Clearly there is a serious epidemic of coincidence going around…

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You stated that very well; interesting group on board that "unsinkable boat" and that Brazilian plane crash carrying a group of doctors going to a conference to reveal turbo cancers relating to covid death shots What do you want to bet that the attorney on this boat is involved in setting up tax free havens for the elite.

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Can you provide a link or more detail about the doctors’ plane crash? I hadn’t heard of that. My brother died of turbo cancer from the jab, so I’m interested. Thank you.

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I’m sorry to hear about your brother.🙏🏻

Here is a BBC article: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cvg4mjx0124o.

Someone I follow shared a different link, but i cannot find it.

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Nice catch.

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A great many resulting in folk contracting a case of sudden death.

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Strange how the main stream news reports don't mention that the two were former partners and co-defendants cleared only in June, and that they died within 48 hours of each other. Just strange.

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Nice catch.

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Yep there you go again imagine that , enlightened people know there is no such thing as a coincidence its called frequency specific in quantum physics.

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I agree with your reservations to accept as the sole cause the sudden sinking by a waterspout and tragic loss of life. I scratched my head immediately. As a circumnavigator in a small 40 feet sailboat for 3 years in the 1970s, something does not make sense. We survived countless waterspouts and hurricanes and cyclones in the open sea and at anchor. Yes, at night it was much harder to dodge waterspouts but something does not line up.

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This is a very stupid question, I'm sure, but could a magnet pull a super yacht under water? A super magnet? I had read that there are no holes in the yacht. I'm trying to think of a force strong enough overwhelm a boat and sink it without tearing a hole in it. The waterspout idea doesn't really hold water with me.

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Obviously, someone on board had information that would’ve resulted in the imprisonment of Hillary Clinton…

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Best possibility yet.

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Ha or where Epstein is living 🤫

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I would say the primary reason is Obama. Hillary Clinton no longer commands the lead, although she continues to be in charge of the Satanic rituals for the criminals.

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If that was a tornado then I am a unicorn.

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As a lifetime boater in the PNW(lived on 3 boats for total of 14 years and cruised the coast to Canada numerous times) I am somewhat familiar with tornadic waterspouts. We have fair weather waterspouts in coastal waters here. Their size and strength vary somewhat and ours are generally not a threat to anything other than small craft. Boating courses advise skippers to avoid them(why wouldn’t you?). In 44 years here I have never heard of an incident involving one. I have seen only a few in that span of time. What we have more frequently here are adiabatic winds which can definitely affect larger craft but are generally confined to hilly or mountainous terrain near the shoreline.

I am very skeptical that a tornadic waterspout could have sent a vessel of that size, particularly a sailboat at anchor with sails furled, to the bottom. It could have been a terrifying experience and could have involved loss of life to anyone on deck, but a sinking and total loss of life to everyone on board(while sleeping?) is just not credible. Waterspouts in the Mediterranean are more common and are certainly more powerful that ours here on the northwest coast, however the dynamics required to sink a sailing vessel of that size and seaworthiness while at anchor just don’t support the waterspout theory.

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That was no ordinary 'waterspout" that was likely a weaponized TORSION FIELD which they do have now . Scaler waves can do some interesting things .

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Torsion fields work on the repulsion principle, as I understand it, so it would have had to have been above the yacht, in order to sink it.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22

No idea who this guy is but this was recommended to me so I watched. He does tie things together. https://x.com/Cancelcloco/status/1826018763466047598

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This is the second video I have watched by this guy. He’s really smart. This AI stuff is frighteningly dangerous.

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Ai may be good if it wipes out evil elitists.

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They are the ones programming it so I don't have high hopes for that. But who knows?

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Don’t ever think, or say, that ‘AI may be good’.

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Can't because they are the ones behind it.

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Patrick Wood author, check out his books re: AI

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He pulled the threads together nicely. Thanks for posting! 👍

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On a more positive note, I know the uncle of the Irish national who managed to swim from underneath the boat. She was the Irish national on board. It will be interesting to find out (if we ever get legitimate info) what happened here. I suspect that the key may be to some of the people on board.

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Legitimate info….now wouldn’t that be nice.

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As a lifelong competitive big boat sailor, I find it highly unlikely it sank quickly at anchor, short of an act of God. Something pierced the hull below the waterline, a hole big enough to quickly flood the entire cabin and overwhelm the sump pumps, trapping a few unfortunate souls in their cabins.

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They epsteined it.

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At the depth of the wreck it makes it feasible for divers to inspect the wreck to look for the obvious. In my younger days I did water rescue and underwater recovery work and my thoughts and prayers go out for those that drowned and for the recovery divers that brought them back to their loved ones. These families need the truth and the sooner the better

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There’s a surveillance video floating around. Watching that it appears it didn’t tip over but sank straight down, almost as if it developed a leak below the water line.

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My guess: a nice small explosion

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Also it was a retractable keel. And it was retracted as reported by the divers. The weight of the sails in the furling boom and the high mast - also some egress - like a water toy garage door could have been opened. The boat with a retractable keel up was unstable.

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Sank straight down!!!! Somehow the below water line LARGE hole was created?

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IMHO, absolutely sabotage!!

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they're getting good at not only lying, but they have perfected the laser beam weapons...

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As per other comments

Two defendants in a big stakes US trial spanning over a decade die within 2 days of each other from one in million/billion events within days of being acquitted.

While you always take ANYTHING wiki states with a grain of salt:

"Lynch and Chamberlain went on trial in San Francisco on 18 March 2024. Lynch was charged with 16 counts of wire fraud, securities fraud and conspiracy, while Chamberlain faced 15 counts of wire fraud and conspiracy. Both pleaded not guilty. The court heard evidence and arguments over the course of 11 weeks, and one count of securities fraud was dropped. The jury retired for deliberation on 4 June.[On 6 June, Lynch and Chamberlain were found not guilty of all charges. Chamberlain died after being struck by a car while running in Stretham, Cambridgeshire, on 17 August."

The familiar playbook -Could it be Weaponized Legal System, if that fails Assassination... ?

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More probable is the keel detaching, capsizing the boat. Either structural failure or sabotage.

Eventually we will discover that there was no waterspout: a planted story similar to the rest of the dodgy explanations for ofd events.

That leaves murder.

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