But Vaccines are bioweapons, All of Them!

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Unvaccinated children are indeed healthier than vaccinated children: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7268563/

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I agree to the 95th degree, I'm just not sure about Yellow Fever shots. Thoughts?

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My mother in law developed ALS shortly after that jab when taking a trip to Haiti. It is a slow terrible way to die.

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/V24Rb0I3VX

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are you in an area where Yellow Fever is a real problem? what area is that?

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also I lived for years in India and as far as I can remember I never bothered with 'vaccines'. If you tend to get 'sick' or feel yourself to be 'fragile'...then again, that may be all the more reason to avoid 'vaccines'.

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Vaccine against yellow fever produces negative immune response. It means it can cause autoimmune diseases, allergies, immunodefociencies, and organ transplant rejection.It acts in the same way as Pfizer's Covid mRNA transfection.


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Really? Most of us are done with ALL vaccines. Including the ones for our pets & livestock.

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This tool helps reduce unnecessary and dangerous hyper-vaccination practices recommended by the CDC. Most people are still following these nonsense recommendations and need abundant evidence to sway their opinions.

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But not one vaccine is safe

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Fair enough. Every bit helps.

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My vet tried to demand my indoor animal get a rabies vax to be seen. I told them to go F themselves, wrote a scathing letter and copied every contact there and at their corporate HQ I could find. They are doing the same thing to our pets, that they are trying to do to us!

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I have a Vax injured cat after the place I rescued her from demanded as part of the contract I get her boosted. ALL VACCINES ARE HARMFUL

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I'm in the same boat. My elderly dog needs preferably 2 "wellness" checkups per year, and an annual dental exam/cleaning. There's no one I can take him to that doesn't require an updated rabies vax. He's 13 and under 6 pounds. To get them off my back on parvo/distemper, I paid for antibody titer tests which proved he's still protected from the vax's he received 12 years ago.

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Dr Richard Ford Antibody Titers vs vaccination

Richard B. Ford, DVM, MS Emeritus is a Professor of Medicine Diplomate ACVIM and ACVPM (Hon) from the North Carolina State University. He serves on both the AAHA Canine Vaccination Task Force and AAFP Feline Vaccination Advisory Panel.

Professor Ford has written an article on In House Titer Testing and the benefits they provide for the pet as part of the Canine and Feline protocol.

A negative test result indicates the patient does not have protective levels of circulating antibody. HOWEVER, a negative test result does NOT necessarily define susceptibility.

Among Previously vaccinated animals, IMMUNE MEMORY (B-Lymphocytes) can be sustained for many years DESPITE declining antibody levels; exposure to a pathogenic virus (eg, distemper or parvovirus) can result in a RAPID and protective ANAMNESTIC RESPONSE.

INTERPRETATION OF ANTIBODY TEST RESULTS - The following interpretations apply to antibody test results for CAV-1*, CDV, CPV, and FPV, reported by a reputable diagnostic laboratory or obtained from an in-clinic test kit:

A NEGATIVE ANTIBODY TEST result in a Previously vaccinated dog or cat must be interpreted on the basis of age and prior vaccination history..

NEGATIVE test result in Protected Patient: Over time, antibody levels in a previously vaccinated adult dog or cat that is not revaccinated, or naturally exposed May FALL to NEGATIVE LEVELS.

MEMORY CELLS (B-lymphocytes), HOWEVER, can persist longer than antibody. Exposure to virulent virus is expected to rapidly boost the patient’s antibody response and PROTECT.

Antibody Titers Versus Vaccination






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Download this pdf, your dog can have a negative titer but dog is still immune. I dont titer adult dogs. I would only titer pups from 8 weeks to watch MDA going down.

Antibody Testing vs. Vaccination Applications in Clinical Practice.

Richard B. Ford, DVM, MS Emeritus Professor of Medicine Diplomate ACVIM and ACVPM (Hon) North Carolina State University Raleigh, North Carolina

In the clinical setting, documentation of a protective antibody response following vaccination (canine distemper, parvovirus, adenovirus) serves as a REFERENCE POINT, or BASELINE RESULT, in the event a patient has a “NEGATIVE” test result at some point in the future. Documenting a “positive” response indicates the patient has, in FACT, developed..

