I live in a very rural community... I don't see any rage of any kind inherently connected to any kind of race... we all live in harmony... maybe living a rural life is why we DON'T have communities filled with rage... it's nice... really nice. The 1 common denominator that pretty much pi$$es off everybody is... corruption in our government... we may live in the country & have to work hard... but we recognize waste & corruption when it's in our faces everyday... we're definitely not too busy to notice those things.
In my numerous decades of experience rural Americans are overwhelmingly inherently peaceful and freedom loving. It is the freedom loving part that frightens authoritarians who cling to ludicrous notions like the nonsense that book pushes. Note, we must understand the psychotic sociopaths who conjure such self serving nonsense narratives are not mentally well. They are profoundly self centered manipulative control freaks who lust for control of everyone and everything all the time; that is their core sickness. Independent minded freedom loving people they can't manipulate freak them out, eliciting their delusions and paranoia. Thus, in a sociopathic authoritarian's twisted mind, peaceful, freedom loving human beings who are simply living their lives as they see fit become an enemy that must be destroyed.
Sociopaths are also devoid of a sense of guilt and remorse so we shouldn't be surprised by how vicious and duplicitous they are. Again, we must understand they are mentally disturbed individuals hence we shouldn't evaluate their pathological behavior as we would the choices and actions of mentally healthy people.
Loud and proud evil among the Elite is the cause of any anger among this special interest group. Any other wishful explanation is pure projection on the part of the authors. Righteousness must be restored.
I don't see or hear the rage there either. I also hear frustration over rising prices and distrust in the government. This book sounds like a propaganda piece.
Also, they are peace-loving, live and let live folks, AND - they strongly believe in the second amendment rights. They have a right to defend their families, properties and livelihood.
I live in a rural community that is very diverse and I agree with you totally. Sounds like another George Soros funded project to further divide the country.
There is an important insight in the title of this book.
"American Democracy" are the words that the Democrat Party and the Rhinos use to signal to their army of globalist traitors that are attacking American patriots - the words "Our Democracy" are used often by these people, the true fascists in America, and they are code words for "our control" - so "American Democracy" is double talk for "Our control of America" which is why the likes of Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi and others get up and scream against issues like voter ID, by saying "Our Democracy is in danger" - which is double talk for "our control of America is in danger."
Remember anyone calling America a Democracy is a liar. America is a Republic. Period.
So the word 'democarcy' is a code word for the traitors which have been trying to take control of America again since they lost it in the 1776 revolution.
And the use of the word "Rural" simply refers to the patriots who believe in the Republic and the Constitution.
The word "Rage" really translates to people that are "Fighting Back"
And this book uses "American democracy" in the subtitle - so the title is all double talk.
It really translates to
"White Patriots Fight Back - The Threat to Our Control of America."
The Leftists in America have been planning the takeover of America covertly by the decimated urban rot for six decades. They are the 1960’s youth that made Marxism popular in strategic universities who taught you to hate America, the military, and anyone in uniform until they control it to use on you. Their friendamy’s are Fascists (Antifa), BLM (Marxist Communists, Hamas/Houti anti semites, wannabe’s and any dystopian, mentally disturbed groups that will ignite the rage in urban and urban sprawl. Like Hamas, first they come for the “Saturday” people, then they will come for the “Sunday” people until you kneel before them. If you think this a joke, hyperbole, or conspiracy theory because you have not seen or heard it in MSM news, exactly, the media was among the first captured that many collaborate with for a few pieces of silver.
Bingo! Move to the front row. All others who think these people can play nice if you are cordial with them, don’t bother commenting, cutesy time has long past. These people despise you and your family because you want peace and tranquillity. They see you as their targets, get it in your head. They are releasing the criminals and invading America with as many soldier criminals from abroad to eventually terrorize your family like they did during the Covid “dry run with Antifa (Facists) and BLM Marxist/Communists. Your pretentious passive mannerisms are fodder for their group snark.
To everyone who read and liked this comment - thank you - and here's my latest article on solutions to helping humanity fight back - would welcome any comments on this. It's a bit long but makes good points.
"The citizens who take such pride in their patriotism are also the least likely to defend core American principles." Depends on what you call core American principles. What the hell are they talking about? DEI, climate change, open borders? Writers are writing junk. No wonder they see rage. They stoke it. But it is all on their head after all and they are just trying to put it into yours.
Evil doers will face accountability for their acts. This article aims to pursaude others to sin likewise. God is not mocked by such efforts to blame and shame the honorable in America. He will ultimately deal with them in his time.
