Dr Paul Saladino (cardiologist with tons of nutrition study) would have MUCH to say against this line of thinking and he’d bring mountains of published evidence to back it up. Just like the statin industry / saturated fat is bad / high cholesterol is bad is largely a colossal fraud, so is the story of plants being a net positive for humans to eat. Plants, leaves, stems, roots, seeds don’t want to be eaten and have defense chemicals to thwart being eaten. Dr McCullough, I highly recommend interviewing Dr Paul Saladino. TY!
Sugar/ HFCS, white flour, and vegetable oil are all plant based. We are meat, so there is no escaping meat. I am sure vegan diet can be very healthy if you avoid the processed junk food. I try to eat balanced meals avoiding processed garbage. Cows are a plant based solution too. Keto is interesting as a therapy, but I never tried it.
I have IBS and 80% of my calories are beef, jarlsberg cheese, butter and olive oil. The rest are sweet potatoes, berries and chick peas. No more IBS. But if I start eating more plant based anything my IBS rebels. I dont like laying on the couch wth intestinal pain.
I'm following a carnivore + intermittent fasting eating plan, supplemented with vitamins and minerals. Dr. Berg is a great source of information on this topic, though he promotes ketogenic meals that incorporate lots of veggies which the carnivore community doesn't encourage. I'm more amenable to the carnivore vs. the ketogenic approach. The goal of course is to reduce insulin levels, which has the benefit of reducing inflammation throughout the body: inflammation causes autoimmune disease. Most of the veggies we buy at the grocery aren't natural, anyway. They're weird Frankenstein-like creations meant to be aesthetically pleasing much more than nutritious. On the other hand, it's impossible to fake grass-fed beef. They're trying of course, but in my opinion, your best bet is to eat what humans are designed to eat, and that's meat brother, not green beans. There are amazing stories out there of vegans giving up leafy greens for meat to get their life back. So give meat a chance. Those zealous vegans are the ones who'll have you eating crickets if you give them the chance.
Our dairy animals (and plants) are being contaminated with mRNA injections under the guise of vaccines. They often are fed contaminated food themselves. If the animals were raised in a healthy environment they would be healthier to eat too. Plants contaminated by pesticides are no healthier. We can’t all afford to buy organic food and organic food is not abundantly available everywhere.
I don’t think a type 1 diabetic could manage their blood sugar on a plant based diet without using generous amounts of insulin.
Insulin, itself, has harmful effects in the body. It’s my understanding that when glucose and insulin levels are simultaneously low, is where a healthy state is arrived.
The diabetic person as a model brings more clarity to how things work in normal people.
I’m just a regular person, but enjoy reading science based articles.
Another problem that the ketogenic promoters write about is the inability to be satiated on a purely plant based diet.
Thanks so much for interviewing Dr Kahn, one of my favorites! At 72 I’ve been eating a whole food plant based diet for 6 yrs., have lots of energy, work out 6 days a week (cardio & weights), and even got certified as a group fitness instructor through ACE at age 70! My own Dr jokes that I’m going to live to 120, LOL.
So much good information to converse and learn from. Where to start.
I always say “Brevity is a Gift” - but that’s not going to happen here. Lol so sorry
I’m a vegetarian naturally since a little girl. The only one in my family of 7 meat eaters. I was the one who took the hamburger off the bun and slipped it to our Poodle under the table. Basically I believe many of us are born that way. I had a bowel obstruction as a very small child and meat is just too heavy for me to digest. It takes the longest as we know and is the hardest work on our digestive systems.
I also as a young girl did not like to see the blood from the chickens and ground beef and roasts etc as they were being defrosted as both parents were working. I always saw the animal it once was. Thereafter I did not like cooking raw meat or handing it and I still do not. But alas, I met and married a Carnivore at 22 and thank goodness could cook a filet mignon with sautéed onions and a splash of red wine like the best French restaurants as my mother taught me. She was an excellent Cook and all 5 of us girls learned how to cook dinners for our husbands and families. As time went on we moved during my husbands residency from NY to Loma Linda and as a young mother with my first and only child was thrilled it was a Blue Zone. I raised my Son on Black Bean Burgers with avocados and delicious burritos and salad bars etc and great lunches every day close to the hospital. Never a fast food restaurant. No need to. I was already into “Mothers For Others” and the great Pesticide Organic movement that was underway.
I did not appreciate, however; that the President of The Hospital called me to make sure I was not serving any Meat or Wine at my home when I entertain when we first moved in to our new home.
No so-called religion should be based on food. Period. Especially when “they” were going out to private dinners and having both. Meat and wine.