“ Sustained, long-term immunity (B-cell “memory”) and is expected to be protected for several years (life?) even though circulating levels of antibody may decline to “NEGATIVE” levels.”

Establishing a baseline result can impact patient management decisions (risk vs. benefit) in the event that vaccine administration should ever become contraindicated (eg, vaccine adverse event or immune-mediated disease)…

A “NEGATIVE” test result ONLY indicates that the patient’s sample either did not have a detectable level of antibody or that the level present was below the defined “positive” threshold or control. NOTE...a “NEGATIVE” test result DOESN’T necessarily correlate with “susceptibility”

Interpretation: The adult dog/cat that has a history of prior vaccination, “positive” antibody test results are expected for each of the viruses, even in patients that are significantly overdue for a scheduled booster. “Positive” test results indicate that the patient does have protective immunity and that re-vaccination is not necessary.

ON THE OTHER HAND, antibody testing of previously vaccinated, adults will occasionally yield a “NEGATIVE” antibody test results for one (or more) of the viruses. It HAPPENS... antibody is a protein and blood levels can diminish over time in the absence of exposure (or re-vaccination).

In contrast to the previous two examples, in which a “negative” test result indicates susceptibility...a “NEGATIVE” test result in the adult, previously vaccinated dog or cat likely does NOT correlate with susceptibility...

Does a “positive” antibody test result look forward?

Consider this: Does a “positive” antibody test result today assure the patient will be protected tomorrow? ... or a year from now? ...or 3 years from now?

In a way...YES...it does. “Positive” antibody test results for the core diseases NOT ONLY correlate with protection, but indicate that the patient has produced…

“Long-term immune (B-cell) “MEMORY”. This “memory” (clones of B-lymphocytes residing in germinal centers of lymphoid tissue) enables the patient to “REMEMBER” specific antigenic epitopes (binding sites) on the virulent virus”

....for years...depending on the antigen. If the patient is exposed to virulent virus, the patient rapidly (days) develops a “secondary” (or, ANAMNESTIC) antibody RESPONSE, even if the antibody level has declined to a levels below the “positive” threshold on a test.

FOR THIS REASON: a “NEGATIVE” antibody test result in a dog that has previously been vaccinated against distemper, parvovirus, and adenovirus, does NOT necessarily correlate with susceptibility.

...among previously vaccinated adults, “IMMUNE MEMORY” is likely sustained and is expected to provide a rapid, protective response if exposure to virulent virus occurs even in the ABSENCE of detectable levels of antibody.

Antibody Testing vs. Vaccination Applications in Clinical Practice




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I'm aware of immune memory. The main problem is the rabies vaccine. It's mandatory (either the 1-year or 3-year shot) in all 50 states, and titers aren't accepted in lieu of re-vaccination. Parvo and distemper are different (not mandated). I did those titers for my own peace of mind and to "encourage" my vet clinic to begin offering them to pet owners at a reasonable price.

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Aren’t there any holistic vets you could go to? I understand your frustration. We had a sick elderly cat, indoor only, and the vet was giving my husband a hard time about no rabies vax and not sure if they would see my cat who was already there in the exam room. I told them I had a cat die young from the rabies vaccine and will not do that ever again. Instead of the young vet, we got the older vet who owns the clinic. That was the best thing that could happen but I was horrified to be in an emergency situation where we were almost denied care over a stupid reason.

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There are a couple of holistic vets here. I went to one of them (with another dog) years ago. I wasn't impressed. She didn't appear to be set up to do routine veterinary procedures (e.g., dentals). Her "exam" was less than thorough, I think primarily because she was too heavy to do "floor exams," which I know some vets do. The bill was excessive. The other holistic vet looks even flakier. Bottom line, unfortunately, my experience with non-traditional vets hasn't been positive.

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Last I heard some years ago the Rabies titer in some places was accepted, Dr John Rob has a website he was doing them. Dr Will Falconer has a website and a substack he posts about rabies. The rabies challenge fund did the rabies challenge study years ago. A titer is better than over vaccinating so it’s good that way. Most dogs keep their titer for DHP. Not that antibodies are immunity because they aren’t titer can be negative in immune dog but it’s better than over vaccinating.

In the Netherlands they have been using titer tests for over 20 years now some vets in other countries are very slow at learning.