It's dehumanizing language. History teaches us that those hurling such slurs have bad intentions towards the objects of their contempt. That two Jewish men, fully aware of how such sentiments were weaponized against their people less than than a century ago, would resort to this is, well, beyond the pale. Shame on them and anyone associated with this book.
another title suggestion: "You should hate all people who don't live in our cities, but you should hate white Christians the most because we hate them."
From everything I've read, it seems they attack only those who are not 100% in support of Israel... including other white Jews. So, I've surmised it's a zionist ideology thing.
Yes, from my understanding that is right. Here's a thought for you. The World Zionism Congress was held in 1897 in Switzerland, (the home of international bankers) and they published their Basel Manifesto, which declared the plan to take Palestine and create Israel. When I read it recently I was appalled at the evil of that manifesto. It was a declaration of war against all the people's living there, a declaration of war against the Ottoman Empire which were the ruling power, and a declaration of war against someone else's country. And all those who supported it all the way through to the British Balfour Declaration and the United Nations 'granting them Palestine' are equally guilty of evil and crimes against humanity. There is no other way to frame it. They waged war not just on Arabs, but Christians and Jews that lived there all in peace but were not Zionists!
Bravo, John Leake, for calling out the self-righteous leftists who peddle pseudo-academic rubbish like this. These “scholars” have obviously never set foot in a middle American small town.
These authors are also appearing on mainstream media news programs, touting their book. I think it is the setup to vilify farmers especially, so if they protest as they are doing throughout Europe, they can blame their “rural white rage”. Makes me sick to my stomach.
Tom Schaller and Paul Waldman are horrible human beings. Media outlets celebrating and promoting their evil horseshit are of similarly heinous character. Mind blowing that the machine continues to push the boundaries without being burned to the ground yet.
The only people AND I mean ONLY, that swallow this line is if course and oh so ironic, the white liberal middle class. But then, that IS the Dem target market so 🤷
Indeed to your last point. It struck me as only PROMOTING "perceived threats" that would only serve to escalate already palpable tensions mounting from everything else piling up!!!
"Perceived threats" can be created by real stresses but they can also be induced by dunning propaganda.
In this case, dunning propaganda that keeps people in a constant state of turmoil and anger prevents them from asking serious questions about the source of their anger. That anger also guarantees that those who are caught up in the web of mass manipulation will continue to look for their answers from those who feed into their rage. It's a self fulfilling cycle - induced frustration and rage feeds upon itself.
Shame on the political forces that generate and feed into this cycle! Their campaigns will only lead to one thing - destruction of our civilized democratic institutions.
This is really disgusting. I was just talking to my cousin who lives in the San Francisco Bay area. He was expressing deep fear about the loss of democracy if Trump gets elected but was also extremely worried about the rise of white Christian nationalists in rural areas. Trump Derangement Syndrome is well known, but I wondered where all this fearporn was coming concerning violent white rural (Christian) nationalists.
I told him I'd been spending lots of time in rural America and asked, just where were all these terrifying white nationalists? I explained I'd seen plenty of signs in my big city of hispanic and asian drug cartels, and lots of black anti-white hate groups; but any white Christian (supposed fascist) nationalists I've heard of were usually isolated high up in the hills keeping to themselves until they were hunted down and shot by the FBI (like Randy Weaver's family in Idaho).
So this must be one of the origins of that recycled old threat. Ugh. The left works relentlessly to cultivate divisiveness. Critical race theory is terribly destructive to our melting pot culture of assimilation. But it turns out the American melting pot has really been the only truly successful way to end racism. When beloved grandkids are mixed race, deeply held racist attitudes change. But these folks embrace racist attitudes; they simply favor a different sort of racist attitude. Only the target changes. But this time the target is chosen with deliberate hateful and disruptive intent.
So true. Y'all gotta watch us dangerous white Christians whose ancestors ( "white", "red" and "unspecified" ) founded this nation and wrote about those unalienable rights and such. We can be mighty dangerous types. We are uppity, opinionated, poetic and out to do away with fascist globalists.
They better watch out for them dangerous white Christians... You know the ones that are fearless because they walk with God and know that it is God who grant freedom and rights, not any goverment.... Whew! Scary stuff!
This is not about being white or rural. It is an attempt to destroy those who still practice free speech and free thought. Free speech and free thought are the enemies of the fascist totalitarian regime. The success of this Totalitarian New World Order means Mass genocide.