Time marches on … off to England for a Ped Heart Specialty Fellowship for a year.
What wonderful Dover Sole, Berkshire Ham. Pubs with simmering gravy’s and roasted potatoes and mushy peas. My Son enjoyed all and the Cuisine was sustainable for the cold Rainey weather that impermeates your bones until you take a nice long hot bath with an English Beer when you finally get home soaking wet after the daily 4:00 downpour. My husband and I have fond memeories of the Old Claw Foot Tub in our rented home in Bearwood West Midlands that kept us from being creeky as we took public transportation that year. However -
The highlight was the Vegetarian Buffets on Sunday when he was off call and we met at the City Center on Sunday.
The Curries,the Chutneys, The Cauliflower, The Eggplant dishes, the Spinach and Garbanzo Beans with a Kingfisher in an Iced Glass… (when in Rome). High Teas were a highlight at all of the shopping malls. Then sadly - Mad Cow arises. Yes we were in England that year and cannot give blood. Henceforth.
We never ate hamburgers and rarely cooked meat except chicken. He did not like the taste of the Beef. In retrospect a blessing.
Then back to California and Our life in the Blue Zone until our son graduated from College. I guess as a follower of “Balance”
The most difficult spiritual and physical
homeostasis to achieve, there are so many factors to take into account. The Great St Theresa of Avila was very sickly all throughout her life until she adopted a strict vegetarian diet ( no meat or dairy) -unless the Sisters were weak or very ill and then required small amounts of meat in their broth for strength.
She was very light and clear in her thinking and did not need medical attention ever again. I also gave up dairy years ago but I enjoy egg whites with veggies in an omelet occasionally or a poached egg on vacation when I’m out to breakfast very rare.
I especially love a good Kosher Mazo ball Soup and Broth and always keep it in my freezer as we lived in NY for a time.
I cook all of my husbands meals and pack his lunch. He operates twice a day and needs stamina and a special diet. Less is more. Standing in one place at a time for many hours is hardest on the body.
My husband believes meat is important for strength and both his parents lived to 96 and 98. Spanish and German both were (Bone Broths Beef Consommés etc). He definitely believes in “family genetics as a risk factor for heart disease”. Both passed from old age not heart disease.
He has also and still does see the healthy marathon runners or daily 30 mile bikers in fit condition, non drinkers, non smokers have accelerated unexplainable disease even at a young age (40s 50s).
There is always an “X factor”
(ancestral related?). Then of course there are the daily smokers (30 years +) and daily drinkers still going and looking like dapper Game Show Hosts boasting they smoked their first Cigarette at 13 and never stopped and never will. Alas ~
I only know that as we have travelled and lived in certain Areas in US and Abroad
Some areas are definitely healthier than others and it is very obvious. I follow the octogenarians who have mostly vegetables and very little seafood or meat
(Usually the Japanese or Mediterranean)
But I feel unequivocally the most important takeaway is No Hormones in the meat if you enjoy a Carnivore Diet and absolutely No Pesticides (Organic) if you are Vegetarian or Vegan ( I was for 12 yrs Vegan following Dr Barnard) but now I integrate for strength as I’m older
Bone broths etc. Life is short. Food is Medicine but should also be enjoyed in moderation and all of the oldest living people loved their Birthday Cake ❣️
Statins .. just say NO .. If Statins lowered heart attack risk, Americans would have no heart attacks today. Doctors have been pouring statins down American's
throats for decades. They have horrible side effects. Their method of operation is to stop the liver from producing cholesterol.
I"m much more in line with Dr Aseem Molhotra's thinking on Statins and heart disease than doctors who think heart disease is caused by high cholesterol.
I didn't really hear you or Doctor Kahn speak to Sugar and the various Sugar substitutes, that are in most every processed food and drink in America, in
large quantities. There was one mention late in your discussion, when carb's were mentioned, but, almost nothing otherwise. Keto and Vegan diets both
stay away from Sugar. I haven't heard of a doctor suggesting a high sugar diet to battle heart disease. I have heard of the Metabolic theory for cancer,
that is gaining more support, because Cancer cells need sugar to survive, but, normal cells mostly use oxygen (the Warburg effect). Keto diets are part
of some metabolic treatments for cancer, but, I could see a vegan diet working just as well, unless ketones are part of the equasion. I'd love to
see some worldwide studies and data about diets and heart disease. My prediction would be that fats,meat,cholesterol and veggies don't cause heart disease, but, a
high consumption of SUGAR, and other inflamitory foods, will have a direct correlation with high heart disease. Big Pharma will not do these studies.
