The greatest threat to human beings basic commonsense is the "SHRINK". The Psycho industry has captivated almost all Jewish heritage peoples minds and money , and the developed worlds population at a lesser extent by promoting the necessity to create new so called psychiatric diseases every year in the Diagnostic and Statistical manual.

In other words tell me doc-shrink "whats wrong with me", when in reality nothing is wrong, except absence of hard labor to tire mind and body into a restful scenario of sleep medicine.

Its just the fact that too much free time gives potential shrink candidates, too much time to conjure up ghost aches, pains, and ailments.

The same goes for these vaccine promoters and takers, who want the so called easy way of popping a pill or getting injected to avoid the "so called bother of delving into natural immunity.

In saying what I am saying , I am not anti-Jewish, but I see the writing on the wall of a small bunch of shrinks and pharma execs gaining more control over the basic FREEDOMS OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC.

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Please everyone...don't forget you have FREE WILL--even when people like Jimmy Kimmel say "SCREW YOUR FREEDOM"....We didn't have to take these injections. We could have said "no"....Remember that Denis Rancourt expert statistician has surmised from excess death records from multiple countries. See his substack: THERE WAS NO PANDEMIC....there was no excess death during that time period.

All the excess deaths came with the onset of the "covid vaccine" campaign.

Doctors (i.e. vaccinators} need to exemplify "passive resistance"...

There are some doctors who carefully filled their syringes with saline solution....or simply "missed" the mark with the stuff going some place harmless....like the floor. Doctors can keep their jobs and not kill people....They used to pledge to "Do no harm"....

Maybe that pledge should come back in vogue?

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In my estimation the POWER BROKERS COERCION was overwhelming the free will of many who were to intimidated because of job, military, and/or peer pressures.

Doctors were the most overwhelmed by their own kind and the so called FDA and CDC purported care for the general population. What a joke are those federal agencies, and even both Trump and Biden were overwhelmed.

So much for protection of USA peoples rights under the Constitution.

The only person who had any theoretical balls was Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg who succinctly stated and I am paraphrasing "whats wrong with you people that you don't assert your fundamental rights.

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It takes a woman to have some balls...

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Bravo lets have an army of Ruthies having the last word. it could bring down collusive Presidents, and media collusion.

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Besides Dr. McCullough, Dr. Mercola and Midwestern Doctor, I boycott the entire AMA, Big Pharma, so called the Medical/Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex.

Years ago I fractured my femur, went through a sugary, which was not needed as I learned afterwards, then days on strong antibiotics, what damaged my immune system.

Transgenderism is promoted and surgeries performed for PROFIT. MSM has been captured/bribed by Big Pharma. "Do not harm" i not profitable; there are no ethics within medical community anymore.

Organs of aborted fetuses are being sold!

The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, recently also performed AFTER 28 weeks of pregnancy.

It's so tragic, so nonhuman!

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Does anyone know of a link between mRNA and mastocytosis? After a vaccine induced heart attack associated with small clots (cardiac catherization found no relevant blockage of main heart arteries, but PET scan found peripheral necrosis thus supporting blockage of capillaries adequate to induce a heart attack), then I took booster and got severe myocarditis. After this large damage to adaptive immune system was found. Now diagnosed with mastocytosis. I’m waiting for bone marrow biopsy to see if I’m one of the 10% who will die quickly. When I asked doctor if vaxx did this she went silent.

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VERY SORRY you have been injured. PRAYING for ALMIGHTY GOD to provide you His peace, comfort, protection and healing....

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My elderly Democrat sisters and cousins are still getting boosters. Though other family members have declined. I and my husband got Omicron, my husband with multiple co-comorbidities. My treatment at home kept me through several days of illness, my husband needed extreme home care (thankfully there was no doctor or room in the hospital) which our doctor helped with very well. I have a couple of auto-immune diagnoses and have had long covid so I am attempting to detox with not much success at this point. Trusting Yahweh for my life whether or not my body survives. Thank you for your work.

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Why is the PCR test used? I thought it was not valid.

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Exactly, And I cannot believe that Major Medical Clinics Are still Pushing the CovidBoosters. It must be mandated by this radical Biden Administration. Just like Zuckerberg stated today that he is sorry to say that Facebook was pressured by the BidenAdministration to Censor opponents speech. I'm sure the Remdesivir Protocol still in effect in Hospitals too. Disgraceful

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I don't understand Dr. McCullough regarding the candidates and insulting the others' constituencies. President Trump has criticized his opponent(s), not the people who support her/him.

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Trump responds after he is criticized by others first.

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An amazing interview!

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About the comment at the end re transgenders and the sudden shift that occured, I do wonder whether the respective segment of the population even thinks at all. It appears that all this is is that these people simply think what they are told to think, and more precisely, what it is expected of them to think in order to feel socially acceptable. They seem to operate as a tightly coordinated bee hive, with zero individualism. Can explain the mechanism, but that's what it looks like to me. Love the response to the other question towards the end: whatever happens, we just have to take care of ourselves, our health and well being, and those close to us that we love and care about. Dark thoughts come and go. I just let them come and then let them go.

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Yes! I don’t drink alcohol either!

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