Exactly. And it is also to destroy the white people who have stood against fascism for a thousand years - there is a concerted war on white people, by white people, funded by the elite white billionaires and monarchies, because they know if the Davos globalists want to rule the world they have to smash the resistance that is built into the DNA of the white people who colonized the world's nations and whose grandparents and great grandparents fought fascism in WW1 and WW2 - which was a big mistake because the true fascists were the people who took us to war in the first place and it turns out they were funding both sides.
Smug Academic Bullshit. (See, I just made up book a title too.) These people must really think we're stupid. Perhaps if they keep telling us we're stupid we will eventually be stupid enough to vote for them because, wait for it: We're so stupid we need them. Nah. We were doing just fine before THEY came long, creating Impossible Burgers and personal pronouns.
I listened to them being interviewed on MSM and these authors are propagandists for the Democrat party and really trying to marginalize white Christians. Spewing a lot of hate like the Nazis did with the Jews in Germany, labeling us as Christian’s Nationalists.
I loved your alternative book titles that we could write!
Brilliantly said. Thank you, John. I have lived in Tennessee all my life and I love the friendly people here. I am so tired of the stereotypes about the south as if we all go around in hooped skirts and drink mint juleps with a slave fanning us all day long. W just laugh about it. I wouldn't live in an over- crowded, crime infested, woke big city run by snobbish elite democrats if you paid me. So there! :-) And have a nice day darlin'!
I live in a very rural community... I don't see any rage of any kind inherently connected to any kind of race... we all live in harmony... maybe living a rural life is why we DON'T have communities filled with rage... it's nice... really nice. The 1 common denominator that pretty much pi$$es off everybody is... corruption in our government... we may live in the country & have to work hard... but we recognize waste & corruption when it's in our faces everyday... we're definitely not too busy to notice those things.
In my numerous decades of experience rural Americans are overwhelmingly inherently peaceful and freedom loving. It is the freedom loving part that frightens authoritarians who cling to ludicrous notions like the nonsense that book pushes. Note, we must understand the psychotic sociopaths who conjure such self serving nonsense narratives are not mentally well. They are profoundly self centered manipulative control freaks who lust for control of everyone and everything all the time; that is their core sickness. Independent minded freedom loving people they can't manipulate freak them out, eliciting their delusions and paranoia. Thus, in a sociopathic authoritarian's twisted mind, peaceful, freedom loving human beings who are simply living their lives as they see fit become an enemy that must be destroyed.
Sociopaths are also devoid of a sense of guilt and remorse so we shouldn't be surprised by how vicious and duplicitous they are. Again, we must understand they are mentally disturbed individuals hence we shouldn't evaluate their pathological behavior as we would the choices and actions of mentally healthy people.
Fantastic summary
Loud and proud evil among the Elite is the cause of any anger among this special interest group. Any other wishful explanation is pure projection on the part of the authors. Righteousness must be restored.
Amen to that
I don't see or hear the rage there either. I also hear frustration over rising prices and distrust in the government. This book sounds like a propaganda piece.
Also, they are peace-loving, live and let live folks, AND - they strongly believe in the second amendment rights. They have a right to defend their families, properties and livelihood.
I live in a rural community that is very diverse and I agree with you totally. Sounds like another George Soros funded project to further divide the country.
"Waste".....hitting the nail hard and perfectly on the head! #1 problem for earthlings.
Plus even more so, the facts in evidence that "A mind is a terrible thing to Waste"!
We have arrived. As most folks are adapted to killing, or wasting time. Think about it......
There is an important insight in the title of this book.
"American Democracy" are the words that the Democrat Party and the Rhinos use to signal to their army of globalist traitors that are attacking American patriots - the words "Our Democracy" are used often by these people, the true fascists in America, and they are code words for "our control" - so "American Democracy" is double talk for "Our control of America" which is why the likes of Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi and others get up and scream against issues like voter ID, by saying "Our Democracy is in danger" - which is double talk for "our control of America is in danger."
Remember anyone calling America a Democracy is a liar. America is a Republic. Period.
So the word 'democarcy' is a code word for the traitors which have been trying to take control of America again since they lost it in the 1776 revolution.
And the use of the word "Rural" simply refers to the patriots who believe in the Republic and the Constitution.
The word "Rage" really translates to people that are "Fighting Back"
And this book uses "American democracy" in the subtitle - so the title is all double talk.
It really translates to
"White Patriots Fight Back - The Threat to Our Control of America."
Exactly… Well said !
Thanks for saying so mate. I appreciate it.