Big Pharma does do statin studies. But, any study by Big Pharma, in my book is highly questionable. Covid really brought out how Big Pharma has total
control of the government agencies, media (through their ability to 'advertize'/bribe), and medical journals (can you say Surgisphere?) Even 10 years
I've slept since I posted this comment and found out that Fructose from fruits etc is a sugar that cancer can use in place of Glucose. https://cancerandmetabolism.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40170-020-00222-9 So, I guess if you believe in the metabolic theory of cancer, the vegan diet is out and the keto diet is in, if you get a cancer diagnosis. Or at least the vegan part of the diet with carbs that contain fructose.
I went keto recently, to lose weight and drop glucose levels. The thing is, meat is so expensive I don't actually eat much. I do eat cheese and eggs and cream and the non carby veg and fruit. I have lost a bit of weight (I don't exercise enough, age 76), but I do feel better. My memory is better and my hearing. I take vit. supplements. Looking at our teeth there are the four canines. I take from that we were meant to eat meat, but not a lot. When I come off it, out of ketosis, I will stay with the whole food, low sugar/carb thing.
Hard pass on the plant based nonsense. I have been eating a low carb meat based diet since 2017, no grains or sugar, low carb vegetables, and low carb fruit. I am maintaining a 30 pound weight loss. My focus is unbelievable since doing low carb and ditching statins. Statins caused brain fog for me. Meat is a health food.
Does he speak to the inflammatory contribution to heart disease? The ubiquitous seed oils (pufa) is highly inflammatory. That's what destroys the endothelium along with glycation from higher carbs. Inflammation is the killer and the cholesterol is the response. Nathan Pritikin died at 69 from suicide because he had cancer.
Dr Paul Saladino (cardiologist with tons of nutrition study) would have MUCH to say against this line of thinking and he’d bring mountains of published evidence to back it up. Just like the statin industry / saturated fat is bad / high cholesterol is bad is largely a colossal fraud, so is the story of plants being a net positive for humans to eat. Plants, leaves, stems, roots, seeds don’t want to be eaten and have defense chemicals to thwart being eaten. Dr McCullough, I highly recommend interviewing Dr Paul Saladino. TY!
Sugar/ HFCS, white flour, and vegetable oil are all plant based. We are meat, so there is no escaping meat. I am sure vegan diet can be very healthy if you avoid the processed junk food. I try to eat balanced meals avoiding processed garbage. Cows are a plant based solution too. Keto is interesting as a therapy, but I never tried it.
I have IBS and 80% of my calories are beef, jarlsberg cheese, butter and olive oil. The rest are sweet potatoes, berries and chick peas. No more IBS. But if I start eating more plant based anything my IBS rebels. I dont like laying on the couch wth intestinal pain.
I'm following a carnivore + intermittent fasting eating plan, supplemented with vitamins and minerals. Dr. Berg is a great source of information on this topic, though he promotes ketogenic meals that incorporate lots of veggies which the carnivore community doesn't encourage. I'm more amenable to the carnivore vs. the ketogenic approach. The goal of course is to reduce insulin levels, which has the benefit of reducing inflammation throughout the body: inflammation causes autoimmune disease. Most of the veggies we buy at the grocery aren't natural, anyway. They're weird Frankenstein-like creations meant to be aesthetically pleasing much more than nutritious. On the other hand, it's impossible to fake grass-fed beef. They're trying of course, but in my opinion, your best bet is to eat what humans are designed to eat, and that's meat brother, not green beans. There are amazing stories out there of vegans giving up leafy greens for meat to get their life back. So give meat a chance. Those zealous vegans are the ones who'll have you eating crickets if you give them the chance.
Our dairy animals (and plants) are being contaminated with mRNA injections under the guise of vaccines. They often are fed contaminated food themselves. If the animals were raised in a healthy environment they would be healthier to eat too. Plants contaminated by pesticides are no healthier. We can’t all afford to buy organic food and organic food is not abundantly available everywhere.
McCullough believes in statins. Can see through covid but not big Pharma. All have biases.
I”feel different “ on carnivore. So there.
I don’t think a type 1 diabetic could manage their blood sugar on a plant based diet without using generous amounts of insulin.
Insulin, itself, has harmful effects in the body. It’s my understanding that when glucose and insulin levels are simultaneously low, is where a healthy state is arrived.
The diabetic person as a model brings more clarity to how things work in normal people.
I’m just a regular person, but enjoy reading science based articles.
Another problem that the ketogenic promoters write about is the inability to be satiated on a purely plant based diet.
