN OMISSION from [13:23] to [13:45] (82 seconds)

BEGIN OMISSION from [14:00] to [14:29] (29 seconds)

BEGIN OMISSION from [15:24] to [16:13] (49 seconds)

BEGIN OMISSION from [16:49] to [17:05] (16 seconds)

BEGIN OMISSION from [18:16] to [20:25] (69 seconds)

BEGIN OMISSION from [20:52] to [21:52] (60 seconds)

BEGIN OMISSION from [22:21] to [23:39] (78 seconds)

BEGIN OMISSION from [24:17] to [24:49] (92 seconds)

BEGIN OMISSION from [25:11] to [25:34] (83 seconds)

BEGIN OMISSION from [26:17] to [27:27] (70 seconds)

I only have space to post one omission. Here it is:

BEGIN OMISSION from 20:52 to 21:52 (60 seconds)

[20:52] Dr. McCullough: So we should only get a test when someone is acutely ill and it's going to make a difference. So they better really look like they have acute pulmonary COVID to get a test. And as a parent, my advice is, if a child comes in with an ankle sprain or a case of possible appendicitis or something like this, simply decline the COVID testing. Say, No, my child doesn't have COVID, decline the test. Because if the test is positive, this whole sequence of losing your rights and going into isolation and all of that happens, and one quickly loses ability to control what's going on. So I think it's key to decline the test and say, "No. I'm declining this. I'm declining this." For therapeutics, when it's acute COVID-19, everyone should know this, the World Health Organization, in November 2020, and they re-evaluated it in May of 2022, and published it in Lancet, they say, "Do not use remdesivir to treat COVID-19. [21:52]


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A different road…..check table salt 🧂…. Ingredient…yellow prussiate of soda ….. CYANIDE….. ask yourself why…. tons of poisonous ingredients added to air, food and water…..again….ask yourself…..governments are evil…..very evil……WAKEY WAKEY….its against the law to poison your other half…..why is it ok for evil communist governments to do it to the world population…..jabs….poisonous as well.

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Thank you!

We know what and why the Predators and their agents did. Now is the time to energetically go after them and put them on Trial in a People's Court-Nuremberg 2.0.

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Great job, thanks so much for posting this. I hope every parent on the planet sees this discussion!

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Vaccination against covid reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases - Study from Slovakia - https://www.health.gov.sk/Zdroje?/Sources/dokumenty/IZA/Covid-and-CVD.pdf Slovakia is a corrupt state, is it possible that to such an extent?

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Not possible…LIKELY

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thank you

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Nice tattoos

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Question: Has the Fatal Remdesivir, the Hospital Protocol mandated by FraudFauci ever been cancelled? If not, Why not?

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