Thesis. Evidence. Conclusion. Well written, logical, and easy to understand. I agree totally. Thank you!
Sarah - who is your 'Thank you!' directed to? Just wondering.
Concise enough, well said brother.
The Leftists in America have been planning the takeover of America covertly by the decimated urban rot for six decades. They are the 1960’s youth that made Marxism popular in strategic universities who taught you to hate America, the military, and anyone in uniform until they control it to use on you. Their friendamy’s are Fascists (Antifa), BLM (Marxist Communists, Hamas/Houti anti semites, wannabe’s and any dystopian, mentally disturbed groups that will ignite the rage in urban and urban sprawl. Like Hamas, first they come for the “Saturday” people, then they will come for the “Sunday” people until you kneel before them. If you think this a joke, hyperbole, or conspiracy theory because you have not seen or heard it in MSM news, exactly, the media was among the first captured that many collaborate with for a few pieces of silver.
Bingo! Move to the front row. All others who think these people can play nice if you are cordial with them, don’t bother commenting, cutesy time has long past. These people despise you and your family because you want peace and tranquillity. They see you as their targets, get it in your head. They are releasing the criminals and invading America with as many soldier criminals from abroad to eventually terrorize your family like they did during the Covid “dry run with Antifa (Facists) and BLM Marxist/Communists. Your pretentious passive mannerisms are fodder for their group snark.
Exactly Elwood - these are really Evil people with a very vicious agenda.
And being nice to Evil just invites more viciousness.
To everyone who read and liked this comment - thank you - and here's my latest article on solutions to helping humanity fight back - would welcome any comments on this. It's a bit long but makes good points.
"The citizens who take such pride in their patriotism are also the least likely to defend core American principles." Depends on what you call core American principles. What the hell are they talking about? DEI, climate change, open borders? Writers are writing junk. No wonder they see rage. They stoke it. But it is all on their head after all and they are just trying to put it into yours.
They'll see rage if they encounter me, that I guarantee. Despicable douchebags.
They will find out very quickly that backhoes are plentiful in the rural community... Ha ha.
They regard belief in the the Bible and the supremacy of the Constitution as terrorism. There is no reasoning with these psychopaths!
Evil doers will face accountability for their acts. This article aims to pursaude others to sin likewise. God is not mocked by such efforts to blame and shame the honorable in America. He will ultimately deal with them in his time.
It's dehumanizing language. History teaches us that those hurling such slurs have bad intentions towards the objects of their contempt. That two Jewish men, fully aware of how such sentiments were weaponized against their people less than than a century ago, would resort to this is, well, beyond the pale. Shame on them and anyone associated with this book.
Suggested book title: Jewish Supremacy Arrogance: How It Is Destroying Christian Values
another title suggestion: "You should hate all people who don't live in our cities, but you should hate white Christians the most because we hate them."
They're both Jews?
It seems everywhere we look we see white Jewish people attacking white people, or funding attacks on white people - What's with this?
From everything I've read, it seems they attack only those who are not 100% in support of Israel... including other white Jews. So, I've surmised it's a zionist ideology thing.
Yes, from my understanding that is right. Here's a thought for you. The World Zionism Congress was held in 1897 in Switzerland, (the home of international bankers) and they published their Basel Manifesto, which declared the plan to take Palestine and create Israel. When I read it recently I was appalled at the evil of that manifesto. It was a declaration of war against all the people's living there, a declaration of war against the Ottoman Empire which were the ruling power, and a declaration of war against someone else's country. And all those who supported it all the way through to the British Balfour Declaration and the United Nations 'granting them Palestine' are equally guilty of evil and crimes against humanity. There is no other way to frame it. They waged war not just on Arabs, but Christians and Jews that lived there all in peace but were not Zionists!
Agreed. It is both very sad and disgraceful.
The authors think it’s just White; and just Rural? That shows how myopically out of touch with reality they are.
Bravo, John Leake, for calling out the self-righteous leftists who peddle pseudo-academic rubbish like this. These “scholars” have obviously never set foot in a middle American small town.
These authors are also appearing on mainstream media news programs, touting their book. I think it is the setup to vilify farmers especially, so if they protest as they are doing throughout Europe, they can blame their “rural white rage”. Makes me sick to my stomach.
Canterbury farmers protest.
Tom Schaller and Paul Waldman are horrible human beings. Media outlets celebrating and promoting their evil horseshit are of similarly heinous character. Mind blowing that the machine continues to push the boundaries without being burned to the ground yet.