Thanks so much for interviewing Dr Kahn, one of my favorites! At 72 I’ve been eating a whole food plant based diet for 6 yrs., have lots of energy, work out 6 days a week (cardio & weights), and even got certified as a group fitness instructor through ACE at age 70! My own Dr jokes that I’m going to live to 120, LOL.
Brilliant discussion! So glad I tuned in.
A pleasure to meet your mentor.
So much good information to converse and learn from. Where to start.
I always say “Brevity is a Gift” - but that’s not going to happen here. Lol so sorry
I’m a vegetarian naturally since a little girl. The only one in my family of 7 meat eaters. I was the one who took the hamburger off the bun and slipped it to our Poodle under the table. Basically I believe many of us are born that way. I had a bowel obstruction as a very small child and meat is just too heavy for me to digest. It takes the longest as we know and is the hardest work on our digestive systems.
I also as a young girl did not like to see the blood from the chickens and ground beef and roasts etc as they were being defrosted as both parents were working. I always saw the animal it once was. Thereafter I did not like cooking raw meat or handing it and I still do not. But alas, I met and married a Carnivore at 22 and thank goodness could cook a filet mignon with sautéed onions and a splash of red wine like the best French restaurants as my mother taught me. She was an excellent Cook and all 5 of us girls learned how to cook dinners for our husbands and families. As time went on we moved during my husbands residency from NY to Loma Linda and as a young mother with my first and only child was thrilled it was a Blue Zone. I raised my Son on Black Bean Burgers with avocados and delicious burritos and salad bars etc and great lunches every day close to the hospital. Never a fast food restaurant. No need to. I was already into “Mothers For Others” and the great Pesticide Organic movement that was underway.
I did not appreciate, however; that the President of The Hospital called me to make sure I was not serving any Meat or Wine at my home when I entertain when we first moved in to our new home.
No so-called religion should be based on food. Period. Especially when “they” were going out to private dinners and having both. Meat and wine.
Time marches on … off to England for a Ped Heart Specialty Fellowship for a year.
What wonderful Dover Sole, Berkshire Ham. Pubs with simmering gravy’s and roasted potatoes and mushy peas. My Son enjoyed all and the Cuisine was sustainable for the cold Rainey weather that impermeates your bones until you take a nice long hot bath with an English Beer when you finally get home soaking wet after the daily 4:00 downpour. My husband and I have fond memeories of the Old Claw Foot Tub in our rented home in Bearwood West Midlands that kept us from being creeky as we took public transportation that year. However -
The highlight was the Vegetarian Buffets on Sunday when he was off call and we met at the City Center on Sunday.
The Curries,the Chutneys, The Cauliflower, The Eggplant dishes, the Spinach and Garbanzo Beans with a Kingfisher in an Iced Glass… (when in Rome). High Teas were a highlight at all of the shopping malls. Then sadly - Mad Cow arises. Yes we were in England that year and cannot give blood. Henceforth.
We never ate hamburgers and rarely cooked meat except chicken. He did not like the taste of the Beef. In retrospect a blessing.
Then back to California and Our life in the Blue Zone until our son graduated from College. I guess as a follower of “Balance”
The most difficult spiritual and physical
homeostasis to achieve, there are so many factors to take into account. The Great St Theresa of Avila was very sickly all throughout her life until she adopted a strict vegetarian diet ( no meat or dairy) -unless the Sisters were weak or very ill and then required small amounts of meat in their broth for strength.
She was very light and clear in her thinking and did not need medical attention ever again. I also gave up dairy years ago but I enjoy egg whites with veggies in an omelet occasionally or a poached egg on vacation when I’m out to breakfast very rare.
I especially love a good Kosher Mazo ball Soup and Broth and always keep it in my freezer as we lived in NY for a time.
I cook all of my husbands meals and pack his lunch. He operates twice a day and needs stamina and a special diet. Less is more. Standing in one place at a time for many hours is hardest on the body.
My husband believes meat is important for strength and both his parents lived to 96 and 98. Spanish and German both were (Bone Broths Beef Consommés etc). He definitely believes in “family genetics as a risk factor for heart disease”. Both passed from old age not heart disease.
He has also and still does see the healthy marathon runners or daily 30 mile bikers in fit condition, non drinkers, non smokers have accelerated unexplainable disease even at a young age (40s 50s).
