Jeff has kept me sane for years!! He should run for office!

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Sometimes the writer types can do the most good where they are

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''Humanity is about to be tested....... mayankjeptha.substack.com/p/qbpe

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Only the good guys obey the rulings of the courts. Criminals, especially Dems, never bother. They keep doing what they want to do. Increasingly in the United States of America good guys are being treated as suckers to be slaughtered by the criminals. The most satirical part of the fact is that the bullets / bioweapons used to kill the innocent are paid for by the taxes extracted from the victims.

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Agreed, though I would add it's not just Dems. This couldn't happen if Repubs actually stood with unity on principle, conducting investigations to uncover the invisible bureaucrats participating and various lobbyists driving all this subterfuge and corruption, and then going after them with the full fury of the legal system. Instead they flail about and engage in theater with impotent congressional hearings.

Make no mistake, while there are select few who attempt to rise above the slime and sludge, most of them are whores of the corporations and elites who's agendas are served by their ineptitudes. Until there is accountability and consequences, as in actually trials of dereliction of duty, treason, fraud, and corruption, with guilty verdicts stripping them of all power, privilege and gain, (and if appropriate, imprisonment or execution) this will continue.

There are two tiers of justice, one for us, and one for them. As an example, its why they're able to engage in insider trading, while we get carted off to prison. The hypocrisy is blatant, and yet is allowed to stand because they say so. It would appear we require our own 1792 moment complete with guillotines to purge the worst offenses. Our republic functions only if the majority of the culture has upright morals and ethics, and sadly, it is in low supply on all levels.

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Thank you for the excellent summary. I believe the cure is NOT very difficult in the sense that the application of legal accountabilities will clean up the mess quickly.

President Trump made one huge mistake in 2016 by reneging his campaign promise to “lock up Hillary and Bill Clinton”. That blunder has brought countless obstacles and persecutions for him and his supporters. Hillary and Bill Clinton (and Obama and Bush) are big time criminals and traitors, if we are still a country with law and order, there is zero reason not to throw them to jail or let them face firing squads.

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I couldn't agree more. Though I have heard numerous theories on how not imprisoning served to reveal the unseen Hydra and its tentacles, I nurse my doubts on the wisdom of it should it be the case. But yes, agree most whole heartedly sir.

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I am still searching for the "good guys" though.

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Peter Navarro.

And all J6 protesters except the feds criminals.

The brave moms who protested to the school districts over evil education practices in their children’s schools, but were subsequently arrested by overwhelming violence forces from the evil FBI which treated the mothers as domestic terrorists.

I can go on and on. If you refuse to admit that they are the good guys — I hope NOT. Please don’t even reply. Because if that the case, I see you as being hopelessly corrupted.

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@Lucy No absolute good guys. But I can still give you plenty of examples. What about Donald J Trump? I assume you still have the least amount of conscience left in your soul.

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"The most satirical part" - it may by at best a juvenile satire, but entire scam is tragic as exposes people' stupidity, as well as perfidy of the criminal scammers.

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Rejoice but be cautious- the left is desperate. But for the ridiculous attempts that the left has made at jabs and politics, we wouldn’t have these rulings, but thank heavens Trump appointed several judges that see things more clearly as the framers. I must admit I am continually surprised at the underhanded hypocritical behavior of the left.

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Why the surprise? Have you noticed the true nature of that “well-respected” Jimmy Carter in recent years? Carter is also a thug when he tells the world that Donald Trump is an illegitimate president because of the “Russia collusion”.

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Call me an optimistic skeptic. …. I am often sadly surprised at corruption, yet know how the Bible ends and it doesn’t get better for the unsaved. But I still retain hope for some ‘many’ to come to salvation in Christ. So,…still surprised not surprised…

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SCAMdemic, not pandemic.

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GoFdemic (with suppression of ivermectin, HCQ, zinc, and vitamin C)? Covid was most definitely a pandemic, even if quite artificial. The virus itself, along with N1-methylpseudouridinylinated mRNA, were one-two punches. The "scam" was believing it naturally came from bats, pangolins, or a "wet market". US taxpayer dollars paid for it.

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Slow down with the fancy words buckaroo! First we need to prove that the virus was isolated. Still waiting for credible individuals like Dr. McCullough and others to point to the evidence.

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Ask your sheriff, but it wouldn't sicken people if it were locked in the jail.

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stop spewing bs

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Yer full of it. Bye!

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I hope my loo has water unless the leftists banned water. You can bet your Kommie Manifesto that the Deep State will rock on, and on and on. Why? Because there is still a government beast and it thrives on terrorism, tyranny and slavery.

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Indeed. It's sad isn't it? when eyes are wide open and you are fully awake?

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I’m eternally grateful for attorney Jeff Childers and for his Coffee&Covid substack. He clarifies things like no other.

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"When Wellington thrashed Bonaparte, As every child can tell, The House of Peers, throughout the war, Did nothing in particular, And did it very well. Yet Britain set the world ablaze In good King George’s glorious days! ...And while the House of Peers withholds Its legislative hand, And noble statesmen do not itch To interfere with matters which They do not understand, [then] bright will shine Great Britain’s rays...." (Gilbert and Sullivan, Iolnthe, 1882)

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All the SCOTUS did was pass the ball back to the lower court.

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Yes, I read it this morning. It's probably just me, but I am a little less optimistic than Jeff. I guess I might be a Negative Nancy or a Debbie Downer.

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Mr. Leake, you're spot-on on your assessment of the deep state. There's room in their op for brief moments of celebration from the other side.

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Jeff Childer's substack is excellent! You are right. It is very positive, something I think a lot or people need right now. Thank you.

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John Dean, Nixon' s Whitehouse Council from the Watergate era disagrees with Childer's analysis when Childer's suggests no harm will come from the new Supreme Court decision. Dean said "virtually all of {Nixon's} Watergate conduct could easily fall within what the Supreme Court now says is official conduct".

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I certainly appreciate the freedom I have enjoyed to learn about the serious mistakes made in the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. After reading the work and about the work of doctors McCullough, Kory, and others, I am very upset that the Biden Administration was taken in by the propaganda and power of the vaccine makers and Big Pharma. However I am dismayed and disappointed by the remarks of people who claim to see great wisdom in the words of Attorney Childs. The negative terminology alone used to describe the dissenting Justices, in the comments preceding mine about the recent court decision, are degrading and disrespectful. I believe the words and actions of the people who worked in the Trump Administration. Those who have criticized the former president in court and elsewhere sincerely believe in his statements about revenge and retaliation, and so do I. They are preparing to leave the country if he wins. If there is a deep state it has been created and sustained by Republicans and conservatives. Any man who holds Hitler as a hero and a great leader, as Trump has, is hardly a leader for a democratic country.. The power of money has never been greater in this country, and I fear the future if Trump gets a second term.

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''Humanity is about to be tested....... mayankjeptha.substack.com/p/qbpe

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The actual Waterloo will happen when a Second Nuremberg Tribunal is convened to put these Covidian Deep Statists on trial for their crimes against humanity.

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I'd argue that he sees potentials and structural changes from a mind deeply versed in the legal system, that we perhaps can't see. He also has a deep Christian faith. Great worldwide horrors in the history of humanity have, however,ended. There's still horrifying human trafficking and MKUltra and enslaving cults, but slavery as an economic system that was normalized did end, much as the woke globalists try to invoke the fact that slavery existed as a cover for their desire to technofeudally enslave us all again. Maybe he is saying that these decisions go straight to the soft spot on the underbelly of Smaug, rolling in his filthy lucre. But a bloody, enraged psychotic dragon doesn't just fade away, it is true.

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