The flu vaccine has always been a con job, whether MRNA or traditional. The flu virus mutates every year, and there is no way that the vax can predict that mutation. The vaccine is based on 4 previous mutations, not what is circulating during that particular flu season.

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I think it’s based on what’s circulating in the southern hemisphere of the same year. Australia, for instance, has their fall-winter flu season before we in the northern hemisphere do.

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The flu shot is only about 50% effective, so apparently they are not ‘predicting’ the mutations very well. The illustrious CDC info here, on how the 4 groups are chosen: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/prevent/vaccine-selection.htm. It is virtually impossible to immediately make a vaccine that will be effective against a new seasonal mutation.

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The pandemic issue is a distraction. More critical to everyone is whether or not the Biden bunch hands over our sovereignty to the UN/WEF/WHO this weekend.

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Please call it appropriately....It's a western Democide...

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No more killer jabs!

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