There is always an “X factor”
(ancestral related?). Then of course there are the daily smokers (30 years +) and daily drinkers still going and looking like dapper Game Show Hosts boasting they smoked their first Cigarette at 13 and never stopped and never will. Alas ~
I only know that as we have travelled and lived in certain Areas in US and Abroad
Some areas are definitely healthier than others and it is very obvious. I follow the octogenarians who have mostly vegetables and very little seafood or meat
(Usually the Japanese or Mediterranean)
But I feel unequivocally the most important takeaway is No Hormones in the meat if you enjoy a Carnivore Diet and absolutely No Pesticides (Organic) if you are Vegetarian or Vegan ( I was for 12 yrs Vegan following Dr Barnard) but now I integrate for strength as I’m older
Bone broths etc. Life is short. Food is Medicine but should also be enjoyed in moderation and all of the oldest living people loved their Birthday Cake ❣️
Stay young in Spirt! Enjoy your Carrot Cake
Smile :)
Statins .. just say NO .. If Statins lowered heart attack risk, Americans would have no heart attacks today. Doctors have been pouring statins down American's
throats for decades. They have horrible side effects. Their method of operation is to stop the liver from producing cholesterol.
The brain needs cholesterol to function.
I"m much more in line with Dr Aseem Molhotra's thinking on Statins and heart disease than doctors who think heart disease is caused by high cholesterol.
I didn't really hear you or Doctor Kahn speak to Sugar and the various Sugar substitutes, that are in most every processed food and drink in America, in
large quantities. There was one mention late in your discussion, when carb's were mentioned, but, almost nothing otherwise. Keto and Vegan diets both
stay away from Sugar. I haven't heard of a doctor suggesting a high sugar diet to battle heart disease. I have heard of the Metabolic theory for cancer,
that is gaining more support, because Cancer cells need sugar to survive, but, normal cells mostly use oxygen (the Warburg effect). Keto diets are part
of some metabolic treatments for cancer, but, I could see a vegan diet working just as well, unless ketones are part of the equasion. I'd love to
see some worldwide studies and data about diets and heart disease. My prediction would be that fats,meat,cholesterol and veggies don't cause heart disease, but, a
high consumption of SUGAR, and other inflamitory foods, will have a direct correlation with high heart disease. Big Pharma will not do these studies.
Big Pharma does do statin studies. But, any study by Big Pharma, in my book is highly questionable. Covid really brought out how Big Pharma has total
control of the government agencies, media (through their ability to 'advertize'/bribe), and medical journals (can you say Surgisphere?) Even 10 years
ago, they had huge control.
Dr Marsha Angell's book really opened my eyes to this. https://www.amazon.com/Truth-About-Drug-Companies-Deceive/dp/0375760946
When I see doctors resigning from the CDC over vaccine recommendations, that gets my attention.
Dr. Marion Gruber & Dr. Philip Krause, the Director and deputy director of the CDC's office of vaccine research, resigned over Children and booster
mRNA shots. The trust in Doctors these days has plummetted, and rightly so.
I did enjoy your discussion with Dr Kahn. Thank you very much for your fight for truth in the medical system.
I've slept since I posted this comment and found out that Fructose from fruits etc is a sugar that cancer can use in place of Glucose. https://cancerandmetabolism.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40170-020-00222-9 So, I guess if you believe in the metabolic theory of cancer, the vegan diet is out and the keto diet is in, if you get a cancer diagnosis. Or at least the vegan part of the diet with carbs that contain fructose.
Another Cardiologist who thinks Statins are not the great panacea that Big Pharma tries to make them. https://heartmdinstitute.com/heart-health/cholesterol/rethinking-statins/ and also https://heartmdinstitute.com/heart-health/lets-clear-up-cholesterol-confusion-once-for-all/
I appreciate this interview/ discussion. Thank you.
I went keto recently, to lose weight and drop glucose levels. The thing is, meat is so expensive I don't actually eat much. I do eat cheese and eggs and cream and the non carby veg and fruit. I have lost a bit of weight (I don't exercise enough, age 76), but I do feel better. My memory is better and my hearing. I take vit. supplements. Looking at our teeth there are the four canines. I take from that we were meant to eat meat, but not a lot. When I come off it, out of ketosis, I will stay with the whole food, low sugar/carb thing.
You should invite cardiologist Jack Wolfson on.
Hard pass on the plant based nonsense. I have been eating a low carb meat based diet since 2017, no grains or sugar, low carb vegetables, and low carb fruit. I am maintaining a 30 pound weight loss. My focus is unbelievable since doing low carb and ditching statins. Statins caused brain fog for me. Meat is a health food.
Two wonderful men who care about people!
Does he speak to the inflammatory contribution to heart disease? The ubiquitous seed oils (pufa) is highly inflammatory. That's what destroys the endothelium along with glycation from higher carbs. Inflammation is the killer and the cholesterol is the response. Nathan Pritikin died at 69 from suicide because he had cancer.