And because MDA neutralizes the vaccine virus rendering it useless, the pups fight it off as a natural infection. People who don’t know about titer tests and MDA over vaccinate puppies and don’t even check if one of the vaccines worked or not, because they don’t titer. That’s why some pups get parvovirus etc. People just assume one of them worked.

MDA can be present up to 25 weeks, every pup is an individual. So people titer pups in the nest to see the MDA level of each pup, and watch it go down then aim for one injection at the “right” time S1/0 to have a chance of it working. Then titer three-four weeks later to confirm so pup is not left unprotected and the owners don’t get a shock if the pup gets sick. To measure is to know Meten = Weten. (that’s if people are not natural rearing)

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Ok So now we are back to not all vaccines are bad!! wtf McCullough agrees with this BS???

So give the people something that makes them feel safe with taking the F in poisons!!! Is that what this is all about?? Forget all the previous books like turtles all the way down Forget the fact that no vaccines have been tested with a true saline placebo so all the data has been slanted to make the vaccines appear to be safe and effective Let’s just ignore the many ingredients on vaccines that are harmful when injected directly into the bloodstream And everyone’s body reacts differently One size fits all is ridiculous in medicine!!

This is unbelievable!! Let’s just keep ignoring that these vaccines are poison and need to be stopped and let’s pretend to give people a choice when it comes to taking vaccines! Wow

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The purpose of this tool is to educate parents of the real risks of these vaccines (there are many) and the toxins within them. Most pediatricians don’t disclose any of this. It’s not a “pro-vaccine” software designed to increase vaccine uptake— quite the opposite.

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Well. That’s a good thing if u can get the brainwashed people to use it

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I think it’s a good try. People like apps. It’s based on scientific evidence and people love to think they are being scientific and smart. Once they see the science, the toxins they are about to accept to be injected into their own child, it will be a whole lot harder to say “sure, what could happen?”. Doctors in seeing this evidence will not be able to defend the vaccines because they don’t have the evidence to support them. It’s not there.

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I think this is a great idea. Eighty-five percent of the US took the C shot meaning there are many who need to be educated about the dangers of vaccines. This seems to me to be a great tool to aid in that endeavor. I don’t understand the vitriol of the commenters.

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I suppose it's a consequence of the covid hysteria and I understand the reaction. I had covid twice. The first time in 2021 just 2 weeks before I was eligible for the shot. To my surprise it was no big deal. Just tired for 1 day with a body temperature up by 1 degree for about 8 hours. The state health department told me I should wait 90 days before getting the vaccine. I said "okay". I didn't want to tell the kind woman that I had no intention of getting a vaccine for a disease I already had. I had read enough by this time to be skeptical. Telling me I should get it in 90 days convinced me it wasn't "the science" making the recommendation.

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Considering that the FDA/Pharma wanted jab trial data concealed from the public for 55 years - until the US DoD stepped into the Courtroom to demand 75(IIRC) years of Top Secrecy - in a court case where the clearly uncorruptible Judge demanded instead that ALL of the study data be released in a timely manner and in legible form, (which it too-often wasn't anyway)

and that the jabs are still being referred to as 'safe and effective', with (individually)'rare side effects' (in total, forming a hefty pile),

it seems unlikely that the jabs - in any event never properly studied and not requiring Good Manufacturing Practices when under seemingly-forever-running emergency claims - will have such info displayed as has been in various of the publicly-released manufacturer's (and FDA-known prior to authorisation) study docs, such as that entitled: 1300 Adverse Events of Particular/Special(?) Interest to give fair warning of all potential possibilities resulting personal disasters.

The behaviour of such manufacturers and those public servants charged with regulating those corporations partially paying their salaries and often a source of lucrative jobs using that infamous 'revolving door' has not been such as to inspire trust.

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Sounds like a very useful tool to provide Informed Consent. Would be great to have for Canada (and other countries).

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It will be going by pharma data - whatever they've been forced to admit.

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We need this same platform adapted to Canada!

I can see this being a great baby gift to Mom & newborn for a baby shower!

