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US Public Health Agencies Show Bias Against Novavax and Janssen While Favoring mRNA Vaccines

Emerald Robinson with Dr. McCullough on "Caution" with Safest Choice Novavax while Pushing Far More Dangerous mRNA

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

Emerald Robinson on the Absolute Truth has never held back on her views about the unsafe and ineffective COVID-19 vaccines. She is unvaccinated, and does not have the psychological baggage that can be carried by many in the jabbed media. In this show she points out that the regulatory agencies and Novavax have paused the company’s combination influenza/COVID-19 vaccine for one case of motor neuropathy. She asked me why the caution with the antigen based vaccine while the same agencies have no concerns whatsoever with continued injuries, disabilities, and deaths occurring in large numbers with the mRNA Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

It is my view that from the beginning the CDC, FDA, and NIH pushed mRNA vaccines preferentially over the adenoviral (Janssen, now off the market) and antigen-based Novavax. The reasons include CDC favoritism to Pfizer and Moderna marketing via in-house CDC promoting office staffed by Weber Shandwick, a huge government investment in mRNA, royalties to NIH staffers, and a view that mRNA is the future of vaccines for many conditions.

Please watch the clip as we break down why this faulty set of views combined with corruption has effectively suppressed Novavax as the safest COVID-19 vaccine choice. Before the show I asked Dr. Jessica Rose for informal VAERS query and she reported 6 Novavax COVID-19 vaccine deaths globally. This pales in comparison to tens of thousands of mRNA fatalities in the safety databases and possibly millions in reality around the world.

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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

President, McCullough Foundation

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Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake
Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake Podcast
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