I will never again have a vaccine. I had the shingles shots in 2015 & ever since, I get shingles! As for the mRNA, none for me

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I thought we established there’s no “vaccine” necessary for a respiratory virus? Why are we even discussing the pros and cons of these injections at this stage of the game, when there are safe, effective ways to prevent and treat respiratory viruses? The message should be: NO shot is safer than ANY shot.

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I wondered also

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Very interesting to explore the case Drosten-Corman and the PCR-RT tests Covid, or if you want the scandal behind this case, the conections with Merkel, "Detection of 2019 novel coronavírus (2019-nCoV) by real time RT-PCR", the line time is very interesting...

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We need to stop referring to these products as vaccines. They are injections. Poisonous injections.

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Science says "a vaccine is a vaccination that prevents transmission of a virus or gives one immunity." SO any vaccine that doesn't do either cannot be labeled a vaccine.

This contributes to the massive fraud and coercion within the COVID pandemic. Being educated from the pandemic will be a extension of life in the long run.

Dr. McCullough is at the top of my list of sources that have educated me.

I recommend a subscription is a extension of life.

He will always put something of value in your box.

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I agree. I have been following Dr. McCullough from the beginning of this whole scam & debacle. I am not only a satisfied subscriber to his substack, but a donor to his foundation.

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So interesting to see the FDA halt a shot based on 1 report of injury while turning a blind eye to the utter carnage wrought by the Pfizer and Murderna shots. Could it really be just an issue of payoffs and lobbying power? The only other answer is Intentional harm. The entire group of decision makers who endorsed and promoted these horrifying injections should be arrested and charged with genocide.

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

Four years ago I knew two people with cancer -- who were slowly being murdered by chemo after their finances were run dry.

Today I know dozens. All have very aggressive cancers, with only months to live -- after their finances have been run dry of course.

These people ALL have two things in common: (1) They were healthy, active, and liberal. True believers. (2) They ALL had multiple vaccines.

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What are the risks of having taken the Janssen vaccine? Is detox recommended for those who took Janssen?

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The Novavax jab also used cell cultures derived from the elective abortion of a healthy baby in its R&D. They try to keep that a secret. They denied it when I asked them before it was approved under EUA but I gleaned the research literature and found out that was a lie. As part of any informed consent, I believe I have a right to know this. All products must be conspicuously labeled with this information if the product was developed, tested or manufactured using any of these cell cultures. I believe I have a right to know this. I’m not asking that such products be banned; I just need to know before I would agree to taking any of them. Unfortunately, efforts to require this labeling has failed. I wish medical researchers would find an alternative means rather than participating in the cannabalization of a healthy preborn baby!

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Re.: " royalties to NIH staffers..."

I was in the financial advisory business for many years. At minimum I'd lose my license to practice for receiving royalties without disclosing that fact. Who'd have the thought the crooked financial industry does it better than the crooked medical establishment?

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LOL…I do not have a show, but could answer this question easily as to why mRNA is being pushed and other vaccines are being subjected to ‘safety concerns’. But let’s get real here…have we ever seen a flu vaccine of any kind, or a covid vax, that, in terms of ABSOLUTE risk, was worthwhile? No. So frankly, Novavax vs mRNA shouldn’t even be a discussion. We should stay away from both.

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Your natural immunity is safer and more effective than the MRNA Vaccine. According to Dr. Malone who helped pioneer this vaccine, in 2020 he admitted "the MRNA Vaccine was never meant to be used in humans".

He didn't say why but he holds the answer on the safety of the vaccine.

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