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This will never work if the truth about vaccines is not admitted and made public. I have two vaccine-injured sons, now ages 28 and 26. They were both completely healthy until around the age of four, when each began showing signs of medical issues. So I began doing research on the internet, trying to figure out what was going on since all I ever got from their doctors was lies and nonsense. After more than 20 years of digging into he FACTS, I was forced to conclude that the entire 'science' behind vaccines is a lie. Vaccines - every one of them - are neither safe nor effective. For many decades, the public has been sold a bill of goods about vaccines, all in the name of profit for Big Pharma and their paid-off lobbyists and advocates. Every person and entity that is a part of "the authorities" must admit publicly that they have been lying to the public about vaccines, all of which should be discontinued and barred from human use ever again. Those "authorities" include governments and government agencies (especially those concerned with health), public officials, Big Pharma, the media, academia, and the medical profession. They all profit from vaccines and so have every reason to keep this fraud going forever. Thanks to Big Pharma and their supporters, we have the most drugged-up and unhealthy population in the West. If all these medications and drugs worked, our kids would be super healthy - they are anything but.

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So this app seems a great way to show the doctors what they don’t know. I think most of the pediatricians have no idea the harms they are causing by vaccination because they haven’t been forced to really look at the evidence and hide behind FDA and CDC says. No! Make them see they are responsible.

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No vaccine is safe. Period. GTFO with this nonsense. Want REAL informed consent, EDUCATE YOURSELF. Here is the gold standard that I found so far, and download PDFs of physicians desk references which is an immense database on pharmaceuticals.


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No one here is calling the vaccines safe. The tool reveals that they are in fact unsafe, especially given the total toxic burden from the ill-advised CDC hyper-vaccination schedule.

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Synthetics and artificiality is part of the end game agenda. Nature provides everything. That knowledge has been stolen and occulted from humanity by your masters.

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If you could quickly pull up the evidence against the ingredients in the vaccines and show it to the doctor, don’t you think that they would back off?! I think this is a great idea. Show the doctors the harm in what they are doing and then say no to it being done.

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My 90 yo mother fell, hit her head and needed an ER visit. When they fixed her up they said she just needed a tetanus shot before she leaves. They were shocked when I asked “is it ONLY tetanus in the shot?” After checking with pharmacy, they could only offer it with Diptheria or with Pertussis and Diptheria. We politely declined. It was obvious, nobody questions anything..

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Actually, getting a tetanus shot in the hope of being protected against tetanus following a puncture wound is hopeless anyway, something I learnt only in relatively recent years.

Luckily, tetanus is something that almost nobody gets anymore, since it's seemingly present in very few areas. I've never heard of anyone getting it myself, in any area I've lived in.

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So....which vaccine doesn't cause risks?

Is there really a reliable risk vs benefit analysis that we can trust?

Maybe maintaining a strong immune system is the best disease preventative.

Besides, would I trust any vaccine-maker again? NOT ON YOUR LIFE!

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/V24Rb0I3VX

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If Chris has not already done so, and given his project’s intent to enable users to become empowered by informed consent, there would be enormous value in incorporating the information in the book: Turtles All the Way Down.

For example, it spells out, with all references, the respective developmental history behind each and every vaccine on CDC’s schedule, and thereby demonstrates unequivocally that not one has been developed on the basis of a legitimate trial, since not one incorporated what such trials should for comparison of candidate vaccine versus a control, a neutral placebo.

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WTF is the point of all of this? Informed decision about what poison to inject? Vaccine "science" is FRAUD. They are ALL bad. ALL OF THEM. DO NOT inject big pharma poison into your body!!!

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I’m not sure why I would want a “vaccine friendly” doctor. Obviously, that doctor does not know there were no safety studies done on ANY of the vaccines.

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This seems to me a surefire way of collecting personal information rather quickly and non-invasively.

As with any kind of “make-life-easier” application / tool,

how soon before the data collected or necessary to make such calculations, will be “sold” to the “Highest Bidder?”

The same way “24 & Me” or “Ancestry.com” DNA collecting websites were created, advertised and then sold to who else “China!” Or the highest bidder.

Now what could possibly be wrong with the CCP having DNA data-sets on millions of Americans and or people of the world along with their “vaccination” history?

How about a personalized “Bioweapon” which can target specific DNA individuals or worse yet, an entire ethic group of individuals?

Nah they wouldn’t do anything like that would they? Could they? Absolutely yes they would and they could! They’re probably working on it as I type this.

Oh how technology is masterfully incredible and dangerously powerful, all at the same time.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Could be best to just stay away from all "vaccines"....under what circumstances would there be valid exceptions?

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