Pot /kettle. What can one expect for those that are the true evil. Those that stoke the division. Bought and paid for opposition.
The only people AND I mean ONLY, that swallow this line is if course and oh so ironic, the white liberal middle class. But then, that IS the Dem target market so 🤷
Indeed to your last point. It struck me as only PROMOTING "perceived threats" that would only serve to escalate already palpable tensions mounting from everything else piling up!!!
Sarah, very good point!
"Perceived threats" can be created by real stresses but they can also be induced by dunning propaganda.
In this case, dunning propaganda that keeps people in a constant state of turmoil and anger prevents them from asking serious questions about the source of their anger. That anger also guarantees that those who are caught up in the web of mass manipulation will continue to look for their answers from those who feed into their rage. It's a self fulfilling cycle - induced frustration and rage feeds upon itself.
Shame on the political forces that generate and feed into this cycle! Their campaigns will only lead to one thing - destruction of our civilized democratic institutions.
You know....
This is really disgusting. I was just talking to my cousin who lives in the San Francisco Bay area. He was expressing deep fear about the loss of democracy if Trump gets elected but was also extremely worried about the rise of white Christian nationalists in rural areas. Trump Derangement Syndrome is well known, but I wondered where all this fearporn was coming concerning violent white rural (Christian) nationalists.
I told him I'd been spending lots of time in rural America and asked, just where were all these terrifying white nationalists? I explained I'd seen plenty of signs in my big city of hispanic and asian drug cartels, and lots of black anti-white hate groups; but any white Christian (supposed fascist) nationalists I've heard of were usually isolated high up in the hills keeping to themselves until they were hunted down and shot by the FBI (like Randy Weaver's family in Idaho).
So this must be one of the origins of that recycled old threat. Ugh. The left works relentlessly to cultivate divisiveness. Critical race theory is terribly destructive to our melting pot culture of assimilation. But it turns out the American melting pot has really been the only truly successful way to end racism. When beloved grandkids are mixed race, deeply held racist attitudes change. But these folks embrace racist attitudes; they simply favor a different sort of racist attitude. Only the target changes. But this time the target is chosen with deliberate hateful and disruptive intent.
So true. Y'all gotta watch us dangerous white Christians whose ancestors ( "white", "red" and "unspecified" ) founded this nation and wrote about those unalienable rights and such. We can be mighty dangerous types. We are uppity, opinionated, poetic and out to do away with fascist globalists.
They better watch out for them dangerous white Christians... You know the ones that are fearless because they walk with God and know that it is God who grant freedom and rights, not any goverment.... Whew! Scary stuff!
This is not about being white or rural. It is an attempt to destroy those who still practice free speech and free thought. Free speech and free thought are the enemies of the fascist totalitarian regime. The success of this Totalitarian New World Order means Mass genocide.
Exactly. And it is also to destroy the white people who have stood against fascism for a thousand years - there is a concerted war on white people, by white people, funded by the elite white billionaires and monarchies, because they know if the Davos globalists want to rule the world they have to smash the resistance that is built into the DNA of the white people who colonized the world's nations and whose grandparents and great grandparents fought fascism in WW1 and WW2 - which was a big mistake because the true fascists were the people who took us to war in the first place and it turns out they were funding both sides.
Agree. Yes they want to destroy anyone of any skin color, nation or creed who has stood against fascism. This time we are all in this together.
We are KW!!!
Well stated. Thank you.
Smug Academic Bullshit. (See, I just made up book a title too.) These people must really think we're stupid. Perhaps if they keep telling us we're stupid we will eventually be stupid enough to vote for them because, wait for it: We're so stupid we need them. Nah. We were doing just fine before THEY came long, creating Impossible Burgers and personal pronouns.
I listened to them being interviewed on MSM and these authors are propagandists for the Democrat party and really trying to marginalize white Christians. Spewing a lot of hate like the Nazis did with the Jews in Germany, labeling us as Christian’s Nationalists.
I loved your alternative book titles that we could write!
Brilliantly said. Thank you, John. I have lived in Tennessee all my life and I love the friendly people here. I am so tired of the stereotypes about the south as if we all go around in hooped skirts and drink mint juleps with a slave fanning us all day long. W just laugh about it. I wouldn't live in an over- crowded, crime infested, woke big city run by snobbish elite democrats if you paid me. So there! :-) And have a nice day darlin'!
I was born in Berkeley California - but choose Tennessee.
"Californian by birth, Tennessean by choice. "