The only reason to destroy livestock is if the carcass is toxic to consume. If the livestock is a carrier of transmissible but nontoxic disease, then you let the biology sort it out, and if the strongest survive, they become the founding generation of greater robustness going forward. Otherwise, it's tantamount to destroying your evolutionary solution.

As to dorks in power, that's why they manage to rise to their station: they do dirty deeds (lie, cheat, undercut, connive, etc.) that honorable people won't do. Call them bold. The dignified and/or timid allow them to foul the nest by their deference, at which point no one can touch them because they have grabbed the power baton.

Stark, raving, loony, but they wield the scepter.

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3

Exactly. Psychopathic traits are rampant among our leaders, for a reason. They give them tremendous advantages over non-psychopaths. Unless a critical mass sees them for who they are, which seems beyond the abilities of the masses. That's the big fail IMO, the public follows them, mistaking their pathology for "strength" and "leadership qualities". No less pathetic than a battered wife clinging to her abuser.

The weirdness John points out goes beyond the phenomenon of psychopathic traits being attractive to normals though. These people are plain fubar. How can democracy work when the public hands their power to people like this? Not that any other system is better, they aren't. Conclusion - no social/political system is sustainable because of fundamental human weakness and idiocy. Wishing it weren't so changes nothing.

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Psychopaths actively know they are lying. They are consciously doing it. This may be what you are seeing. Ppl with borderline personality disorders or bipolar may lie to themselves or others about a situation, but my experience with them is it is not consciously done. They actually are telling what they believe to be truth based only on the emotions they are experiencing. It’s not their intent to harm necessarily. It’s just they can’t face the reality of their part in how they are feeling.

On the other hand, these psychopaths you have in the documentary mean to cause harm or coerce for some reason and they are consciously aware of that fact. Hence their stilted, carefully chosen, almost robotic, words that don’t seem human. One wonders if they really are human at times because it is unfathomable that they could not see the harm they are causing and decide to take another path.

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Of course not all our enemies are psychopaths. But many at the top of the food chain are. As to whether they're human, no. No empathy, no concern for the welfare of anybody except themselves, except they enjoy hurting others. Reptilian, not human. Actually reptiles probably don't enjoy inflicting pain, at least as far as we know, so worse than reptiles.

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Absolute TRUTH! Psychopaths!

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Call them PSYCHOPATHS, because that's what they are!

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A whole range of emotional reactions, non contagious, resulting from watching- listening to these sad, sick, delusional, self loathing, narcissistic, faux weak elites while they attempt to sound sane and intelligent while spewing out such brain dump diarrhea nonsense, that perhaps they even believe. It would be uproariously funny if it wasn’t so twisted and dangerous to our existence, which they seem to think they have the right and the power to control. If we let them.

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Poker players know to watch for behavioral "tells" that indicate when another player is bluffing. People who lie constantly (e.g. Gates, Hotez, Fauci, Birx) are likely to behave in inauthentic ways that betray their dishonesty.

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Just read a similar take on Walz in the VP debate. He’s a habitual liar & appears to be trying to act like an actor trying to act like a politician (& he’s clearly low T). These people are noticeably so strange once you really observe them with your full attention - which is what they’re getting now.

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Hello John. I thought you might want to see this.

Umar Sheikh, a Canadian lawyer vs Pfizer and Moderna https://open.substack.com/pub/thecanadianindependent/p/watch-umar-sheikh-a-canadian-lawyer?r=15eyho&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Yes, pls support this lawsuit. And on another note, Kayla is still on the waiting list to have her case be heard by our meager and innefficient taxpayer funded vaccine injury support program.

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Culling is waste and animal cruelty, and prevents development of herd immunity.

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if the vegan ideas have permeated sustainability agenda then basically they would want to get rid of all domesticated animals anyhow :/

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You might have to ask the CIA

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Hang em high

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Rather than a neurologist you might consult an exorcist who is familiar with the demonic. They will probably recognize the affect of these creatures.

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I am not against science and intellectual activity. In fact because of the industrial revolution I am not doing backbreaking work behind a plow, washing my clothes in the river and did not die in childbirth. ( Thank you God and all those who do Your work.) But faced with the reality of the true depth and complexity of creation, science and human intellect can only get you so far.

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I agree. Somewhere along the way, their choice to “sin” is likely forming their brain structures and not the reverse.

I do not believe that we are (completely) without free will.

The desire to be as a god and bend and control others to one’s own will rather than submit to the service of an omnipotent sovereign Creator is very tempting. These guys are exemplary in the level of sorcery they have mastered.

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Do you read the Subatack "El Gato Malo"? Lots of analysis on the mental state of those in power..


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Let's take a hard look at Tim Walz as well: https://www.eugyppius.com/p/tim-walz-is-weird

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3

From Eugyppius: "And all the while, there’s his [Walz] face, man. His face. His expressions are just too exaggerated, too transparent, too bizarre." I'd add, too Marshall Applewhite, too Heaven's Gate. If only our plandemic coup plotters and their pol puppets would follow Applewhite's example and exit the world themselves instead of plotting against the rest of us.

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One wonders if the ridiculous and risible Hotez is a kind of litmus test...if anyone believes this obvious charlatan (though it's disappointing his bow-tie doesn't spin) then the way is clear for further gaslighting and actual misinformation - or is it malinformation?

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The fact that these so-called pandemic leaders are still walking the streets unscathed is testament to our weakness.

Not only have they never been punished legally or otherwise, but they are not even fearful to walk down the streets because most people are unaware of their crimes and social media has people looking in the wrong direction!

If someone’s looking for a meaningful project, why don’t you make a list of every name of every government and pharmaceutical agent who played a part in violating our Rights, freedoms, medical privacy, bodily autonomy, and of course, forced a bio weapon on the general public, and along with their name, publish what they did specifically and their home address.

If these people felt uncomfortable, they might think twice or their replacement might not want the job. We are not going to win this with disgruntle text messages, and ((they)) most certainly will never allow us to vote our way out of these problems!

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Demonic possession.

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Daffy Duck is an expert, John. 😎

From the beach....


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Paul Allen co founded Microsoft with his school mate and close “friend”. His memoir of his experiences with his childhood friend is worth a read.

As my mother would have commented: with friends like that, who needs an enemy.

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The wallpaper behind Hotez @5:19 looks dystopian.

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