Sugar/ HFCS, white flour, and vegetable oil are all plant based. We are meat, so there is no escaping meat. I am sure vegan diet can be very healthy if you avoid the processed junk food. I try to eat balanced meals avoiding processed garbage. Cows are a plant based solution too. Keto is interesting as a therapy, but I never tried it.

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Dr Paul Saladino (cardiologist with tons of nutrition study) would have MUCH to say against this line of thinking and he’d bring mountains of published evidence to back it up. Just like the statin industry / saturated fat is bad / high cholesterol is bad is largely a colossal fraud, so is the story of plants being a net positive for humans to eat. Plants, leaves, stems, roots, seeds don’t want to be eaten and have defense chemicals to thwart being eaten. Dr McCullough, I highly recommend interviewing Dr Paul Saladino. TY!

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I don’t think a type 1 diabetic could manage their blood sugar on a plant based diet without using generous amounts of insulin.

Insulin, itself, has harmful effects in the body. It’s my understanding that when glucose and insulin levels are simultaneously low, is where a healthy state is arrived.

The diabetic person as a model brings more clarity to how things work in normal people.

I’m just a regular person, but enjoy reading science based articles.

Another problem that the ketogenic promoters write about is the inability to be satiated on a purely plant based diet.

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Thanks so much for interviewing Dr Kahn, one of my favorites! At 72 I’ve been eating a whole food plant based diet for 6 yrs., have lots of energy, work out 6 days a week (cardio & weights), and even got certified as a group fitness instructor through ACE at age 70! My own Dr jokes that I’m going to live to 120, LOL.

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Our dairy animals (and plants) are being contaminated with mRNA injections under the guise of vaccines. They often are fed contaminated food themselves. If the animals were raised in a healthy environment they would be healthier to eat too. Plants contaminated by pesticides are no healthier. We can’t all afford to buy organic food and organic food is not abundantly available everywhere.

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You should invite cardiologist Jack Wolfson on.

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